Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 131: Most beautiful

In the name of Wu Qingchen, who was discovered by the way during the treatment of cattle, and secretly passed on to Antor's American army stick method, Rory and the other four people were "healed" with just one face to face.

Watching this scene, the other serfs struck neatly, and the efficiency of their work suddenly improved.

No one wants to become the next bad asset to be stripped, throw it into the corner and be supervised by the police alone, and then from time to time hit a few sticks, lying on the ground, tears and snot flowing, hands and feet twitching.

So, another round, and also the last round of labor of the day, all the teams actually did their work again to the first branch which represented 100% of the fastest speed.

Reward the beans, pack things, say goodbye to each other, and drive the serfs back to the village.

Half an hour later, the last rays of the sun also disappeared.

At the end of the third day of the Xia Yi, the serfs who were absolutely immune to Wu Qingchen's "care for the aura" showed Xiao Andre to the advanced world of the division of labor and cooperation to the medieval world.

Eight hours later, the sun rose again.

Six days have passed since Wu Qingchen moved the hive.

The unfortunate bees, in their new position, continue to silently make a great contribution to humankind, no less favourable than cattle farming.

And the necessity of division of labor and cooperation will be demonstrated to the medieval world.


Middle Ages.

February 18, 0001.

The horizon shone slightly.

It's time to serve.

On the road to the commons, rushing villagers can be seen everywhere.

On a path that deviates from the direction of the commons, three figures carrying farm tools are running fast.

Severe movements made the three foreheads covered with sweat, and their faces turned red.

"Father ... Father, break, take a break ..."

He ran to a small bush and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The eldest son gasped and pointed at his brother, saying, "Dubin can't run ..."

"Break? Break?" Upton, who was walking in front of him, didn't stop. "He's embarrassed? If it wasn't for his grind, the work in the field had already been done ... well, you help this little bastard. A moment ... it's useless! "

The second son bowed his head and gave the implement to his elder brother.

"Be patient! Let it stand for another two days ..." Put the farm implement handed over by his brother to the other shoulder, taking advantage of this gap, the eldest son comforted: "I heard yesterday ... Uncle Neal has promised, Tomorrow tomorrow, when the Glover House is busy, we can lend us cattle. "

"Thank you, brother."

"Come on, or it's really too late."

"I know ... I know, brother." The second son nodded weakly.

When ... when ... when ...

A second bell from the church came in midair.

"Hurry up ... hurry ... hurry ... hurry up!" Upton, who was carrying the plow, accelerated his pace again: "Hell ... hurry ... no later, I really can't catch up with Zhuangtou! "

"OK ... Okay, father."

If you miss the time when Zhuangtou counts people's heads, good luck means being scolded, and bad luck has to take a few sticks.

The steps of the two sons also immediately moved faster.

Forcing speed, of course, comes at a price.

A few minutes later, the three men running quickly rushed to a corner.

Boom ... Boom ...

Just turning around the corner, the father who was walking in front of him suddenly heard a sound that hit the tree trunk, and then, a series of robes rubbed with plants.

It must be that little **** again!

"Are you blind?"

Upton scrambled and turned his head quickly.

Sure enough, the reckless second son did not control his pace, rushed out of the path, and slumped into the side of the road.

He twisted a few steps crookedly, and his second son eventually fell.

A few seconds later, lying in the ground, the second son propped up his upper body, turned back, and looked timidly at his father and brother on the side of the road.

"What's going on?" Upton snapped. "What are you waiting for? Will someone wait to kill you? Don't come out quickly!"

"Come out, Dubin, come out quickly!" The eldest son also hurried quickly, his eyes looking around nervously.

This is a buckwheat field that is fully blooming and partially seeded!

Dubin rushed in without knowing how many straws were trampled to death!

If the owner of the land knows, the generous family may only be able to let go of it for a long time, and the irritable family might pick up the farm tools to fight the family!

Fortunately, Xia Yi concentrated the whole village on the road leading to the commons. This remote path has not been visited by anyone in recent days.

The eldest son looked around and never saw the figure of any other person, which relieved him.

At this time, Dubin also used both hands and feet and crawled out of the buckwheat field.

"Little beast!" As soon as he stood back to the commons, Dubin took a face-to-face slap.

"Okay, father ... Dubin didn't mean it ..." The eldest son quickly drew Upton and turned around, preparing to comfort his brother for a few words, then his eyes widened suddenly: "Dubin! Grasp this Why? Lost it! "

At about the time of the fall, he waved his hands subconsciously to grab something to support his body, and Dubin's right hand suddenly gave out a buckwheat straw.

Dubin quickly threw the straw to the side of the road.

"Well, look at this fool!"

Thrown so close, are you afraid that others will not see it?

Upton walked over, raised his right hand slightly, and prepared another slap for the second son.

"I'm here, I'm here ..." The eldest son rushed to the front, picked up the straw, and raised his hand.

Raise your hand ... Raise your hand ... Raise your hand ... Raise your hand ... Raise your hand ...

The eldest son has maintained a hand-raising posture.

