Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 128: Resonance app can't see updates

128 resonance

The next day, it was all bright, and under the shade of the tree, Andre kicked the stone anxiously.

In the distance, Wu Qingchen's figure finally appeared, and Andre rushed to meet him.

"Loss, why are you here now?"

"Good day, Andre."

As he approached, Wu Qingchen looked at the simple sundial piled up the day before: "It's very early ... I just came to arrange cattle farming!"

"Okay, you're early!" Andrea asked eagerly: "Can we start now?"

"Did something come?"

"Of course!" Andre pointed to his side, and there was a large basket under the tree, covered with large leaves, and two vigilant police officers standing next to it.

"Okay, let's get started."

"I called that group of slackers over?" Andre pointed to the commons. Before Wu Qingchen came, with the idea of ​​avoiding wasting time, the slackers had been driven into the commons by little Andre and did the same way live.

"No, wait a minute, you don't have to call ..."

Talking, Wu Qingchen walked to the edge of the trail, first touched a mass of wet mud from the commons, then squatted beside the simple sundial, using the index finger's knuckle as a unit, and moved the projected position to the side eight times at this moment, Then apply wet mud, "Do you know what this does?"

"Determining time" is an extremely important skill in the wild or other strange environments, not to mention the Middle Ages?

Having received several trainings, Wu Qingchen has mastered several quite convenient methods in the early morning. Basically, prop-assisted methods are not needed. They are used to determine natural factors such as orientation, time, and weather.

However, in order for Little Andre, who did not even have the concept of "minutes" and "hours," to understand his meaning, the staff advised that Wu Qingchen chose the simplest method to show it to Little Andre.


Even if this is almost the most vivid way, yesterday Andre was still tortured, and looking at the sundial, Little Andre nodded with fear: "This is to let the group of slackers wait, like Richard did. When you work, it takes time. "


Rubbing off the dirt from the palm of the hand, Wu Qingchen picked up two half-height branches that were folded down beside him, pointing to the direction of the commons: "Now the time has come. Next, let's go over there and confirm this time. , How much work should be done for them. "

"Okay ... but why bring two branches?"

"I'll know later!" Wu Qingchen smiled slightly. "In addition, you need to bring more."

"Yeah ..." Andre smiled bitterly. From the side of the police officer, a sheepskin roll was coming. Comparing the above data, he began to pick up the sticks used to calculate the number of steps.

"Okay, let's go."

After a short while, Wu Qingchen clutched two branches, Andre clutched a large stick, and they entered the commons.

Their actions immediately caught the attention of the slackers in the commons.

Looking at Andre's words in his mouth, and sometimes dropping long or short sticks, the serfs who had seen the same behavior the other day had seen several faces discolored.

As Little Andre went deeper and deeper, the expressions on the faces of the serfs became more and more ugly.

"Kyle! You bastard! I told you not to plow so fast!" While the policemen's attention was also put on Wu Qingchen and Andrei, a serf struck his companion with a fierce kick. "Look, here comes the bad thing!"

"This ..." The serf named Kyle touched the location of the captivity, and he snorted and answered, "Also ... it doesn't have to be what happened?"

"You ... you're a fool, except for being a bastard!"

The fool was kicked again.

"It's going to be unlucky now." A few steps away, the other two serfs were secretly talking.


"Oh!" Another serf just sighed over.

"What do you mean! Asshole! You've eaten a bowl of beans, we haven't caught anything, and we'll be with you later!"

"Can't just blame me, right? Corey and Jais are fast! Even without me, it's still the same!"

"Oh? You mean ... you don't want to be so fast?"

"Yeah!" The serf who came over nodded quickly.

"Then it's a good time to pick a job first, let me choose for you!"

The serf who came over stopped talking.

In the serene eyes of the serfs, little Andre gradually lost the stick in his hand and stopped.

In the stopped position, Wu Qingchen planted a tree branch.

On the way back, about two-thirds of the way, Wu Qingchen planted another branch.

Returning to the starting position, after Wu Qingchen and Andrei said a few words, the police officers quickly reassembled the serfs next to the big tree.

"We'll work together later!"

Taking this sentence as an opening remark, Wu Qingchen took the sheepskin roll of recorded data from Andrei: "... the one who did the fastest job yesterday, let's say, wait for what kind of job ... Start with Jayce, Jaycee, you say it. "

This **** won two championships yesterday, one of which was the heaviest to carry the plough.

The serfs looked at this lucky guy with envy.

The results are naturally self-evident.

"I ... I want to pick up stones."

"Okay, stand here." Wu Qingchen pointed to the left. "Next, Theodore!"

"I ... I want to pack stones."

"Ah? Are you sure?" Wu Qingchen reminded: "Theodore, do you think it ’s easier to pack stones than to pick them up?"

"No ..." Theodor replied timidly. "It's easy to pick a stone."

"Then why don't you choose?"

"I want to choose ... but ..." Theodore looked at Jayce carefully. "Jiayes has chosen it first."

"You just have to choose." Wu Qingchen pointed to himself, "you stand here."

"Next, then Lyle ..." Wu Qingchen asked simply: "Do you want to pick up stones?"

