Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 171: Negative equity operations

Who will pity us?

When the waste utilization, construction members who were barely able to be included in the counterpart analysis team, had noticed the abnormal situation in the medieval world, most of the earth people also received similar messages.

Looking across the screen, the skeletal Aikeli villagers in the medieval world, sweating in the mud, hungry and hungry, when most trekking, most of the earth people do n’t mind feeling and showing conscience There may be occasional tears of sympathy.

However, if these lazy bones start to slacken and the enthusiasm for labor declines, it may lead to less food and then affect the goal of achieving absolute security within half a year—no matter how small the impact is, as long as the impact may threaten themselves and their families ——These "most people" on earth expressed their hatred and intolerance without any pity.


Luo County.

First Citizens Hospital, inpatient ward.


Watching the scrolling Wu Qingchen channel on the TV, the host and guests were analyzing the "lazy incident". In front of the hospital bed, a certain patient had dark skin and thick bone joints. At first glance, he was a relative of a patient who was used to farm work. , Patted his thighs hardly: "The cattle in this family are hurt by muscles! How can you put them in a daze at home? Pull them out and occasionally do some light work to get better faster!"

"And here ..."

The family member of the other bed also said: "This grandfather's brains are not enough, just reinforcement and cold protection. Where is the wooden house of such a small size, can it be used for a few days? Leave it to me to renovate, and it will be enough in half an afternoon. ! "

"What you said is good ..." The patient in the second bed shook his head: "But in this medieval world, just like before the liberation, where is this technology!"

"This shit, what technology do you want?"

"Wu Qingchen is here, afraid of lack of technology?"

"Nothing else, the government didn't pay much attention to it!" The family members of the patients near the door were distressed. "Look, we can solve two problems in our room by just chatting! Is it not easy for the government to find an expert as long as the government is determined? ? "

"That's it! Early detection, early attention, and the right medicine, all these people's worries will be resolved in advance. Where are these broken things?"

"In the end it's still poor, or lazy!"

"Mom ..." Inside the ward, on the bed near the window, watching the analysis of "laziness" in the TV, listening to the enthusiastic discussion of the adults next to him, holding her mother's hand in doubt: "What's the matter? Everyone Why are you angry? Did your brother sleep late in the morning? "

"No ..." The mother shook her head and patted the back of her daughter's hand gently; "In the early morning, my brother is a hardworking child, who does bad things, and who is lazy is another bad guy!"

When referring to the "bad guys" in the Middle Ages, her mother managed to suppress the anger in her intonation.


Los Angeles Institute of Microbiology.

"Okay! Great!"

A quick look at the Medieval World Briefing hurriedly sent by the assistant, as well as the Earth Public Opinion Briefing, the doctor's eyes brightened: "Contact the Information Center immediately and synchronize the information of this group of slackers, with emphasis on psychological analysis and action trajectory."

"Okay, doctor!"

The assistant standing on the left turned quickly, and when he reached the door, he had already dialed the phone.

"Notify the supervisors and departments immediately, prepare materials and equipment, and adjust the direction as soon as the information is available! Be prepared to study the most painful, fastest, and most alert method, and give these passive lazy and wasteful food slackers Let's set a few examples! "

"But ..." the assistant hesitated and said, "In response to the decline in labor enthusiasm, there are already very mature plans in the" Mill Strategy "..."

"I know there is a plan!" The doctor interrupted the assistant's reminder: "However, no mature plan can be effective before it is implemented! In addition, our research ... is not used when the enthusiasm for labor declines. Got it. "

"Okay, doctor!"

The assistant standing on the right also turned quickly.

"Wait a minute ..." The doctor called the assistant: "Remember to submit a report on urgent additional funding!"

"The amount is ..." The assistant took out his notebook.

"In such a serious situation, the people pay so much attention, of course, the highest standard!"


Jiang County.

A rental house.


Looking at the "lazy list" summarized by the website editor working overtime and overtime, and the serious consequences that these **** can be lazy, Li Zhencai clapped his teeth grittyly:

"Become famous all day long, is it so difficult to do the work honestly?"

On the page he browsed, a similar condemnation was swiped:

"Once the scars forget the pain, we must learn these slackers!"

"Disqualify them from cell division! Kill chickens and monkeys! Kill a hundred!"

"Take out all the cattle in their family and do the heaviest work!"

"Slacker! Cheap bones! It is strongly recommended that these people be listed as key monitoring targets!"

"Does the country have a way? The country must have a way? The country definitely has a way?"


The state certainly has a way.

The effect of artificial intervention on bee colony gradually manifested. This wave of labor efficiency in the Middle Ages was indeed long anticipated by the staff.

However, unlike the ordinary people's scolding of the villagers' labor efficiency, it may have a different impact on the material reserves of the “Mill Strategy”. From the perspective of the high-level staff of the interim committee and the decision-making staff of the overall staff team, this time the phenomenon is even more manifested. The fragility of early farming civilization.

When the threat of survival is reduced, the pursuit of better life enjoyment is human nature.

Needless to say the Middle Ages, even the 21st century Earth.

When the bank card has a balance, the urgency of finding a job is certainly not too high.

When the credit card started to collect money, the boss, the superior, and the customer were abominable, and had to pinch their noses.

From this perspective, the solution to the decline in labor efficiency in the medieval world is simple: negative asset operations.

