Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 141: Come over

"Who knows?" The co-working office moved the mouse and quickly switched pages of several groups: "But I don't think it should be too fast ... at least not today ..."

"Well ... what's so secretive about such a great thing, is it really like they said?" The joint venture rubbed his teeth and pointed at the group chat channel that was still swiping the screen: "Keep it next time Turn your attention during a crisis? "

"How is this possible?" The joint office slowly shook his head: "Now the world needs too much good news! 7 billion humans also need a dose of strong needle! This change ..." The joint office pointed to the post on the screen Form: "As soon as it is released, it will be the headline of all media at once."

"Actually it's coming soon ..."

The joint venture opened a browser, and under the indulgence of these "regular companies", "the miracle of the paralyzed patient" and "the gospel of the obese patient", these two kinds of news have occupied a certain page, and are rapidly climbing up climb.

"Yeah!" Said the joint office. "Look at how many people you care about? No word yet, there is already such a high degree of attention ... Once it is officially announced, it will immediately catch the eyes of the world! "

"Why not release it quickly?" The joint venture asked.

"How many days does the astronomical event total?" Pointing at the form on the screen, the joint office smiled wryly: "Just so little time, so little data, so far-fetched logic ... Do you think it can stand 7 billion people? Scrutiny? "

"You mean ... is the public likely to suspect fabrication?"

"Most likely!"

"It's also true ... 'Wages per capita', 'Never limit cards', 'Welcome to rising oil prices' haven't been long ..."

"The forest is so big that there are birds ... Look at Mark Twain. Western countries are even more extreme."

"These **** that credibly consume the credibility of the country!"

"There is another important point ..." The joint office continued: "Now these news ... well, these are the objects who can now observe the effect of exercise ..."

Speaking of which, the joint office enlarged the table, "Look, neurological paralysis, high myopia, severe obesity, note that these are basically severe! Are these severe diseases related to ordinary people? Everyone will look forward to suffering from these severe diseases, okay Share the benefits? How many people have heard that abortion is about to get pregnant quickly? What's more, even in these severe groups, the people who really get the benefits are currently very small and almost negligible ... If the current content is announced, the use of this good news from Wu Qingchen will be too low ... too low too low! "

"Well, what you said makes sense." The joint venture was clearly convinced, and he turned his head and asked, "So what? What do you think you should do?"

"How do I know?" The co-worker rolled his eyes and pointed to the ceiling above his head. "If I knew, I could move."

When talking about this, a message popped up at the same time on the display screen in front of the two, the internal communication tool.

"Emergency notice: Stage public opinion-oriented adjustments Key objectives: see link for content."

"Finally here." "It seems that the committee's opinion is finally unified."

The two clicked the link at the same time.

A long row of headlines opened, and the two immediately widened their eyes.

"The host city of the 2012 Olympic Games will be changed to the national capital, and the time will be advanced to May 24, 2012!"

"2012! National Capital! Olympic Games!"

"One city, hosting two Olympic Games in a row!"

"After ten days, the Olympics will start ahead of time!"


The 2012 National Capital Olympic Games?

Is the 2008 Olympic Games my hallucination?

No, no, is it time to care about the Olympics?

"Here, this ... what's the matter?" The joint venture rubbed his eyes: "Why did you suddenly get involved in the Olympics?"

"So it is!" The joint office patted its thigh: "I see!"

"What's wrong? What do you understand? Let's talk." The joint venture quickly turned its head.

"Too clear!" The joint office said excitedly: "Olympic Games! The highest stage of human sports! The focus of global attention! Olympic champions, who can best represent the pinnacle of human physical fitness! World records, the most representative of human physical fitness Extreme challenge! "

"Oh ..." The joint venture also gradually showed a stunned look: "With the Olympic players' competition process, with the attention of global audiences, they collectively witnessed the exercise of Wu Qingchen's medieval world and its coverage on 7 billion humans on the earth ... ... "

"Yes! That's it!" The joint office nodded again and again.

"But ..." The joint venture took another look at the title: "After ten days ... ten days, isn't this time too hasty?"

