Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 109: Flower

08:13:21, May 14, 2012.

Earth, USA, Los Angeles.

Egg egg restaurant.

The briefcase was placed on the ordering table.

"Welcome, Markas, what's for today?"

The hostess lifted the kettle and poured a glass of water for the guests.

"Good morning, Shirley ..." Markus replied weakly, first flipping through the open menu in front of him, then looked up at the small blackboard of "Today's Special": "... Sandwich, Two eggs ... well, one egg. "

"Please wait."

The waitress turned around, turned on the oven and omelette, and turned to ask customers who hadn't seen her for a few days: "Marcas, I haven't seen you for a few days. What happened?"

"Who can be fine now?" The sighed customer sighed. "Damn Wu Qingchen hung up in the sky, the **** boss closed the company, and **** me, I can only look for new **** jobs."

"Relax, Markas, you will find a new job."

"Maybe ..." Markas's mood was very low. "My money is running low ... Damn astronomical event! Damn apartment rent! Damn credit card! Why didn't they fail with it?"

At this time, the familiar melody sounded, hung on the TV screen on the right side of the restaurant, and the bbc insert icon floated out.

"Julie Kandler broadcasts BBC News for you.

15 minutes ago, Mr. Wu Qingchen, the representative of the earth, completed the key honeycomb step of the Mill Strategy in the village of Akeli in the Middle Ages.

This step is consolidation. Mr. Wu Qingchen will further help the inhabitants of the Middle Ages to solve the problems of starvation and lack of reserves.

It is foreseeable that this initiative, which is also beneficial to the lords of the village of Akeli, the free people, and the serf class, will greatly enhance Mr. Wu Qingchen's prestige in the medieval world, especially among the poor.

Think tank analysis, after the effect of this step appears, Mr. Wu Qingchen is likely to use this impressive method to enter the vision of the higher rulers of the territory. "

"Move the cell ... the key step ... the ruler ..."

The waitress frowned while listening to the narrative in the news while making a sandwich.

The news is over.

Putting the plate with the sandwich in front of Master, the waitress pointed at the TV and asked puzzled, "Hi Mr. Marcas, do you know what this news means?"

"Who knows? Who knows what the **** kidnapper did?"

While waiting for breakfast, Mr. Marcas has been carefully studying the job information on the mobile phone page, and did not even look at the TV.

"That ..." Shirley tried to explain to Marcus: "Mr. Wu Qingchen moved the honeycomb."

"The accurate statement is ... Mr. Wu Qingchen, completed the key steps of moving the honeycomb, laying a solid foundation for the preparation of the" Mill Strategy "and the next step of material collection."

An unfamiliar voice came in from near the glass door that had just been opened.

This is a spirited middle-aged man wearing glasses and a decent suit.

"Welcome, this gentleman."

The middle-aged man sat down and directly asked for a few items at the top of the menu: "Citrus banana cream toast, pan-baked eggs, salmon Benedict potato pancakes, thank you."

"Oh, man, you eat well." Markas turned his head when he heard this breakfast for more than fifty dollars.

"Why not eat better when there is good news?"

"Good news? What good news?"

"Isn't it in your phone?" The middle-aged man pointed at Marcas's phone.

"This is just a job information platform."

"An hour ago, the White House had published all the instructions of the" Mill Mill Strategy "on all telecommunications service providers, websites, platforms, radios, and advertising screens. When you turned on your mobile phone, was it hard to see?

"I'm used to squatting the toilet when I turn on the phone, and when the page pops up, it is also my critical moment!"

"Hi, Markas!" Shirley quickly stopped Marks's nonsense and pointed to the left side of the ordering table: "Sir, do you mean these things?"

The middle-aged man turned his head, Shirley pointed at the location, and three stacks of thick propaganda albums were stacked higher than people.

"What is this ..." Marcas took a copy and saw the cover that was exactly the same as the mobile phone screen when squatting on the toilet and the advertising screen when taking the subway a few dozen minutes ago. "It seems like this, this thing is Where did it come from? "

"Half an hour ago, the police car came in and asked each store to send customers a copy ... leave them alone." Shirley pointed to the TV: "Sir, can you tell me the news?"

