Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 164: chime in

For fresh things, curiosity is inherent to human beings.

In particular, when this new thing can be associated with living and huge benefits, the degree of curiosity will undoubtedly be greater.

This is the case with honeycombs.

After the effect of buckwheat doubled seed appeared, the entire village of Aikeli, from the steward to the village head, from the free people to the serfs, the impression of honeycomb all of a sudden was "troubled", "will bite", "only belongs to the master "Delicious sweets" have become "make wheat seeds more", "let your stomach be full", "everyone is trying to find a way to get good things."

The earth-shaking attitude change is also reflected in the fact that almost every villager has paid more attention to this black ball, which was far away from the past.

What are bees afraid of?

How fast can bees fly?

How far can bees fly?

When does the bee sleep?

How many bees are in a hive?

What hurts the hive and bees?

Some of these questions are pure curiosity, and some want to expand the benefits to a greater extent. Of course, the main purpose is to avoid harm to bees.

——We must know that once the effect of honeycomb on the increase of buckwheat production is confirmed, the ruling class in the village of Aikeli immediately diversified the honeycomb and bees through various channels such as oral announcements, wooden sign warnings, and door-to-door notifications. The protection status was fixed in the form of village law.

In fact, even without this urgently announced law, out of great respect for food and great expectations for increasing food production, it is impossible for villagers in the current village of Akeli to intentionally hurt these most adorable little ones. guys.

Just a few days after the end of the summer campaign, due to the large number of honeycombs laid out by the lord's land, the villagers' chances of being disturbed by bees were greatly increased. As a result, Rev. Praia noticed that in the past, when bees approached, villagers would quickly expel their sleeves to expel them, but now when they encounter bees, the villagers would rather delay a little time, avoid them far, and try to avoid contact.

Rev. Praia also saw with his own eyes that when a little guy was accidentally stung by a bee, the first time was not to quickly rub the painful position, but to look around quickly, and at the same time pretend that if nothing happened, he quietly reflected the condition. Below, the bee dying in his hand was thrown into the hidden grass.

Moreover, since Loos told the villagers that the bees hate the strong smell, the villagers of the entire Aikeli village carefully wash their bare hands, face, and feet outside their robes before they start working every day, and even occasionally Also wash clothes!

Even the people who got the door busy from the day before dawn, and worked until the sun was completely down before returning home, are squeezing precious time to pay attention to the bees. As the ruling class of the village of Akeli, Praia The pastor's research on honeycombs and bees naturally deepened.

During the summer battle some time ago, Rev. Praia was also quite busy, most of the time was in the commons, and did not participate in the process of Wu Qingchen deepening the forest and moving the honeycomb. However, even so, when supervising the distribution of church implements, monitoring the serfs' work in the village, and inspecting the commons for a short break, Rev. Praia often chose a location close to the honeycomb.

For the time squeezed out from the busy time, through observation, Rev. Praia has found vaguely: within ten steps of the honeycomb, it will cause the alert of the bee colony; after the bee stings, it will soon die; flying When it comes to flower fields, the bees usually come in groups ...

After the summer battle was over and relaxed, Rev. Praia immediately led the police officer and took the serfs straight to the forest, cliffs, streams, and other places where there may be honeycombs. In the process of looking for the honeycombs, through various observations Rev. Praia summed up several equally vague conclusions: bees are afraid of water; bees hate the smell of certain plants; besides people, bees also bite other animals close to the honeycomb ...

And, the most important point at this time:

The locations where bees build nests are often tall trees, dry stone cracks, and dense shrubbery inside!

During this period of time, my mind was always hovering with honeycombs and bees. When I came here, I saw Wu Qingchen leading the helpers and serfs, cutting down the trees next to the plot, clearing the bushes around the road, and trying to fill the ridges and roads. Waiting for the hole formed by various reasons ... and other actions, Rev. Praia reacted instantly.



In this case……

Rev. Praia lifted her head hard, and was surprised to see that Praia's movements were very slow, as if she could hear the creak of her bones.

Looking at more than a dozen steps, three high-hanging honeycombs, just ten seconds, Rev. Praia determined: Compared to when I came here a while ago, the bees near these three hives, unknowingly, It's already intensified.

A few days ago, drilling forests, climbing cliffs, wading streams, and leading a large group of serfs on a large-scale search, Rev. Praia saw various honeycombs and various bee colonies next to the honeycomb. These bee colonies were large and small, and occasionally there were The new bee colony that is busy beside the new nest that is not completely formed, and like the three overhanging honeycombs in front of it, is dense and dense, and it is possible to divide a part at any time to build a new bee.

In the forest, saturated bee colonies can find trees, pinnacles, shrubs ...

And here-where this tree was just cut down, the ground was leveled, and the shrubs were emptied-the new bee colony from the saturated bee colony, the location of the new nest, and other options?

When thinking of this, Rev. Praia's eyes had been fixed firmly on the two burdock helpers, who had just clasped the wooden barrel buried in the soil and cut out several small holes on all sides.

"Teacher ... uh ..."

