Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 135: Repression and harvest

The next day.

On February 19, 0001, Wu Qingchen entered the eighth day of the Middle Ages again.

The positions of the heads were counted, and the villagers who came to serve were full. The serfs were also watched by the police officers, and they entered the muddy commons early.

It was already bright, and the church bell rang again.

Under the tree, the chief of the police, Espier, walked around leisurely.

The villagers huddled together in twos and threes, talking enthusiastically, enviously, looking forward to the great thing of seeding on the buckwheat stalks.

Serfs in the commons also have many topics of their own.

For example: Andre, the serfs in charge of the land, formed a small circle spontaneously.

"Lu Sien ... wait with me for a while! Let's wait for the beans!" The winner of the last round of division and cooperation yesterday started to recruit members for today's first round of labor.

"Don't listen to him! Is it rare to eat beans in the first round of work in the morning?" Another ex-teammate hurriedly said: "Lu Sien ... listen to me, I have discussed with Kyle, he picked up Things, I'll pretend to be stone, you come here to help with the stubble, let's continue to be the fastest! Continue to be the first to pick the job! "

"How tiring to go to the stubble!" The serf first suggested immediately pointed out the shady mentality of the chopper: "Good work belongs to both of you, let Lu Sien work hard? Lu Sien, come with me! Let you pretend to be stone!"

"What's the point of being tired?" Hu Hu said, "Can you fill your belly easily? Lu Sien, as long as you are willing to come, there must be beans in the first round in the morning, even in the second round, we have confidence!"

Listening a few days ago, my hungry companions who were as hungry as myself, at this time a bite of "beans", a little further away, the serfs who did not catch this good thing, all spit fire with their eyes, and their tongues were born. Hunger burning in the belly.

"Kind Master Andre!"

"I really want to work for Master Andre!"

"Yeah ... hey, why didn't the steward divide us to Lord Andre ..."

"I heard that some of them in York can eat beans every day."


"Really, eat beans every day in the barn! If you pick a honeycomb at night, you can bring a copy for your family!"

"Well, I really want to work for Los!"

Even irrelevant serfs are so anticipating. It is conceivable that the four guys who had gotten good things, but because they like to move their little brains, were cleaned up as bad assets, and they were depressed.

"Well, two bowls of beans made them forget what they are!" Brandon spit in a grudge.

"Two bowls of beans are nothing ... but eat every day ..." Martin felt his stomach. "It's really enviable."

"You envy you!" Brandon glared at Martin. "You go, you ask, see if Master Andre wants you! You ..."

"Okay ..." Rory walked over and stopped the two: "Don't say it!"

As he said, Rory motioned towards him behind him without a look.

Brandon and Martin looked over and found that the movement on their side had caught the attention of other serfs.

Looking at the serfs' eyes, Brandon and Martin swallowed at the same time.

"See it ..."

When the other serfs finally looked away, Rory lowered his voice and said, "It's time now, you are still noisy ..."

"The cowards ... no, these bastards!" Brandon lowered his voice, too. "In just a day or two, they didn't even look at us!"

"Of course they can keep us out of their eyes ..." On the other side, Terrence pointed to his sore legs first, and then to his companion who rubbed his shoulders. "What we have been doing these two days They were all seen. "

"Yeah, it's okay now ..." Martin said anxiously, "After two more days, when they're full, we'll be more tired, and it will be even harder ..."

When you think about the work these past two days, other serfs only need a little more than half of their strength to eat beans once or twice, but they have to make use of their milking strength, and often have to be policed. Bondage ...

"The **** ... Antoine, beast!"

When I said these words, I didn't know whether I wanted to bite the object they were referring to, or whether I was worried about the consequences of the serf's turn over after repeated insults, and Brandon's teeth rattled.

"Don't worry too much ..." Rory said slowly: "Even if everyone is a little tired ... But as long as the four of us are still together, they should not be afraid."

"Hmm!" Brandon nodded heavily. "Let's go!"

"Together!" Terrence nodded solemnly.

The three looked at Martin at the same time.

Martin hesitated.

"Martin, can't you stand it for a few days?" Terrence frowned. "You have to think about it, as long as you go through the summer battles these days, Master Andrea will return to the church ..."

"Yeah!" Brandon also had a rare patience and joined the team of advisers: "Master Andre left, where are the beans? Where are these tricks ... as long as the four of us are still together Are you afraid that you can't take some easy work? "

"Speaking of this ..." Rory suddenly moved in his heart: "You know, yesterday, the buckwheat in the village had a lot of wheat seeds."

"I know."

"Everyone is talking about it."

"Such a big thing, of course I know."

The three answered.

"Master Rev., I said yesterday over the land, to keep moving the honeycomb, do you know?"

"I know." "I heard that."

The three continued to nod.

"Buckwheat has more wheat seeds and continues to move the honeycomb ..." Rory smiled suddenly. "You say ... such an important thing, will Andre go?"

"Eh! Yeah!" The three of them lighted up at the same time: As soon as Andrei left, would his place of responsibility be the same as before?

"And ..." Rory continued. "Know who moved the cell?"

"Loss." "It's Ros." "Little Ros, good-hearted Ros."

Although Wu Qingchen was also one of the reasons that caused the four to work harder and suffered more from sticks. When the four mentioned Wu Qingchen / Loss, they did not have any resentment, but were very grateful.

