Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 132: Crowd

"Is it because of the honeycomb?" Dana asked.

"I don't know. But ..." Appleton looked around—very carefully—and then said, "Except for the honeycomb, it's absolutely no different than before."

"Honeycomb ... I heard that Los moved here."


Upton and his sons immediately noticed the newly moved honeycomb after crossing the ground.

It's easy to understand.

To describe it in a more general way, by successively posting two super hot posts, "Healing cattle" and "Becoming a burdock", Wu Qingchen / Ross successfully found out in the niche forum of Aikeli Village. Quite high visibility and attention.

Now that the topic is hot, every move of Wu Qingchen / Loss will attract the attention of Aikeli's small forum: it has been a long time since there has been a double change ... No, the move from the mobile honeycomb also originated from Wu Qingchen ’s handwriting. It has become a hot topic of discussion among fans.

"Well ... it's been a long time." Upton picked up the plow again. "Let's go to the commons ... but the stick may not be able to escape."

"Okay, father ..." Dana also packed up the farm tools. As she was about to take a step, Dana suddenly saw that the buckwheat branch that had been accidentally caught when Dubin fell into the Hansel home. , Is being tucked into his arms by Upton.

"Uh ..." Dana was a little strange. "Father, isn't this going to be thrown away?"

"No, don't lose it." Upton shook his head.

"Why do you keep it, if Hansel knows it ... oh!" Dana suddenly flashed in front of her: "Yeah! With this good news, Hansel will not only blame Dubin, maybe he will also thank What about us!"

"No, no!" Appleton continued to shake his head.

"Otherwise, give it to Zhuangtou ..." Dubin said timidly: "With this proof, Zhuangtou should not hit us."

"No!" Upton continued to shake his head: "I will tell Hansell and Zhuangtou about buckwheat stalks ... But this wheat, I would rather be scolded by Hansell, I would rather let Zhuangtou Hey stick, also stay! This is the lucky rice, the blessing given to us by the master ... With this, what is the stick! "

When talking about these, whether in Upton, Dana, or Little Dubin, there was no doubt about them. They were the first people in the entire village of Acre to discover the amazing seed-forming rate of buckwheat.

For the vast majority of behaviors and labor, which are directly directed towards the ultimate goal of food, the backward agricultural society, the staple food exceeds the imagination, and once found, it will spread to the whole village in an instant.


After more than ten minutes, the duty was counted.

"What? The Hansells, the old Williams's ... well, there are many others, and the buckwheat stalks are covered with wheat seeds?"

Zhuangtou O'Connor couldn't help laughing.

"Upton, Upton, you are very good ..." O'Connor laughed and pointed to the three fathers and sons on the opposite side: "So many people who don't want to be hit by sticks, you compiled the most carefully. "

The fourth, or last, bell of the conversation had been going on for a long time while the conversation was underway.

The place where the villagers concentrated on duty has become deserted, leaving only the clerk and Zhuangtou, and several sporadic police officers.


Seeing that O'Connor was beckoning, and signaled the police to hand over the stick, Dubin rushed up the courage and explained in a timid manner: "We are saying the truth ..."

"Okay, come all." O'Connor said impatiently: "Come here one by one, rest assured ... For the sake of making me laugh, I will be lighter ..."

Bang ... Bang ... Bang ...

"Zhuangtou ..."

The three scammers finished the stick and ran to the assigned common land. The policeman who handed the stick just now came to O'Connor's side: "Hansell, Richard, and Old William have a place, It seems that only Rose moved the part of the honeycomb. "

"Oh?" O'Connor rubbed his chin gently, thoughtfully.


Twenty minutes later, the Commons to which the Uptons were assigned were next door.

"What, Hansel's, Richard's, Sanchez's, and many others? Buckwheat stalks are full of wheat seeds?"

I didn't know that I was the first villager to know the news. With a fool's eyes, he looked at Upton and his son who had just been rushed over by a police officer with a stick.

"Yes, that's the part where Los moved the honeycomb."

"Ah? Where is it?" The villagers suddenly widened their eyes. "What's the matter? Come on!"

"That's it ..."


Thirty minutes later, the assigned commons of the Uptons were next door.

"Come, come here ..."

Taking advantage of the opportunity to work near the plot, the villagers who had just heard of the news, beckoned to another family nearby.

