Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 163: Human heart

"This ... yes!"

Little Andre suddenly realized that his previous thought was too simple: "Every piece of land is adjacent to the family's place ... Who should these benefits be taken care of by the way?"

"What's more, the location of the honeycomb and the people who care about it are not just the neighboring ones ..."

Shaking his head slowly, Rev. Praia continued: "You need to know that the closer you are to the honeycomb, the more buckwheat seeds ... So in which direction should you get more land and get more benefits?"

"This this……"

Thinking of the teacher's question, after thinking for a long time, Andre's face was a little pale, and he finally shook his head: "I don't know ..."

If weighing the peripheral benefits that are taken care of by the cellular fixed point will make the problem twice as complicated, the directional benefits of taking care of the cellular fixed point by the way will undoubtedly make the problem five times more complicated.

Such a problem is obviously far beyond Andre's ability now.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know ..."

Rev. Praia smiled mildly, "This is the most troublesome and difficult problem in hosting a church ... Well, Andrea, it has been a few days of riding in the church ..." Then, Rev. Praia pointed to Outside path: "Do you want to go outside and take a walk?"

"Can you?" Andre suddenly forgot the original topic and twisted left and right in excitement.

"You can ..." Rev. Praia nodded: "... It's time to get acquainted with 'Early Ears' in Acrylic Village ... by the way, it's also time for you to learn how to preside over the church."

Ten minutes later, I packed up my equipment and instructed the police to look after the church. Praia helped Andrea to the foal, took the reins and walked out of the church.

As a pure, low-productivity feudal farmhouse, the church is the center, the management, police chief, village head, and clerk's management are the first circle. Craftsmen and wooden houses passed down by the first generation of people For the second lap, it forms the core area of ​​the entire village of Akeli.

This area occupies a small area. After two or three minutes, Rev. Praia and Andre suddenly opened their eyes, and a large area of ​​buckwheat appeared.

"Let's talk, Andre ..." When he came here, pointing to the surrounding area, Rev. Praia asked: "If you were asked to preside over the mobile honeycomb, how should these places be placed?"


Andrei thought a little, and followed the thought mentioned by Rev. Praia just now: "Put one beside the Marin family, and one beside the Weir family."


Rev. Praia nodded. The closest place to the village center, of course, belongs to the relatives at the top of the food chain in Akeli village. The two names that Andre said, one is the brother of Zhuangtou and the other is the nephew of the clerk. It is in this area Andre, the two families closest to the village administrator, made the right choice.

"So ..." Rev. Praia asked again, "Which side is the honeycomb on?"

"Hey ... here, and here ..." Andre pointed to two positions first, and then thought about the other two positions: "In fact, you can put two more honeycombs on each side. ... "

"Good, basically that's it." Rev Praia nodded in approval.

Being trapped by two hills, this piece of land is not too much ... Moreover, here are all families that have a relationship with the village chief, clerk, and police chief. Taking special care of a particular household or inadvertently harming the interests of a particular household can easily lead to potential distrust. It is better to put honeycomb in all four directions, just like where André is now pointing, and place the entire area Covering it up will directly eliminate the difference between near and far, so that when the autumn harvest, each household will increase production and basically maintain the same level.

"Master is here ..."

A few days ago during the evangelistic day, the summer battle was nearing its end, and horse riding and combat skills were practiced in the church for several days. When Rev. Praia came out, the villagers were already busy in their own place.

Seeing Rev. Praia talking with Andre, and then seeing two people pointing and pointing, the busy villagers couldn't help but embrace them.

"Good day, Master Praia ... Good day, Little Master Andrea ..."

"Master, how many honeycombs are there?"

"Master Praia, did my uncle find you?"

"Master Praia, can you put it on my side ..."

"Well, good day ..."

As if he didn't hear the problems around him, Rev. Praia froze, looking around for a week, "Go, do your work."

"Uh ..." Looking at each other, noticing the expression on the face of Rev. Praia's face, the villagers walked away.


After the villagers walked away, Rev. Praia said, "No matter what you do, before thinking about it, before deciding on it, it's best not to talk lightly, let alone agree with anything, otherwise it will easily cause unnecessary trouble ... "


Andre nodded heavily.

Holding the foal, Rev. Praia continued.

Passing the corner between the two hills, Rev. Praia and Andre appeared in front of a large expanse of land.

"Here?" Pacer stopped, and Rev. Praia asked again, "Where should the honeycomb be placed?"


Little Andre looked around.

It is similar to the distribution of houses. When you get here, it is basically the place of craftsmen and villagers who have a strong family background.

"Peter ... Nickin ... Newry ... Pamela ..." Andre said the names of four craftsmen.

"Are there any more?" Rev. Praia asked.

"Well ..." Little Andre took a closer look, and finally shook his head: "I don't know ..."

"And Lockhar ..." Rev. Praia pointed to a plot near the stream: "Although he is not a craftsman, Lockhar is the best-looking and farthest person in the entire village of Akeli ... Let Rohar have a full meal, and everyone will feel relieved when shipping taxes in the fall. "

"Teacher you are right." Andre nodded again and again.

"Well, the shares of these houses are just in a row ..." Looking at the distribution of craftsmen, Rev. Praia smiled: "Let's go ... there is nothing to say about the location of the honeycomb ..."