"It's quite clear inside ..." The middle-aged man shook the picture book in his hand, "much clearer than in the news."

"Let's just talk to poor Shirley ..." Marcus knocked on the table. "She's been all c- since middle school."

"Well, for a more delicious breakfast." The middle-aged man pointed to the platform for making breakfast. After seeing Shirley nodded hurriedly, he said, "Do you know honey?"

"I know!" Markas took a bite of the sandwich and pointed to the thick liquid inside: "Sweet stuff."

"Sir, I know honey ... and I also know that this fool is pointing at ketchup ... the red next to it is honey!" Shirley said dissatisfied, "Hi, Master ... don't be kidding Please ask this gentleman to tell us why we should move the honeycomb. "

"Sorry ..." Markas was slightly awkward. "Sir, please don't mind, I'm just in a bad mood."

"It doesn't matter, too few people are in a good mood now ..." The middle-aged man didn't care, and sighed slightly: "I hope the good news will make you happy."

"Mr ...." Seeing Marcas had apologized, Shirley asked again, "Why does Mr. Wu Qingchen move the honeycomb? Doesn't he already have his own beehive ..."

"Look here." The middle-aged man spread out the picture book in his hand, turned two pages, and put it in front of Shirley: "Look here, the three most important animals in human history in ancient agricultural history."

Shirley looked at it, with a cow, a sheep, and a swarm of bees painted on it.

"Look at these three little cute ..." The middle-aged man drew his fingers one by one. "Cultivating cattle, which has been publicized a few days ago, you should know that this was the most important source of labor for agricultural activities before the advent of machinery."

One man and one woman nodded again and again. ——In the corner of the egg restaurant, there are several other stacks of thick albums, which is also part of the overwhelming publicity a few days ago.

"Sheep, wool is the main source of clothing when agricultural land is tight or latitudes that are not conducive to the survival of fiber crops and silkworms."

This point was also overwhelmingly publicized, one man and one woman nodded.

"But ..." The middle-aged man pointed to the third animal: "Either cattle or sheep, even if they are added together, their contribution to humans is far less than that of bees."

"Is honey so important? Even without it ..." Shirley pointed at Marcas and took a bite of the sandwich. The sticky honey was running down the lettuce and slowly flowing into the dish. "And tomato sauce, Or butter, it ’s just as delicious! ”

"Not for honey!" The middle-aged man shook his head gently, flipped through the album a few pages quickly, and stayed on a large page of blooming flowers. "Do you know this?"

Shirley and Marcus carefully identified that between the white flowers that covered the entire picture, two rags and slumped figures were buried under the flowers, trying to deal with the weeds secretly growing.

Suddenly, Shirley recognized the two familiar characters: "This is Wu Qingchen, Wu Qingchen entered the Middle Ages and became a child. This is Edra, Wu Qingchen / Los brother ..."

"This is the farmland of Wu Qingchen's family." Marcus' answer was much simpler.

"Not these." The middle-aged man said that they were both incorrect. He even clicked a few times against the white flowers: "Look at these flowers, as well as the blooming plants."

"This flower ..." Hesitantly for a long time, Shirley tentatively said, "... Can I eat?"

"Of course to eat!" Marcus squinted his eyes and looked at Shirley: "Are there still flowers in the medieval world?"

"What kind of plant is this?" Shirley ignored Marcas, thinking carefully about the plant she had seen.

The result is of course nothing. -Shirley doesn't even know a few kinds of plants at all. How about the urban resident of modern society, how many people have a deep understanding of plants?

"In fact, there is no exact answer for any specific plant. But ..." The middle-aged man considered the words carefully: "From the many characteristics of this plant, we ... heh ... the research department found a crucial Favorable factors. "

Shirley and Marcus showed a confused expression in coordination, and did not notice that the middle-aged man paused and covered suddenly.

