Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 107: Cornerstone laying

Serfs, at all, do not have such a right as "own."

This is very important information and Wu Qing always keeps it in mind.

At the age of thirteen, Andre, who has not yet established a complete concept of good and evil, can say such words naturally. Wu Qingchen further understood that many details of the arrangements prepared by the Earth team for the serfs :

The food for the serfs should be eaten directly in the barn; the next plan of food distribution to the serf's family must be given tirelessly day by day, and only a very small amount can be given each time.

"This one……"

Thinking about the status of the serfs, looking at Andre's questioning eyes, Wu Qingchen considered the words, "This time, the beans, let's forget ... After all, I'm not too familiar with the work of Niu Xi, and the helper has just arrived No matter, many things are easy to make mistakes. Give them more food, eat more, and work harder in the barn ... "

"Again ..." Wu Qingchen pointed to the scene of the simulation exercise: "No matter how much they eat, they are just beans. We got honey, but also a portion of your honey! Honey is more important than beans, right? ? "


"Yes, yes ..." A series of "honey" instantly defeated "beans", Andre's attention shifted instantly, his eyes burst into laughter, "Honey! Honey! Move the honeycomb first, move honeycomb!"

Fortunately, the enthusiasm of children can only last for half a minute.

At last, Xiao Andre's kindness was resolved. Wu Qingchen was relieved and refocused on the training of moving the honeycomb.

"York, don't lean forward like this! Clamp the branches! Try harder! Do you want to fall?"

"Harry, stand right ... hey, stand a little over to the hand that eats! Otherwise, you will be hit by a branch!"

"Dion, raise the torch, raise it again, and get closer, when I shout‘ burn ’, you pretend that the bee rushed out, hurry up and smoke!”

"Okay, everything is ready ... Okay, it's about to start ..."

"Jared ... Start with you! Block!"

Wu Qingchen gave an order, and a serf immediately lifted a wooden stick moistened with wet mud and blocked the entrance to the "honeycomb" simulated by leaves.

"Attention ... Dean, it's your turn! Burn!"

The second command was issued. Dean, who had been prepared, immediately put the special thick torch in his hand under the simulated "honeycomb" and smoked it for a few seconds.

"Okay, okay ... York, it's your turn! Cut!"

Holding the tree shrews firmly under him, York's axe was raised, and he waved strongly at the branches that had been cut several times in advance.

A "click" sounded, and the branch on which the "honeycomb" was slamming down suddenly fell, and was immediately grasped on the tree bark standing a little lower, and the four raised arms were firmly grasped.

"Catch it! Catch it! Good ... Elmore, Harry, you two are doing well this time! Now slowly put down ... Slowly, slower!"

Elmore and a serf carefully kept their balance, slowly squatted down, and slowly sent down the branches in their hands.

"Now, Dean, Rex, shake it ..."

Dean and another serf who had just picked up the branches, held both branches of the branches with both hands, and shook it a few times. The simulated "honeycomb" also swung up and down, but did not fall.

"Very good, this time!"

Hearing Wu Qingchen's compliment, Niu Yi's helpers and the serfs smiled together.

More than good!

For the burdock helpers and serfs, from the beginning, they were completely scratched to the point that they had completed the cooperation amicably and tacitly. In the middle, it took only a small amount of time to work, such an incredible speed of progress. Six people Some even admire themselves.

Alas, fortunately, it doesn't seem too late.

When the helpers were complacent, Wu Qingchen looked up at the sky and breathed a sigh of relief for the progress of the simulation training.

Yes, the incredible speed for the serfs and the helpers, and for Wu Qingchen, it was only unsatisfactory for the earth.

For the work of picking honeycomb, the earth attaches great importance to it.

A total of only six people participated in the "honey picking" exercise. Among these six people, the burdock helper has been listed as an extremely important human resource in the near future, and the other four serfs were also carefully selected by the earth.

Such a few objects, highly valued, and long-term observations, the Earth has mastered quite accurate data:

As far as York is concerned, all the villagers who knew him in the Middle Ages stayed in his body thin, short, fragile, and so on. They were ordinary and almost uncharacteristic.

The earth, represented by Wu Qingchen, knows better than his mother that this little skinny actually performs very well in terms of endurance and muscle control.

After being assigned to the tree shrews, he easily lifted the axe for a long time, and then accurately cut the crack in the branch, which is proof of this.

The same is true of the other few people. The human hand with the best vision and arm stability was assigned to a post carrying wooden poles to block the honeycomb with wet mud, and the human hand with the best nerve response was assigned to a position holding a torch to prevent accidents; strength The best manpower is assigned to the work of resisting branches ...

This is a careful arrangement in terms of manpower.

Material considerations have also been carefully considered.

Coming all the way from the edge of the forest, Wu Qingchen seemed to approach the trees at random, and the branches in his fingers were actually the best choice in a large area around him.

These trees and their branches, the height of the bifurcation, the angle of pointing, and the thickness of the incision always maintain a very high similarity, try to maintain the consistency of the consumables during the training process, and avoid the interference of unexpected factors to the greatest extent, and It is very close to the tree where the honeycomb that actually felled is actually practiced.

The degree of attention is also reflected in that in addition to massive human and material resources, another more important resource: "Time of Wu Qingchen", the earth has extravagantly arranged two hours. -Almost equal to the actual practice time at this moment.

