Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 145: Grass on sundial

February 22, 0001.

When he opened his eyes again, Wu Qingchen entered the Middle Ages for the seventh time.

Time is fair.

Lying on a humble grass shop, from the time of being confused to the time of soberness, Wu Qingchen suddenly noticed that at a time lapse rate of 30: 1, unknowingly, the black logs and dry yellow thatch above his head were already so. Familiar, but the underground base just left, air conditioners, computers, mobile phones, white ceilings, soft incandescent lamps, these things started to be a little fuzzy, as if it were more like a dream.

With a silent sigh, Wu Qingchen got up.

The cabin was a little empty.

The summer battle has entered the busiest time. The two elder brothers, Edra and Grace, lived in the lord's barn during this time. At this time, they should be leading the burdock helpers and taking care of them in the Lord's commons. Herd.

As the parent of this family, William, who was eliminated from the summer camp, obviously does not waste precious leisure. During this time, he rushed to the edge of the forest with his wife Jacques early in the morning to take care of the wasteland that had not been opened for a long time.

"Brother, are you awake?"

With the movement of Wu Qingchen, a small figure turned his head beside the fire pond.

Seeing Wu Qingchen, Xiao Nina's eyebrows immediately bent.

"Good day, Nina."

Wu Qingchen said hello, rubbed his face, stood up, raised the wooden barrel next to the bed, and walked to the door: "I'll go out."

"Okay ..." Little Nina put down her work, walked to the earthenware pot with food in the corner, and asked, "brother, what do you want to eat in the morning?"

"Beans, cabbage ... alas, and eggs."

"Good brother!" Nina Little replied cheerfully.

Following the curved path to the stream, after a small bend, Wu Qingchen stooped down and pulled out a simple "toothpaste" made of salt and some other materials from the bushes.

Reaching the stream, standing on a small platform deliberately stacked with pebbles, Wu Qingchen lowered the barrel and turned out a "toothbrush" made of several suitable branches of fibers from the pebbles under the stream.

"Toothpaste", "toothbrush", coupled with the edge of a wooden barrel, using the method suggested by the expert team, it is difficult to clean the "towel", and use these three simple tools carefully-carefully means that both To prevent these tools from hurting Wu Qingchen, be careful of Wu Qingchen's injuries to these fragile tools—after twenty minutes, Wu Qingchen finally completed the washing process.

Hiding the washing tools away, Wu Qingchen returned to the cabin.

"Brother, you are back!"

When Wu Qingchen walked into the door, Little Nina had placed two bowls of beans, two bowls of condiments, and two eggs on the table.

The two sat down and started eating their first meal of the day.

"Brother, you woke up a little earlier today ... didn't you sleep well?"

After taking a few bites of beans, Nina asked suddenly.

"Oh, are you there?"

Two days of training, plus two successful actual implementations, the serfs involved in moving the honeycomb have mastered the "technical actions" almost.

However, in order to maximize the success rate, the master steward and the pastor agreed that there was no shortage of labor for this handful of serfs in the commons.

The training of these participating serfs must not stop!

However, considering that the time to move the honeycomb is late at night, in order to ensure the best state when moving the honeycomb, the two masters, heavenly, allowed these serfs to sleep until the sun rose to the highest level, and then began the day's training.

Even serfs had such a rare kindness. The greatest hero, Wu Qingchen / Rose's rest time, or energy protection time, must have been more abundant.

In fact, after spending the busiest time of herd treatment in Aikeli village, Wu Qingchen's rest time has been quite well protected.

In the past few days, Wu Qingchen has obtained it. The entire Middle Ages is estimated to be extremely rare. It is a natural experience to sleep and wake up.

But today, maybe the day before training, I received too many needs for the 7 billion humans' physical fitness enhancement from the earth. When Wu Qingchen woke up, it was indeed about half an hour earlier.


"How do you know that I woke up for a while?" Wu Qingchen was surprised by Nina's intuition.

"Look at that!"

Little Nina pointed out the door, and following her fingers, Wu Qingchen looked over and saw the simple sundial that she had set up some time ago.

"What? Look at that!" Wu Qingchen was surprised, "Can you understand this?"

Looking at the skill point of the sundial, it is not difficult to say, but it is not simple.

In particular, the sundial outside the door only took about half an hour of Wu Qingchen's production time. Even Wu Qingchen himself had to spend a little time to determine the approximate time.

Bevel, angle, shadow length, time ratio, how did Nina figure it out?

Wu Qingchen was very surprised.

"I don't understand ..."

It was about Wu Qingchen's voice being too hasty, and Xiao Nina put down the wooden bowl: "But brother, you tell me, this thing depends on sooner or later ..."

See sooner or later ...

"Yes, I did." Wu Qingchen nodded.

In fact, it wasn't "said", but when Wu Qingchen was doing something near the cow's mansion, Xiao Nina always liked to ask Dong and ask West. When Wu Qingchen couldn't bear the entanglement, she had to explain a few words. However, Wu Qingchen was sure that he had never taught this little guy how to use the sundial—most importantly, Wu Qingchen had a headache how to explain the abstract concepts of sunlight, shadow, time, and so on.

"But ..." Wu Qingchen even forgot to eat the beans, staring intently at Nina: "How do you know I'm late?"