"Here it is ..." The middle-aged man turned a few more pages. The new page is an enlarged image of a white flower plant. According to the explanatory text on the right side of the page, the middle-aged man reads:

"... Therefore, the plant has both straight roots and adventitious roots; erect stems, smooth edges and corners, mature cavities; round kidney-shaped leaves; muddy inflorescences and other extremely significant features ... This plant and angiosperms, dicots Gang, Amaranth, Amaranthaceae, Buckwheat, Buckwheat species are quite close. "

"What does this mean?" The expressions on Shirley and Marcus' faces were even more confused.

The middle-aged man did not answer directly, and continued to open the following page.

Several pages in a row, all enlarged images of flowers, white flowers on the left and right.

"Did you see it?"

Following the track traced by a middle-aged man's fingers, Shirley and Marcus quickly discovered that the flowers on both sides were similar in shape, but the stamens inside were different.

"The two flowers don't seem to be the same?"

"Nice ..." The middle-aged man nodded slowly: "The characteristics of this plant, or a big feature of the buckwheat genus, are bisexual flowers, with dioecious."

"Wow, cool!" Markas's head moved closer to the album. "Which is the wave flower? Which is the girl flower?"

"This is a wave flower, but this is not important." When Shirley showed a slight discomfort, the middle-aged man unconsciously pushed the album to Marcus: "It is important that like humans, many plants reproduce The system also needs to mate before it can breed the next generation of crystals. "

"Wow! That's cool!"

"But, unlike humans ..." The middle-aged man continued to explain: "The flowers of plants cannot act on their own, so their mating requires the help of other forces."

"What help? Banknotes? What are the dollars in the plant world?" Markas revealed his first smile today, or in recent days.

"There are many such forces. Insect vectors, wind vectors, water vectors, and bird vectors can help plants mate."

"And for most plants, especially the buckwheat genus androgynous, the most powerful and important flowering medium is ..."

Speaking of which, the middle-aged man stopped.

Shirley and Marcus have blurted out the latter answer: "Bee!"

Markas couldn't wait to ask, "How strong is the strongest?"

"Different plants have different effects, and there is no completely uniform data."

The middle-aged man turned the album to the last few pages: "Cross-pollinated crops such as the buckwheat genus rely only on wind and bird media, and the seed setting rate is only 10% to 15%. If there are a lot of bees, help With sufficient pollination, the number of seeds per plant can increase by 37% to 81% ... Do you know this data, what does it mean? "

"Actually ..." Shirley continued to be confused, and Marcus was embarrassed. "My math has always been c-"

"This data means that there is no need for whimsy, nor for any inventions. The key steps completed by Mr. Wu Qingchen 15 minutes ago, as long as you continue, you can easily increase the grain production in the medieval world by 80%, or even It's 200%! "

Speaking of this, looking at the stunned Shirley and Markas, as if holding a fragrant coffee, the middle-aged man took a long sip of clear water. "How? Mr Markas, is this good news?"

"Ding Ding Ding ..." At this moment, the mobile phone screen in Markas's hand lit up.

"Hello, my name is Marcus ... what ... really ... well ... well ... well ... no problem ... no no no ... don't mind ... must ... thank you ... thank you so much ... "

Putting down the phone, Markas' expression was full of surprises.

"Do you believe it? Shirley!" He cried out loudly, "The **** boss called me, the **** company wasn't about to shut down, and I could go to the **** class again!"

"Congratulations! Mr. Marcus ..." Shirley smiled, and brought a plate with eggs to Marcus: "... your eggs."

"Wow ... why do you want to abuse yourself?" Marcas suddenly said to herself, then took the menu from the middle-aged man: "Shirley, I also want citrus banana cream toast, and I want the pan Baked eggs, I want salmon benedict hash browns! "

After ordering these things, Markas also gently raised the water glass and aimed at the middle-aged man in front of him: "When there is good news, you should eat better ... Thank you for your comment."

Two cups with clear water touched them slightly.

"King Wu Qingchen."

"Respect this **** kidnapper."

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