Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 127: Night reading app can't see updates

As a result of the serfs picking up stones and branches, the inventory work was quite easy.

You do n’t need to walk into the commons. At the moment Wu Qingchen and Andre stood, you can see: a total of twelve serfs, small piles of stones and branches, forming twelve in the commons. dotted line.

The hardest-working serfs, the farther away the dotted lines are.

In addition to this farthest dotted line, three other dotted lines are also quite long, only slightly behind the longest one.

It is conceivable that for the beans promised by Wu Qingchen, these serfs who hoped to win, must have gone through a fierce pursuit.

The rest of the dotted line, under the hope of victory, seems perfunctory, most of which are about half of the winning dotted line.

Finally, there are two dashed lines, not even one third of the longest dashed line.

"The two bastards!"

Grabbing a stick from the policeman's hand, Andrea turned around and rushed towards the last two dotted slackers.

"Etc., etc!"

Wu Qingchen grabbed Andre and pointed at the twelve dotted lines: "Now, can you tell who is lazy?"

"Of course you can see it!" Andre squeezed the stick tightly and replied angrily: "But this is the same job ... what's the use of it? Richard, when they were working, It's not like that! "

"How can it be useless?"

Wu Qingchen said with a smile: "At least, we know now, and what speed should people pick up if they let them work like Richard's family?"

"Well!" Little Andre immediately reacted, and his mind instantly turned into a lot of thoughts: "Then ... then, wait ... and the transportation of stones, plowing fields ... seems to work ..."

"Yes." Wu Qingchen smiled and nodded.

"It's okay," Andre muttered, and the stick in his hand quietly released.

Of course this can be the case. This is an important principle of human resource management: position determination.

Of course, if this is the only item, it can scare Andre, a 13-year-old child, with so many grass-roots lords in the Middle Ages, so as not to understand this point. This approach has never been implemented, and of course there are many other obstacles, and many complex reasons.

"Well, give the beans to the fastest guy first ..." Wu Qingchen pointed at the serfs who were staring at the drooling basket of the police officer: "There is still a lot of work to be done, we must find the fastest speed . "

"it is good!"

Andre nodded strongly, and quietly gathered in Wu Qingchen's ear: "Loss, can you know the fastest speed of these slackers to pick up stones ... This bowl of beans is worth it!"

Of course it's worth it, this is yet another deep-seated evil from human resources management: the best individual award.

The serfs were regrouped. Eleven slackers kept swallowing saliva, their eyes flared, and they wished that in the atmosphere of a paw sticking out of it, the serf Harry who won the "Best Personal Award" ate the beans quickly.

"Okay ... don't watch!"

"Don't look" in his mouth. Actually, he waited until Harry licked the wooden bowl cleanly, and then touched his stomach to reveal a pleasant expression. Then Wu Qingchen announced the next action: "All to pick up stones and branches ... "Wu Qingchen pointed to the furthest dashed line:" All piled up to Harry's position, and then came back ... well, Harry doesn't have to go, just sit here and rest. "

The serfs left, without the encouragement of the beans. When they picked up the stones and branches again, the serfs obviously suffered a lot. Little Andre noticed that there were several serfs who seemed to be whispering each other while taking the occasional opportunity to pick up stones.


Looking at this scene, Little Andre thought for a moment, and then said to Wu Qingchen, "Loss, do you know? When they wait for them to carry stones, these **** may be lazy together!"

"I know ... but it doesn't matter."

The 13-year-old Andre can quickly understand the purpose of finding the fastest speed of individual farm work. It is not surprising that some of the more sensitive serfs could detect the maliciousness in it.

However, according to the principles of the Earth team's guidance, the serfs who were most deliberately selected had the characteristics of being both lazy and disobedient in Andre's mouth. ——It has never been easier to get brainy guys to work together.

In addition, in order to eliminate the unity of the serfs as much as possible, to reduce the possibility of future labor standards, in addition to the temptation of beans, the staff also prepared another set of meals.

After all, there was the deterrence of police officers and sticks, and the serfs had a limited amount of time. It took about two times longer than the stone picking champion, and all serfs returned to Wu Qingchen.

"It's all good."

Taking this sentence as the evaluation of the serfs' passive labor, Little Andre, and the perceived serfs, did not accidentally hear Wu Qingchen's third instruction: "Next, I choose a basket and go to the public. Put stones in the ground and throw them out of the commons ... wait until the next time I call you back, the fastest person to throw will give a bowl of beans! "

Whether or not they noticed the insidious purpose of packing under the beans, the serfs whispered again at the same time.

"and also!"

When he didn't see a few serfs communicating with their eyes, Wu Qingchen continued: "When the time comes to work together, these fastest people can choose which work to do!"

"Yes!" Wu Qingchen's voice was raised, his hands pressed down, and in the neat inhalation of the serfs, in the unbelievable eyes of the serfs, Wu Qingchen announced loudly: "The next work, every time the most Fast people can choose which one to do when they work together! "

Choose your own!

It's the same work. Picking up stones, sweating with stones, and selling energy are more than twice as easy as knocking hard clay? Not to mention the hardest and most painful to carry a plow truck!

The third hit of human resource management: competition for employment.

The serfs had never been able to form a tandem, and instantly disappeared.

"Lu Sien! Let's start with you, go!"

Like an off-string arrow, Lu Sien hurried to the dashed line of stone piles he had just made up.

A dozen minutes later, the second championship came out.

After giving beans, giving prizes, creating a warm atmosphere.

"Next is plowing the field, three people plow together, the fastest bowl of beans! Lu Sien, Jais, Kyle, you three together, go!"

