Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 126: Sticks and beans

Wu Qingchen's memory is limited. When the clerk assigned Little Andre to the commons and serfs, the randomness was too strong. The Earth team couldn't decide on Wu Qingchen's candidates in advance, as he did when choosing the serfs of the lord's barn.

In fact, standing next to the commons, Wu Qingchen looked away. Few of the more than twenty serfs in front of him could name Wu Qingchen.

"That ... Lu Sien."

After watching for a while, Wu Qingchen called out his first name.

"Lu Sien?" Little Andre tilted his head to the police officer who was by his side, and the latter repeated loudly: "Lu Sien!"

A few dozen steps away, in the commons, a serf who was still struggling in the mud immediately shook his body.

Behind the serf, another police officer, who also did not know what had happened, immediately raised his stick and rushed over.


"Wait a minute!"

Wu Qingchen, who almost forgot about it, couldn't wait to be greeted by the police officer who was by his side, and quickly called out, "Antoine, don't hit me!"

In the village of Akeli in the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen's voice has reached a relatively high level of recognition, and the words spoken already have a relatively heavy weight.

The police officer named Antoine heard the sound of footsteps, put down the stick and turned to look over.

"Antoine ..." Wu Qingchen waved to the police officers in the commons: "Wait for us to pick a few serfs and call the names of the people, and you let them come over."

Standing next to him, Andre nodded, confirming Wu Qingchen's instructions: "Yes, Antoine, you listen to Los."

"Okay, Lord Andre! Ok! Los!"

Antoine responded, turned and walked to the serf who had escaped the calamity: "Lu Sien! Did you hear that? Don't hurry up?"

The serf obediently went in the direction of Wu Qingchen.

"And ... Jayce, Kyle, Corey ..."

Wu Qingchen continued to read a few names, the police officer standing next to him repeated loudly, and Anto in the commons was released in case.

After the fourth name was pronounced, the Earth Staff had suggested it for Wu Qingchen, and Wu Qingchen still remembers the serfs who lived there.

But that ’s okay. The Earth team will definitely not put any important things in Wu Qingchen ’s memory. He has thoughtfully provided Wu Qingchen with the easiest implementation, and it ’s as simple as long as his brain does n’t suddenly enter the water. Selection criteria that are almost impossible to forget.

"And ... that, that, that ..."

With Wu Qingchen's arm moving, with the assistance of the police officer and Antoine in the commons, Wu Qingchen quickly gathered twelve serfs, several plows, and other wooden farming tools.


Paying close attention to the process of Wu Qingchen's selection, before these slackers all came over, Little Andre discovered their common characteristics.

The slackers that Los picked out were the ones with the most scars on his body.

In this case……

"Loss ..."

Considering that although Luos has led the free people to do a good job, he has never managed a slacker. Based on his experience, Andre felt it necessary to remind his friends: "These slackers you choose seem to be the most beaten. Guy? "

"Yeah." Wu Qingchen tilted her head and looked at Andre: "What's wrong?"

"In this case, you need to be careful ..." Xiao Andre put it in Wu Qingchen's ear. "The guy who has been beaten too much is either disobedient or likes to be lazy!"

"Ah, which ones are lazy?"

Wu Qingchen looked suspiciously at Andre.

"I don't know!" Andre replied rather helplessly: "If I knew, could these **** stand so securely?"

"This is also true."

Quite aware of Little Andre's ruling class consciousness, Wu Qingchen nodded in deep thought.

"Forget it, that's it ..."

Little Andrea waved his hand and brightened the stick in his hand: "Anyway, I don't listen, I don't want to be lazy, I still have to watch this."

"Well, you're right."

Speaking, Wu Qingchen beckoned again to the commons, "Antoine, come here too."

Wu Qingchen knew more about police groups, which represent the means of violence in the village, and hesitantly chose one of the police officers present who liked him most.

"Come here, Los!"

Antoine trot over and walked over: "Loss, I've been busy preparing for the summer camp. I haven't had time to come to your house. Thank you so much for curing my cows ... my son's pasture, have you seen it?"

Yes, this unlucky guy, this is one of the injured cattle ranchers in the village.

"See, see."

With a kind smile to the police officer, Wu Qingchen pointed at the serfs in front of him: "Antoine, I will let these serfs work later, and I would like to ask you a favor."

"Okay, no problem!" Antoine squeezed the stick tightly and stared fiercely at the serf: "Loss, despite your call, I see who dares to be lazy!"

"No ..." Wu Qingchen shook his head: "It's not used yet, it's too hot, you take a break first."

"It's okay! I'm not hot!" Antoine said indifferently. "You have helped my family so much. I must help you with this little thing! Slackers, have you heard me? All are good. Be obedient, work harder, otherwise ... "

In the next words, Antoine waved the stick directly to let the serfs on the other side realize it.

The serfs were not low-minded and immediately fought a cold war collectively.

"This one……"

This script is wrong!

Under the shade of the tree, Wu Qingchen felt sweating faster, and quickly pulled Antoine to the side of the stone. "Sit and sit, you can just sit here. When you need help, I will say."

Antoine sat on the stone.

"You all heard it."

