Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 152: Unlike

"Praia ... what is he trying to do?"

The chief on duty frowned deeply, "I haven't solved my character, but I still remember Wu Qingchen?"

The deputy director next to "God!" Also felt incredible: "Preside over a village church!"

"No ..." said another deputy director. "It is the key to participate in parliamentary discussions."

"It's not that simple." The supervisor on duty shook his head: "Praia's repeated account of the transfer of honeycombs should have a great relevance to this requirement."

"Yes." "Blowing nature." "Well, preparation before promotion."

"Now we must quickly determine the source of the information." Shen Yin said for a long time, a deputy director said: "The Praia model, there will not be such a sudden change, there must be interference from external factors."

"The biggest possibility is the church, the lord, and the family of Praia."

"The possibility of the lord is relatively low ..." The deputy director shook his head: "You can be a burdock at the age of 13, and age is not a problem for the baron."

"If so ... could it be a marriage?" A deputy director suddenly came to Lenovo.

"Marriage? With those beauties?"

Those who heard the words shivered at the same time.

"Well ... if it's the ruler class ..." the deputy director said, "maybe the aesthetics are different?"

"Aesthetic viewpoints originate from the ruler class."

"Where's the communication group?" "The duty officer quickly turned back and asked," Has the communication group's report not come out yet? Did the messenger find it? Are some of Pamela back? "

"The communication team said ..." The staff responsible for docking with the communication team replied, "Maybe a messenger has returned ..."

"Possibly?" The watchkeeper was angry. "What does the communication team do?"

"The communication team said ..." After ten seconds, the sweaty staff responded: "Technical issues are being tackled ..."

"Tackling technical problems?" The duty officer mistakenly said, "I'm back when I'm back, I'm not back when I'm not back, so big people, can't you see?"

"The distribution group requested remote synchronization." Staff reported.

"Let them come in." The duty officer nodded.

"Linking ..." The staff continued to report: "Switched to the big screen."

The crowd calmed down and looked at the big screen.

Inside the big screen is a video of Wu Qingchen.

In the evening, Wu Qingchen walked leisurely on the country road. ——No one nearby.

Ten seconds later, Wu Qingchen still leisurely walked on the country road. ——No one nearby.

One minute later, Wu Qingchen still leisurely walked on the country road. ——No one is in the video range.

"What else does it have to do with the sender?" The duty officer asked. "Where is the sender?"

"The communication group is also synchronizing with the technical group at the same time ..." The staff sweated heavily: "The technical group is being linked ..."

After another ten seconds, the staff member breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay ... the technical group has been linked, number 927487 ..."

"Dear colleagues ..."

The video screen was framed for half a second, and the voice of a middle-aged man sounded.

"Where is the messenger?" The duty officer asked directly.

"Please see the upper left corner of the video." The middle-aged man answered immediately.

With this sentence, in the video, the position in the upper left corner of Wu Qingchen was remotely synchronized by the technical group, and a red frame was drawn.

The distance between the red box and Wu Qingchen was quite far. The duty supervisor tried his best to see a vague piece of grass.

"Is the messenger here?" The duty officer asked. "Is Pamela coming back, or is it his son?"

"No, there is no sender ... According to the monitoring, so far in the Middle Ages this cycle, Wu Qingchen has not found any sender ..."

The voice of the middle-aged man said: "We can only proceed from other angles ... This is a certain place for the sender ..."

Well, it's okay.

The duty director and deputy directors nodded slightly at the same time, and compared the recent days with information on changes in location, which can also explain many problems.

A few seconds later, the remotely synchronized narrator zoomed in on the framed video.

The duty officer and deputy director frowned at the same time.

The enlarged screen, the remotely synchronized commentator, still outlined the sender's place with a red frame.

The location of the sender's place was quite poor. ——The surrounding plots, and the big trees next to it, perfectly blocked the perspective of the sender's plot within Wu Qingchen's field of vision.

"Why did you choose such a piece?" A deputy director asked.

"Only this spot has found a change," the commentator replied.

