Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 140: Navy

After washing, Qin Gengxin sat in front of the computer. zi luge

Power on, log in to the communication tool, open the forum, news, post it, Weibo.

Contents about "Wu Qingchen" and "Medieval World" occupy most of the space.

"The nutritional structure of the medieval world."

"The department of yield relations for bees and cross-pollinated crops."

"A full picture of the village of Akeli."

"Conjecture Baron Archford."

This is a topic Qin Gengxin likes.

There are also topics that Qin Gengxin does not like so much.

"Global cooperation is an inevitable trend. It is not necessary for country Z to stay in Wu Qingchen!"

The content is not beyond Qin Gengxin's expectations. A user who is full of inferiority, conspiracy theories, continually accuses country Z of being blessed, ignoring the overall situation, setting various thresholds for country Z, and preventing other countries from participating in large-scale sky phenomena. The incident was filled with indignation.

Qin Gengxin replied: "Yeah! Foreigners are of high moral character, and they are willing to bear all the losses, without making any demands on Wu Qingchen. By the way, do you want Wu Qingchen to sleep during the day or at night?"

A communication tool group topic: "Stealing and abducting everything, what is the lower limit of Wu Qingchen?"

Qin Gengxin's speech: "Where is the bottom line of security, where is Wu Qingchen's bottom line!"

A post on the headline said: "Can traps be collected instantly? It's too cruel for small animals to struggle all day."

Qin Gengxin replied: "Have three days to say this again!"

Weibo v: "Apocalypse is coming, do you still miss the last redemption?"

Qin Gengxin's comment: "No donation link, unprofessional!"

As usual, Qin Gengxin's replies, speeches, and comments were quickly overwhelmed.

While Qin Gengxin was sad for the intelligence of some Internet users, Qin Gengxin received a friend's application.

Applicant: Joint venture. Additional information: Find a partner, pay for posting, and be generous.

Qin Gengxin never thought that, one day, he would actually receive an invitation from the navy.

Not that Qin Gengxin had any natural hatred for the navy.

As a part-time job, if you are a part-time job, you can earn a little extra money with your fingers in your spare time. This kind of thing is not unattractive.

It's just that he likes to dig the truth in his bones. He can't stand talking nonsense with his eyes open. Qin Gengxin feels very insulated from this profession.

So Qin Gengxin clicked and refused.

Less than a second, the other party applies again, additional information: sincerity! chat!

In the face of the other party's quick response, when Qin Gengxin clicked on rejection again, he typed a few more words: don't believe the rumor, let alone rumor.

It was still less than a second, the other party's application came again, additional information: the content was true, and it was never forced.

This is not over yet?

No matter whether the other party is a liar or a blind man, since the other party is so persistent, Qin Gengxin does not mind wasting a little time and seeing new routines.

Qin Gengxin approved the application for adding friends with this id.

"Hello, Mr. Nan Chaosheng." The other party used Qin Geng's new network id to call him: "Your position and quality have passed the big data screening. The company sincerely invites you to join our team of commentators."

Qin Gengxin did not have a chilling idleness, straight into the topic: "How much is a post?"

"Normal posts cost one yuan, boutique posts start at one thousand yuan, and they are not capped."


In front of the computer desk, Qin Gengxin was also pouting, and he has been classified as a liar in his heart: "Thank you boss, the boss has money!"

The other party seemed to have become accustomed to similar questions and immediately posted a reply.

"Credit cooperation, payment methods can be selected: weekly settlement, daily settlement, hourly settlement, each settlement can be supported. And supports multiple settlement methods: scan code transactions, bank transfers, communication tool recharge, etc. To express sincerity, the first cooperation, Our company can provide a certain amount of goodwill first. "


Is this a plan to steal numbers, or is it about stealing personal information?

Qin Gengxin pouted his mouth again and touched his chin. After thinking for a moment, he pulled out a relatively unpopular account from his head, and then tapped the keyboard again: "Is it possible to recharge the account on the website?

"Please provide an account."

I believe in you!

With the idea of ​​seeing new routines, Qin Gengxin entered his account name: "Xiaoyu updates every morning in the morning."

"It has been recorded that 100 yuan in good faith has been recharged."

At the same time, on the right side of the computer desk, Qin Geng's new mobile phone screen suddenly lit up, and an app recharge reminder popped up: Your iron account has successfully recharged 100 yuan.

"My grass!"

In the quiet room, Qin Gengxin's eyes widened instantly, and he quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands: "Who are you?"

"Mr. Nan Chaosheng, please don't doubt."

After recharging, the other side's confidence was also a lot more abundant: "This is not a scam or a joke. Notice again: Your position and quality have passed the big data screening. The company sincerely invites you to join our team of commentators."

"I can't do rumors."

Qin Gengxin also got serious and continued to tap the keyboard: "And, now it is being severely cracked. The cost of making rumors is too high for your sincerity. I will pay you a red envelope."

"You don't need to make rumors, and you don't need to break the law. You just need to continue to post, reply, and comment in the same way as you do now. Each one will be evaluated and given a certain reward on the basis of guaranteed compensation. . "

"Then what else did you contact me for? Bai gave me money?" Qin Gengxin felt incredible.

"Your attitude, quality, and position are more in the interest of the company. Spontaneous enthusiasm is difficult to maintain for a long time, and labor should be paid."

A long-term term came to Qin Gengxin's mind: "Wu Mao! You are really Wu Mao!"

