Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 117: Bowstruck Bird

"Ah ... is that so? Congratulations, Lord Rose, oh, future master."

"It turned out to be a student of Master Rev.? Well, unfortunately, no, I mean it! May the Lord bless you forever, Los."

After hearing Wu Qingchen's answer, Scottrade and Quincy were silent for half a second, and then congratulated Wu Qingchen at the same time.

When congratulating, both had a smile on their faces, but with Wu Qingchen's observation ability, they could easily hear the obvious disappointment from their tone, and the same obvious insincerity.

These two bastards, I wish I could not be a student of the priest!

This is normal.

The priest might make Little Jr. his student.

This news has actually been circulating in the village of Akeli for a long time.

At first, when Wu Qingchen was removed from the summer camp alone, the villagers were faintly aware of it. After treating cattle, it was natural that the pastor began to teach Wu Qingchen's evidence; then he promoted Wu Qingchen to become a burdock. Favorite has been quite certain, coupled with the broadcast of Andre, a small horn, most villagers are well aware of Wu Qingchen's position in the mind of the priest.

If he is a true pastor student, Wu Qingchen / Loss's future is bright whether he will become a clergyman in charge or a church land coordinator in the future.

Such a future, of course, for ordinary villagers in the village of Aikeli, is certainly not dare to hope for high status.

Only Wu Qingchen, who cannot become a pastor master student and has the current position and craftsmanship, is the best marriage partner for Scottrade and Quincy.

At this moment, when I heard Wu Qingchen personally determined the pastor's tendency of Praia, luck was extinguished, and Scott and Quincy's mood was naturally not too happy.

After the sincere congratulations, the two farmers in front of him were briefly silent. Yu Guang in the corner of Wu Qingchen's eyes noticed that he had discovered the movement here. The father of the last plow car beauty, Mr. Rupert was also heading for this. Come over.

Can't wait to double-check the new home of the two swarms of bees next to the land!

A strong sense of crisis immediately prompted Wu Qingchen, the old William who had already entered the place, to shout, "Father, I will go first, the other places will not go, and there is still a lot of work over the barn. ... "

"Okay, Los, you go!"

Upon hearing the two fathers and sons answering, Rupert immediately quickened his pace and began to yell, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, Los! I'll tell you something ..."

"Wait! It's too late ..." Wu Qingchen dared to stop, and ran away. "What's the matter, tell my father first!"

Fortunately, the Earth training team taught me the most scientific escape method!

Rupert followed two steps, and soon found that the distance between him and Wu Qingchen was getting farther and farer, he had to stop and sighed helplessly: "Oh, this guy, I run so fast! Hey, I run so fast What a good boy! "

"What about a good boy? Don't expect it, Master Rev ...."

Depression alone is not as depressing as the others, and Quincy, who was watching coldly, also silently disappeared, and immediately began to pass negative energy to Rupert, or his competitors.

The group of beauties appearing next to the hive's place seemed to turn on a switch in the medieval world.

After living for more than 40 days, Wu Qingchen thought he should be quite familiar with the village of Akeli, but after seeing the delicate side of the medieval world, Wu Qingchen discovered many hidden traps.

Don't think that there is no routine in the countryside!


Ever heard of borrowing something first and then returning it, so that you have two chances to get in touch?

When stepping on a dirt road in the countryside:

"Good day, Los ..." A middle-aged villager greeted Wu Qingchen, "So coincident, it's time to go to the barn? Exactly, can you borrow my straw fork from my house? When you came here just now, you didn't pay attention, no Know where you lost it! "

Throw a jerk!

After two more eyes, with training and advanced environmental observation ability, Wu Qingchen noticed immediately that when this man was talking, the lower-faced, red-faced girl next to her, several times Secretly looked to the side.

Looking down at the girl's sight, a few steps away, a pitchfork tail appeared in a bush.

"Oh, here it is! Hey, why didn't you notice just now?"


Ever heard of creating a common topic and enhancing mutual understanding?

When walking across the swaying wooden bridge:

"Hoo ... Los, this is the bridge you repaired a while ago ..." A middle-aged villager greeted Wu Qingchen while panting: "Oh, it seems a bit loose again, ho, you are here! Mandy, go down and pick up some stones, and call, help Los to fix it again, call ... Too much work today, call, the sun is too big, so tired and hot ... "

Yeah, how can you not be tired? How can it not be hot!

Wu Qingchen looked at the sweaty father and daughter in front of him, and looked at the position where the log was resting, and his heart was silent:

Using the earth to refer to engineering, architecture, and mechanics at the same time, the stones that have been carefully filled in and interacted with each other have been dug apart by your father and daughter. How could it not be a sweat?


Ever heard of privacy, is it good for feelings?

When passing by scattered wooden houses:

"Los, Ros!" A female villager greeted Wu Qingchen: "Oh, can you help me carry the pasture in? This door is too small and inconvenient! My family has gone out to work and I don't know when I will come back You happen to be here! "

You lie to the ghost!

Fortunately, when helping botanist and carpenter master to determine the information a few days ago, Wu Qingchen glanced at the information of this girl's house and got a rough idea of ​​the labor arrangements of her family.

Hearing the girl's request, Wu Qingchen not only did not stay, but quickly speeded up.

After more than ten steps, bypassing a small bush, Wu Qingchen really saw that the girl's family was busy in the area closest to the wooden house, and from time to time, she looked forward to the wooden house!


