Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 108: Andre's sheepskin roll

The bees flew out in swarms, circled around the honeycomb, and returned to their nests again, restoring peace.

From the turmoil and taming, the changes in the bee colony are quite obvious.

Coupled with the apparent relief of Wu Qingchen next to him, the burdock helpers and serfs who were present immediately understood that the action of Nocturnal Wild Bees had been successful.

The most excited little Andre rushed to Wu Qingchen's side: "Loss, that's all right! Right? Bees can pick honey in their fields tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, it should be!"

Wu Qingchen gave a very clear answer: "In autumn, there will be a lot of honey in it."

However, by that time, you may not have a chance to eat.

Looking at Xiao Ande's face with a smile on his face, Wu Qingchen silently expressed his apology in his heart.

Looking at the sky again, Wu Qingchen motioned to everyone to stop talking to each other excitedly. "Okay, it's too late now, so pack up and go back."

On the honeycomb side, there is no place to clean up near the place where it is located at the moment.

The place that really needs to be cleaned up is the place where Wu Qingchen just led the helpers to practice.

Returning to the edge of the forest again, the burdock helpers and serfs brought rattan to bundle up the branches cut off during the practice, each carrying a bundle, followed Wu Qingchen and Andre towards the church.

These branches are also the property of the lord and the church.

In fact, all the trees, fruits, branches, and leaves in the forest, whether they grow on the tree or fall naturally to the ground, belong to the property of the master.

Usually, after paying a small dedication, the villagers were allowed to walk into the forest and pick up the dead branches that fell naturally as fuel for daily life.

The reason why only fallen dead branches are allowed to be picked is because everything belongs to the master's ownership system. Fresh branches growing on trees are equivalent to automatically adding a little wealth every day without additional investment.

It is for this reason that in the village of Akeli, and in other villages under Baron Ackerford, cutting branches without a report is an economic crime in violation of the law.

Wu Qingchen's behavior of moving the honeycomb is of course not in this case. This is a semi-business operation. Whether cutting the branch of the honeycomb or other trees damaged during the practice, he has been licensed by Master Praia.

After the end of the franchise, although the pastor may not be able to see these branches, in order to show respect for the law, Wu Qingchen is still preparing to lead the helpers to bring these stubble leaves to the church and hand them to the firewood room.

The previous practice lasted two hours. The number of branches cut was very large and the weight was quite heavy. It took two or three times as long to return to the church.

The firewood room is located at the back of the side of the church. It is a single cabin in a corner.

Walking to the firewood room, Andre commanded the panting serfs. With a hatchet, he removed the thin branches and leaves hanging on both sides of the tree branch, and then cut with a axe a piece of wood with a length of arms. Side, waiting for nature to evaporate the water inside them.

The four serfs started working together, and the branches quickly turned into quasi-firewood. Andre first satisfactorily looked at the two-storey firewood by the wall, and then frowned again, looking at the messy twigs and leaves on the ground.

These gadgets are Andre's most annoying fuel. Drying them requires a lot of space, and burning directly will create smoky smoke.

These annoying things ...

Suddenly, the situation when Wu Qing delivered the beans in the evening, and the hard work of the serfs later, flashed in Little Andre's mind.

Got it!

Think of the few honeycombs that need to be moved in the next two or three days. Andrea pointed at the garbage fuel all over the ground and stood up to the four serfs. "You have also worked hard tonight. So ... These firewood, one for each, take it home. "

"Thank you!" "Master, kindness!" "Thank you so much!"

The serfs are very sincere. Compared with the free people who own certain properties, the serfs are not qualified and have no capital to pay the firewood tax. It is always very difficult and difficult to obtain fuel on weekdays.

The twigs and leaves in front of him were a trouble for Andre, but for the serfs, it was a valuable accidental harvest, and it was not limited to the use of firewood.

Just like for York, last winter, when the gentleman in charge gave kindly branches and thatch to build the shed, he did n’t know whether he was in a bad mood or in a good mood. He gave it to Tamara and York. A small portion is really needed.

So, in the next year and a half, Tamara and York went to great lengths to save fuel, search for branches, and tinker, but they could barely make the shed where the mother and the child lived, so as not to collapse.

Now, from the pile of materials in front of him, York seems to have seen the crumbling shed, and suddenly he has a solid stand, no longer afraid of storms.

While the serfs were grateful to Dade, they quickly packed up the branches on the ground, and soon bundled up four defective firewood.

It was about knowing that Master's grace was hard to come by. When the firewood was divided, although the four serfs wanted to get more, they did not dare to quarrel, let alone contend, and they were evenly divided.


Staring at the serfs after doing this, Little Andre followed the example of the teacher and nodded in the direction of leaving the church. "Go back as soon as possible, early tomorrow night ..."

"Wait a minute ... that ... Andre, will you borrow a few more axes or use a sickle for them?"

This is naturally Wu Qingchen's suggestion.

"How can this ..."

Hearing what Wu Qingchen said, Xiao Andre first hesitated, and then immediately thought of all kinds of agricultural tools that "accidentally broke" or "don't know where to go", and subconsciously began to oppose it.

However, the next moment, Andrei understood what Wu Qingchen meant.

With his knowledge of the serfs, with these firewood, without any tools, and without any protection of property rights, the serfs would certainly deal with them overnight and put them to various uses.

The consequence is, don't think about any spirit all day tomorrow, let alone continue to move the cell at night.