"No." The other party immediately denied: "The company is a joint venture. In addition: the company has no plan to expand its business. Please keep the information confidential."

Recalling the recent official rumors of Ruowu on the Internet, Qin Gengxin generally knew what was going on.

"Then I try?" Qin Gengxin asked a little excitedly.

"Just a moment, I'll enter the information for your account."

A few minutes later, Qin Gengxin knew what "entering information" meant.

When posting again, Qin Gengxin found that the content of his own review was close to seconds, and was almost no longer disturbed by sensitive words.

In addition, the account number after "enter a message" has a very high weight, and whatever content can be easily ranked in the forefront of hot replies or hot comments.

The most enjoyable thing is that when encountering some brain-disabled subjects who don't like reasoning or spraying faeces, Qin Gengxin only needs to click to report. These vests and their speech content will be soon Deleted cleanly and never again.

One day after the internship, Qin Gengxin was drawn into the "joint venture-invited commentator" group by the administrator of the "joint venture".

After entering the group, Qin Gengxin confirmed the guess in his heart.

In this group, Qin Gengxin saw a lot of familiar ids, the Emperor of Truth, the Emperor of Data, the Emperor of Textual Research, the rumor congregation, doing it by himself, and all gathered together.


That's it, after two days.

May 14, 2012.

After washing, Qin Gengxin sat in front of the computer again.

Power on, log in to the communication tool, open the forum, news, post it, Weibo.

Contents about "Wu Qingchen" and "Medieval World" still occupy most of the space.

"Luo County Miracle! Medical Miracle! Wu Qingchen Miracle! Paralyzed little girl recovers magically!"

"You can lose weight while lying down! The exercise effect of the medieval world covers all humans!"

"What's the secret of 30: 1? The exercise effect covers all human beings, and the coverage effect is the same as the time ratio!"

Neurosis! Think of these unscrupulous businesses!

Moving his hands, Qin Gengxin sprayed as usual.

"What stupid hospital? Is it time to get hot?"

"Slimming pills? Fitness agencies? Save it!"

"What does 30: 1 imply? It contains the ratio between the average human IQ and your IQ!"

Holding the cup and drinking a sip of tea, Qin Gengxin refreshed the page.


Qin Gengxin was surprised to find that his reply was sinking into the sea.

Qin Gengxin sent it again and was drowned again.

Continue to send and continue to be submerged.

It seems that my own authority is not very useful in these topics.

Just thought of it here, Didi Didi

At this time, some people in the "joint venture-invited commentators" group also found the same problem.

"A bit weird, a few posts today."

"Did you see that too? I have a few replies here that won't go up!"

"I have a few here too, I can't go up!"

Everyone posted links:

The fifth case in China and the twenty-seventh case in the world.

After the crisis, opportunities came quietly after the crisis!

Average 05% fat burning, random sampling analysis results of American Obese Association!

"It seems a bit weird." A data emperor said: "These things seem to be a bit connected, everyone continues to post, wait for me, I will make a form."

Everyone continues to post, everyone waits patiently.

After two hours.

Data Emperor posted the form.

In the form:

"Patient No. 5 was diagnosed by the First Citizen's Hospital of Luo County. The results of the five hospitals in the same city are reviewed."

"Patient No. 4 was diagnosed by Yueshi First Citizen's Hospital. Attach results from seven hospitals in the same city."

"Patient No. 1, Guodu Union Hospital diagnosis results. Attached to the results of twelve hospitals in the same city."

"Patient No. 3 in Japan, the diagnosis results of Kyoto Maple Hospital. Attach the review results of 23 hospitals in the same city."

"Patient No. 7 in the United States, diagnostic results from the Chicago Medical Institute. Attach results from three institutes in the same city."

Medical certificate, review, live video, doctor's commentary.

Weight loss expert judgment, fitness club data statistics, random sampling observations, follow-up analysis results.

Divided into categories, clear logic, clear direction!

Qin Gengxin's gaze involuntarily looked at the position of the group announcement:

Everyone notices that the focus of recent tasks is mainly on rumors. In addition, members of the group should respect the facts as much as possible when they dismiss rumors, understand them first, and refrain from making subjective judgments easily.

Strange announcements suggest that weird permissions have expired.

Qin Gengxin had to associate: The content in the link is very likely to be true!

"No!" "Just kidding?" "How is this possible?"

Other group members also think of the same direction.

"30: 1, that's 3% too! Why don't I feel it?"

"Wu Qingchen only spent more than a month in the Middle Ages, and the 3% effect of exercising for about 50 days, it is true that only fat people and patients will be more obvious."

"Is it time to care?"

"Why doesn't the official report such a big thing directly?"

"Will it be announced soon?"

"Not enough information?"

"The findings are not detailed enough?"

"When you wait for a crisis like the burdock event in the future, to divert your attention?"

"Where is the owner? The owner comes out to explain!"

"Does the owner pretend not to be?"

"It seems that the group owner rarely speaks directly in the group?"

"Joint venture, come out!"

"Can it really be a foreign power?"

"Joint venture"


"I became a foreign power"

After displaying the screen, the "joint venture" pushed open the keyboard and looked at his colleagues with a grin and smile. The latter's display screen, a communication group named "Joint Office-Invited Commentator", is also brushing the screen for similar problems .

"Don't look at me, I've been scolded as a traitor," said the joint office with a wry smile.

"Oh," the joint venture rubbed its face vigorously: "What to do? I don't know when it will convey the spirit."

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