"Master Praia is here!"



"Come on, they are coming soon ..."

Before the villagers came over, they pulled the reins heavily, and Rev. Praia took Andre and quickly walked out of the area.

About ten minutes later, I walked around the corner again, and a larger place appeared.

The path chosen by Rev. Praia and Andre when leaving the church is one of the six "main roads" that make up the "road network" of the village of Akeli, six times the area that the two have just passed, relatives of the administrator, and craftsmanship The family's place is basically in it.

"The words here ..."

Before the question from Rev. Praia, Andre Jr. spoke: "Richard, Freeman, Hout ..." First pointed out the old neighbours of Old William, "Antoine, Dyric, Bichl, Abner ... "Pointing to Wu Qingchen's close police officer, Andre said:" The honeycomb was placed next to these people's place. "

"Where's the direction?"

"This ..." Andre was silent.

"It's troublesome here ..."

Rev Praia said, "The honeycomb next to Richard's place should be close to the direction of Esther and Fage's place. These two bastards, with five sons together, must be a big trouble ... ... Freeman's honeycomb, take care of Tommy and Banhome, lest they fall over and tell me in the fall, the children in the family 'accidentally fell into the water' ... "

"Hmm!" Andre looked a little dark.

"In addition ..." Rev. Praia continued, "Hot's place must take into account Fide, Tenning, and Druze. If they continue to starve in winter, these families It was easy to get into the forest and become a thief next year ... "

"Hmm!" Andre nodded heavily.

"Well, maybe it won't be possible here ..."

The land is too large and too wide. Although Rev. Praia and Andre Jr. stepped up, they were surrounded by villagers halfway through.

"Master Praia, good day ... Little Andrea, good day!"

"Good day ..."

The villagers greeted each other, and Rev. Praia nodded absently.

"Master Rev. Thank you ..." said a farmer who was close to Rev. Praia. "This year's tithe, I will definitely make it up."

Ok? Tithes?

Rev. Praia frowned.

"Thank you so much ..." There were deep tears on the farmer's face: "My family's place can even be assigned a honeycomb ... Master Pastor, you are too kind!"

what? you? honeycomb?

"Reassure you!" Wiping a tear, the farmer stood up: "Master Los is right, no matter what, you can't live up to the gift of the master. After the autumn harvest is over, I will immediately send tithes to the church immediately ! "


Cellular and tithe ...

What is this, Los?

"Master Rev. Thank you for your kindness ..."

While Praia was still in doubt, another farmer came over: "Thank you for the honeycomb you gave me! I will definitely make up for the tithe owed in previous years!"

Tithes owed in previous years?

Praia was even more surprised to hear these things that were no longer expected.

"Master Rev ...."

The farmers who couldn't squeeze them stood behind and shouted:

"I give it every year!"

"I never owed church taxes!"

"Master Rev. My family still has food! I can pay tithes now! As long as there are honeycombs next year ..."


Listening to these shouts, Rev. Praia paused. After a while, he asked the villagers carefully, Rev. Praia knew that before he and Andre passed by, Los had promised the surrounding villagers, As long as the tithe is guaranteed to be paid, the villagers here can get one when moving the cell.

What? how can that be?

Relatives of police chiefs, village chiefs, clerks, craftsmen, and old neighbors, how many honeypots does Los have?

Rev. Praia's face quickly dignified: "Is Los passing by this way?"

"Yes, sir," the villager replied.


Praia turned her head and quickly spread her legs.


Out of the villagers' range, Andre asked in doubt: "Brother Los ... uh, are there so many honeycombs in the forest ..."


Rev. Praia's face was not very good: "Andre, did you tell Des Talmar's letter to Los?"

"Uh ..." Andre took a peek at Praia before answering for a long time: "Yes ... yes ..."

"You! You! Hey!" Rev. Praia slammed heavily: "My **** ... Mr. Talma just said something casually! The acting host of Los, it is just that I pay a little bit more wheat seeds That's all, what do you need to save! You are ... Lose is also ... hmm! "

In the next pass, Rev. Praia's legs moved quickly, no longer staying in the middle, no villagers could catch up with him.

Twenty minutes later.

As we walked around the corner and around the woods, a large group of busy silhouettes appeared before Rev Praia and Andrea.

"It's Brother Los ..."

Little Andre tilted his head.

"Well." Rev Praia hurriedly walked over.

At this time, Praia and Andre had reached the north of the village, and in front of them was the intersection of old William, Richard, Hansel, and Sanchez. The only free place in the entire village of Akeli was hanging. Location of three honeycombs.

Rev. Praia saw that in this very open area, several serfs were dragging several trees that had just been cut down to the road; several serfs were wiping sickles to clear the surrounding bushes There are also several serfs, holding mud in their hands, trying to fill the gaps between the ridges and the roads for various reasons.

The footpath in the middle of the land, the end of the summer battle, the idled burdock helpers, and several serfs in the lord's barn, were surrounded together, carefully bucking a wooden barrel into the pit just dug out.

Cut down trees ... Clean up bushes ... Fill gaps ...

Bucket Buckle ...

As if struck by lightning, Rev. Praia paused for a moment.

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