"Everything is blocked, what do you think?" The duty officer asked.

"Light, shadow, particles, dust ..." The commentator's voice was deeply exhausted: "This is a technical problem ... a very complicated technical problem."

"How is the progress?" The duty officer showed no mercy.

"The signs of harvesting in this pasture land have basically been determined."

"Who is working?"

This has to do with the returning messenger. When sending the letter, it is the church, the lord, or another route.

"Comparing with the labor trajectory of these three objects ..."

"How long will it take?" The duty officer reminded.

"twenty minutes."

Eighteen minutes later, the long-awaited communication group report finally came out:

The one with the highest similarity is the eldest son.

"eldest son!"

Everyone looked up.

The staff has already listed the briefing on the side of the big screen. Under the index of the eldest son, the route column is marked: parish church.

"Direction is very clear ..."

A deputy director said: "The parish church, a pastor of Praia, knows more about Wu Qingchen's value than Praia!"

"Good ..." Another deputy director nodded: "From the changes in Praya's response, Praia's report is not satisfied with Praya's treatment of" given Wu Qingchen as a student ". the way."

"No matter what age, no matter what the background, upper-level resources are limited. Interfering in it will definitely lead to dissatisfaction of the old forces ..." said the duty officer: "The requirement to change the age must be strictly dialectical and treated carefully."

"OK." "Good." "OK."

The deputy directors nodded together.

"Notify me." The chief of duty made a decision.

Three minutes later, the Interim Committee on the Meteor Event approved it.

The "church chat" video, which had been created, was immediately sent to all major channels.


Happy Video Network.

Dream sky, you and I go together.

The latest video was issued, and the high-rise building was immediately built.

"7 days to 8 levels! My God, who dares to say that feudal social classes like the Middle Ages are closed?"

"Promoted to level 8 in 7 days? Is there such an exaggeration?"

"It is no exaggeration at all. From the perspective of Wu Qingchen's meals, the free and weak labor force, the middle labor force, and the strong labor force are obviously different. These three levels are fairly easy. As long as the strength grows, you can Upgrade naturally, eat a few more mouthfuls ... "

"Next is the craftsman, the weak craftsman, the ordinary craftsman, the strong craftsman. Depending on the attitude of the villagers and the village administrators, Niu Yan is undoubtedly a strong craftsman. This is the third level ... Actually, don't look at it. Wu Qingchen seemed to suddenly become a ox, and in feudal society, these three classes, even the most vulnerable firewood companions, first needed good luck. When they met a craftsman like a coward, they had the chance to get apprenticeship. After a few years of hardships, I died of the master I taught, and then I was lucky enough to find my mother-in-law to get married, rely on craftsmanship, and work hard to accumulate family property. After several generations of struggle, I can slowly make a decent family ... ... "

"The next thing is the village management, the police chief, the village chief, the clerk, and the church. Little Andre is actually higher than this level. It can be proved by being called" Master ". After ten years, maybe I have been to the presidency of a village church for another ten years. Maybe I am lucky enough to get into the parish church ... In fact, other ordinary free people in the medieval world do not need to understand this at all, anyway, they will never have this. Opportunity to practice ... "

"Well, in such a calculation, Wu Qingchen has not only risen to level 8!"

"The question now is how many levels are you going to upgrade? Have you ever read the bulletin? This is fraud! Do you know the fraud? The ghost knows how the church in the Middle Ages went through the review process!"

"is it serious?"

"Of course it is serious! Throughout the dynasties, what are the consequences of fraud in scientific research? Check it yourself!"

"Well! The Middle Ages are not a unified dynasty. Isn't it so serious at all?"

"Anyway, this is a great opportunity!"

"I'm afraid that good things will turn bad!"

"Anyway, just call it 16 years old, who the **** would you believe?"

"Yeah, although I've grown a little taller recently, it's a big difference to be 16 years old!"

"It doesn't look like it!"

"It doesn't sound like it!"

"There are still a lot of dislikes, too many ... Damn, 13 years and 16 seconds, but they can figure it out!"

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

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