Every grass in the Middle Ages has been marked by the earth and included in the list of supplies. How can the valuable hundreds of times of food resources be tolerated by the villagers of the Middle Ages as a reserve? ——How about saving a few cents of interest? Isn't that cheap for bugs and mice?

Of course, no matter the earth or the medieval world: people are the most precious resources.

Of course, the Earth team is not planning to starve people in the Middle Ages to life, but it means that in addition to the necessary food, the remaining food and other resources must be fully utilized.

Even if there is no decrease in labor efficiency this time, and even if there is no plan to increase production of bees, under the guiding ideology of negative asset operation, after Wu Qingchen entered the Middle Ages, the villagers of Aikeli Village harvested from this autumn. From the beginning, don't even expect to have more than half a month of food reserves in your home.

In this extremely backward world, if we control the grain, we control all the villagers from the source.

But ... grabbing the grain and reducing the reserves, such a suggestion of anger, resentment, heaven and earth, of course, cannot be proposed by Wu Qingchen / Loss, who is positioned as a five-good villager-the tenth good man-a contemporary sage.

Moreover, this incident is not convenient overnight, so villagers must first enjoy the brutality of feudal society, and then feel the warmth of the earth.


Disturbed, the earth spent two hours, and the Middle Ages passed another two days.

March 07, 0001.

Wu Qingchen entered the Middle Ages this round, the sixth day.

late at night.

The cabin was quiet.

With one hand, he gently opened the "wall hole", six eyes, and quietly looked out from the current fashionable structure of this village of Akeli.


For a long time, there came a suppressed voice to the bottom.

"What's the matter?" The answer beside the wall hole was the way Wayne, who was bribing a bunch of pasture to the old William when Wu Qingchen was appointed as a burdock by the baron: "It's still early!"

"Oh!" The mother-in-law behind her sighed: "... It's already this time, no more sleep, what should I do tomorrow ..."

"Tomorrow's work!" Wayne snorted heavily. "If you don't prepare early, it's no use doing too much work!"

"It's still impossible to say ..." beside him, muttered, "... who knows if it's true ..."

"Is there any fake ... a honeycomb belongs to the church, a honeycomb belongs to the baron, and the remaining honeycombs belong to Lord Everett and Lord Praia. It belongs to Lord Los ... the extra wheat, of course, also belongs to the church, the baron, Lord Everett, Lord Praia, and Lord Los! Taxes! Honeycomb tax! "

Wayne said bitterly: "Listen, the honeycomb tax! The honeycomb tax ... Can the neighbors make up this case?"

"Well ..." Mother-in-law sighed: "What about Little Andrea ... Honeycomb tax, hey ... Actually, Little Master is right."

After a long sigh, everyone was silent in the wooden house.

"Actually ..." After a long time, the eldest son said slowly: "Hallman himself also said, this is just what little master Andre said, master steward, pastor master, and master Roth, and still said nothing ... ... "

"Well ..." Wayne sighed longly: "Master Master and Rev. Lord, of course, you can't just talk casually. As for Lord Los ... Lord, benevolent Lord Los, good-hearted Lord Rose, how could this be said! Honeycomb tax, Master Los must have missed it! "

"Master Praia is also very kind ..." said his mother-in-law, "isn't the honeycomb tax too much? He will leave us more wheat, right?"

"Yes, Rev. Praia will definitely leave us a little more." The eldest son's voice was full of hope.

"Maybe, after collecting the honeycomb tax, we can still leave one more can ... No, two more can ... so we can eat for another month!" The second son looked at the position of the pot in the memory.

"Master Rev. is kind and kind to the villagers." Wayne's tone was indeed full of gratitude: "If it was only two cans, or a little more, Master Praia would definitely leave it to us."

"Then ..." The eldest son hesitated: "Why should we go digging secretly?"

"Well ..." Wayne sighed. "But ... something, if Master Baron had decided ... How could it be convenient for Rev. Praia to even leave us more wheat?"


"Okay!" Wayne said, "Anyway, just one night, dig it first, and then say, if we can leave a little more wheat when it is harvested in the fall, it is of course the best, it is a white night spent ... if Lord Baron's honeycomb tax is too high ... bye ... then our preparations will be used. "

"Well ..." Mother-in-law and her sons nodded in unison.

"It should be almost ..." A few glances out of the wall hole again, Wayne turned back: "You wait ... I'll see ..."

Speaking, Wayne pushed the door of the cabin very lightly and slowly.

After nearly half an hour, the wooden door was slightly slower, but it was pushed open at nearly normal speed.

"Okay." Wayne's voice was much more normal after returning. "No sound, those families are all asleep."

"Okay." "Let's go." "Bring things."

Three voices answered at the same time.

After half a minute, four people walked out of the cabin.

The night was deep, the wind was a bit strong, and dark clouds drifted over, covering most of the sky, with only a few glimmers of light, looming from the gap.

"That's great!" Wayne said with a look of joy: "It's even harder to be seen, they all grab my clothes ..."

Carrying hoes, shovel, shovel, pickaxe, the mermaids walked through the path, across the stream, and climbed the hills ...

After nearly an hour, the four went into the forest.

After another ten minutes, they left the villagers' usual way of collecting firewood and drilled into the dense woods. In a small gap formed naturally, the four finally stopped.

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