Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 101: Humanitarian glory

Even the burdock helpers know how to avoid dangers. Of course, the treatment plan formulated by the Earth people pays more attention to the safety of Wu Qingchen when he cultivates cattle.

With Dean's knowledge, I only noticed that Wu Qingchen seemed to occupy the safest position in advance, but did not find out at all. Wu Qingchen's sideways angle, the position of her feet, and the body's tendency were all unknowingly completed. After the adjustment, the posture that is most conducive to turning and escaping was put out.

In addition, when Wu Qingchen grabbed Idella and moved, he also stuck his position. “Inadvertently” forced Dean and Elmore to choose the only two “reluctantly safe positions”. By the way, Helped the two brothers of Wu Qingchen to block one ten thousandth possible pursuit of the cattle.

With the carefully selected treatment plan of the earth, of course, the possibility of cultivating cattle is extremely small, and the possibility of mad chasing is infinitely close to zero.

However, like any other scheme involving the Middle Ages, "Wu Qingchen's safety" is always listed separately. As the highest priority, formulate and implement training for "directed teaching of cattle farming techniques" When planning, all methods involving the operation of the injured cow, the speed of recovery, and the treatment effect must make way for "Wu Qingchen's safety", and the teaching effect, learning difficulty, and life safety of the two burdock helpers were even more devoted. Serve for Mr. Wu Qingchen.

Fortunately, for the burdock helpers who had been counted without any knowledge, medical technology that is more than a century ahead, even if localized-of course, it can also be considered alchemy, magic, Lichization-After that, even if only a small part of the two took into account the learning ability of the two, Wu Qingchen's technique of soothing cattle, removing bandages, and the process of applying medicine packs still let the two burdocks help the workers. Eye-opening.

After a few glances from side to side, I noticed that a few people were standing or blocked, and under the gaze of everyone in the field, Wu Qingchen held up the new medicine pack and slowly brought it close to the belly of the cultivator, and stuck it to the distance scar. About half of the palm position.

The next moment, the originally quiet cattle, immediately lifted his hind heels, slightly raised his neck, and sprayed a breath from his nostrils.

Two burdock helpers who are familiar with livestock habits know that this is a sign that farming cattle are beginning to feel uneasy.

At the same time, Wu Qingchen's left-handed movement of holding the cattle's neck accelerated, and his strength increased a little. He supported the medicine's right arm and rubbed it gently on the belly of the cattle through the medicine's belly.

Is it OK? ? !!

In the pupils of the burdock helpers contracting for a moment, the cultivating cattle slowly calmed down again.

Wu Qingchen supported the right hand of the medicine bag and began to slowly move to the wound.

Immediately the most important step of applying medicine!

Dean and Elmore's eyes widened instantaneously, their necks were old, their bodies tilted forward unconsciously, and their feet stepped out of the "reluctantly safe" range.

At this most important and critical moment, at this time when Dean and Elmo's expectations have reached their highest point ...

Wu Qingchen stopped suddenly.

To be more precise, Wu Qingchen suddenly put down the medicine bag, also stopped appeasing the cattle, and touched his head with his free left hand: "Oh oh oh ... Brother Edra, I just came to see, how do you put Did I pull in to manage the cattle? "

"Really?" Idra recalled honestly. "I didn't pull you. Did you ask me how the cattle are here?"

"Oh! I just asked, and didn't say to come in to manage the cows! Forget it, it's too late to say! It's terrible, it's been so long ... terrible, it's late ... Brother Edra ...

As Wu Qingchen spoke quickly, she hung up the medicine pack on the side fence: "Thank you for your help, and I must hurry up. There are still many things ... and you, Dean, Ai Elmore ... "

Wu Qingchen glanced down at the two burdock helpers, "... you also come with me, kind of work ..."

By the time he said this, Wu Qingchen had quickly walked out of the cowshed.

Just leave like this?

Just left like this!

Actually, when I immediately entered the critical step of treating the abdomen of injured cattle, it suddenly disappeared?

This extremely abrupt, but also extremely uncomfortable ending method is simply and in the real world, the part where the movie is put out suddenly has no subtitles, the novel chases the latest chapters and finds that it has been five years eunuch. The date of February 30th was set ... The rhythm of all the fancy appetites caused the burdock helpers to deal tons of crit damage.

Unable to explain why, Dean looked around again, cleaned up within his field of vision, and didn't pile up messy tools like other barns.