Who doesn't want the easiest job?

Lyle nodded quickly.

"Okay." Wu Qingchen pointed to his right: "You stand here."

"Well, next is Edgar, by the way, there is no stone picking now ..."

"I choose the stone."

In this way, the champion of the previous day was the backbone, and Wu Qingchen organized the prototypes of the three teams.

Next, fill the posts with the remaining serfs and never participated in the test the day before. The serfs on the side of Little Andre supplemented some manpower and organized three complete teams.

After marshalling, facing three groups of serfs, Wu Qingchen pointed at the location of the sundial and painted it out with mud—it represents two hours: "You all saw it, when the sundial came here ..."

Wu Qingchen pointed to the distant common ground, the first branch that had just been erected-this represents the longest distance that the serfs could reach within two hours: "The fastest person , Should work there ... "

Although the serfs couldn't understand the sundial, at least they knew that it was a timing tool. After so many tests the day before, they had been watching Wu Qingchen and Andre busy, and naturally understood the meaning of the branches.

The serfs were a little turbulent. In these dissatisfied and uneasy eyes, Wu Qingchen said eagerly: "Of course, Andre knows that not everyone can do as fast as the fastest person ... "

"So ..." Wu Qingchen pointed to the branch in the common ground and inserted the branch for the second time: "As long as you can get there, you're done!"


The serfs were relieved neatly. The position where Wu Qingchen inserted the second branch was between 60% and 70% of the fastest speed. Although the specific data was not known, the serfs could see it with the naked eye. The amount of labor that followed was suddenly reduced from the terrible fastest speed to only a little more than half of it.

The grateful eyes instantly turned to Wu Qingchen and the little Andre beside him.

Human Resource Management 4th Strike: Kind Leadership!

Be kind, but well ... Of course, the more profit, the better! No, of course, the quicker the better, the better!

"Of course, if you are willing to work hard!"

Wu Qingchen continued: "As long as I can get the fastest speed, each group ... um, I mean ..." Speaking here, Wu Qingchen faced the three groups of serfs on his left, in front of him, and on his right. After a circle, it meant the meaning of "group": "If you are together like this, everyone can get a bowl of beans!"

Under the eyes of Wu Qingchen, Andrei suddenly opened the leaves covered by the large basket beside him, exposing the big clay pot below, and the fragrance of beans was immediately scattered in the air.

Human Resources Management Fifth and Sixth Strike: Teamwork! Vision Outlook!

With these two weapons, procrastinating serfs who are unwilling to work hard, in addition to the stern look of the lord, must also consider the anger of the serfs in the same group.

"In addition, the group that works the fastest! When you work together tomorrow, you can choose which one to work first!"

The serfs rushed towards the commons with high morale, and stood beside Wu Qingchen, Andre watched with excitement the scene of hot production in front of him.

Little Andre naturally admired Wu Qingchen's move, but he also had a bit of his own thinking.

"Loss, why make these lazy ... these guys will be regrouped tomorrow ..." With regard to the last measure, Little Andre asked suspiciously: "If these guys often work together, they should be done and the speed should be Can it be faster? "

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Teamwork can indeed speed up the progress of farm work, but it is also easy to cultivate friendship with fellow enemies.

At this stage, Wu Qingchen cannot enjoy the dividends brought by the liberation of serfs.

In the future, Wu Qingchen must be a member of the ruling class.

Under such circumstances, the Earth Staff would only let Wu Qingchen help the serfs to unlock the yoke if they had eaten it.

Therefore, in response to the disadvantages brought by the increase in the organization of serfs, the Earth team introduced the seventh and eighth strikes in human resource management: competition mechanism and regular mixing.

Rather than give up the increase in labor efficiency brought about by the increase in tacit understanding, it is also necessary to weaken the threats that serfs may have after uniting as much as possible.

Of course, you don't need to say this to Andre Jr.


Hearing Little Andrea's question, Wu Qingchen turned his head and smiled and said, "... But you see, even if I choose what kind of work to do earlier, they are working very hard now! The most important thing is! Yes, such things don't require you to produce beans. "

"Hey, right!"

Little Andre immediately accepted the explanation, and immediately smiled: "That's great."

How can it be bad?

How can you not laugh?

It is the favorite thing of the ruling class to make a change of the things that belong to the ruled class as a favor, and then turn around to give it.

Such a thing, little Andre naturally resonated.

"However, even if some savings are made here ..."

Looking at the situation where the public is working harder and harder, Little Andre is happy and distressed again: "Still want to produce rewarding beans!"

"Ha ha……"

Wu Qingchen smiled softly.

"Los, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing."

Wu Qingchen shook his head slightly.

Is the reward bean at 100% fastest speed so delicious?

in other words:

"Outstanding contribution", "Outstanding performance", "Best of the year", "Advanced representative", "Performance bonus" ...

No matter what it looks like, is the capitalist's reward so easy to get?

Even more terrible, or even more sad, in the kindness of leadership, teamwork, vision, competition mechanism, timing mix ...

And under the control of more, more obscure, and more malicious human resource management techniques that Wu Qingchen may introduce in the future:

Master's reward, can slackers do not want it?

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