Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 122: Mining of labor potential

Compared with some researchers who have only research in their brains, they don't care about Wu Qingchen's life safety at all, and even regard the crisis in the Middle Ages as a new channel to seize funds. Most scientists are quite normal.

At least I won't sharpen my sword, and I always look forward to the stupidity of the middle-aged world cows.

Country Z, a medical research institute, lounge.

When the third column of threat coefficients immediately updated by the staff appeared above the heads of the aborigines related to burdocks, several researchers lying on the floor sofas, armchairs, massage beds, and carpets were lying neatly in the lounge. Breathed.

"Very good, 3% -7% ..."

Near the corner, collapsed on the sofa, a middle-aged researcher closed his eyes with peace of mind: "... let's go to sleep quickly, no one should wake us again in a short time."

Other researchers closed their eyes.

The researcher closest to the display screen pressed the keyboard a few times, the sound of the speakers was minimized, and the lounge was quiet.

For a few minutes, a researcher reopened his eyes with a slight snoring, and sat up.

"Can't sleep?" The voice of another researcher came next.


The researcher who sat up sighed, turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound: "Tired insomnia, wait to find an affiliated hospital to prescribe medicine ... Lao Zhang, do you want?"

"No!" Lao Zhang also sat up and touched his greasy hair. "... I think it's better to go back to the dormitory to take a bath. It should be good to relax ... at least without taking medicine, hurting IQ! "

"Do you still need to be hurt at your IQ ..."

The two walked toward the door together. When passing the display, Lao Zhang narrowed his eyes and saw that next to the summer camp in the Middle Ages, O'Connor marked "Zhuangtou" on his head, leading a dozen villagers. Vigorously headed in the direction of "clerk" Thor, and Wu Qingchen.

"Well, what's this for?" Zhang was a little strange.

"Directed teaching, tapping the potential of labor." Old Liu only glanced and said the answer.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't watched" Mill's Strategy "?" Old Liu asked in a different place.

"I didn't see it ..." Lao Zhang scratched and scratched his itchy scalp: "I don't even have time to take a shower. I still have time to look at that stuff ... Talk about it, anyway."

"There is a lot of targeted instruction. If you don't see it, it's difficult to understand with your IQ ..." Old Liu frowned slightly. "Do you always know those people by Wu Qingchen?"

"Let me see ... Richard, Freeman, Old Holt, Todd ..."

At this time, Lao Zhang had opened the door of the lounge room, stood at the door, and looked back at the display for a few more times, reading the labels on the heads of the aborigines. Looks familiar too ... It seems that there are several families with a better relationship with Dad over there? "

"That's right, these are the families." Old Liu nodded and walked out of the lounge first. "The staff thinks that these families are Wu Qingchen's most closely linked interests in the Middle Ages in the Middle Ages. group."

"Well, nepotism."

"Well ... why are you talking so badly?" Lao Liu rubbed his teeth, "The other one, the effect of the hive, you know?"

"You don't talk very well!" Lao Zhang glanced at his colleagues obliquely: "If I don't know this, how can I mix in here?"

"Hey, still not convinced? The distance between modern science, laboratory research and industrial production is not so large, not to mention that our research institute has no boundary with the agricultural field at all, and it is directly separated by eighteen thousand miles ... ... "

"If you say it's the earth, I agree ... the Middle Ages ..." The old man's disapproved look: "You can find two junior high school students on the street, and you can mix them up as a prophet."

"Junior high school student?" Old Liu mournfully laughed: "Don't ask the junior high school student, I will ask you, Dr. Zhang, after the hive is successfully resettled, what problems will you encounter in the labor force of Aikeli Village?"

Bee pollination, pure natural, fully automatic, what can be the problem?

If it was a normal question, Lao Zhang would definitely give this answer without thinking.

However, considering the expressions of his colleagues at the moment, Lao Zhang still thought about it slowly before he said slowly: "After discovering the benefits of the hive, the village moves a large number of hive and needs a certain amount of labor?"

"Look, is IQ low?"

A victorious smile appeared on Lao Liu's face: "Compared with the large number of labor gaps faced by the village of Akeli after the successful placement of the hive, the consumption of moving the hive is minimal."

"A huge labor gap?"

"Yes, quite a lot." Old Liu slightly looked up and recalled the contents of "Mill's Strategy": "There are enough bee vectors to participate in the pollination process, and the seed set rate of buckwheat genus, I remember that it can increase by 83% -205% . "

"Oh ..." Zhang responded immediately, "when the bumper harvest, the amount of labor increased a lot ..."