It is really necessary to keep the shed neat and neat.

Dean had to be so grateful, because if he was mowing the grass, Dien might raise a sickle and cut it into Wu Qingchen's head; if he was planting vegetables, Dien would probably pick up the dung fork and spit it at Wu Qingchen neck……

From such thoughts, it can be deduced what kind of psychological shadow Wu Qingchen's behavior has caused to Niu Yi's helpers.

"Come!" At the small passageway, noticing that no one was following, Wu Qingchen turned back and called out to the burdock helpers who were still standing still.

"Okay, okay ..."

With extremely distorted smiles on their faces, Dean and Elmore moved to Wu Qingchen's footsteps, which could almost already be called crickets.

"Oh ..." Looking at the expressions of the two, Wu Qingchen's voice was full of understanding: "I know you want to see more ..."

"No, no!" "No, no, no!" Dean and Elmore quickly shook their heads like young leaves being stormed.

"Really? No? Really not?" After asking these three short sentences in a row, Wu Qingchen suddenly stopped talking and stared at them tightly.

"This ..." "Uh ..."

Dean and Elmo looked at each other for a while, then looked towards the ground, and then looked at the cattle, and they both supported each other, dare not admit it, but also refused to deny it.

In front of the two, Wu Qingchen always kept a faint smile on his face. According to the observation methods taught by the micro-expression expert and the negotiating expert, it was observed that the psychological pressure accumulated by the two oxen helpers had reached the standard, and Wu Qingchen stopped persecution. Use a soft tone to induce: "I still want to see a bit, right?"

"Well ... yes ..." "Well, you're right, a little ..."

"Yes, it doesn't matter if you want to see ..." Wu Qingchen smiled with encouragement and affirmation, "... but it's too late now, we have to go out and do some work ... When the time is too late, come back I will teach you ... "

"Okay! Let's go!" "Then let's go!"

The two burdock helpers immediately responded at the same time.

There are no such questions as "where to go?", "What to do?", "Not far away?", "How to do work in the barn?"

In fact, the above problems did not appear in my mind at all, and I did not even think about what Wu Qingchen was going to take them for. The two burdock helpers immediately agreed, and they could n’t wait to start, work hard, and finish the work. Then, hurriedly return here to continue to observe the key steps of applying medicine on the abdomen of injured cattle.

Looking at the two burdock helpers in front of me, it was almost like a stimulant injection of stimulants. Wu Qingchen's heart was filled with admiration for a while, and compassion for a while.

What I admire is that Earth trained a team that was formed specifically to help burdock helpers.

Those who can mix patent lawyers in the pharmaceutical industry, designers of large-scale fraud gangs, and senior VIP VIP room dealers are indeed not easy to deal with. Look at the key points of this card and the level of hidden key information, just the first place Key node: Healing the card suddenly caused the two poor people to be disheartened immediately; after the blow, they vaguely revealed some hope and immediately filled them with chicken blood.

Sympathy is that after careful study by veterinarians, herdsmen, historians, psychologists, and human directors of multinational corporations, after patient decomposition, the two burdock helpers, in the future learning process of cattle farming, are similar. Key nodes will also meet many, many.

According to the information obtained during the last ten days of Wu Qingchen's conversation with Andrei, the earth world has predicted that the priest may ask Wu Qingchen to speed up the teaching progress of Niu Yi's helpers.

However, even without the request of the priest, the Earth Staff never intended to make the two burdock helpers apprentices for four years.

-"Apprentices" under the feudal lord system?

Why is it so ugly?

Why is it so bloody?

Why let them naturally stand against Wu Qingchen?

The advanced human resources management science from the 21st century earth will make two Niu Dai helpers deeply appreciate, "independent selection", "incentive system", "performance bonus", "corporate culture", "promotion prospects", "The leaders are friendly" ... wait a minute, countless kinds of conscientious capitalists have created an extremely glorious humanitarian image.

And hidden under these bright exterior packaging, and the feudal system complement each other, each with its own advantages, the exploitation efficiency may be higher.

"Okay, then we go early and return early ..."

After observing a satisfactory "stuck" effect, Wu Qingchen beckoned, motioned for the two to follow, and appropriately released some news, so that the two of them on the road would not think about it after thinking about it: "... in fact, we are busy now My son, it ’s also about teaching you how to manage cattle. The pastor told me to let you accompany you to the forest to learn how to find herbs ... "


The excitement level of the burdock helpers has risen a little more.

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