Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 134: This night

That night.

Chalet, dining table.

Four-year-old Lev stared blankly at the egg in front of him.

In the evening, my father ran home joyously, pulling himself, hugging his brother, and rushing out of the wooden house happily, rushing all the way to the place.

There are so many people in the land!

Lev saw so many people for the first time.

These many crying, laughing and noisy people.

Lev was a little scared, trying to lead his mother, but the mother kept turning the leaves over and over again, looking down.

Lev wanted to find his father, but his father kept talking and laughing with the uncles next to him.

Lev wanted to find her sister, who couldn't find it everywhere.

"No more sister, she's gone to Grace," the brother said.

Who is Grace? Why is elder sister looking for Grace? The brother didn't say, but just touched Lev's head.

"The buckwheat at home has a lot of seeds, everyone is happy."

"You see there, that's the honeycomb, the cell that Los moved."

"Master Steward is here, let's get out of here."

"Master Rev. is also here."

"Loss! It's Loss! Look at Lev!"

My brother said a lot, and told Lev a lot.

Buckwheat with leaves and flowers cannot go in and step on it;

Black, honeycombs with things flying around will bite and make buckwheat good;

The clothes are not the same, followed by a large group of masters called masters, to get to the side of the road;

Such people are sometimes called priests, and they must also be allowed to go to the side of the road;

So many words, so many things, Lev remembers the most clearly: there is another kind of person, who is not tall, his face and body are particularly clean, come out of the light, everyone screams his name, his father will laugh My brother would cry, my mother would cry ... then, that person would be Los, Los / Moore. When you see Los, let him go to the side of the road, call his name, and thank him.

At night, an egg appeared in front of Lev.

"Here are the eggs for you and your brother." Mother said.

Someone came again, and the father held his brother and went out to talk to the people who came over.

Lev stared blankly at the egg.

Lev had eaten eggs once.


Mother went to make dinner.

Lev would love to eat eggs.

So Lev carefully peeled the eggshell-sized egg shell and put it in his mouth to suck.

After eating the eggshell-sized egg shells, Lev started to look at the eggs dumb again.

After a while, Lev peeled a little bit of the eggshell again.

Lev peeled off a slightly larger egg shell.

Lev peeled the eggs in large chunks.

When the shell was finished, Lev carefully peeled off a layer of egg skin.

The egg skin was finished, and Lev carefully peeled off a bit of egg white.

In this way, Lev finished eating the eggs.

The father returned with his brother.

Looking at the empty dining table and the traces of Lev's mouth, his brother cried.

Lev held his head and lay on the ground, preparing his father to sting.

The father did not poke Lev and gave his eggs to his brother.

The mother cried.


That night.

The same is the chalet, dining table.


The second son patted the table heavily: "Why have you changed your place a few days ago?"

"It's not a direct change ..." Mother comforted: "Did your brother say that? The common land is a little bit past, the land next to the forest will be left to you in the future."

"I don't!" The second son refused without hesitation.

"In addition to Zhongshui's turn," the eldest son continued to raise.

"Never!" The second son refused again.

"What do you want?" The eldest son asked.

"Nothing!" The second son shook his head quickly: "I'm going to say the one that was given to me!"

"Must be the one?" The eldest son asked.

"Sure!" The second son answered resolutely.

"If you want that one, it won't work ..." The eldest son sneered: "You give me two more pieces!"

"Why?" The second son was angry and said, "Well, give me my share, why should I make it up to you?"

"Why? Why are you clear in your heart!" The eldest son was also angry with his face: "Just relying on that land, leaning next to the land of the Los family!"

"so what?"

"How's it? Everyone can hear clearly what Master Rev. said in the evening. Los will continue to move the honeycomb soon. Where will the honeycomb move and which honeycomb will be moved first? Are you still not sure? "


That night.

Chalet, dining table.

After eating a lot more than usual, and much thicker, Hansell put down the wooden bowl and touched his stomach comfortably.

"That ..." Turning his head to look at dinner one step earlier, and had started packing the house's mother-in-law, Richard said, "How many beans are there in the house?"

"not many."

"Drag it out."

The mother-in-law, whose belly had grown up for several months, walked to the bed and dragged out the clay pot containing the beans.

"Hmm ..." Hansell picked up a basket from the corner, walked to the clay pot, and started filling the basket with beans.

The eyes of the family immediately focused on Hansel.

"What's wrong? Hansel ..." the mother-in-law asked, "what do you do with beans?"

"Just a little and send it to Scottrade."

"Why!" The son asked immediately.

"Because he exchanged work with our family," Hansell answered as he continued to load beans.

"But ..." the son asked puzzledly, "Isn't Scott that he wanted to marry his daughter, and did it for us?"

"Yeah ..." Hansell nodded. "But now I want him to continue trading with us."

"Why?" The son was more confused.

"For the remaining flowers of buckwheat, so many wheat seeds can also be produced." Hansel explained.

"But isn't Master Rev. saying that it should be the cause of the honeycomb?"

