Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 100: clever


Standing next to Wu Qingchen, Idela was more surprised than two Niu Gao helpers.

"This is the order of the Rev ...." Wu Qingchen, who had been mentally prepared, immediately reached his elder brother's ear. "Relax, there will be no burdocks in the village, and there will be no second family that can manage cattle. ... "

Master Rev ....

This alone eliminated most of the confrontation in Edra's mind, and Wu Qingchen's second half of the conversation made Edra relax.

——Of course, at the same time, Idela also understood why, in the past few days, as soon as Dean and Elmo found a gap, they would deliberately or unconsciously come to their side, always like to talk about homesick topics.

"In addition, if you are worried that no one is working ..." In the ear, Wu Qingchen continued to explain: "Master Rev. also said that he would soon send more people to help."

Of course, Wu Qingchen didn't say that the true meaning of the pastor is to let him produce bovine veterinarians in batches as fast as possible. Basically, don't expect these veterinary apprentices to contribute to their families like ordinary apprentices.

However, Wu Qingchen didn't think it was a deception to Edra. Anyway, according to the plan of the staff committee, it doesn't take too long, and Wu Qingchen and the families in the Middle Ages of Wu Qingchen don't need to worry about labor. ——Or in other words, there will be no more time to worry about their own place.

"Hmm ..." After listening to Wu Qingchen's long-prepared set of utterances, Idela completely relieved his heart. He nodded slowly, and by this action, by the way, he had no chance to spit out from beginning to end. Inquired and swallowed his stomach again.

When the two brothers Wu Qingchen / Loss whispered, Dean and Elmore stood there with interest, and remained motionless. When Wu Qingchen beckoned again, the two helpers slowly walked over.

At this time, Idra had put away the shocked look on her face.

The entrance to the injured cattle shed is a small aisle blocked by large bales of hay and a large pile of firewood.

In the lord's barn, there was no special barn for the injured cattle.

This small passage was Wu Qingchen's task from the master of the agricultural officer who took over the entire village to treat the injured cattle. According to the plan of the earth veterinarians, he led the isolation layer piled up by the serfs at the first time.

For this never-before-seen facility and measure, the veterinarians originally prepared a lot of explanations for Wu Qingchen. However, no matter from serfs, free people, or stewards, no one came to ask from beginning to end. For a time, this small isolation layer was directly understood as a secret measure for the management of cattle.

Following Brother Wu Qingchen and entering this mysterious area of ​​mind, Dean and Elmore were so anxious that they didn't know where to put their eyes.

The situation inside it really exceeded their imagination.

On the first day of arriving in the village of Akeli, watching Grace leading the serfs to the painstaking cleaning of the barn, the two burdock helpers were enough to say: this may be the cleanest barn in the world.

Now the burdock helpers have a new answer: Obviously, they are not.

After all, the livestock shed outside, despite several rounds of cleaning, has not left the impression of the livestock dwelling.

At the moment, the area dedicated to injured cattle has just entered the first step, and Dean and Elmo flashed their eyes.

This "brightness" is not purely a psychological feeling, but a tangible visual effect: just standing at the entrance of this area and entering the pupils of the two burdock helpers is more than when you were outside the barn. Instantly increased several times.

The wall composed of logs and wheat straws propped up a series of "wall holes", and the early morning sun leaked into the room, which illuminated the room.

Logs, wheat straws, supports, and ceilings are all wiped clean, not to mention black marks, spider webs, rots and other common things in livestock houses, and even ordinary villagers' homes, even the corners of the corners. No noticeable filth.

Fresh breath also poured into the room from the wall hole. There were no flies, bugs and fleas, and the rotten breath familiar to the two burdock helpers was lost in the air.

Every injured cattle was cleaned extremely cleanly. They were kept in independent cowsheds, and the ground was covered with thick straws. These straws were obviously replaced very diligently, and there were almost no traces of excreta left on them. .

Such a place is actually a place for beasts to inhabit!

Can such a place really be considered a barn?

This is Dean and Elmore's first impressions of this exclusive area for injured cattle.

It was about twenty years since the image of the "stable house" was established in his mind. The two brothers Wu Qingchen walked in, but Dean and Elmore were still standing at the entrance, and they could not return to God.

Stepping into the injured cattle area, Wu Qingchen walked to the left, and the burdock helpers were surprised to see that there was actually a fire pond there! There is also a pot above the fire pond!

What's this for?

Having been living in the barn for several days, Dean and Elmore knew that there were other arrangements for cooking.

In their suspicious eyes, Wu Qingchen crossed the fire pond and stood by the wall.

On the wall, two adjacent "holes in the wall" each protruded, and a branch of a large leaf was used to support a polished wooden pole.