Three off-string arrows shoot out!

In this way, or a group of two people, or a group of two people, or a group of three people, picking stones, transporting debris, carrying a plough truck, knocking on hard mud, removing stubble, turning over ridges, plowing ditch ...

The entire labor content of Xia Yi's ploughing was decomposed into separate projects by Wu Qingchen. Under the manipulation or persecution of human resources management in the 21st century, the serfs started fierce competition.

The sky slowly darkened, the projection on the simple sundial stretched old, and all project tests were finally completed.

During this time, the physical test of the serfs was a severe test, and the physical test of Andre was also a severe test.

Do you know what nine-year compulsory education means?

Do you know the significance of multiplication and division-the second grade level?

Just look at the painful experience of Little Andre this day.

Is the test recorded? It must be calculated, right? Set goals, right?

This is of course the work of Andre Jr.

Step 1: Using a branch, in a piece of sand that was temporarily cleaned up, Andre Jr. wrote down every champion of these tests. ——This is the simplest part, it doesn't need much physical energy.

Step 2: Mathematics—No, I should say arithmetic—level. Little Andre, who was just able to read one to one hundred babblings, reminded Wu Qingchen, and took a step-by-step way to write down these tests Champions, the number of steps required for each position at the fastest labor speed.

-Of course, these numbers are more than one hundred, but this is nothing. Wu Qingchen reminded him that Andre took a few more branches and barely solved the problem of thousands of rounds that have not yet been mastered. The painful part is that if you misread it and don't correct it in time, Andre easily forgets the numbers you have already read, and you can only go back to the place where you started and start again!

By this point, Andrei had taken a lot of steps and sweated a lot.

The next step is the real test! The dual test of mental and physical strength is here!

At the level of arithmetic, Little Andre who did not start to contact multiplication and division at all, also with the help of Wu Qingchen, determined the test time (approximately fifteen minutes each), and converted it into a more suitable labor time For some purpose, the recommended continuous labor is about two hours), after which it should be an eight-fold proportional relationship.

——Compared with the sundial and counting the wooden sticks, Andre Little completed this rather complicated division with great pain.

Then, in order to determine the fastest speed of the serfs under the normal two-hour labor cycle, Andrei held a large wooden stick again and took the number of steps reached by each test champion eight times. , Finally finally completed this multiplication in a flexible way!

At the end of the walk, Andre's legs were swinging, and his sweat was comparable to the hard-working serfs in the commons.

Partly because of exhaustion and partly because of huge psychological pressure!

For example: 234 * 8.

Very simple math problem in elementary school?

Just figure it out for the piece of paper, right? Even bare hands can barely figure it out, right?

However, in the practical application of Andre Andre, it turned out to take 100 steps, throw a long wooden stick, then take another 100 steps, then take a long wooden stick, take another 34 steps, throw a short wooden stick, and then Walk 100 steps and throw a long wooden stick ... A large number of long and short wooden sticks are thrown away, and then a test calculation is completed!

How complicated is the process? How much psychological stress?

In the middle, if I misread it occasionally ...

When the book comes to use, the party hates less!

The earth was ploughed for the summer camp in the village of Akeli. When designing the division of labor cooperation plan, we have fully considered the arithmetic level of the medieval world, avoided using more desperate statistics, and continued to stimulate Little Andre's already fragile nerves at this moment.

Through the arrangement of processes and the allocation of manpower for each position, the cooperation plan for the division of labor by the earth designed by the earth not only eliminates the situation of idle labor and waste, but also keeps the progress of each step as much as possible.

In the case of twelve serfs competing with each other, the farmer's champions of each decomposition reached a very close distance in the fifteen-minute test time.

In other words, ordinary Earth people, or ordinary Aikeli villagers, or even stupid Aikeli slackers, just need to take a look at the results that are quite close to the test, and can predict that even after eight times the result, It should be equally close.

However, after the torment of multiplication and division, Little Andre has lost confidence in his ability to summarize the laws, and has walked the distance of the fastest speed in each farm work test eight times, only to one side Dragging his tired body, he finally settled down.

At this time, a few hours had passed since Wu Qingchen came over.

Using sheepskin rolls and characterization tools brought to the church by the police, Xiao Andrei recorded the valuable data, looked at the sky, and said to Wu Qingchen: "It seems that it is too late today, and tomorrow can really begin ..."

Andre's tone was full of expectations for tomorrow.


Wu Qingchen nodded gently.

"Okay!" Little Andre tilted his head to the police officer: "Be ready, let these slackers go back."

"Okay, sir!"

The police officers promised, the serfs in the commons dropped their farm implements. Although many serfs had an ominous premonition, after all, some of their companions ate two more beans, and they themselves suffered a lot of sticks. My face was a lot easier.

"That's right ..." Looking at Wu Qingchen who was also about to leave, Xiao Andrei asked: "Los, are you still coming tomorrow?"

"Come, of course!"

Looking at the serfs in the commons, Wu Qingchen nodded heavily.

How can you not come? Human resources management, there are still many routines!


Late at night, church.

This day was particularly busy, sending off the stewards, and putting away the accounts that had just been counted. Rev. Praia stretched out, dragged his exhausted body through the side door, and prepared to return to his rest room.

When passing by Andre's bedroom, Rev. Praia suddenly saw a glimmer of light.

At the edge of the door that had not been closed, Rev. Praia saw that he had not seen him all day today. He usually lay in bed early, for fear of Andrea's little slacker who had not slept for a while. In front of the ignited rush, there was a thick code spread out in front of her, and she was muttering in her mouth:

"55, 56, 57, 58, 59 ..."

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