Fighting with wisdom and bravery, through all the hardships, it took a full half an hour more work than before, and Wu Qingchen finally returned to the lord's cattle shed.

Thank goodness, I finally came back.

Standing at the door of the barn, Wu Qingchen was deeply relieved.

After realizing how popular he was at the wedding market in the village of Akeli, Wu Qingchen was very grateful.

Fortunately, there is a tendency for Andre Little to help promote Pastor Praia ...

Fortunately, the number of villagers with "immortality", "flexible mind", and "action ability" is still scarce ...

Otherwise, Wu Qingchen wonders if he can stand here peacefully before dark.

It is probably that the property of the cattle shed belongs to the "master" has a certain deterrent power. For the next day, no other villagers came to harass Wu Qingchen.

When night was approaching, Wu Qingchen finally checked the cattle farming, and told the burdock helpers and serfs about the approximate time to meet at night and move the third honeycomb. This day's work is now over.

Stepping out of the barn, Wu Qingchen just stretched his waist and heard the voice of a villager behind him.

"Loss ..."

Wu Qingchen turned around and saw an unlucky egg that was directly affected by Operation Hive.

"Yeah, it's Uncle Hansell, why? Come visit your cow again?"

"Yeah, I want to see it again, alas, it's actually useless, it will take a long time to work ..."

Since a certain part of the family was near the new hive home, the healing time of Hansel's cattle farming was artificially extended by Wu Qingchen by reducing the effective ingredients of the herb to ten days to half a month later.

Because of this incident, Wu Qingchen originally apologized slightly to Hansel. However, at this time when seeing the unlucky worm, Wu Qingchen calmed down his resentment and rose again.

In exchange for work and farce, you will make a contribution to this bastard!

"It doesn't matter!" Looking at Hansell's blushing expression, Wu Qingchen was patient and did not make a hateful voice: "Anyway, someone in your place is already helping out!"

"Hey, yeah, Quincy is so enthusiastic!" Hansel's eyes narrowed as he talked about it.

"Yes, really a good neighbor ..." Wu Qingchen's tone drew the elder.

"Well, good neighbor ... by the way, Los ..." Hansel suddenly lowered his voice and mysteriously came to Wu Qingchen's side: "There is something I want to tell you ..."


Isn't it enough to get three ogres to brush me?

The benefits of share exchanges are already here. Do n’t forget to keep thinking about me?

"No, no, no ... I don't want a big girl or a little girl! Also, Master Rev may want me to be his student!"

When Wu Qingchen quickly dodged, when the back was almost hitting the wall of the barn, the bow-throwing bird suddenly thought of some important information at the moment: "No, Uncle Hansell, I remember you don't have a daughter? "

"No! What? Los, what are you talking about?"

Wu Qingchen continued to be vigilant and carefully observed again and again to make sure that the surprise on Hansel's face didn't seem to be false, and finally he relaxed a little, and let him reach his ears.

"Loss, I must tell you first, Uncle Hansell doesn't like the bad guy who chews his tongue behind ... But I think about it, I think I still want you and your father to know ..."

When speaking these words, Hansel's tone was very solemn, and Wu Qingchen quickly concentrated his attention and determined the character of the unlucky and asshole: "Well, everyone in the village knows that Uncle Hansel is reliable. . "

"Okay ..." With the approval of Wu Qingchen, Hansel was relieved: "Just now, when my mother-in-law picked up firewood, I saw Sanchez and his son ... By the way, Los, do you know Sanchez? It's Brown / Rodriguez, the **** brutal brother ... "

"I know!"

More than know!

Hearing the original Niu Niu and the brother Niu Niu, these two were repeatedly emphasized by the Earth Staff, the names of extreme concern, Wu Qingchen's look suddenly became extremely dignified: "He, what happened to Sanchez?"

About the influence of Wu Qingchen's tone, Hansel lowered his voice a little bit: "My mother-in-law saw Sanchez, and his sons, a few people sneaked, for fear that someone might see it, ran After Brown's family was driven out, they were planted in a shack by the cliff! "


These potentially dangerous elements, and the more dangerous elements that have caused the consequences, have come together ...


What do you want to do?

"Loss ... Loss ..."

Unconsciously, Wu Qingchen's brow frowned tightly, and both hands clenched into a fist unconsciously, without listening to Hansel's next words at all.

"Loss, Loss ... Loss! Are you listening?" Hansell's voice rose a little.

"What?" Wu Qingchen looked back, turned his head sharply, and stared at Hansel: "What did you just say?"

"I mean ..." The look on Wu Qingchen's face was too serious, and the gaze from his eyes was too fierce. Hansel was shocked for a moment, and what he was about to say was swallowed in his stomach.

"Ah ..." Wu Qingchen also realized that his performance was a bit overdone. He quickly coughed a few times to soften the expression on his face: "I'm sorry, Uncle Hansell, I didn't understand you just now, you Can you say it again? "

"I mean ... Los, you seemed to talk about girls ... that ... Actually ... if ... when talking about girls ...

When talking about this, Hansel was a little bit awkward, and the black and thin man hurriedly said, "... My mother-in-law's belly is big again, and several old neighbors said that depending on the appearance of the belly, this time it is likely to be a daughter……"

Lao Tzu!

You bastard!

At this moment, Wu Qingchen even forgot about the original Niu Dai and his brother Niu Dai secretly.

I can't wait to return to the barn immediately to change the bad blight implicated by the hive, to work as a bastard, to divide the effective herb of the injured cattle in the family, and reduce it by half!

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