Wu Qingchen removed several pieces of rags of various lengths from the polished wooden poles. After looking at them, he chose a piece of cloth with a more square shape and put it in a pot above the fire pond for soaking.

After a short while, Wu Qingchen took the cloth out again, and scooped a small ball of dark green grass juice with a wooden spoon and poured it into a small medicine bag.

After doing this, Wu Qingchen grabbed the cloth strips, holding the medicine bag, and walked towards the injured cow.

At this time, Idra walking in front had helped Wu Qingchen open the wooden door of the first cowshed and turned around, seeing the burdock helpers still standing in a daze at the entrance, Idra asked loudly: "Come here Yeah, what are you standing there for? "

"OK ... OK ..."

Hearing Idra's urging, the burdock helpers finally returned to their hearts and hurried over.

At the wooden door opened by the cowshed, Wu Qingchen first gave the medicine bag and cloth to Yidela, and then gestured for a few people to stop.

After entering the cowshed, Wu Qingchen approached the cattle slowly from the side. After gently tapping the back of the cattle, Wu Qingchen slowly stroked the cattle's neck with his other hand. After a short while, the original Because several strangers appeared near the cowshed, the cattle were slightly disturbed and slowly calmed down.

At this time, Wu Qingchen only waved and let the other three enter the bullpen.

Watching Wu Qingchen appease the cultivation of cattle, the two burdock helpers were extremely surprised.

Quickly appease cultivating cattle, which is one of the key confidential techniques of the burdock family.

Dean clearly remembers that when he and his elder brother's neck and father's chest were at the same height, they began to contact the cattle for the first time. On that day, the father and the elder brother told him very seriously. Avoid revealing in front of outsiders. If you are in a situation of last resort, try to use your body or other objects to cover some unsightly eyes.

So secretly dedicated to keeping the craft, Wu Qingchen was generously laid out at this moment, how could Dean not be surprised.

For the first time, Dean turned his head to look at Elmore, but found that the other side was looking at himself with shocked eyes.

No, it cannot be him!

Dean shook his head hard.

These days, Elmo has always stayed with himself, never seeing him have any communication with Wu Qingchen alone.

Moreover, judging by what Wu Qingchen looks like now, this set of movements for stroking cattle is obviously quite skilled. —— No matter how hard it is for himself or Elmo to teach, it is impossible for an layman to master Wu Qingchen within two or three days.

What's more, the most important thing is that if you are a layman, you may focus all your attention on Wu Qingchen's last stroke of the cattle's neck, but Dean can see at a glance that when Wu Qingchen approaches the cattle, the pace is The control, the approaching route, the pace of stride, and even the position where a few people use gestures to stop them from approaching are very particular.

These exquisite details are different from the teachings of Brother Dean in several places, but if you think about it, you have another deep truth.

This is by no means the appearance of only a few livestock!

It turned out that the technique taught by the priest and master was good at managing cattle ...

Cattle raising is also so clever!

Just looking at these few glances and reminiscing about the details in it, Dean felt that this time he had entered the exclusive area of ​​injured cattle farming and had already achieved great results.

With this in mind, Dean has come to the bull farm.

"Come ... Idra, you hold the cow ..."

This is a farming cattle with an injured abdomen. Wu Qingchen handed its reins to Idra and motioned for the two helpers to come closer.

"You, Dean ... and Elmore ..." Pointing at the two of them to stand in position, Wu Qingchen pointed to the sides where the oxen's belly was entangled with cloth strips: "You two, hold both sides separately A little lighter ... "

After several people were ready, Wu Qingchen continued to caress the cattle's neck while slowly relaxing the strips of the cattle's belly.

A deep scar appeared before everyone.

The edge of the scar has begun to heal, and the recovery is not bad, but you can also see the tender red flesh inside.

Hanging the unbuttoned cloth strips and medicine packs on the wooden fence of the bullpen, Wu Qingchen took the new medicine packs for replacement from Idela, and slowly came to the place where the cattle were injured.

Just get it up?

Dean was surprised.

I have been helping my father and brother for several years. Dean knows that such a large wound and such a sensitive location on the abdomen, once touched, can easily cause a strong reaction from the cattle.

It's dangerous!

Dean hurried up quickly, his concentration was high, and his eyes looked around. The teachings of his father and elder brother began to spin quickly in his mind, helping Dean find a safe position on the side of the cattle.

Well, the safest place is ... oh, has Los been taken?

Alas, the safe place is ... aa, Los is already pulling Edra to stand?

Uh, a barely safe place is ... Get away, Elmore! You **** from Ori!

After all, before Wu Qingchen actually started to pack the medicine, he found another place that was barely safe, and Dian continued to admire with Elmo, while admiring secretly:

This is by no means the appearance of only a few livestock!

It turned out that the technique taught by the priest and master was good at managing cattle ...

Life is so clever!

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