"Hurry? No, don't rush!" The joint office shook his head vigorously. "After ten days, this time is very good! You see ..." Pointing to the form on the screen again, the joint office said: "Ten days Almost exactly fermenting these folk spontaneous topics, coupled with the guidance of our department and other public opinion departments, should be able to let the vast majority of the people know and start to look forward to the superposition of physical exercise effects caused by Wu Qingchen. Another aspect……"

The co-working office looked up a little and worked hard to organize the language.

"What on the other hand?" The joint venture urged.

"On the other hand, the past ten days on the earth side, the medieval world has passed 100 days. 100 days, plus the previous fifty days, 3% of the effect of five months of exercise, most people on earth should be able to Vaguely aware ... At that time, let these athletes, these representatives who are very close to the limits of human body, prove the guess and expectation of everyone in one fell swoop! "The voice of the joint office slightly raised:" At that time, the official The official announcement immediately proved to be a mountain of evidence! There will be no room for doubt! "

"Yes, that's it, it should be it!" The joint venture nodded again and again, quite agree.

"Finally, there is another benefit!" As soon as the idea was opened, the joint office became more and more fluent, and he quickly opened the "Mill Strategy" on his desk: "After 100 days, the medieval world is exactly the season of autumn harvest, and it is just right It is the success point of the "Mill Strategy"! According to the plan in the plan, at that time, Wu Qingchen will surely take another step in the Middle Ages! The safety of 7 billion earth people will have several more guarantees! At that time, the official The announcement of this great news will definitely increase the confidence of the people of all countries! "

"A lot of things!" The joint venture echoed.

"Yeah!" The joint office concluded: "The Olympic Games were rescheduled, and it was this change that made the best use of this good news!"

"That should be right ... but ..."

After the excitement, back to reality, the joint venture immediately had a new question: "Is it too late in ten days? I mean ... this is the Olympics! The temporary rescheduling, but also the location, just ten days, is it too late?"

"What's too late?"

"Tickets, venues, viewers, visas, security ..." The joint venture counted a whole host of headaches.

"It's too simple, even I want to figure it out ..." The joint office squeaked his finger: "Well, visas, foreigners can't come without it! Well, the audience, Gwangkukdo's population can be digested. As for security, now The most defensive place in the world is definitely here. The venues can also be solved, and the venues of the previous Olympic Games can be used. Tickets can be printed at any time, but they can also be moved from London. Good Olympics? "

"That ... those who have booked and booked hotels in London ..." With that said, the joint venture laughed.

The co-working office laughed and continued: "That's what the Mayor of London is worrying about."

"The Mayor of London must be in a very bad mood right now."

"What mood can he have?" The joint office shook his head casually: "At his level, it is probably later than us when we know this ..."


Think about the priorities of your department, and the joint venture feels very likely.

"Yes, what should we do over there?"

Pointing at the group chat channel that is still swiping the screen, the joint venture said, "How do you explain to them?"

"Can't explain, after all, these are just our conjectures ... but it seems that there is no need to explain anything, you see ..."

At this time, the joint office has dragged the link sent from the internal communication information to the bottom, and the last position is impressively written: each department please approve the appropriate commentator moderately, and pay the next stage of salary and reward in advance.

"Well ... pay in advance!" The joint venture suddenly felt: "I always feel that the astronomical event, even if there is no superimposed exercise effect of Wu Qingchen in the ancient world ... brings a lot of benefits."

"Who said no?"

The joint office is also deeply convinced.

At this time, the communicator in front of them turned on a green light.

"The order is confirmed ..." The co-worker patted his colleague on the shoulder. "Okay, send a link to everyone."


In modern society, it is a very moment, and news spreads very fast.

The speed of feedback is also extremely fast.

Especially London:

"London becomes the national capital, July 24 becomes May 24, and the International Olympic Committee is renamed the National Olympic Committee!"

"The 2012 Olympics can be advanced. Is it possible for the 2016 Olympics?"

"Naked shady!"

"The most shameful day in the history of world sports!"

"British Empire?"

"Flight is coming!"


The attention of the world quickly focused on the big topic of rescheduling and relocating the Olympic Games.

At this time, the invited commentators successively received salaries and bonuses for the next stage.

At the same time, another room, another institution, is discussing another wage issue.

Wu Qingchen's salary.

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