"Look, hasn't you ever been on the ground?" Old Liu shook his head again. "What do you think of planting bonsai in the office? It doesn't matter if you plant it? Just wait for the autumn harvest?"


With the right thinking, Lao Zhang immediately understood what his colleagues meant.

Even in the 21st century earth, there are high-efficiency herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, trace elements with significant effects, and a large number of mechanical participation, and there are still a lot of manpower links in agricultural production.

In the Middle Ages, a large increase in seed setting rate meant a greater amount of water and nutrient replenishment, a larger amount of weeds, insect pests, and other field management labor that also increased dramatically.

80% to twice the increase in the rate of seed set may bring about a three to tenfold increase in the amount of labor.

That's it!


Thinking about this, and thinking about the next point, Lao Zhang took a breath.

In the medieval world, ordinary villagers and serfs could easily see the amount of labor they usually bear.

Almost every villager, from the moment he opened his eyes in the morning, until the sun was almost completely set, most of the time and physical energy had been spent in the field. In this way, it was still impossible to complete all the farm work.

It is already operating at full capacity. After adding the increase in the hive, the labor demand will increase exponentially. How can the villagers bear it?

"So you need targeted instruction."

After listening to Lao Zhang's doubts, Lao Liu smiled slightly: "According to the calculation of the staff group, even from the perspective of feudal society, the existing potential of the Akeli village in the medieval world has only reached less than 20% ..."

"Hmm ..." Zhang nodded. "It's really pitiful to work hard and sweat, but the village's organizational level and labor effect are really too low."

"It's okay, there is Wu Qingchen ... improving the operation method and improving the division of labor ..."

Speaking of which, Dr. Liu looked up slightly again, but the content of "Mill Mill Strategy" was too much, and the doctor failed to recall the specific instructions on this part from the thick atlas that could kill people in his mind. "... In short, that's what happened. Organize the villagers, complete the bumper harvest, and expand their influence by the way."

"Well, so first practice with four familiar neighbors?"

Thinking of what he saw in the display just now, Dr. Zhang touched his chin: "Vertical specimens? Demonstration? Create a model project? Prepare for future promotion? Are these four inappropriate?"

"Well? Why not?"

Hearing a series of questions from Dr. Zhang, the old Liu felt very strange: "These four families are the families with the best family relationship with Wu Qingchen in the Middle Ages. If I remember correctly ... Wu Qingchen treated two of them, I gave food to the other two. When the farm was busy a few days ago, I also helped each of them borrow cows ... If these four are not suitable, who else is more suitable? Are the parents of the parents over there? I remember Are few people? "

"No, relatives are more inappropriate."

Lao Zhang shook his head slowly: "Liu Liu ... Speaking of IQ, we are almost the same ... Speaking of EQ, ha ha, fortunately the unit you entered is a research institute."


At this point of the conversation, the two researchers have reached the dormitory and stood at the door of the dormitory. Old Liu grabbed Dr. Zhang who wanted to enter the house: "How low is my EQ? Hurry up, when you asked me just now , I didn't sell it! "

"Hey!" Lao Zhang gently pulled Dr. Liu's arm away. "In the medieval world, the potential of labor was tapped to let the villagers, oh, mainly the masters, it turned out to be a very heavy and time-consuming work. Actually, It can be done easily and neatly, right?

"Yeah!" Liu Liu nodded again and again.

"The focus of Xianbao is mainly on organizational methods, division of labor and cooperation, process improvement ... and other new and messy things, to improve labor efficiency, right?"

"Of course!" Old Liu continued to nod.

"Okay, that's the case ..." Zhang continued: "We are doing research, and we are very clear about the importance of the control group ... Although I haven't seen the" Mill Mill Strategy ", it ’s good to make a specimen or a demonstration. Of course, the fewer interference factors, the better ... these four are so close to Wu Qingchen ... how can it be possible to get the correct data? "


Interfering factors ...

Think about emotional intelligence, and then think about it, Dr. Liu thoughtfully.


On the other side, in the Middle Ages.

Looking at Richard, Freeman, Old Holt, Todd, and a family of nearly twenty people, almost every one of them had a cheerful look on his face, Wu Qingchen quietly wiped his sweat.

Even these dumplings in the Middle Ages anticipated what was going to happen ...

No wonder during the last round of training, why did the staff look so weird when they thought that these four families were demonstration specimens for tapping their labor potential?

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