Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 116: Dragon fight


"Ah! Grace is here!"

"Good day! Grace! It's so late today!"

These were clearly surprised, all of them full of energy; these shouting Grace, all energetic; these women who immediately stopped the action in their hands, all charming.

Each is the perfect crystallization of strength, physique, and charm.

Elena, Stacy, and Lilian.

In the hearts of the three young men in the village of Akeli, they can definitely be ranked in the top ten beautiful women. At the same time, they appear in front of the old Williams.

Hearing these voices and seeing these figures, Wu Qingchen's instinct from his body's self-protection, such as being struck by lightning, immediately allowed Wu Qingchen to step backwards quickly, and after a few steps, he finally managed to stand still again.

This is normal. The three typical beauties of Aikeli Village have thick waists, rounded backs, and strong bodies, all of which are typical figures of fighting aunts.

To be honest, the figure of the fighting ethnic aunt is indeed quite scarce in the village of Aikeli, which is generally undernourished. Usually when Wu Qingchen saw them, he had nothing special in his heart except for his nutritional level. a feeling of.

However, at this moment, when these beauties have put on unsuitable t-shirts and dresses, and the charm has been fully bloomed, Wu Qingchen ’s eyes from the 21st century on the earth ’s heads immediately said that they could not bear such strong Irritating images.

At the same time, Wu Qingchen, who knows the future, finally raises Mingwu in his heart:

That's it!

It turned out that the greetings on the road and the beauties in front of them all came towards Grace!

Coming to the second daughter-in-law's place in the burdock family!

Just when Wu Qingchen was just awake, the next words of the three beauties made Wu Qingchen more certain.

"Grace, come here, there are shades here, not hot!"

"Grace, this side is better, this side is far from the hive!"

"Look here! Grace, here ..."

Was there a confession in the medieval world?

The simple expression of the girls shocked Wu Qingchen's tiger body, and her goosebumps all shook up.

At this time, Old William patted Grace on the shoulder, with a smile on his face: "Grace, where do you want to go?"

Did your father know that already?

Not only has it been known for a long time, it seems that there is a tendency to support free love?

Wu Qingchen's tiger body shook again, and Tian Lei rolled in his head.

At this time, Idra also patted Grace on the shoulder: "Grace, look over there, that's Yolanda's cousin ... Elena is a good girl."

Did Idra know it already?

Not only has it been known for a long time, it seems as if he is assisting his fiancée's relatives?

Wu Qingchen's tiger struck three times, which was totally unbelievable.

Hearing the ridicule of his father and elder brother, Grace's face was slightly red. He carried the farm implement and walked towards the shade, stuttering stiffly, "I ... the sun is too sunning today. , Too ... too ... too hot ... "

Did Grace already know that?

Not only has it been known for a long time, it seems a bit shy! ?

Wu Qingchen's tiger body continued to tremble, and it felt so ridiculous what was happening at the moment.

We cannot blame Wu Qingchen for being too slow. Since entering the Middle Ages, he has been struggling with a harsh living environment and a worse social environment. Wu Qingchen's whole mind is focused on food, safety, status, etc., which are directly related to living standards Essentially, I really don't have the energy to care about the love and affection of the medieval world.

On the other hand, of course, the Earth team behind Wu Qingchen found such looming signs long ago, but at this stage, Wu Qingchen has no time to fully accept the wild survival information, social class information, and food reserve information. Give out valuable quotas and spread them on the relevant intelligence of the rural love story?

Therefore, until this moment, the entire village of Akeli could be ranked among the top three three beauties. When Wu Qingchen appeared invariably, this extremely poor and backward medieval village in the Middle Ages only related her love, The delicate side of glamour, hormones, female choice, and father and brother's choice are also displayed in front of Wu Qingchen.

As for the place Wu Qingchen passed by, and the place where he was busy, the reason why there is no similar situation is simple.

The location where the earth team chose to place the hive was in the land owned by the Wu Qingchen / Loss family, the farthest from the mountain forest, the flattest terrain, and the largest land area.

This selection method ensures that the effects brought by the hive can be shown to the greatest extent in the future.

This selection method also creates another logical chain: the largest share-Wu Qingchen's family spends most of their time here, and naturally the longest-the family with flexible heads, after deliberately changing the farm work, the daughters, Naturally, I can spend the most time with Grace.

When Wu Qingchen was confused about these things, Grace had already walked near the shade.

Close to the shade, the beauty is plowing the field, seeing Grace choosing her own direction, the beauty's face is reddish, it is difficult to hide the excitement in her heart, and after a glance at Grace, she has her hands Doubly hard, the arms were faint, and the next moment, the plow truck pulled by the beauty alone, the speed soared, and it almost caught up with the speed of the plow truck pulled by the cattle.

When someone is proud, someone is naturally frustrated.

The plow car beauty first raised the head, and the other two beautiful women were naturally discouraged. However, **** is still old and spicy. I can think of the idea of ​​changing land. The fathers of these families are naturally not fuel-efficient lamps.

Wu Qingchen saw that the fathers of the other two beauties approached their daughters at the same time. After a few words, the two beauties quickly cheered up.

The second beauty immediately picked up the barrel and headed for the stream near Grace.

Walked to the stream, put down the bucket, filled the water, and the pretty girl stood up again.

