Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 111: Wizard and laptop

111 Wizard and laptop

The West Coast Los Angeles Institute of Microbiology is ready to put all its power into the most professional fields.

In other fields, the major institutions at the top level of the earth have almost made the same decision.

This has been the norm in the high-tech field since the astronomical event.

Of course, the word "high-tech" does not fully represent the earth.

Especially, some forgotten corners.

05:13:21, May 14, 2012.

African continent.

An ancient land near the Atlantic Ocean is about to usher in the first rays of the sky.

Dark cave.

Dark stone wall.

There was a dark-skinned man on the dark stone bed.

In the darkness, the only bright color comes from the vicissitudes of the eyes, the white hair on the scalp, and the messy white stubble beard.

At the entrance of the cave, a flare came suddenly.

Holding a flickering torch, a lean black man walked into the cave.

"Sorcerer, they are all here, and time is coming."

"it is good."

Taking hold of the arms of the lean black man, the old wizard on the stone bed slowly stood up and walked out of the cave.

The cave is located halfway up the mountain, and in front of it is an open flat land. At this time, a dozen quiet black men are standing in the flat land.

Different from the lean, black men in the old black wizard, the black men in the flat are short, with a stiff torso, and the whole body exudes hunger.

"Children, the sun is coming out, come here all ..."

The old wizard slowly walked to the edge of the flat land.

At this position closest to the cliff, closest to the upcoming sun, and closest to the sky curtain, the old wizard knelt slowly.

Behind him, the emaciated black men followed on to knees.

After kneeling quietly for a few minutes like this, the first rays of sunlight finally appeared in the sky.

The upper body of the old black man immediately fell deeply, with a cold stone on his forehead.

Behind him, the emaciated black people immediately fell deeply.

"Oh God! Thank you for your care, for your gift, for the guidance of the prophets below. I will obey your commandments and may you forgive my sins until I enter your heaven!"

"God ..."

After the old wizard's prayer, the emaciated black people followed the prayers unevenly.

Praying three times in a row, the old wizard stood up and sat on a relatively flat stone beside him.

"The wildebeest ..."

After a deep breath, the old wizard beckoned, and the lean black man immediately walked to his side.

"Are the tambourines and antelopes back?"

"Not yet ..." The lean wildebeest replied immediately, thinking about it and then saying, "Reassure, the wizard ... The tambourine is the most flexible person in the tribe, and the antelope is the fastest person in the tribe. They Will not be bitten by bees. "

"I don't worry about them being bitten by bees ..." The wizard slowly shook his head. "My concern is that they broke the honeycomb ..."

"We don't look like heaven here ..." As he said, the wizard pointed to the huge screen above his head: "Not so many honeycombs can be wasted."

"Don't worry, Wizard." The wildebeer comforted: "You have ordered the tambourine and antelope several times, and they will be careful."

"The tambourine is okay, the antelope is a blundering little ..." Speaking here, the wizard sighed softly, and then continued to look at the crowd, beckoning again: "Owl, your eyes are best, you come and see."

After a short while, the owl, who reached the edge of the flat ground, shook his head: "Sorry, wizard, I haven't seen anything."

"Okay ..." The wizard sighed again and stood up.

The wildebeest and the owl quickly supported him. At this moment, the owl suddenly couldn't help but ask: "Wizard, since God, the kingdom of heaven has already appeared, and the prophet can also see, why should we move the honeycomb, but also How about digging a cactus? "

"Owl ..." The wizard tilted his head and looked into the eyes of the young black man: "Actually, what you want to ask is, why didn't the prophet take us directly to heaven, right?"

The shaman at the bottom of his heart directly said that the dark face of the owl even appeared a little red.

"It's okay, owl." The wizard's voice was soft: "Who doesn't want to go to heaven?"

Yeah, who doesn't want to go to heaven?

In the flat ground, the other black people listening to the owl and the wizard answering, almost invariably looked at the huge screen of the sky.

Who doesn't want to go to heaven?

Although the will of God is difficult to predict, the speed and power of the people of God in the kingdom of heaven are incredible, and it is difficult for mortals to see the pictures of the rapidly changing kingdom of God, but the scenes that calm down occasionally make everyone in the tribe deep. Enviously.

Who doesn't want to go to heaven?

In the kingdom of heaven, water does not need to compete with people of other tribes with stones and wooden spears. Food will not be stung by ferocious lions and nasty hyenas, and people will not sit in the tribes for no reason and be seated. The people inside the Iron Bull rushed in and shot dead with fire-breathing bows and arrows.

Who doesn't want to go to heaven?

In the kingdom of heaven, water surrounds the village. Anyone can use it in any container. Food is planted in fertile land where the naked eye cannot see the end. It can be eaten twice a day on time. God people, even if they are lazy occasionally, they will only take a few whip or stick lightly.

