Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 121: Disappointed

Young and Dangerous in the village of Akeli ...

Alas, Wu Qingchen and his two elder brothers in the Middle Ages, in fact, had already eliminated the summer service when Wu Qingchen helped the village to cultivate cattle. ——Summer service for the whole family.

However, Wu Qingchen was certainly not absent from being appointed as a burdock by the baron master. In the summer, Wu Qingchen was an important node for collective labor in the village.

As his elder brothers, Idra and Grace will definitely face such a big scene in the future. Now there are two burdock helpers to mention next to them. This is a great opportunity to accumulate experience. Even if there is no master in charge for police service The burdock allowance that we sent over the previous two nights, and the two of them will be there to observe.

Along the way the villagers let out, Wu Qingchen walked to Thor, and several nearby villagers who were being counted stood aside long ago, leaving Wu Qingchen the best position.

"Good day, Uncle Thor."

"Good day, Los."

Send a kind smile to the villagers passing by, and a close smile to Thor. Wu Qingchen pointed behind him and said, "Uncle Thor, all the cattle are here. Please check the number."

Wu Qingchen pointed to the position, Edra, Grace, and two burdock helpers were driving a large herd of cattle into the commons.

"Okay, I'll take a look ... You can rest for a while, just a moment." Thor stood up, squinting his eyes, looking at the herd, while checking the sheepskin roll.

"Los, good day."

Another village administrator, Zhuangtou, came over.

"Uncle O'Connor, good night. I'm sorry for the delay."

"It's okay ... check it first ..."

Thor no longer counts people, and Zhuangtou cannot continue to distribute agricultural tools, but O'Connor didn't care. Pointing at the direction of the serf group, O'Connor said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will go there first. The same goes for their agricultural tools first. "

Nodding to Wu Qingchen again, O'Connor gestured, and a few helpers carried several large baskets—with wooden tools specially prepared for serfs—toward the area where the serfs stayed.

After walking about a dozen steps away from the serf group, O'Connor stopped, raised one hand to cover his nose, and used the other hand to point to the direction in front.

The helpers walked to the serf group deliberately, put down a basket, and, accompanied by the police officers, shoved wooden farm tools into the hands of the serfs.

The serfs took the farm tools blankly.

The vast majority of these poor people are shabby, filthy, fragile, and haggard.

Among the highly similar serfdom groups, the two guys were relatively strong, their clothes were decent, and their faces were swollen and swollen.

When the helper's process of plugging farm implements reached these two guys, O'Connor's head, who had been walking not far away, suddenly stopped.

At this time, while not being noticed, Kent was pulled by Sanchez, and quietly backed away with his family, trying to stay away from Wu Qingchen's sight.


I don't know why. After seeing Wu Qingchen's appearance, seeing O'Connor's head moving toward the serf group, Kent felt uncomfortable.


Finding that O'Connor's head suddenly stopped, Kent even felt that he was frozen.

"Oh! Espier! Espier!"

From a distance, the voice of O'Connor calling the police chief came: "Come here, come and see!"

"What's wrong, O'Connor?"

Espier hurried over.

"This ... here ..." O'Connor pointed forward and pointed. "Why are these two guys still?"

"These two guys ... are you talking about Baker and Green?" Espier was a little strange. "Of course they are still there! The master of the agricultural officer said it himself! Why? Do you want to let them go?"

"Let it go? How is it possible!" O'Connor exclaimed. "Did Master Steward say nothing to you yesterday?"

"No ..." Espier asked in confusion: "Master Everett said nothing!"

"Ah! Espier!"

Hearing here, one of the police officers who came over behind the police chief suddenly patted his head, "It's my fault. Yesterday the master told me to tell you that these two guys cannot stay Here it is! "

"What? You!" Espier turned his head sharply, staring fiercely at his subordinates: "Why now?"

"It's my fault ... I'm in a hurry to do my last job, not ... accidentally forget ..."


"That's it! Don't miss it!" Espier also knocked heavily on the police officer's head: "What's the master to say? Hurry up!"

"Staff ... Master Yvlit said, these two guys want to make trouble in the village again, and intend to add some trouble to the cattle ..."

Add trouble to the herd!

O'Connor, who had known for a long time, became more gloomy, and Espier's complexion instantly became dignified.

On the opposite side, listening to the words spoken by the police officer, staring at the fingers of the police officer, as if the language had become a sharp sickle, and the fingers had become sharp spears. Baker and Green's faces changed greatly. The whole body also trembled back and forth like a buckwheat stalk blown by the wind.

The words of the police officer continued: "Master Mr. said, these two guys can't stay here, let you quickly get to the silt filling area, look carefully, don't let them run out."

Fill the silt!

That was the heaviest work of the whole summer service. Few people could survive a month's hard work.

After hearing this, even the expressionless serfdom group, there was a slight turmoil. The brothers Baker and Green seemed to be suddenly taken out of the bones. The entire body was suddenly paralyzed, and their mouths closed together. Even the voice of begging and excuses could not be made.

After watching the two coldly, and then watching the police officer who almost missed something, Espier burst a string of syllables from his teeth: "So, what are you waiting for? Don't hurry away !!! "

Espier's yelling effect is remarkable. After a snoring, the errant police officer hurriedly greeted four or five familiar companions, grabbed Baker and Green's arms, ankles, robes, and hair, and pulled them A guy who had no strength even to struggle, quickly dragged out of the commons.

A few dozen steps away, looking at this scene, Kent shivered.

Dragging the two attempted offenders, the policemen's figure was getting farther and farther down the trail.