"I, I ..." Nina bit her lip. "I, brother ... brother, a few days ago, you said ... you said, you can finally sleep a bit late ... you, you were very happy when you said ... I, I remember ... "

More than just happy, Wu Qingchen remembered very clearly that when finally achieving the achievement of sleepiness, Wu Qingchen was anxious to scream.

"Well! Then?" Wu Qingchen asked.

"Then ..." Wu Qingchen repeatedly asked, and the expression on Nina's face became more and more tense. She pointed at the sundial: "Then, after that day, when you wake up and go to Xiaoshui, I ... Over there ... on the rocks and mud, where the shadows go, stick ... stick a grass ... Brother, I didn't mean it ... I didn't mean to break your things ... "


Isn't this the trick when he taught Andre to manage serfs?

Wu Qingchen remembered that when he was entangled again a few days ago, he seemed to have spoken to Xiao Nina a few words about his experience in the commons.

It turned out to be like this, and then I knew I was up late ...


"What do you do with sticky root grass?" Wu Qingchen still wondered why it was clear: "I mean, why do you want to know when I get up ... sooner or later?"

"..." Nina lowered her head and didn't speak.

Immature minds, don't push too hard.

Bearing in mind the training of the earth, Wu Qingchen set his voice to the "moderate" level: "What's wrong? Nina?"

Waiting for Nina to speak, Wu Qingchen also carefully looked at the cabin.

Wu Qingchen quickly noticed that the position of the broom was changed, but the firewood branches were not replenished, and the bucket was empty ...

On the other side: there are traces of wet mud on Little Nina's wooden shoes, and the basket is filled with condiments, but the loose wooden steak has not been removed from a high place ...

Part of the work in the wooden house, part of the work outside the house.

The jobs in the two places are rotated ...

This is obviously very unreasonable, it is very time-consuming, and the laborious steps are doubled ...

There is no need to look any further. With the observation skills and logical derivation methods specially trained by the Earth team, Wu Qingchen instantly understood the reason why Little Nina stuck a small grass on the sundial.

Wu Qingchen's guess was correct.

When Wu Qingchen understood, Little Nina also stuttered and explained: "I ... I saw my brother so happy ... I, I stick to the root grass ... I put all the noisy and noisy work on it Behind ... this way, my brother can ... sleep better, sleep later ... I ... I really don't want to ... not want to break my brother's things ... "

Speaking of which, little Nina's tears had shed.

"It's okay, Nina, don't cry! Things aren't bad ... things are good ..."

Wu Qingchen stood up quickly, holding Nina's shoulder around the table, and sincerely staring at her sister's eyes: "It's not broken, really ... Nina don't cry, don't cry ..."

"Really?" Nina asked timidly.

"Really! Absolutely not bad!" Wu Qingchen nodded vigorously.

Nina didn't cry.

"Nina ..."

Soothing for a while, Wu Qingchen stood up, looked back at the sundial, and looked at the grassy tail that was swinging back and forth with the breeze. Wu Qingchen patted Nina's head, "... you are very smart."

It's really smart.

Being able to grasp the most basic use of the sundial in just a few words, the Earth team's judgment is quite accurate, and Nina really has great potential.

Sitting back at the table, the two continued to eat.

"Wow ... wow ..."

About ten minutes, breakfast was almost over.

Just then, there was a sound of crying children in the cabin.

Both turned back at the same time.

Crying was his younger brother Pavo, the youngest member of the William family.

At the same time, Wu Qingchen also found that Pavo and Kalmar, the two little guys who can only crawl, were also specially held by Nina to the farthest position from the bed when she was sleeping.

Nina walked over, hugged Pavo, and shook it gently.

For a while, Pavo continued to cry.

Wu Qingchen also walked over.

"Give me ..." After two glances, Wu Qingchen hugged Pavo: "It should be too tight."

Wu Qingchen untied Pavo's puppet and saw a sweat mark.

Pulling out the innermost piece of cloth, Wu Qingchen walked to the wooden box beside the Jacqueline bed and turned out another piece of cloth that had been cleaned a while ago.

Holding Pavo and wrapping him again, Wu Qingchen shook gently.

After a while, the little man went to sleep again.

Gently put Pavo back on the bed, Wu Qingchen wiped the sweat from his forehead. When he turned his head, he saw Xiao Nina looking at herself quietly.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qingchen asked.

"Brother ..." Nina said, "Did you take care of me like this when you were young?"


This question, if it was just in the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen must have been roaring:

Whoever brings a child at the age of 7!

Do you think the world is as miserable as you?

Do you know? In order to take care of these two assholes, Lao Tzu spent eight hours before and after listening to a strengthened preschool teacher to learn how to urinate shit!

However, the Middle Ages has gone through so long and so many things. At this moment, listening to this question, Wu Qingchen nodded gently: "Yeah, just like you usually take care of Pavo and Kalmar . "

"Brother ..." Nina opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it quickly.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qingchen's voice was very gentle-truly gentle.

"Brother ... will you take care of us like you do now?"

"Of course!" Wu Qingchen refocused without hesitation.

Even if there is no Earth team repeatedly and repeatedly to Wu Qingchen, family members in the Middle Ages, especially the three worldviews are blank, and the three little guys who are basically blank will have a very high training value in the future ...

Even for the feelings gradually cultivated during this time, and even for the grass on the sundial, Wu Qingchen would answer without hesitation.

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