Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 125: Slacker

Two days later.


"Not tired!"

"Have a break and let my son come to the plow ..."

"No! No! I can do it for a while!"

"You have been doing this for a long time!"

"Fight harder and finish early, and then we all go back to take care of our place!"

Between "Tree" and "Little Water", Wu Qingchen / Ross's old neighbors had a happy smile on their faces, and talked about the topic of joy in their mouths.

These people are very clear. Without the help of Wu Qingchen, Espier, Thor, O'Connor, the three masters of the village of Akeli, and the craftsmen could not take care of them. Without Wu Qingchen's participation, the four families were busy. The efficiency cannot be so high.

With this understanding and the experience of cooperation in the past few days, as long as the four neighbours want to maintain this easy work, they will not deliberately become lazy and accumulate conflicts.

As the main person in charge of the cattle herd in the village, he spent an hour or two and waited for the four old neighbours to become more skilled in cooperation. Wu Qingchen began to manage the cattle herd and field inspections accompanied by the two elder brothers and the helpers of the cattle.

In the past two days, Wu Qingchen did not accidentally discover that there are indeed many villagers in the village, and they are also enthusiastic about the methods of collective labor and division of labor, but very few can really do it.

The history of millions of years of evolution has given humanity an extremely valuable ability to effectively protect itself and thus maintain population reproduction: selfishness.

In small villages in the Middle Ages, under the function of "selfishness", villagers' spontaneously formed small cooperative groups can easily be caused by uneven distribution of labor, differences in labor capacity, or small groups in some words. Contradictions have broken teams that were not strong enough.

Even Richard and others first had Wu Qingchen allocated the easiest commons from the clerk, and there were several strong cows brought by the burdock authority, and they were secretly taken care of by craftsmen of the same class. There are many previous successful experiences, so that with the huge productivity advantage, the possible friction between the four old neighbors can be eliminated in advance.

So many premises combined together to form a harmonious and beautiful labor scene at this moment.

Except for a few lucky ones who find fools who do not care about gains or losses, or brothers who have a close relationship with each other, most villagers who lack a partner can only look at the cooperation with envy and envy. The work on the commons was completed quickly, and secretly resentful of other villagers, why didn't they want to get some water in their heads and let their families take advantage?

By the way, I complained to the master: too unfair! Why is there no Loss in my house! Why is n’t my neighbor in Los! Why is my father's relationship with Rose his father not good enough!

That's right, whether it is the police chief, the clerk, the village head, or the villagers of Aikeli Village, most of the credit for improving the labor efficiency is attributed to the care brought by "Los face", and a small part is due to "Los Kindness "brings harmony.

As for the significance of the division of labor and cooperation itself?

Come on, without the "face" and "kindness" of the first two items, it is impossible to even implement it. Does it make sense to be tangled in details such as "division of cooperation"?

Such an idea can't be wrong in the current village of Akeli.

However, after the hive operation is fully rolled out, a huge labor gap is about to hit. Waiting for the villagers to slowly perceive, explore, summarize, and implement it, they will certainly not be able to keep up with the progress of the Mill Strategy.

In order for these people to truly realize the great significance of large-scale division of labor and cooperation, they must remove the aura of care that comes with "Wu Qingchen / Loss" in order to shock people.

Thinking of the situation that the staff can analyze for himself, Wu Qingchen's eyes turned to a group other than the free people in Aikeli Village.

A group that will never be taken care of by clerks, Zhuangtou, or craftsmen, a group temporarily immune to the "Wu Qingchen / Loss" halo.


"Los, you are coming!"

By the side of the commons trail, which is several times larger than the area in charge of the four old neighbours, Little Andrea, holding a stick, followed by a police officer, was walking around in the shade.

Seeing Wu Qingchen from a distance, Little Andre stomped his feet and waved hard.

"Good day, Andre."

Wu Qingchen walked over with a smile, "How are you doing today?"

"Well! Not the same!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Andre frowned: "These **** slackers, who start to be lazy in the blink of an eye, what can they do? ... Well, it's much slower than anywhere else!"

This is the commons where little Andre is responsible.

Responsible means that in order to help Little Andre to develop the skills that the ruling class should have, from the previous year, every time the summer camp in the village of Akeli, Rev. Praia will deliberately account for the clerk and draw a common area At the same time, leaving a dozen or twenties slackers at the same time, let Andrea practice field management and supervise the ability of slackers.

"So ..."

Walking to Andrei, Wu Qingchen raised his hand to cover the dazzling sunlight, looking at this large open, fertile public land, and the figure who was busy in the public land.

In front of Wu Qingchen, more than twenty slackers covered with dirt were helping seven or eight wooden plow trucks to trudge through the muddy fields.

It's about that the rest of the clothes aren't damaged. The sweaty, suffocating slackers are mostly covered, their ribs are swollen, their abdominal cavity is sunken, and underneath, there is no cover even on their parts. Shoes can be worn, and when they pull their feet out of the dirt, they can clearly see that they are covered with layers of scars and calluses. -Just like the traces on them.

Several police officers followed behind these slackers. When a slacker either coughed violently, snored, or planted in the soil, or planned to use other tricks to start being lazy, the two police officers Yi waved the stick in his hand and slammed these lazy ghosts severely, using kind pain to help them drive away the bad habits of laziness.