After trying to stay close to the IQ level of Aikeli villagers and scarce addicts from some Southeast Asian island nations, after spending two unforgettable hours together, Wu Qingchen came to guide the six helpers now. .

So many resources were dropped, not to mention Wu Qingchen and the six helpers who experienced it in person, even the little Andre who was watching it seemed dazzled.

Unlike learning from the pastor or participating in the reign of Akeli, he will soon become bored with the loss of freshness.

At this moment, watching the burdock helpers and serfs become more and more skilled in playing wooden poles, axes, and twigs, not only did Little Andre not feel impatient, but because of the skillful cooperation in the field, he felt somewhat pleasing to the eye.

"Loss, you're practicing fast ..."

With this state of mind, Little Andre can't help but want to see the effect of the exercise, "I think it's great! This should be almost OK?"

"Hmm ..." Wu Qingchen looked up at the sky again, and then looked at the torch again. "Practice for a while and wait for the torch to burn out, it's really almost."

"This torch" was finally burnt out. When another torch was replaced, the stolen logging gang under Wu Qingchen's leadership had changed places several times, damaging more than a dozen trees, and piled up several bundles on the ground. Tall branches.

"Okay, the last time! Let's be spirited!"

"Jared ... Start with you! Block!"


"... Okay, it's all good! Finally, Elmore, Rex, shake."

The two men carrying the branches shook their hands, as if entangled firmly in the branches, the "honeycomb" was motionless.

"Okay, very good! Let's go and move the honeycomb!"

Prepare the first mobile cell, which is very close to the practice site selected by Wu Qingchen.

Following the winding path next to "Water", Wu Qingchen and others stood a few steps away from the honeycomb that was really moving.

With the gestures that had been discussed before, Wu Qingchen motioned to everyone to stop and sit on the ground for a short rest.

Immediately before the actual practice, the burdock helpers and farmers and herdsmen felt that their bodies gradually began to stiffen.

Such tensions were of course expected.

"Be assured, as long as you do the same, there will be no problem! You see ..."

Wu Qingchen pointed at the two torches, "No matter what went wrong, you could bite at most two or three, and you could smoke the bees ... and ..."

Wu Qingchen pointed to the honeycomb again: "Did you see them? They are very honest now."


At this time, the night was already deep, and the breeze was blowing gently, sending the cool breeze of summer, and at the same time blowing a leaf rustling, the little bugs not far away were not lonely, playing a song cheerful Chorus.

This piece belongs to the night hustle and bustle of the forest, but there has been no movement in the honeycomb in front of it. This strange quietness is particularly obvious in the noisy forest at this time.

With the helpers training, Wu Qingchen watched the sky again and again to determine the time, just to reach the honeycomb at this moment.

According to the research conclusions of earth entomologists, this moment is the quietest moment of the bees of the Middle Ages in a day.

In addition, as when approaching the honeycomb during the day, Wu Qingchen led the helpers and serfs through a large area of ​​plants. However, in this area, the plant breath contaminated by everyone had an effect on bees. No longer irritating, but soothing.

For the same consideration, Wu Qingchen led a few people to the stop position, so that when waiting for the route and angle when approaching the honeycomb, they perfectly avoided the usual route of the bees.

Finally, in order to try to ensure the success rate of the first few times, especially the first time to move the honeycomb, the honeycomb that several people are about to start immediately is the honeycomb with the lowest honey content in this large area. -The less food in the nest that needs protection, the more tolerant the bees will be to people and animals in the safe range.

With so many guarantees, as well as many previous exercises, according to the opinions of the earth experts, waiting for the six to breathe out and recover their strength, Wu Qingchen did not leave them any time to continue to increase tension, immediately Began to order:

"Okay, come on!"

"Jared ... Start with you! Block!"





"Okay ... the torch can be taken away!"

The process of actually moving a honeycomb is easier than when practicing.

After Wu Qingchen's several instructions to lower his voice, to some extent, the burdock helpers and serfs who had formed a certain conditioned reflex, followed the body's instincts and made Wu Qingchen's required action.

When the heads of these six people finally reacted, the branches of the honeycomb were already carried by Elmore and Rex.

"Okay! OK! Go, go, go! Hurry up!"

Due to the rough conditions of the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen's "night-moving honeycomb" at this time was quite backward, the equipment was extremely simple, and the time to keep the bee colony quiet was extremely limited.

Without giving any time for questions to Niuyi's helpers, serfs, and Andre who was stunned, Wu Qingchen held the torch "in person" and had taken the lead to turn around and hurriedly hurried to the direction of the return journey. -By the way, stay away from the honeycomb bombs that may happen at any time.

For about half an hour, the people who accelerated their pace came to the side of Wu Qingchen / Loss' home.

At this point, Wu Qingchen directed the helpers to use a dozen thick and thick rattan branches with their original angles and heights when they were hung on the original tree. Insert wooden poles in the dirt and arrange a shelter from the wind and rain above.

Next, Wu Qingchen quit several steps, took over the wooden pole in the hands of the serf, uncovered the moist soil blocking the entrance and exit of the honeycomb, and hurried out dozens of steps immediately.

Dozens of bees rushed out at once.

Beyond the honeycomb, the environment became extremely strange, leaving these bees at a loss for a while.

After spinning around the honeycomb for several minutes, the bee returned to the honeycomb.

Until this time, Wu Qingchen was finally relieved.

The first cornerstone of Mill Strategy was finally successfully laid!

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