Kidnapping All Mankind

: Third development

"Mr. Wu, long time no see.% D7% cf% d3% c4% b8% f3"

"Well, Director Huang? It's early."

As soon as she opened the bedroom door, Wu Qingchen saw that she was always waiting for the person in charge of the training at the elevator exit of the underground base and was standing in the living room.

"Mr. Wu is early."

The smile on Huang Xing's face was as close as usual, but Wu Qingchen, who was good at observing, noticed that the middle-aged man had a little messy gray hair on his head. Changed to another group of academics who also had a clear scholarly atmosphere, but were also physically fit and energetic.

What happened?

Wu Qingchen thought so, and reached out and shook Huang Xing.

"Today's itinerary has changed slightly"

Taking note of Wu Qingchen's eyes, Huang Xing straightened his hair a bit: "But don't worry, it's a good thing, it's just a little urgent."

Instructed Wu Qingchen to sit down first, Huang Xing pushed a portable screen beside Wu Qingchen: "Mr. Wu, please take a look at this first."

Huang Xing operated the console, and a screen popped up on the display. On the left was a full-body image of Wu Qingchen's standard standing posture. The image was slowly rotated, and on the right was a long row of data and tables.

Height, weight, vital capacity, breathing rate, strength

"This is your physical data now," Huang Xing introduced.

"What's wrong?"

Wu Qingchen glanced.

The Earth team's monitoring of their own body is definitely the top priority, and Wu Qingchen is not surprised at the level of detail of the data.

"Well it looks like you haven't had a physical examination for a long time."

Huang Xing pressed the console a few more times, and the screen was cut into two sides, each side showing an image and data.

Pointing at the new data on the left, Huang Xing said, "This is the data when you first arrived at the capital of China 7 days ago."

Pointing to the image and data on the right, Huang Xing said, "This is your physical data as of 2 hours ago."

There are definitely special reasons for introducing this deliberately.

Wu Qingchen looked carefully, compared the data on both sides, and only looked at one line. Wu Qingchen immediately called out in surprise: "Well, I grow 02117 cm tall! How did this grow?"

"More than that." With a surprised look at Wu Qingchen, Huang Xingchao made a "please" gesture to the display.

"Hey I'm fat 01856 kg! Am I fat?"

"No." One of the suites around Huang Xing responded: "You are not 018 kg fat, but you are 018 kg strong. The relationship between fat and strength is complicated."

"Really?" Wu Qingchen touched his belly subconsciously, and continued to look down. "What is 303254 increased in vital capacity? What is the decrease in respiratory rate? 12274 muscle strength increased 26804 physical coordination increased 16187 degrees. What does this mean? "

The data that hasn't been looked at below is very complicated. The names of the light classifications are already complicated. Except for the height and weight, Wu Qingchen is not clear about the meaning of these rise and fall data.

"It's basically a good thing." The attendant who just spoke stood up.

"This is coach Zhang." Huang Xing introduced: "From the General Administration of Sports, responsible for assisting you to develop an exercise plan."

"Hi Mr. Wu, thank you first, for the third chance of development for humanity all over the world."

"The third development?"

Wu Qingchen touched his head, turned over the vague, barren junior high school biology knowledge, "1-6 years old, 14-18 years old?"

"Roughly yes."

Coach Zhang nodded.

"However, I remember seemingly only two developments?"

"It's the third time now." Huang Xing beckoned, and another portable display was pushed in front of Wu Qingchen.

Half an hour.

"So because of my hard work in the medieval world, I got up early and worked in the dark."

Pointing to the conclusion at the end of the display, Wu Qingchen opened his mouth wide open: "People with severe myopia are getting better? Paralyzed people have gotten up? Fat man has lost weight successfully!"

"It's not so exaggerated," Huang Xing quickly shook his head. "It's all the most effective objects."

"Are there any ordinary people in the world?" Wu Qingchen asked quickly.

"Yes, as far as the samples tested so far, each of them does have some changes."

Huang Xing went on to explain: "The degree of superimposition of exercise effects is not high, generally between 1% and 2%, a small part can reach 3%, and the highest cases are almost 333%."

"This data" Wu Qingchen has a little association.

"That's right, it's the ratio of the time velocity of the Middle Ages to the Earth."

"What about me?" Hurriedly looking at the display that was originally pushed to her, Wu Qingchen asked, "How much am I?"

"Your data is special."

"How special?"

"The most standard and accurate one," Huang Xing said slowly. "All the data are all 33333%."

"This is not right!" Looking at the analysis and conclusions on the left and the data in the display on the right, Wu Qingchen frowned: "Isn't this a 02 cm taller? Others even 1%, 2 %, It will also be 01,015 centimeters tall, right? Has nobody measured this change? Why can so many people doubt it? "

"This" coach Zhang came out and explained: "In fact, there are some changes in the height of other samples. However, the height of normal people changes every day, and the difference between morning and night data can reach 05-1 cm."

"This is not the point." Huang Xing shook his head. "The point is that you have one of the most special places."

Pointing at the data table, Huang Xing continued: "The data of other people are basically five or six items, and up to ten items have changed, and each item has changed data. Only you, all the data. I mean, all the data that can be detected by the modern technology of the earth has obtained 33333% of the exercise effect of the medieval world. "

"Ah? Is it all 33333%?"

