Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 120: Give Way

Middle Ages, natural epoch time in August.

Wu Qingchen epoch time, February 15, 0001.

Baron Ackerford, Acre Village, Lord's Commons.

The summer camp, which had to be interrupted due to a collective cattle plague accident, resumed.

It seems that the family that had some relationship with the original Burdock Brown's family seemed very guilty. Everyone was thinking of others to come forward. The Sanchez family took turns for two nights, but there was nothing in the village.

I ca n’t tell if it ’s the night clock that disrupts the biological clock, or the worry in my heart makes it difficult to fall asleep. In short, when the church bell struck for the first time, red eyes, Sanchez, and his mother-in-law, and two Son, hurried to the lord's commons.

The chalets of the Sanchez family were originally relatively close to the common ground on this summer's day, and they departed very early. When the worried Sanchez approached the last corner, he was directly in front of the lord's public land. Several villagers who have been nearer or earlier have been heard chanting each other or chatting with each other.

In these noisy voices, greetings about the heart:

"Vide, what's wrong with you? Why is it all muddy?"

"Well, don't mention it! It's not to come early. I was in a hurry just by the stream, and I just fell over!"

"Then don't be so anxious!"

"Can you be in a hurry? I have to find a plowbar to talk! It's too late to make it up!"

"What to do with a plow?"

"Well! Isn't it for the last time? My cattle is hurting my leg! You can't pull a heavy plow ... Well, I'm angry when I mention this! Don't say, I'll screw it ..."

And anxious requests:

"Neil ... Neil! How's your job doing?"

"more or less."

"Well, I'm so envious of you ... Can the oxen borrow me for an afternoon in two days?"

"No ... you said late, I promised Grover two days ago ... why don't you ask Connor's? Last time, his cattle didn't go wrong, so he should be quite free. "

"Well, I already asked it, and I borrowed it ..."

"This way ... no way, it's really difficult to borrow cattle these days ..."

"Who said no! Asshole! Blame that **** asshole!"

Occasionally mixed with some good news:

"Wayne, when I came to the bridge just now, I saw your place, oh ..."

"what happened?"

"So far away, you're all done! Have you borrowed a cow? Talk about hoe, how many forages were given?"

"Like you, just a bundle ..."

"Impossible! A cow can be borrowed with a sheaf?"

"Oh, I sent a bunch to Old William!"

"Scared! Can you still do this! Are you crazy? Isn't that twice delivered?"

"In fact, not much, the two times add up, much less than the original asshole!"

Standing at the last corner, listening to the contents of these noisy sounds, Sanchez and his family stopped one by one, looked at each other, and looked pale without exception.

Silent for about half a minute, Sanchez calmed down first.

"Don't talk, just follow me."

Having said that, Sanchez used his eyes to comfort his family a little, and several people slowly walked out of the corner.

A new figure appeared, and the eyes of the villagers immediately gazed over.

"Someone again ..." "Look who it is ..." "It's early ..."

After looking at the people, almost all the villagers' expressions have changed slightly.

"Oh, yo, it's Sanchez, you are so early! No wonder I always scold me for being lazy!"

"Well, how dare you call your name directly? So rude? Don't you be afraid that he will report to his brother, so that you, like my family last time, will the cows pull the heaviest plow?"

"Master Sanchez, can you borrow a cow? Oh, the last time I asked for your blessing, I left a chicken for my family, so you can just walk away this time!"

The ridicule and sarcasm came on, the brothers of the former Niu Dai had a half-red and half-white face. Pulled by Sanchez, they walked silently to the farthest corner of the trail.

"Asshole!" "A family asshole!" "What the hell!"

As they passed by the villagers, they sneered, scolded, and spit, splashing onto the five people walking in silence.

"you guys!"

As the youngest son, Kent's ability to endure was naturally the worst, and saliva stuck to his face. Kent's eyes immediately became red, his fists were squeezed, and he rushed to the side.

The well-prepared Sanchez immediately grasped him tightly, holding his son as hard as he had two nights before, dragging him to the far corner of the trail.


Sanchez let go of his arm, and Kent's tears burst out. "How can they do that?"

How can they not do this?

Sanchez smiled wryly.

When Brown was still a burdock ... No, when his father was still alive, his family had already gained a lot of benefits from the village as a burdock relative, and asked himself, after so many years of smooth sailing, intentionally or unconsciously, he did Offended many villagers.

"Forbearance ..." Sanchez caressed Kent's head. "Don't say anything. When time has passed and everyone has forgotten, everything will be fine."

"Ever forget ... how long is that?"

"How long ..." Sanchez sighed: "I can't forget this year, next year, next year, and next year next year ... The days are long, there will always be a day."

"Someday ..." Kent repeated muttering, looking up, his brother and his mother's faces were gloomy, "Is there no other way?"

"Who knows? You're all tired, take a break." After that, Sanchez took the lead and sat under the tree.

Kent also sat down and turned around. Several other villagers pointed in the direction of their home and burst out laughing from time to time.

Humph! These bastards!

Kent turned his head angrily, and the words that Green and Baker had said the previous two nights couldn't help but come to mind:

Without Los ...

While the family waited silently, the number of villagers rushing to the commons gradually increased, and the two sides of the trail gradually became lively. In the direction of the Sanchez family, more and more bad eyes were cast.

This is how time passes.

A long time passed.

In the village center, in the direction of the church, the second bell of Xia Yi came.

At this time, the villagers who had been assigned to the summer camp in the direction north of the village were almost there.

Under the big tree, beside the stone, around the corner, on both sides of the trail, it became crowded everywhere.

