Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 151: Ten seconds


United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events, analysis missions, intelligence centres.

Since the Tianxiang incident, the establishment of the Interim Committee has been expanding rapidly. In terms of scale and speed, the expansion of the intelligence center has contributed a considerable proportion of it.

Every day, every hour, every country, every city, there are several, dozens, or even hundreds of new intelligence centers to join the ranks of the analysis team.

Most of these intelligence centers are organized by the governments of various countries, and a small number are spontaneous behaviors of civilian forces. Their main task is to analyze the giant screen images of astronomical events.

Counting from the first second of the giant screen in the sky, the entire astronomical event has so far lasted 63 hours, 17 minutes, and 9 seconds (the time when Wu Qingchen returned to Earth was not included).

According to the multi-faceted differences in security levels, human resources, political support, and authority calculations, these different countries, different cities, different backgrounds, and the total number of information centers that are constantly refreshed are assigned to different astronomical event giant screen time analysis tasks.

The overall allocation principle is quite complicated. The most obvious point is that teams with relatively weak human and material resources are generally allocated in the less important image time period.

"Lower importance" is a relative concept.

The image of the eighth hour of the astronomical event, of course, was the most important and urgent information target of the astronomical event just after the eighth hour. Now, 63 hours after the astronomical event, the importance of the image in the 8th hour has naturally decreased.

Of course, chronological order and importance are not so absolute. There are many counterexamples: the giant screen images from the first hour to the third hour of the astronomical event are not only related to the origin of the astronomical event, but also an emergency wake-up. It can be predicted that for a long time, it will be of high importance. Ranks.

Importance is also experienced. On the other hand, the lower the importance, the longer the time period assigned by the intelligence center. These "unnoticed" (total number of people only 100,000) intelligence centers are allocated 1 minute, 2 minutes, corresponding to the Middle Ages, with a duration of 1:30 and a duration of up to 30 minutes. , 60 minutes long.

And the first-line intelligence center, the time allocated to the first-time sky elephant giant screen image is often only 20 seconds, 10 seconds, or even 6 seconds, 4 seconds, corresponding to the medieval world is 10 minutes, 5 minutes, or even just 2 minute.


Country Z, Rongshi.

Rongshi Information Center, a member of the "ten-second file".

New tasks have emerged.

No matter for the "two-minute file" or the "ten-second file," the tasks of the medieval world in the morning are relatively easy tasks.

The night sleep time of Wu Qingchen in the Middle Ages was used as a buffer, as short as 10 minutes and as long as 18 minutes. Even for such a long time, even the group of wastes in the unified cooperation department have been able to make the presentation a little more decent. Already.

Thinking of this, Zhang Miaomiao opened a briefing.

Mission briefing:

Current cycle: 7

Current date: 4

01 (hours, minutes and seconds), house (new), Nina (A5, 17) mastered the basic principles of sundial (fixed point).

On the first day (hours, minutes and seconds), the church, Andre (S5, 11) Mathematics, 76 errors, the fifteenth sentence of the Word (see appendix); Praia (S1, 01) presided over the morning prayer.

01 (hours, minutes and seconds), kitchen (# 4), radio gymnastics (5 minutes 21 seconds), push-ups (2 minutes 3 seconds), sit-ups (1 minute 54 seconds), custom gymnastics (14 minutes 9 seconds)


Day 01 (hours, minutes and seconds), northeast of Route 7 (planned village ring road), Emily (B297, 22), route inquiry.

01 (hours, minutes and seconds), northeast of No. 7 road (planned to plan the village ring road), Kate (B121, 14), route inquiry.


On the 02th, the house ...

On the 02th, the church ...

On the 02th, at the residence, William informed that brewer Peter entertained ...


On the 03th, Peter's house, a feast ...


Zhang Miaomiao quickly browsed these briefs on the panel, which have been seen nearly twenty times, focusing on the intelligence content marked green, which represents the newly added content.