Standing next to him, I saw Rev. Praia suddenly stop, and then there was a long silence. Little Andre peeked into his eyes. The teacher's hands were unconsciously **** and fisting, and the expression on his face also Changing quickly ...

How to do?

Letter from Deacon Talma, Los promises honeycomb indiscriminately ...

How to do?

The state of Rev. Praia is so close to the state of condensed anger. Little Andre was anxious, his head turned quickly, and he tried to find the words that could help Wu Qingchen to escape.

"Teacher ... don't be too angry ... it's my fault. I shouldn't tell you the letter to Los .... Also, and ..."

Andrea stammered and said, "Brother Los, I want to make your character smoother ... I don't want you to waste wheat ..."


Seeing Rev. Praia still had no response, Andre became even more nervous: "It's ... Actually, just a moment ago ... and a few inferior people ... Just let Brother Lose ignore them ... or ... or give them a honeycomb ... so that Rose doesn't ... don't talk anymore ... "

It seems useless to help apologize?

"Um ... uh ..."

Andre's head turned sharply, and suddenly he thought of a new strategy, and his mood was slightly calmer: "It's a mess! Brother Los is too inattentive! How can I promise to give the honeycomb to those inferiors just now? Don't look at them It's nice to say now, when the tithe is actually paid, I don't know how much food will be secretly hidden! "

"This fool! I don't know or ask! How can I decide for myself? How can I not ask you first? Fool! This fool!"

Thinking of the time when I taught myself "Preaching Church Studies-Human Mind-Smart Cellular Lessons", Rev Praia could not conceal his contentment, and could not hide the restraint in his tone. From this perspective, Andrei Big fuss: "It doesn't take long, as long as I heard you just taught me how to divide the honeycomb for the villagers, naturally Brother Los should know that he just gave the honeycomb in the village just now. What good is it for those inferiors to hear a few words of inability to fill their stomachs? "

"What about Zhuangtou and the clerk's relatives? Get in trouble. Can he clean up by himself?"

"What about the craftsman? When he shipped the tax in the fall, did he dare to go to the front and make his own eyes?"

"What about his own old neighbour? When he's hungry, does he plan to distribute the food in the church?"

"Also, what about the five sons of Esther and Fache's family? What about Tommy and Banhom's family throwing their children into the water? Fide, Tenning, Druze escape into the forest do?"

"A few good words that can't fill your stomach. Is it more important than fighting, more important than human life, and more important than thieves?"

Talking, Andre's thinking became clearer and his words became more and more fluent. He quickly said these things. Little Andre did not notice at all. I do not know when Rev. Praia had calmed down and heard Little Ander. Lie touting "Presiding Church Studies-Human Mind-Smart Cellular Lessons", Rev. Praia's face turned red for a while and turned white for a while, the speed and degree of change were more shocked than when he was shocked at the barrel. Must be much stronger.

"Oh ... well ..."

With a cough, try to keep the tone as smooth as possible, Rev. Praia said, "Don't say this ... Let's go, let's go to Los."

"Yes! See what he's doing!"

Seeing that the teacher finally calmed down, Andre breathed a sigh of relief quietly, but he didn't dare to relax completely, so he said resentfully in his mouth, "Teacher, you must scold this stupid person! Wait for it in the forest! A little honeycomb, how can you distribute it randomly? How can you promise anything without asking you first? "

"Ah ... heh ..."

Rev. Praia coughed again.

Thinking that his flattering was working, Little Andrei decided to make another effort to make Rev. Praia's next blame as light as possible ...

"Be sure to let Rose know ..."

Learning from Praia's tone, Andre said again: "No matter what you do, before you decide, before you decide, it's best not to speak easily, or you will cause unnecessary trouble if you are not careful!"

"Cough ... cough ... cough ... cough ... cough ... cough ... cough ..."

Rev. Praia coughed.

"Teacher, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

At this time, Praia and Andre were about to reach the position where the burdock helpers and serfs were busy.

At this time, Andre also felt relieved.

So, while Andre greeted with concern, he finally looked at the specific content of the burdock's helpers and serfs.

After ten seconds ...

Supervise the distribution of farm implements in the church, monitor the serfs in the village to work, and little Andre is basically standing next to Praia when he goes back and forth in the lord's commons; when he drills forests, climbs cliffs, and streams, little Andre basically Beside Praia.

Therefore, it is easy to understand:

From Praia's mouth, Andre Jr. has learned most of the rough bee theories.

So, Andre Jr. immediately determined:

The meaning of cutting down trees, clearing shrubs, and filling the gaps.

And, the use of inverted wooden barrels.

To understand this, like Rev. Praia, little Andre was instantly surprised.

After a few minutes, the marvel ended.

Naturally, Andre then remembered the performance of Rev. Praia.

And what you persuade.

With extreme complexity and embarrassment, Andre slowly turned to the teacher.

Next, Little Andre saw that as he turned his head, John / Praia / Akford, his teacher, quickly turned his side and twisted his head.

For a long time, for a long time, there was no turning back.

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