Wu Qingchen re-faced the serf and nodded toward the position in front of him. "The work to be done next time is similar to what you usually do. I will call you one by one, who to call, who comes out, and what to do, immediately. Do it, can you hear me clearly? "


The serfs nodded obediently.

"Lu Sien."

Wu Qingchen ordered a name.

Almost the thinnest of the serf group, immediately stood where Wu Qingchen's fingers were still pointing.

"You, walk over here ..." Wu Qingchen pointed to the far side: "The stones and branches were picked out and piled up wherever they passed."

Lu Sien set off immediately.

"Jia's ..."

Wu Qingchen ordered another serf: "Take a basket and follow behind. Pack the piled stones and throw them outside the commons."

Jayce set off immediately.

"Kyle, Corey ..."

Wu Qingchen continued to call.

Standing beside, watching Wu Qingchen quietly arrange each serf's post, Andre Andre was quite sure: this is exactly a replica of the work model of four households such as Richard.

In this way, isn't it necessary to have "Wu Qingchen's face" and "Wu Qingchen's kindness" as links to realize it?

Otherwise, even free people can't cooperate well. How can these **** slackers work hard and obediently?

Hearing such a question, Wu Qingchen pointed to the stick in Andre's hand: "Did you already say that? There is this!"


Xiao Andre looked at Wu Qingchen silently: "Even these bastards, even if they do the same job, it is difficult to find lazy guys ... Now that everyone can do different things, how can it be seen? "

"Actually you can tell."

"What do you think?"

"Well ..."

When the two talked, the work in the commons had already begun for a few minutes, always staring at the backs of the serfs. Wu Qingchen did not directly answer Andre's question, but first asked: "Look, if you don't If you think about speed ... these things, they can actually do it, right? "

Of course it is!

The division of labor and cooperation after the disintegration was originally a job that every serf had to do every day. Wu Qingchen had determined every post to someone, and of course it was impossible for him to fail.

"But the important thing is speed!"

Very important!

For a while, even a farmer like Little Andre could see that without a stick behind him, the serfs in the commons immediately began to be lazy, and seized this rare opportunity to breathe.

If you continue to do this, the speed of the serfs picked by Wu Qingchen is estimated to be two or three times slower than that of those who did not pick.

"No, the important thing is the beans."


"Beans!" Wu Qingchen repeated: "If these serfs work fast, would you like them to eat some beans?"

"How much?" Involving food, Little Andre is more cautious.

"Well ... seven or eight bowls, not too many."

"That's okay." Andre breathed a sigh of relief.


After speaking, Wu Qingchen shouted towards the serfs: "Okay, it's almost there, now we're all back!"

The serfs carried their farm tools and obediently returned to the place of departure.

"Okay, next, go pick up the stones, everyone will pick up the stones, until the next time I call you back ..."

Speaking of this, Wu Qingchen smiled slightly: "The fastest person to pick up, give a bowl of beans!"


The serfs collectively whispered.

"You should know York, Harry, Jared, and Rex ... they all ate the beans I gave."

With Wu Qingchen's words, the sound of the serfs' breathing immediately became a lot quicker.

"Lu Sien."

Without leaving the serfs surprised, rejoicing, and questioning, Wu Qingchen began to call directly.

Lu Sien was out again.

"You, walk over here ..." Wu Qingchen pointed far away: "Same as last time, stones, branches."

Lu Sien set off quickly.

"Jia's ..."

Wu Qingchen motioned to the serfs to follow and took a few steps along the road before ordering another serf:

"You." Wu Qingchen pointed to the distance again: "It's yours all over here."

Jayce trot and set off.

"Kyle ..."

Taking a few more steps, another serf ran towards the stones and branches.

In this way, Wu Qingchen walked all the way, and at the end of this semi-common land, the serfs also all set off.

"This bastard!"

Andre shuddered. In the commons, the serfs were picking up stones and branches at a rapid rate, much faster than during the exercise just now: "Yes, if there are beans, this is fast ... but, Los, this What's the use? You can't just pick it up every day, no, you can't give your beans every time you pick up a stone? "

"Don't worry."

During the conversation, Wu Qingchen found a relatively flat open space, using the soil to support a relatively iron piece of stone, and finally stuck a relatively straight branch to the stone piece with soil.

This is a very simple sundial.

Little Andre recognized it.

"Wait for this ..." Wu Qingchen pointed at the projection of the twig, then moved a little bit to the side: "Will you bring the beans when you come here?"

In the summer, even the serfs would add meals. Although there were not many beans, they must have prepared a little every day.

"Come on!" Andrea quickly turned his head and looked at the police officer who was by his side.

"Okay, sir." The police officer hurried towards the village.

Wu Qingchen's estimate was quite accurate. When the shadow was about to reach the position pointed by Wu Qingchen, the police officer returned to the common ground. He carried a basket in his hand, which contained several wooden bowls, and one A clay pot filled with beans.

"Okay, come with me now."

Leading Little Andre and the police officer, Wu Qingchen went from the shade to the end of this semi-common land, at the same speed as when he walked by, Wu Qingchen shouted every few steps and sent the serfs All called back and stood at the assigned positions.

Let the two police officers look at the serfs, Wu Qingchen and Xiao Andre, looking at the commons and counting the piled stones and branches.

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