"What's wrong ... Dana?" After waiting for several breaths, the firstborn hadn't disappeared yet. Upton was a little strange.

As if he had just woke up from a dream, when he heard Upton's question, the eldest son slammed a jerk.

The next moment, the eldest son rubbed his eyes vigorously and squeezed the straw tightly to his eyes: "Father ... Father ... Come and see!"

"What's wrong? Hurry up, time is too late!"

Upton walked quickly.

"Father!" Dana shoved the straw into Appleton's hands. "Look!"

"What are you looking at?" Appleton muttered after taking the straw, and stunned casually.

Stuck the past ... Stuck the past ... Stuck the past ... Stuck the past ... Stuck the past ...

Upton could no longer look away.

Father and brother behaved so strangely, they should have forgotten their mistakes, and Dubin breathed a sigh of relief, and then he passed in curiously.

Past together ... Past together ... Past together ... Past together ... Past together ...

Dubin's eyes widened sharply.

Dubin saw the most beautiful straw in his life.

This is a buckwheat branch that has stepped from flowering to seeding.

At its top is a small bud.

The next few quarters are surrounded by slightly larger buds.

Go on for a few more quarters and start blooming in circles.

The flowers go down, it is the entire village of Akeli, the biggest desire of all the villagers: wheat seeds.

From the age he can remember, he has been crawling and rolling in the fields. In the past ten years, Dubin has seen countless branches of buckwheat.

However, none of the buckwheat I have seen in the past can match this one.

I'm used to dealing with this kind of plant, and Dubin remembers very well that the largest source of food in this village of Acre is that every time the flowering period, flowers bloom in the sky.

However, often a flower with a number of ten fingers will have a flower position, which will eventually produce wheat seeds and become food that is really possible to harvest.

This branch of buckwheat in front of us completely subverts Dobin's previous impression of buckwheat.

In Dubin's impression, most of the sparse straws, extremely rare and slightly more straw looks, are completely different.

This branch of buckwheat extends from the flower down to the bottom of the straw, and the location of each node is almost surrounded by dense wheat seeds.


After completely seeing it, there was no thinking process, and Dubin's first reaction was this most sacred word.


By his side, Upton and Dana whispered.

In their voices, there are praises, sighs, groans, worship, and admiration ...

This is a longing for beauty.

This is a tribute to life.

This is the simplest beauty of human beings for food.

For a full minute or two, a father and two sons gathered together next to a straw like a pilgrimage, looking at the wheat seeds religiously.


The plow on his shoulder rubbed his wounds, and his father Upton finally returned to his senses.

The next moment, Appleton rushed to the position where the second son had penetrated into the ground just now.

Squat down quickly, eyes wide, and Appleton worked hard to suppress the urge to open his mouth and shout: "Look! Look, the wheat seeds are the same here!"

"So there!" "Everywhere!"

"Oh my God! Lord!" "Why is this!"

"Don't say anything!" Upton beckoned, stopping the eyes of the two sons to keep looking. "Both come to help and help the wheat ... Be careful, be careful, don't step on it again!"

Next, it was like a place in my own home ...

No, it should be said that they are more attentive than in their own place. Upton, Dana, Dubin, carefully, extremely gently, regained the buckwheat that had just been stepped down, and planted it again.

"Father, whose place is this?" Dana asked, helping the last buckwheat plant.

Upton stood up and glanced left and right: "Hansell, this is Hansel's place."

"Why is this happening?" Dubin's voice was full of doubts and full of expectations.

"I don't know ..." Appleton murmured. "Come, let's go over and see ..."

With that said, Appleton picked up the farm implement again and continued to move forward.

When ... when ... when ...

The third bell of the church came in mid-air.

As if he didn't hear the bell, Upton walked very slowly. Every few steps, he squatted down, gently pulled the buckwheat flowers and leaves, and took a look at the wheat seeds below.

The two sons were not anxious, and, like their father, looked closely at the buckwheat in the field.

"Here ..." "Here ..."

The Hansel home is gone.

"Still here!" "Still here!"

Sanchez's place is also gone.

"Same here!" "Same here!"

The old William's place was gone.

"Still like this!" "Still like this!"

Richard's place was gone.

"Less here!"

This is the Wayne family.

"Less here!"

This is where the Conners belong.

"Still continuing!"

This is the place of the Wade family.

"It's almost here ..." "That's called Maizi!"

Even in the place where "this is called wheat", the buckwheat branches produce more than 20% more wheat seeds than most other parts of the village.

However, compared with 50%, 80% higher than the road, and the old William, Richard, Hansel doubled, or even tripled the number of amazing, here finally come back to Upton and his son can understand Category.

"Why is this so?"

"Yeah, what's different here?"

"I don't know ..." Appleton murmured again. "But the place with the most wheat seeds should be there ..."

Following Upton's fingers, Dana and Dubin looked over.

That was the intersection of Old William, Richard, and Hansel.

In that position, three tall wooden poles were erected.

Each wooden pole is topped with straw and thick leaves to form a shelter from the wind and rain.

Under each ceiling, a dozen honeycomb canes were used to fix a hive.

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