You know, if it was n’t for Wu Qingchen / Loss treating the injured cattle in the village, a lot of the work that should have been done by cattle in the commons would surely have been allocated to the heads of the serfs, using human labor to do these healthy animals By the end of the summer battle, the serfs in the village of Akeli did not know what the misery would look like.

At that time, even if there are dozens of fresh fertilizers in the commons, it is not surprising.

"Yes, it's the honeycomb that Los moved ..." The smile on Rory's face grew stronger. "So, if you continue to move the honeycomb, even if Andre can not go, then Los, maybe not?"

"As soon as Los goes ..." Brandon laughed involuntarily. "Master Andre, it won't be so easy for us."

"That's great ..." Terrence nodded eagerly, but he was still reluctant: "Rose is going to leave at last."

"Well!" Martin suddenly pointed behind the three: "No! They are here! Both Los and Andre are here!"

The three turned quickly in the direction Martin was pointing.

Serfs who like to use their brains, serfs who have not mixed up with good things, serfs who are in charge of Andre, and the villagers in the presence of many villagers, Zhuangtou, clerk, Andrei, and Wu Qingchen / Loos, Accompanied by several police officers, appeared at the corner of the commons trail.

"Loss, you go. Don't let the two masters wait too long."

Under the big tree, sitting on the round stool dragged by the police, the clerk and Zhuangtou began to do their work, Wu Qingchen and Xiao Andrei continued to go forward, preparing to select the serfs needed for large-scale mobile cellular.

"All quiet!"

With several police officers, he walked in front of dozens of serfs in charge of his own, and Andre waved his hands. The police officers waved the sticks, and the serfs instantly became quiet.

"keep the change."

Looking at the serfs in front of them, Wu Qingchen said slowly, "Yes, I didn't bring beans today."

After saying this, Wu Qingchen stood quietly, waiting for the serfs to digest the words, and then slowly expressed his depressed expression of doubt, grievance, disappointment, sadness, and so on.

This is a great time to brush up your affection and expand your influence.

The gains after depression will be impressive.

"But ..." According to the observation method of the training team's teaching team, noting that most of the serfs' emotions had fermented, Wu Qingchen continued to say, "I have something better for you today."

"In the last few days, you have worked very hard and worked very hard ..."

After adjusting the expression on his face, Wu Qingchen said in the most gentle voice: "Now, the priest needs some manpower to help move the honeycomb. I think you are good ... yes, your summer service has been replaced with a honeycomb. "

Move the honeycomb!

No need to work in the commons!

No need to be in the commons, sweating step by step, blood stains step by step!

Who doesn't know the lord's barn, York four of them, how beautiful life is now!

After a brief, unbelievable silence, the serfs boiled.

Almost all the serfs cheered. Several serfs jumped into the old high, and most of the serfs clung to the people around them and repeatedly asked if they heard it wrong.

Wu Qingchen stood a little away, and allowed the warm atmosphere to make the excitement, joy, and gratitude of the serfs more intense.

"Well, it's almost ..." Wu Qingchen walked to Andrea: "Ready, let's go ..."

"Well?" Andre said strangely. "Aren't you just a few people?"

Witnessed another serf who was overjoyed in the sky, where did he not know that they had been lucky again?

Hearing Andre's words, the other serfs boiled instantly.

"Los, me me!"

"Please, Rose!"

"Loss, choose me. I listen to you!"

"Good-looking Los, take my son ..."

Countless requests, pleadings, begging, flooded in the direction of Wu Qingchen.

I can really help them soon ...

I can really help them soon ...

I can really help them soon ...

Wu Qingchen told herself time and time again.

No longer looking at the serfs' eyes, Wu Qingchen turned hardly and slowly shook his head: "No, it's enough."

"No!" Andre stomped and glanced again: "It's really missing a few, um ... 1,2,3,4 ... 4 missing!"

"Aren't there four more over there?"

Wu Qingchen said so, his arms pointed in the direction where Rory, Terrence, Brandon, and Martin were standing.

Listening clearly to the conversation between the two, Wu Qingchen pointed in the direction, and the four eyes widened sharply.

"Ah!" Andre also widened his eyes. "Why did they choose them?"

"Why can't they choose them?"

"These four are real slackers!" Andre's face was full of disgust.

"Really?" Wu Qingchen asked with a smile: "On the first day, did they all reach the second branch?"

"Hmm ... yes." Andre nodded reluctantly.

"The next day ..." Wu Qingchen continued to ask, "Did they work harder than before?"

"Uh ... yes." Andrea had to keep nodding, and then shook his head sharply: "But that's because of Antoine's stick!"

"No matter what the reason ..." Wu Qingchen said, "At least, for the past two days, the work that belongs to them, they have not done a little bit of work ... So, when the summer service in the commons is changed to mobile honeycomb, there should be Their share. "

Keeping an eye on Wu Qingchen's conversation with Andre, hearing this, once again, the serf group that didn't make a good turn, and the happy serf group, gradually became silent.

Rory, Terrence, Brandon, Martin, all four burst into tears.

These touching people, these moving people do not know, in another world, there are two famous sayings that have been circulating for a long time.

The first sentence: do not suffer from widows and suffer from unevenness.

Second sentence: It's better to do more than to do.

Without these four people, how to avoid the resentment of those who have not been selected from the other serf groups who have not participated?

Without these four people, who should hand over the dangerous and exhausting work when moving the honeycomb?

By the way there are a few extra benefits:

The gains after depression will be impressive.

At this moment, are there more people than these four guys who are more grateful and more willing to go to the fire for Wu Qingchen?

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