A few of the thin, hungry, and tired black people have begun to chant: "God! Thank you for your care, thank you for your gift, and thank you for the guidance of the prophets below. I will obey your commandments May you forgive my sins until I enter your heaven! "

The slight noise made the old wizard slightly raise his voice: "Everyone wants to go to heaven, and mortals are easy to be greedy, it is easy to think of gaining nothing for nothing, so the commandment is needed, so God allows us to see the kingdom of heaven ..."

The wizard said: "Even in the kingdom of heaven, water does not flow directly into the house, no food grows directly on the tree, and the gods also need to work in heaven to eat the two meals on time every day."

"So ... that, are we any different from before?"

Perhaps the wizard's tone was too mild, and the owl summoned the courage to continue questioning.

"How could it be any different? God is merciful, and God sent down the prophet ..." Withered fingers of the wizard, pointing at the giant screen of the sky, the prophet who had moved the hive in the giant screen, had been quietly lying on the bed: " The prophet told us that the beds need to be dried, the bugs must be driven away, and the water must be hot to drink ... "

"People in the tribe used to have a long stomach ache for a long time. After the Kingdom of God and the Prophets appeared, everyone boiled water and chased away bugs. Two days ago, sambars and oil palms were lazy. My stomach hurts again ... "

Speaking of which, the wizard pointed at the two emaciated black men. "But after heating water and catching bugs, they are getting better faster than before."

Under everyone's attention, sambar and oil palm embarrassedly touched their stomachs.

"It's the same with honeycomb. What did the prophets do deliberately overnight? How could it not help us? The prophet has guided so much, how can we still greedily delusion, God, or the prophet, take us directly to heaven?"

Having said this, the wizard saw that the black people in front of him were much silent, and several of them had begun to confess.

After a short while, another black man raised new questions:

"Wizard, where do we move the honeycomb?" The talking black man pointed confusedly into the distance: "We don't have the kind of food grown in heaven here."

"The plantain is our food. When the wizard taught the tambourines and antelopes overnight, they already explained that they had moved to the plantain land." The wildebeest gave the answer.

"Can honeycomb make the land more fertile?"

"Maybe plantains can make honey!

"Maybe after a while, you can get more bananas?"

"Maybe Plantain doesn't even need water!"

Most blacks began to look optimistically, but also had a less harmonious voice:

"No matter what the benefits are, I'm afraid that the group of jackal people will know that they will **** us away, and even plantains will **** them together!"

"Yeah, um ..."

"Damn jackal!"

In a sigh, radical emotions quickly appeared:

"Prophet, why don't you drop a thunder and chop them up?"

"You must not go to heaven when you die!"

"God has given directions. If the wolf comes back next time, I will fight with them! Anyway, I can go to heaven anyway! Right, wizard, right?"

"Yeah, kill the jackal!"

"Kill these beasts who grab things!"

"Children ... children ..." The wizard held up his hands and waited for the black people to calm down before sighing. "Children, the wolf must not be in heaven, but do n’t be impatient, be patient, believe in God, believe in the prophets. ... The prophet will definitely give us more guidance. "

"Well ... porcupine ..."

At this time, it was already a lot of light. The wizard was beckoning, and another slightly stronger black man also came to the wizard. The wizard explained to him: "It's almost time. Let everyone go hunting. If you can't find it, To the prey, or to be followed by the hyena, do not fight with them, dig some food on the cactus back ... Now, with the care of God, with the guidance of the prophet, do n’t bleed needlessly, the day will Getting better and better……"

"Okay, wizard."

The porcupine saluted deeply, and led the thin black man slowly down the mountainside.

On the edge of the platform, the wizard stood silently, and under his feet, the porcupines and other black people were getting farther and farther away.

"Okay, let's go in too."

After the people's figure disappeared around the corner, the wizard reached out and re-entered the cave with the help of the wildebeest.

Walked into the deepest.

Under the bright light of the torch, a flat stone was placed in the deepest part of the cave.

Above the stone, there is a laptop computer with the screen turned on. In the computer, the astronomical event video playback and commentary site, which has been reduced by 30 times, is being played in a loop by Wu Qingchen's mobile honeycomb selection process.

A few meters away from the stone on which the laptop was placed, in the deepest corner of the cave, a white man withered in a haystack. His body was **** with several canes, and his mouth was also A walnut was stuffed.

Standing next to the notebook, the wizard gestured to the wildebeest.

The wildebeest came to the corner and untied the walnut from the white man's mouth.

A series of French flew from the corner immediately:

"Let me go! You devil who pretends to be a ghost! You villain who doesn't keep his promise, you old liar who deserves to go to hell!"

"Relax, Mr. Adrian ..." The wizard said with a big tongue, in a very lame, but barely communicative French: "Don't stimulate the wildebeest, this young man really doesn't understand your country at all language."

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