Wu Qingchen has seen this scene many times since he entered the Middle Ages for dozens of days. But every time he saw these, Wu Qingchen could only persist for more than ten seconds, and he couldn't help turning his eyes to other directions.

Where can we turn?

In the eyes, all belong to the land of the master.

No matter how Wu Qingchen turned his head, he could only see a more efficient way to eliminate laziness than one.

A slacker fell and the whole family was beaten.

A slacker was weak and beaten by the same group of slackers.

He fell to the ground three times in a row and dragged him to the side of the road.

Lift a slacker and alert other miscellaneous.

And these are the reasons why André is standing here, and it is the important content that he needs to practice and learn.

Now ... is February 28, 0001 ...

Three days have passed since the first hive was moved ...

The effect from the hive appears, and ...

Wu Qingchen slightly raised his head and calculated the time.

Counting it out, it should be almost the moment the staffing staff expected.

Wu Qingchen made a decision.

"Andrea, it's not okay." Taking a deep breath, Wu Qingchen turned back to his body and faced Little Andrea again.

"Yeah ..." Andre felt the same way. "These slackers have hardened their bones, and the sticks are not good enough."

"So ..." Wu Qingchen asked, "Have you ever thought about it in another way?"

"What is it?" Andre asked.

"Well ... like, like Richard, Freeman?"

"Richard they are like that?" Andre quickly shook his head. "Not good."

"Why not?" Wu Qingchen was a little strange.

"Well ... the teacher said I didn't use it well." Andre touched his head a little embarrassed.

The clerk's common land for Wu Qingchen's old neighbors is in the middle of the church and the small public area where Little Andre is responsible. Little Andre travels twice a day every morning and evening, and naturally sees Richard and others more than other villagers There must be a lot of division and cooperation.

Such a novelty, of course, Andrea Little reported to Rev. Praia as soon as possible, and planned to learn one of the methods.

The pastor only asked a little about the commons allocated by Wu Qingchen's old neighbours, as well as the use of cattle and farm tools, and immediately pointed out the key role of Wu Qingchen / Loss "face" and "kindness" in it.

With this in mind, Andrei certainly understands that even the free people cannot work together in a division of labor and cooperation, and it is even more impossible to achieve it with a serene serf.

The prediction of the analysis team is quite accurate. The little guy has already asked the priest.

"Is it impossible for serfs ..."

After listening to Andre's statement, Wu Qingchen thought about the staff's arrangements for the moment again in his mind, and shook his head gently: "... not necessarily."

"Well? Why do you say that?" Andre was curious.

Here comes the more critical moment.

According to the orientation designed by the staff, Wu Qingchen paced slowly, drawing little Andre's gaze to the direct sunlight.

Soon, Andre narrowed his eyes involuntarily, raised his hands to cover the sun, and while the target was distracted and the resolution was falling, Wu Qingchen's smile on his face immediately appeared and he also used it The hint of accent asked: "Do you want to know?"

"Think." Little Andre nodded obediently, falling into Wu Qingchen's rhythm.

"But what I just said was unclear." Wu Qingchen spread his hands, his expression was full of helplessness, and his tone was full of sincerity to consider for the other party.

"Yeah? What then?" Little Andre's reaction was almost exactly the same as in the simulation.

"It's okay, I'll show it to you." If "anxious publicity and righteousness" can be quantified, when Wu Qingchen said this sentence, he must soon reach the full value.

"Okay, thank you, Los."

"It's okay, let's start ..."

Wu Qingchen turned over and pointed to the commons. "Which side do you choose?"

"Well?" Little Andre opened his eyes strangely.

"The commons over here, the commons over there ..." Wu Qingchen sketched around, "Which side do you choose?"

"What do you mean ..." Andrei understood about what Wu Qingchen meant, "Everyone divides half, so teach me that?"

"Yeah." Wu Qingchen nodded for granted.

"But ..." Andrea scratched his head. "If it messes up, the teacher would scold me ... it would have been slow here ..."

"Yeah!" Wu Qingchen said with a smile: "It's already slow, what are you afraid of?"

"It seems right ..." That said, Andre still felt something wrong.

"Do not worry!"

Since simply implementing plan a formulated by the staff has worked directly, Wu Qingchen simply released the materials planned for plan b together, creating a crit: "If you mess up, use honey to pay you!"

"it is good!"

The stimulating effect of honey was obvious. When Andrea agreed, his voice was a little louder.

"Choose it ..."

Wu Qingchen reached out to signal.

"What choice is there ..." Andre raised his right hand casually: "I choose this side."

"Where are you? Which ones?" Wu Qingchen pointed at the muddy figure in the commons.

"Are these slackers a half?" Andrea asked.

"Of course." Wu Qingchen pointed at the arm of the commons and slowly moved: "The commons, the people who work, and the plows are all half of them, alas ... and the police."

"Okay ..." Andre nodded, as he was about to reach out, he paused: "Well, wait a minute ... if you teach me, you should choose it first."

"Okay, then I choose first."

For no reason at all, most of the time, he had deliberately given courtesy to Andrei, and continued to accumulate more favors, Wu Qingchen, this time he agreed with him politely.

The next moment, Wu Qingchen looked up slightly and looked at the commons.

Ready to choose.

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