Excited for a few seconds, thinking carefully, Wu Qingchen suddenly calm down, "33333%, actually not so good"

"No, it means a lot!"

Coach Zhang said: "The first huge benefit is that the earth can monitor the physical changes of Los in the Middle Ages in real time through changes in your physical data."

"Um." Wu Qingchen nodded.

"Another huge benefit, 33333%, is not a small number in itself."

"Really?" Wu Qingchen frowned.

"You know, in the medieval world, Los is only 13 years old, and he is at the beginning of the second development of the body."

"Yi" Wu Qingchen thoughtfully.

"A person who basically does not exercise and pays no attention to nutritional matching" coach Zhang said: "Compared with a person who has exercised scientifically since the age of 13, and pays attention to nutritional balance, the physical difference is very large."

"Um." Wu Qingchen agreed.

"When Los grows to 18 years of age, this gap will be enlarged again by 33333%, so that the average earth person can increase their physique by 10%, which can be said to be easy."

"Meaning, for the health of all mankind," Wu Qingchen responded, "I want to use a professional method to conduct scientific exercises in the medieval world?"

"Yes." Coach Zhang nodded.

"This" Wu Qingchen couldn't imagine: "In the Middle Ages, there aren't many people who can eat enough. If I do exercise,"

"It doesn't matter" Huang Xing interface: "This is also the training course today."


at the same time.

Confidential city, confidential location, confidential room.

Several people sat around the round table. The tea cups on the table had already cooled. The glass tanks were filled with cigarette butts. The room was half empty with a layer of smoke.

In the real-time screen, the dialogue was here. Under the support of Huang Xing and his party, Wu Qingchen opened the door of the living room and went to the elevator in the underground base.

Looking away from the screen, the man in the first place shook his head helplessly: "In the end, I still have to make a show."

"This is also a must," said the old man in the fifth position, who was sitting in the fifth position, "the results of the General Staff's deductions have shown that the Olympic plan alone is not enough to stabilize the mood of the people."

"In this case, we can't do much"

The next second man then spoke: "After all, at a time ratio of 30: 1, the earth slept for eight hours, and the Middle Ages went well for the past ten days, and everything went well. Wu Qingchen lived a hundred years, and the earth has only 9 years left. , People ’s psychological pressure is very high, and maintaining stability is extremely difficult. "

"Nine years is just the most pessimistic estimate." The third man with wrinkles on his forehead but black hair speaks: "According to the calculation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the second vortex only takes another 60 days or so, and the color will change. It is close to the advantage of Wu Qingchen's 10% physical enhancement in the swirling color that is now entering the Middle Ages, and he should be able to secure a stable period of two months. "

"Time, time"

The first man smoked a cigarette deeply and remained silent for a long time.

After a silence.

"Can't give all hope to the second whirlpool."

The first man spoke again: "Is there any good news for the people?"

"Very good news"

At the end of the meeting, a bitter smile appeared on his face: "It's too much."


A small county south of the Yangtze River.

"I don't have a leader! I don't know how to survive!"

Liu Taoshi, Liu Miaozhu, Master Liu, Liu Baishi

In the interrogation room, the middle-aged man with many titles begged: "Leaders, leaders, really, I'm just a go-to!

"Mr. Liu, don't cherish it by yourself"

Outside the glass window, the police officer sitting in the middle said cheerfully: "Think about it, as long as you are willing to contribute to the country, can the country still treat you badly? Take a step back and say, with your Taoist philosophy, 7 billion people, What great merit and sin? Think about it, ah "

"But I really don't have the ability!"

"You have it, we are justified in finding you." The police officer sitting on the left opened the material: "On February 7, 1997, you said to Mr. Zhou Kaikai that her wife's health was due to a collision with a god, Acupuncture is ineffective, the hospital must not be cured, and something must be done to solve the problem. "

"I, I lied to her!"

"However, according to our investigation, Ms. Wang Cuihua, after you have done the ritual for three days, you will start to get better!"

"Then the blind cat hit a dead mouse!"

"Really?" The police officer on the left slowly shook his head: "On April 17, 1999, you told Mr. Li Ji that his wife was unable to conceive because her veins were blocked and she needed to drink rootless water. You need to communicate with the gods in your quiet room to open it. "

"I am bullshit, feudal superstition."

"However, according to our investigation, Mr. Li Ji's wife, Ms. Zhang, became pregnant one month after you finished the ritual!"


"Mr. Liu." The police officer sitting in the middle continued to persuade bitterly, "Taoist culture is also a great crystallization of Chinese civilization. Don't have any psychological pressure. The country is not trying to **** your heritage."

"I" Taoist Liu continued to support me.

"Liu's surname!" The police officer sitting on the right patted the table: "You know the policy! To be frank and tolerant of strictness! Now let you say that it is to give you a chance, you should treasure it yourself! ! "

Thinking of the consequences of the previous "resistance" peers, Lao Liu couldn't help himself: "But I really don't!"

"Then you say!" The police officer on the right patted the table again: "Wang Cuihua's illness and Li Ji's daughter-in-law, what happened?"

"I am getting better with them"

"What do you do now?" The police officer on the right turned his head, looking at the police officer sitting in the middle: "Is this a liar? Or don't want to contribute to the country?"

"Who knows the old way?"

The police officer in the middle put away the material: "Please Mr. Zhang Kaifeng and Mr. Li Ji come over."

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