Looking at the direction they left, Kent suddenly noticed that Wu Qingchen / Loss first got to Thor's ear and said a few words. After the latter nodded, he suddenly shouted in the direction of the serf group. It came out: "Uncle O'Connor, Uncle O'Connor, come over a little bit, and I'd like to ask for your help."

Gosh! What does Los know? What did Los say?

Kent apparently felt that his father grabbed his arm and used all his strength instantly, but with such power, Kent seemed to be paralyzed, without feeling any pain or any other consciousness.

Zhuangtou quickly came to Wu Qingchen's side, and Wu Qingchen got to his ear to speak again, and the latter nodded while listening. After the conversation, O'Connor straightened up and walked towards the direction of the Sanchez family.

Huh ...

It was Kent's nostrils gasping quickly.

Uh ...

It was Kent's heart beating fiercely.

Got it ...

It was an unconscious knock on Kent's teeth.

Da Da Da ...

This was Kent's foot bumping into a branch next to him for no reason.

As if for a long time in his life, O'Connor walked past Thor, past the round bench, past the big tree, and looked at Kent ...

Gosh! Gosh! Gosh!

For a moment, Kent's eyes widened, his head became heavy, and his blood was concentrated to the top of his head, almost fainting ...

O'Connor's eyes crossed Kent, and people passed the Sanchez family, and continued to move forward. After passing several large stones, they suddenly shouted: "Hey, Richard, Freeman, Old Holt And Todd ... Come here, you all come! "

It turns out ... not to find us!

It turned out that Los didn't mention us!

O'Connor's head shouted at this time, all of them are close to the old William family, and the matters related to these people will certainly not involve the **** Baker and Green!

Huh ... huh ...

Kent gasped.

"Oh!" Kent's mind relaxed, and he felt a burning pain on his right wrist instantly.

"What?" Hearing his son's cry, Sanchez turned his head sharply, only to find that his son's wrists had been pinched by himself.

Quickly letting go of his arms, Sanchez touched his forehead and shuffled away pieces of sweat.

At this time, the sun had completely risen. Standing in the position where the sun was shining in the summer, not only did Sanchez feel hot, but he felt the whole body cool, and his back was cold.

Looking around, Sanchez saw that he was paying close attention to the head of O'Connor, not his own family. It was next to a few large rocks not far from the left and near a puddle not far from the right. Wright, Carter There are also several villagers who have been close to the original ox ox, almost all of them are like a pardon, fortunate for the rest of their lives after the disaster.

When the sight returned to the family, Sanchez noticed that his wife, eldest son, and second son, who knew well about it, needless to say, at the same time, he breathed a long sigh of relief. Even the youngest son, Kent, was full of fear. look.

"Father ..." Under Sanchez's gaze, little Kent's lips trembled: "Really ... really ... I hope our family ... never has anything to do with burdock ..."

"It's okay ..." Sanchez understood his son's mood quite well. He hugged his son tightly. "Don't be afraid. When time passes, everyone will think of Los only when they talk about burdock."

"How long will that take?"

"How long ..." Sanchez sighed: "This year will not work, next year, next year will not work, and next year next year ... the days will grow, there will always be one day."

Next year next year ...

The last time Sanchez mentioned the same word, Kent still complained in his heart.

This time, when Kent heard it again, he nodded from the heart with the family.

"I really hope to hurry up to next year, hurry up to next year!"


Thirty minutes later, a virus research institute in the UK. — Los Angeles Institute of Microbiology, one of thousands of competitors.

"Asshole! A group of assholes! All cowards!"

Looking at the real-time video from the Middle Ages that was just parsed on the screen, the doctor adjusted the research direction that had just been gathered from various departments in his hand, and fell out fiercely, leaving them scattered randomly in the office.

"Doctor ..." The assistant carefully avoided the flying paper. "Isn't the staff member saying that these key groups of people are still dangerous?"

"Look! Look carefully!" Grabbing the screen in front of him, the furious doctor grabbed the display, twisted it hard to the assistant's position, and stabbed the screen fiercely with his fingers.

In the position of the doctor's stamp, comprehensive multi-disciplinary opinions from psychologists, sociologists, micro-expression experts, etc., and the family members such as Sanchez, Wright, and Carter surrounded by red circles, with prominent three lines of red letters, respectively Marked that these people are subjectively malicious to Wu Qingchen.

The next line is the data of these people when they just arrived at the Xia Ying public land on this day. The data shows that the subjective maliciousness of these people against Wu Qingchen ranges from 20% to 40%.

In the middle row, the data after Wu Qingchen staged "Old and Dangerous: Covering the Field with Hands" has been reduced to 12% -17%.

The top line is the data after Baker and Green were dragged away by police officers, and Wu Qingchen talked with two village administrators again. At this time, it had suddenly dropped to 3% -7%.

After carefully studying the evaluation criteria, the doctor knew very well:

3% -7% ...

Such data, even if the highest point is taken, is not enough for one person to spit on the other.

"This ..." Looking at the rows of data, I also studied the data evaluation method a little, and the assistant's face clearly showed a little joy: "No one dares to target Wu Qingchen again, is this ... isn't this a good thing?"

"What a good thing!"

"There is no malice, no danger, who cares about our research!"

"No attention, where is the funding? Without funding, what is the experiment? If we cannot do the experiment, what are we still doing?"

A series of growls spit out of the doctor's mouth. When talking about the fierceness, the doctor patted the table, an angry roar:

"What about jealousy? What about anger? What about affection? What about neighborhood? What about rabbit foxes and sorrows? Chain reactions?"

"How can these **** idiots know nothing about revenge? Why don't they perform according to the script that followed them ?!"

"Incompetence! Shame! Waste! Coward!"

"Too disappointing !!!"

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