How can this be?

Borrow or not?

It took only a few seconds for André to think about this issue. Think about the smooth progress of Wu Qingchen teaching the serfs, and then think about the sweet taste of honey. Little Andre waved his hand with arrogance: "OK, everyone Get another sickle! Remember, it's not too late to wait until next time! Tomorrow night, we will continue to move the honeycomb ... "

Speaking of which, carefully recall the superb skills that Wu Qingchen instructed the serfs, and Andrei added: "... It must not be too late! It will be moved tomorrow night, and there is firewood! Also borrow a sickle!"

"Ah!" "Master ..."

Very strange, further firewood commitments, and more important agricultural tools on loan, in the firewood room, there was no sound of further praise.

Little Andre noticed that after saying these words, the serfs kept staring at themselves until Wu Qingchen signaled that the burdock helpers took out four sickles from the corner of the firewood room and handed them over to the four The tears in the eyes of serfs finally fell down when they were in human hands.

Because of too little knowledge in the church, Little Andrei didn't notice it. At this moment, the expressions of the serfs and the intensity of their clenching of the sickle are only the most pious old people in the village. Only then will it appear.

A few minutes later, the burdock helper held a torch, the serfs carried firewood, Wu Qingchen / Loss held a wooden pole, and the figures gradually disappeared into the darkness.

I don't know why. Little Andre stood at the church door for a long time before turning around and returning to the church.

The night was already deep, the church was dark and holding a torch left by Wu Qingchen, Andre stepped out of the side door, walked to the door of Praia's bedroom, and knocked lightly on the wooden door.

"How's it? Is it fun?" The door opened quickly, and the priest was well-groomed and not rested.

"Yes, it's interesting," Andre replied.

"What's going on? Talk about it." The priest motioned to Andrea for a seat.

"After dinner, I went to Los's house first ..."

The tools prepared in advance, beans for the serfs, exercises at the edge of the forest, the process of plugging the honeycomb, wooden poles in the field, and Andre said one by one, the priest repeatedly nodded.

"It turned out to be this way. It seems that the honeycomb may be moved smoothly by Los."

The pastor did not have much shock to the successful transfer of the honeycomb.

Because, just from Andre's description, whether it is a simulation of props, pre-practice preparations, or blocking the entrance and exit of the honeycomb, and trying to maintain the honeycomb balance, there is nothing too surprising in it. A smarter person (such as Master Praia) can do the same thing with a flash of light and more careful thinking.

In this way, from the perspective of Zhuge Liang after the completion of the event, the priest just flashed the thought of "how did I not think of it" in the mind, and did not realize the difficulty of the mobile honeycomb initiative, and it The significance.

After all, with Andre's eyes, with Praia's experience, and with the knowledge of the entire Middle Ages, there are too many details that can't be seen.

Under the premise of no theoretical guidance, find out when the honeycomb is the quietest, perfectly avoid the bee colony's route, wipe the soothing breath in advance, and at the same time do the preparation and execution details that the priest considers to be only a "light flash" ...

For such a lucky person, if it were not for Wu Qingchen's appearance, the Middle Ages would have to wait a long time.

Even on the earth, whether in the ancient East or the West, the capture and transfer of wild bees has never been easy, and the real realization of the great significance of bees, besides honey, to agriculture is not until modern times. Form a real theory.

Of course, Andre at the moment only cares about honey.

"Yeah, Los said that there will be honey in autumn!"

"Ha, honey?" The priest smiled and shook his head gently. "It's hard to say now. Let's see how Los intends to solve the grievances of neighbors and villagers."

"They dare!" Andre yelled out loudly after the sweets she remembered.

"Why not dare? Okay ..." Praia raised his hand and stopped Andre's argument: "Anyway, there are only two or three honeycombs, which will not hinder them too much. If it doesn't work, then I ’ll talk about it ... well, this method of moving the honeycomb is not easy to use in the plot, but it is also useful if you can find a lot of flowers in the wild. "

"Yeah! Useful! So ... Teacher, I lent the firewood and sickle to the serf, okay?"

"You've already given it before you asked me?" The priest smiled attentively before saying, "Okay! You're doing well ... Andre, you are very smart, and Los is also very smart. You It would be good to learn more. "

"Okay, teacher." Andre felt the same.

"Go to bed, it's late."

"Okay, sir."

Exiting Praia's bedroom, Andre returned to his small room.

Lying on the bed and thinking about the night experience, Andrei was unable to fall asleep.

For a long time, Andrei finally got up from the bed, walked to the corner, and carefully pulled out a small box from the only sheepskin roll that the priest taught Andrei to start literacy, and a set of Rough writing tools.

Open the sheepskin roll, and on the upper left, in the text of the Middle Ages, write:


"55, back, 56"

"73, back, 74"

"9, and, 9, 18"

"Holy Word:"

"Steps passed by the saint ..."


"The floor should ..."

In the manner taught by Mr. Praia, Andre slowly took a look at these past mistakes and what he thought he needed to remember.

After completing the routine review, André took the writing instrument and placed it below the last line of text on the left.

When he was about to start writing, Andrei stopped again, moved the writing instrument to the right, placed it on the topmost position on the right, and started writing:

"Loss said:"


"To do good things, give good beans first."

After thinking for a moment, Andre continued to portray:

"The serf obediently, give firewood and borrow a sickle."

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