"What's wrong?" Another parent came over.

"Do you know the honeycomb that Los moved the other night?"

"Of course I know, what happened? Who was bitten? Hey ..." The parents shook their heads with mercy: "If the place is nearby, you must be careful ... Well, my place is far away. . "

"Well, is it good to be far away?" The villagers who just heard the news, shook their heads with the same compassion: "After you hear me, you won't think so."

"Why? Why?" Of course, the parents of the other family felt strange.

"Apton just told me that on the side of the honeycomb, the straw is covered with wheat seeds!"

"Ah? Is it the old William's?"

"No! It's not just old William! Upton said, Hansel, Richard ... Well, even the **** Sanchez's house was full of buckwheat in the area as long as it was near the cell where Los moved. Wheat seeds! "

"Oh my God! Really? Really? Impossible!"

"Is it true, what's the matter?" The villagers who just heard the news smiled: "Anyway, your home is far away."

"Is your place very close?"


An hour or so later, the commons to which the Uptons were assigned, next door next door.

"Have you heard?"


"On the honeycomb ground, buckwheat stalks are full of wheat seeds!"


About three hours.

At the junction of the two commons, after a few conversations between the two villagers, one of the villagers quickly ran to the other side, and the area at the junction with the other, the villager yelled while running:

"Hansell! Hansel! Come here!"

Hansell hurried over: "What's wrong?"

"Your place ... Los moved the part of the honeycomb, and the buckwheat stalks were covered with wheat seeds!"

Changing to another way of reporting the earth that people are more familiar with can better understand Hansel's mood: the lottery you picked a few days ago won!


It's a little longer, and the commons is a little further away.

"On the honeycomb ground, buckwheat stalks are full of wheat seeds!"

"Richard, Hansel, and **** Sanchez are lucky!"

"Oh my god, why isn't my place over there!"

In this way, with the public land allocated to the Upton family as the center, news about honeycombs, land, buckwheat, doubles, seed ... spread quickly across the entire public land of Acre Village.


The sun is about to set, and the summer battle is over.

Under the big tree, the clerk led his son to count the heads, and Zhuangtou stared at the helper to clean up the farm tools.


Zhuangtou O'Connor stomped his hate.

As police officers came back to report one after another, O'Connor summed up the bad news: On this day, the labor efficiency of free people generally declined!

Take a look at these **** accounts, and the police officers who just finished reporting, have swarmed in the same direction. Think about the situation when the Appletons returned their farm tools and ran away with a white face, and the entire logic chain has naturally emerged. In O'Connor's mind.

"That's it ..." The clerk Thor was more at ease. "It's a little slower, so let's have some fun."

"Of course you can have fun." O'Connor said dissatisfied: "Anyway, you just have to remember the number of people ... me? By the time the fall tax will not come up, the whip must be drawn on me."

"Well, what's wrong with having fun?" Thor said with a smile. "Maybe Appleton really saw it? By then, there will be more taxes! The bones of the master's reward, aren't you alone?"

"Go ..." O'Connor's throat moved, and he turned his head and asked, "Wait here it's over ... Would you like to see it?"

"Go!" Thor nodded without hesitation: "Of course I'm going!"

"After so many years of summer service, do you believe that buckwheat stalks will really be covered with wheat seeds?"

"If it's full, I don't believe it. But if it's just a little more seeds ..."

The clerk Thor said solemnly: "... you know, that's the cell that Los moved."

Ten minutes later, the last freelancer also left, instructing the helpers and police officers to transport the recovered farm tools to the lord's warehouse, the clerk and the village head, and moved to the site of moving the honeycomb.

It was so long before the other villagers set off. In theory, the clerk and Zhuangtou should have fallen far behind.

However, after only a few minutes of walking, O'Connor and Thor caught up with the villagers' brigade.

"Well, what's going on?"

In front of it were dense crowds of people, and the villagers pressed against each other, forming a long and crooked dragon.

The team is moving very slowly.

"Simple, the bridge in front is too old! Only one person can pass at a time!"

In addition to treating cattle farming, labor division and cooperation, and high-yield honeycombs, Wu Qingchen's efforts helped the ignorant and backward medieval village of Akeli to enjoy a glorious achievement in the 21st century on earth: traffic jams and restricted traffic.

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