In a minute or so, through a briefing, Zhang Miaomiao learned that Wu Qingchen / Loss ’s mastery of the sundial; the wooden food at Peter ’s family dinner came from which artisan families in the village of Akeli; The honeycomb pinned its hopes on the villagers of Wu Qingchen.

After reading the first pass, Zhang Miaomiao took another ten seconds, scanning from beginning to end, and after confirming that there was no yellow and red information, Zhang Miaomiao clicked on the image of the new task.

The first-line sky elephant giant screen images, naturally, have no dubbing, only fairly crude subtitles.

Even these subtitles are also front-line translators. They did not take a look at the full video, and they were not clear about the object they were talking to. They directly used the micro-expression software specially developed for astronomical events to capture lips. Rigid production, correctness and logic can not be guaranteed, it can only play a part of reference.

Under the recognition of being repeatedly reminded when adding the "ten-second file", Zhang Miaomiao was surprised by the task assigned this time. The amount of information contained in it made Zhang Miaomiao repeatedly doubt whether the micro-expression software was Another upgrade was wrong, or was it the first-line translation team-or yourself-was it because of prolonged overwork that finally caused a mental hallucination.

Let's see what happened:

"Are many people looking for you lately?

It ’s all for the honeycomb, right?

How do you move the honeycomb, have you decided? "

These three lines of subtitles allowed Zhang Miaomiao to quickly tap the keyboard and send out a blue report: The priest was displeased, and the sense of identity seemed to decline.

"Are you asking me about the villagers moving their honeycombs?"


Have discussed with Everett, Espier, O'Connor, Thor. "

These three lines of subtitles made Zhang Miaomiao quickly revoke the previous report, and then send a yellow report with higher priority: Wu Qingchen was granted the villagers permission to move the cell, and the task was completed ahead of time.

"Remember how many days you came to church?

48 days.

Los, you've grown tall, so good.

Los, do you know how old you are?

No, you are 16 years old.

You are 16 years old, otherwise why is it so tall?

Move the honeycomb and do it well. Remember, you are 16 years old! "

This series of subtitles made Zhang Miaomiao stay for several seconds.

Once, twice, and again and again, Zhang Miaomiao did not hesitate to click the red report button: The priest repeatedly suggested that Wu Qingchen / Loss change the age, 16 years old! It has a great relationship with mobile cellular decision authority.

Reporting is a separate system that does not delay the task of watching videos at all.

After the first round of playback, Zhang Miaomiao quickly operated: repeat playback.

One second later, Zhang Miaomiao was not surprised to see that usually the video was initially dubbed until the fourth and fifth times, and when the second round was just started, the complete video was added. , Obviously very detailed dubbing, as well as pointers, key point prompts, character model dynamic analysis ... and many other plug-ins.

Originally fresh and refreshing, it looks similar to the interface of playing movies. It has become a highly operable, highly complex game interface, dense menus, parameters, arrows, buttons, which fill the entire display screen.

"This resource priority ..."

Zhang Miaomiao muttered: "It looks like something should have happened ..."


Unified Cooperation Relations Department.

Dense red reports, their illuminated indicators, make the entire command center flashing red.

"The report from the micro-expression analysis group came out: the pastor's psychological state is stable, and his expression is biased: 83% agree, expecting 92%."

"The report from the gaming team came out: according to the current intelligence, the exchange of technical benefits of cattle control, Praia's utilization rate is 73%."

"The psychological group report came out: Praia model, lamented Wu Qingchen / Loss origin on many occasions, and the compensation was 69%."


"Religious reports have come out: the rules of religion in the Middle Ages, the minimum age for obtaining divinity: 16 years of age."

"What?" Looking at this one, the duty officer who wasn't calm was even more shocked: "What the **** is this? Rev. Praia doesn't have a **** himself?"

"Yes." The staff immediately confirmed: "With the third parish tour in the fall, Praia can remove the title of agent ... Well, the current intelligence, the success rate has exceeded 79%."

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