Next, the beauties took four wooden buckets full of water at the same time, taking a relaxed step, passing Grace in a hurry, the bucket beauties threw a wink at Grace first, and then moved towards the plow. The beauty's direction flung a series of provocative eyes.

The third beauty did not show weakness, and saw that she slowly walked to the place close to Wu Qingchen's home, standing next to the three piles of forage that had just been harvested and bundled the day before.

First three stacks of pastures are stacked. The beauty squatted down and embraced all the pastures with her hands. Taking a deep breath, after a few seconds of brewing, the beauty suddenly yelled, "Get up!"

After encouraging herself and successfully attracting Grace's eyes, the beauty's strong arms instantly exerted strength, holding three bales of grass at the same time, and a deep pit appeared in the soil immediately!

From the deep pits of the earth and the faint shaking of the beauty's strong legs, the heavy weight of the forage is quite obvious. This is so. The forage beauty still deliberately walks around a small circle and walks past Grace with a red face. Don't forget to show a gentle smile to Grace.

Oh my God!

Oh my master!

Such an alternative battle jealous, Wu Qingchen instantly took a breath.

Fortunately, my current body is only 13 years old!

Wu Qingchen is extremely grateful for his age.

Wu Qingchen was thankful that it was too early.

Grace's sudden surge of appeal comes from his status as a member of the newly-increased burdock family.

The members of the burdock family have such attraction, as the core pillar of the burdock family ...

May Wu Qingchen escape?

When the three beauties showed strength, courage, and charm in their own way, a flexible-headed father did not know when he came to Wu Qingchen.

"Loss ..."

"Good day, Uncle Quincy." Wu Qingchen turned back and saw the beauty of the barrel, that is, Stasi's father.

"Well, good night." Quincy nodded to Wu Qingchen with a smile, "Unconsciously, I have grown a lot lately."

"Huh? What?" Wu Qingchen looked down. Because of frequent cleaning, Wu Qingchen's robes were more worn than when they first entered the Middle Ages, but they seemed to fit.

"Yes, grow taller, grow taller ..." Quincy was quite sure of Wu Qingchen's growth. After reading a few words, Quincy suddenly pointed to the opposite side: "How about? Stasi is a good girl?

"Uh, yeah ... I mean, yes!" Facing a question from a father, can Wu Qingchen make other answers?

"Do you like it?"

"What!" Wu Qingchen was startled.

"I mean, do you like a good girl like Stasi?" Quincy asked again, generously.

"No, no, no!" Wu Qingchen quickly waved his hands.

"Why? What's wrong with Stacy?" Quincy was a little confused.

"No, no, it's nothing bad, but she's not next to Grace ... heh, I mean ... but ..." Wu Qingchen stammered, eager to pinch his hair, "but I'm too It's small ... "

"It doesn't matter, Grace seems to prefer Elena on a plow ... and, you will grow up." Quincy said he didn't mind the age limit.

"No! I'm too young! I'm really too young ... Uncle Quincy, look, you look carefully! I'm so short!" Wu Qingchen said as he tried to squat on the ground. ——If Wu Qingchen is given a shovel at this moment, the poor child is expected to dig a hole directly to bury himself.

"Well, Rose doesn't like big girls ..." Quincy touched her chin.

"Yes, yes, I don't like big girls." Wu Qingchen quickly agreed.

"Let's do this ..." Quincy's benevolent expression appeared on his face: "It's okay, Stacy has a sister! She's also a good girl. After two years, she can still lift four barrels at once!"

"Come on! Your Debra is now shorter than Ross! Four barrels, four empty barrels!" Lilian, the voice of the forage beauty father, came next.

"Scott, what are you talking about?" Quincy exclaimed angrily: "Go to your work, don't make trouble! Don't you hear? Los doesn't like big girls!"

"I have a young daughter as well!"

"Hell, are you talking about Phoebe Little? She is only a few years old? Will she crawl?"

"How old do you have anything to do with you? Does climbing have anything to do with you?" Scott also glared at Quincy, then shook his arms at Wu Qingchen, and his face instantly switched to kindness. Smile: "Loss, look, Uncle Scott's arm ... Look, it's thicker than the skinny ghost next to me? My daughter, it must be a good girl in the future!"

"Nonsense!" Quincy disagreed with Scottrade at all: "Will the daughter be like you? Are you a woman? Oh, yes! How daring is your mother-in-law's sickness? Than? "

"You ..." Scottrade stared, his fist already squeezing his voice.

"Don't ... don't! Don't do this ... Uncle Scott, and Uncle Quincy, you all stop ..." Wu Qingchen quickly stopped the two and immediately cleared his mind: "I don't want a big girl, neither Little girl, I'm really too young now ... "

"Well, Los is really too small ..." Scottrade's face showed "the kid really doesn't understand women": "It seems to be old William."

"Old William! Hey, Old William ..." On the other side, Quincy had shouted in the direction of Wu Qingchen's home.

"Don't, don't, it's useless to find my father!"

In order to escape from the female of the devil's body, the ogre, and give him the possibility of conquest, Wu Qingchen was in a hurry and immediately pulled out one of the future branches of the "Mill Strategy" that might be implemented. Plan to stop the mouths of the two fathers in front of you and more "fathers" in the future:

"Don't give me a little girl again! The pastor teacher said that I might let me be his student in the future."

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