"Be careful, there is nothing wrong!" Hansel finally looked up and looked at his son. "Look at the land over there, the few seed-bearing families, our family, Richard's, and Rachel's. And even the Sanchez family, who work in exchange for work! "

"The Los family is not! And, his family has the most seeds in buckwheat stalks! More than all other properties!"

"You ..." Looking up at his neck high, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, Hansel's temple jumped up.

"You ... the Los family didn't exchange land! The Los family! Los! Can Los compare? You dare to compare with Los ... I, I, how did I give birth to you such a silly son!"

With a deep sigh, Hansel turned his head helplessly.


Looking at the appearance of the mother-in-law's belly, it really looks more and more like a daughter ...


That night.


In a room made of stones, several lighted rushes exude soft light.

Reverend Praia, the director of Everett, sat at the table.

Police chief, clerk, Zhuangtou stood near the table.

Wu Qingchen, Andrei stood a little farther away.

The table surrounded by the crowd was lined with nearly twenty sticks of buckwheat.

At the front is buckwheat stalks folded in Wu Qingchen's hometown, and the seed setting rate has almost tripled.

Next came buckwheat stalks from Richard, Hansel, and Sanchez. The seed setting rate increased by about two times.

For the next buckwheat stalks, the seed setting rate increased between 80% and 1.5 times.

For the last few buckwheat stalks, the seed setting rate increased from 10% to 50%.

The consistency of the trend is clear at a glance by comparing the recorded position on the sheepskin roll, the change in the increase rate of buckwheat stalk seed rate, and the change in the distance between these positions and Wu Qingchen's home.

"Look! Is there any other reason?"

Heaving heavily at the location of the last piece of land on the sheepskin roll, Rev. Praia's gaze was so intense that he stared firmly at the steward: "Apart from the honeycomb, what else?"

"I know, don't look at this, I know in the evening ..." Looking at the sheepskin roll, the director of Everett was still hesitant: "However, even if it is absolutely a honeycomb, don't worry so much? Tell the baron, as for the village, we can try a few more ... "

"How much to move?" Rev. Praia immediately asked.

"Ten?" Evelette said. "Every half of our honeycombs?"

"Too few!" Praia immediately shook her head.

"Twenty?" Evelette gritted his teeth. "At most I won't eat honey this year."

"Too little too little!" Praia shook her head vigorously.

"Then how much do you say?"

"At least a hundred!" Praia threw the bottom line in her mind.

"Ah ..." Yvlit sighed: "One hundred! Lord, move one hundred honeycombs without telling the baron ... Pastor Praia, your uncle, His Excellency Valles will definitely Come and visit me with a whip! "

"You don't have to worry about this ..." Praia shook her head. "I will write to my father and ask him to vouch for me."

"Write a letter to your father ..." For a moment, several thoughts came to mind, and the management was slightly aware.

"Yes." Praia nodded with a smile.

This smile undoubtedly exacerbated the speculation in Evert's management.

"I see ..." After figuring out a question, Everett was no longer entangled in the number of cells, and asked: "But why do you have to move cells so fast?"

"Because the flowering of buckwheat is not long."

The aborigines of the Middle Ages, although they do not understand the complex relationship of "pollen", "flower stamen", "amphoteric flower", but have accumulated experience that buckwheat flowers must be available before buckwheat wheat seeds can be produced .

"Hmm ..." Everett also understood: "Since you can write letters, it's up to you ..."

"Next ..."

Next, Everett and Praia, both turned their heads and looked in the direction of Wu Qingchen: "Let's look at your students and look at the crafts of our little Los."


That night.


The night was deeper.

Next to another place.

Tree poles, roofs, and honeycomb bundles. With the previous three experiences, moving the hive no longer requires the use of burdock helpers, and four serfs in the livestock barn can already be done with great ease.

At this moment, there are also pastors, stewards, police chiefs, clerks, Zhuangtou, Wu Qingchen, Andrei. These managements who have the right to speak in the entire village of Aikeli are paying attention. Clouds and rivers are flowing.

The entrance and exit of the hive are opened-the swarm flies out-the hive swarms around the nest-the hive swarms back to the nest.

As the swarm finally returned to the nest, the serfs cheered at the same time.

A dozen steps away, under the bright torch, after reading the previous exercises, after careful preparation, after watching the smooth process, Rev. Praia and Everett were in charge, but frowned at the same time.

"Loss ..." Praia asked, "Did the first few cells move like this?"

"Yeah ..." Wu Qingchen nodded. "It's all that."

"So ..." Praia groaned. "It takes a long time."

"I'm sorry, sir." Wu Qingchen showed an embarrassed expression: "This is a stupid method, it is quite troublesome."

"No." Praia shook her head. "The solution is good, it is ... it would be better if it could be faster."

"Work harder ..." Wu Qingchen hesitated and said, "One night, I should be able to move two or three."

"Too little too little!"

To the base of a hundred hives, too little too little!

"It doesn't matter." Standing a little farther, pointing at the serfs who had just finished their work, Everett said suddenly, "Didn't Rose say that just now? These guys only need to teach for a day or two. Learn ... Akeri Village may be missing a lot, as for the slacker ... how much is it?

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