The first family to come is naturally struggling to grasp the stones around them, or the branches to fix their bodies.

In the coming family, in order to find a suitable stopping point, the father pulled the son, the mother held the daughter, and sweated through the crowd with loud sweats, and shouted loudly, making the whole scene more noisy.

Under the influence of each other, the villagers' loud talking voices became louder and louder, and the wind and gossips that were thrown from time to time became more and more harsh. Little Kent squeezed his fists tightly and buried his head between his legs.

Suddenly, the noise of the villagers was stagnant.

what happened?

Kent looked up, and immediately saw that at the end of the road to the commons, the villagers who had occupied the entire road and were still crowding around seemed to have hit the torches in the snow in winter. In general, the two sides gave way neatly, freeing up the middle path.

A particularly tall figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

It turned out to be Espier, the police chief of the village of Akeli has arrived!

As the village management, the Baron Lord sheepskin registered person is also performing the official duties of driving serfs, and the villagers hurriedly conceded to make way for them.

In this way, with Espier as the arrow and seven or eight police officers as followers, a large group of people walked through the trail in a mighty manner, and their steps were quite brisk, much smoother than when two or three flexible villagers passed.

The pace of the serfs behind them was much more difficult.

After the police officers passed, the villagers naturally moved to their original positions, and the vacated trails quickly closed. It was inevitable to push and crowd each other. In addition, some of them deliberately mischievously pushed them. Make the scene even more chaotic.

The Sanchez family chose a relatively high position. Little Kent stood up and clearly saw that in a mess, Baker and Green had been deliberately shoved several times, and several arms, elbows and knees slammed into two. People, which are also mixed with many secret kicks.

In a short distance, when Baker and Green finally came to the muddy commons where the serfs stayed, the two brothers who were supporting each other were already embarrassed, and their noses were swollen, even when they were sweating and covered all over The soiled serfs were particularly prominent.

Looking at the desolate appearance of the two cousins, Little Kent was secretly shocked. He didn't know what he was thinking for a long time. Until the direction of the trail, and once again neatly stagnated, Little Kent woke up again.

The crowd separated again to the sides.

This time, came the master's left hand, a rare clerk Thor who was able to record and write.

Walked comfortably to a big tree, sitting on the round stool that accompanied the police officer, Thor turned over the sheepskin roll and began to count the villagers' families that should appear here.

It didn't take long for the crowd to separate for the third time.

The master of the steward's right arm also reached the commons. Taking the village head O'Connor responsible for organizing Xia Yun as an arrow, a dozen strong villagers pushed wooden carts to allocate a basket of farm tools to the inventory that had been counted by Thor In the hands of the villagers.

Waiting for about ten minutes, waiting for a small number of villagers to receive the farm tools and heading to the assigned commons, Sanchez stood up: "Okay, let's go there."

With Sanchez's words, Kent and his family stood up from the mud, followed Sanchez, and began to move in the direction of Thor and O'Connor.

It stands to reason that a small part of the crowd has left, and the trail should be much looser.

However, once he left the cover of the big tree, Kent immediately felt the unintentional crowding from the majority of the crowd, and the elbows and toes secretly handed over from a small part of the crowd.

This is intentional!

Kent instantly thought of the encounter between the two cousins.


"Follow me! Hold on!" Kent screamed. Sanchez, who had been prepared, had already brought Kentra to his chest and held it firmly.

Even so, Kent took two hard hits.

They are intentional!

At this moment, when Kent started to be angry again, the noise of the crowd was still neatly stagnant again, and the villagers rushed to the sides.

Kent's side quickly became empty.

Right now, it's not that wide, but the road is absolutely clear for the fourth time.

Kent clearly saw that with a short figure, but not thin, clothes worn, but not dirty, calm complexion, steady figure as arrows, two spirited brothers followed, two more A strong helper guarded both sides, and Wu Qingchen / Loss and his party also came over.

Limited to experience and experience, little Kent did not understand what is momentum, what is gas field, what is prestige ...

It was just that when Wu Qingchen walked over, the villagers were as if they met the police chief responsible for law and order, the village chief responsible for organizing Xia Yi, and the clerk responsible for recording. They were silent, retreated, and gave up invariably. the way……

Looking at this scene, for a moment, Kent fully understood the reason why his father was so cautious the other day.


It is undeniable that in the 21st century earth, there are a small number of guys with strong nerves and pleasures. Some people call this guy a cow, and some people call this guy a funny.

When this scene happened for about half an hour, a newly-produced video in the video list of "Dream Sky, You and I Walked Together" quickly became popular at an incredible speed.

Based on Wu Qingchen's appearance:

Wu Qingchen, who was walking in front, had a pair of sunglasses on her eyes and a cigar on the corner of her mouth, and her outer robe became a long trench coat.

Behind Wu Qingchen, the two brothers, Edra and Grace, also became a standard pull-up dress. The burdock helpers standing on both sides were even tattooed by p.

In the hands of the four, a machete, a three-edged stab, a nunchaku, and a Kowloon whip flashed in the cold light.

In slow motion footage, in the intense bgm, Wu Qingchen took the lead, four young children followed, and walked aggressively, showing domineering leaks at the corner. Many villagers immediately conceded. The Sanchez family messed up and Little Kent fell to the ground. Half-supported the ground, showing despair.

At this point, the camera freezes, seven dragons and phoenixes dance, the blood shines, and the murderous big character jumps out, occupying the top of the entire screen:

Young and Dangerous: Covering the Field by Hand


Field of fields.

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