Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 172: Dull

The next day.

When the sky was bright, Wu Qingchen started a routine of "morning exercises" again. Walking on the road, Wu Qingchen noticed that the villagers who were waiting on the side of the road waiting for a chance to meet with him seemed to have some worries on their faces.

It seems that some of the remarks induced by Andy Little have produced the desired effect.

The current village of Akeli should have spread the news of the honeycomb tax ...

Wu Qingchen continued the morning exercise calmly, nodding his heart secretly.

After the morning exercise, on the way back to the church, Wu Qingchen met several waves of latecomers.

"Master Los, good day."

Seeing Wu Qingchen from a distance, Wayne and his son hurried to the side of the road, took off their hoods, and bent down deeply.

"Good day, Wayne." Wu Qingchen greeted with a smile: "It seems a bit late today?"

"Ah ... yes!" Wayne sighed heavily. "I don't know what happened, and I oversleep accidentally ..."

Do you lie to ghosts?

Several of your trouser legs are dotted with black mud on the edge of the forest, and your robes are covered with weeds and leaves ...

Well, it seems that the Wayne family's food storage location is in the forest, and it should be the forest north of the village.

Judging from the situation deduced by the staff team, and observing in the manner taught by the training team, Wu Qingchen guessed the behavior and location of Wayne and his sons, all guessing seven or seven.

"Hurry up late."

It doesn't make any sense to break through these. Wu Qingchen waved his hands and let Wayne and his son leave.

After a few minutes.

Arta and his son took off their hoods and stood by the road.

"Master Los, good day."

"Ryan, Arta, why are you here now?"

"There's still some work left in Zhongshui's land ..." Arta pointed to himself and his son: "We went there in the morning."

is it?

The plot of water in your home is pasture grass. Why are the bare areas of the neck, arms, and ankles all thorn marks that are obviously made of thorns?

Alas, there are still traces of water on the trouser legs. It seems that the place where Alta's food is buried should be the bushes by the water.

"Don't delay, go quickly."

Wu Qingchen made a judgment, nodded, and signaled several people to leave.

After walking for another ten minutes, when approaching the church, Wu Qingchen saw the Scottrades.

"Hey!" This time, Wu Qingchen stopped. "Scott, you ... what are you doing?"

By the bush, the Scottrade family was talking fiercely, the eldest son was carrying two hens, and the faces of others were ugly.

"Ah ... Master Los!" It wasn't until Wu Qingchen spoke that the Scottrades discovered that the master had arrived, and several people were saluting.

"Uh-huh." Wu Qingchen nodded and pointed at the hen. "How come out to work and still carry this?"

"Not brought by us." Scottrade shook his head.

"Given that **** of Rachel!" Scott's eldest son gritted his teeth and said, "This bastard! When the little cubs in his family were hungry, we kindly borrowed some food for him ... I didn't expect ... Unexpectedly, this bastard! Actually chose to return our food at this time! "

"Return the grain?" Wu Qingchen frowned slightly. "Is the grain still bad?"

"Of course not good! How can I return the food now! Now, wait until autumn ..."

"Cough!" Scottrade coughed heavily.

Hearing his father's cough, the eldest son suddenly came to his senses, and stopped the next words.

At the same time, Scott said, "Yeah, how can you pay it now? Everyone has to work so early, and suddenly two hens, we have to send them home deliberately ..."

What you worry about is actually these two little guys who are flapping their wings. They can lay eggs every few days, and they are really reluctant to kill ... but if they don't kill, when the tax is collected in the fall, this giggle keeps up. Cute, can't think of a way to hide it?

"Yeah, Rachel is really going to get in trouble ..." Wu Qingchen shook her head: "But since it's already given, then hurry home."

Standing at the door of the church and watching the Scottrade family walking away, Wu Qingchen couldn't help laughing.

It seems that Little Andre's effect of spreading the news is better than it needs to be!

If so ...

Wu Qingchen made a decision by comparing several key parameters marked by the staff group with the news of the honeycomb tax in the past few days, and comparing it with the church that can already see the steeple: It seems that the plan of the staff can be implemented ...


Before that, there is still a bit of trouble, you need to get through it first ...


After about an hour and a half.

An open space opened in front of the church.

"Los, you're wrong again!"

Wu Qingchen rode "long ears", and Rev. Praia held the reins, and Andrei followed suit.

really! Again!

Wu Qingchen wailed silently in her heart.

"Strong, hard!" Pat Praia clawed Wu Qingchen's calf dangling from the horse's belly, and said loudly, "You can't pinch it like this, it will fall too easily when you really run!"

"Okay." Wu Qingchen nodded, and his feet strengthened.

"Come forward here!" Speaking, Rev. Praia also patted Wu Qingchen's thigh: "This way you can sit more securely."

"Okay, okay." Wu Qingchen nodded again, moving his **** a little back.

"Waist straight, don't bend so deep!"

"Back up!"

"Head down!"

Wu Qingchen did it one by one.

After a few minutes.

"Well ... Los, you're wrong again!" Rev. Praia frowned, grabbing Wu Qingchen's calf: "Here! Tight! Clamp!"

"Okay." Wu Qingchen added some strength.

"And here!" Rev. Praia pointed at Wu Qingchen's thigh again.

"And here ... here ... here ... here ..."

On the one hand, the Rev. Master pointed at Wu Qingchen's waist, calf, head, neck ...

Wu Qingchen did it one by one.

After another small meeting.


Rev Praia sighed extremely heavily: "Loss ... you're wrong again ..."

I know!

If it weren't for his hands to hold another rein, Wu Qingchen could not wait to cover his face.

I know, I know!

"Well, forget it ..."

Repeatedly, repeatedly corrected the invalidity, Praia sighed weakly: "Let's do it first, try it on your own ..."

Strange to say, after Rev. Praia took off the reins for coaching and let Wu Qingchen control it alone, although there was a big gap between the correct postures directed by Rev. Praia, but sitting on the "long ears". However, Wu Qingchen also ran like a decent, even fast.

But what about it?

Calf strength is not enough, how to stabilize the body when swinging the hammer?

With the thighs so far behind, how do you prevent falling when sprinting?

The neck is so straight, and an arrow hits it, right?

"Well ..." Watching Wu Qingchen riding on the little pony, running happily in the courtyard, Rev. Praia sighed longly: "The child, Los, is clever at everything and learns everything Hurry ... why can't I teach everything when it comes to riding? "

"Yeah!" Little Andre also did not understand.

Gosh! Oh, God! Master!

Rev. Praia and Andre were sitting on the pony while wondering, and Wu Qingchen was relieved for a long time.

Pay attention to the lower legs, the back of the thighs, the angle of the waist, and the neck ...

Of course, Wu Qingchen knows that these details are the correct fighting postures of the medieval knights, which must be taken seriously.

However, these actions are either serious wear of the inside of the thighs, or they cause leg loops, or they press the spine ...

Such an action, such a consequence, the Earth training team, the equestrian coaching team composed of hundreds of people repeatedly warned, how dare Wu Qingchen adopt it?

Besides, swinging the hammer to fight life and death, sprinting the enemy army, facing the hard **** arrow rain ...

Any member of the Earth team who dares to plan to make Wu Qingchen face such a terrible, dangerous, and extreme situation, it is estimated that he must stand on the defendant's bench for crimes against humanity the next day!

It is conceivable that under such a guiding ideology, Wu Qingchen's riding posture must have nothing to do with "brave".

Fortunately, Rev. Praia and Andre Jr. are both fledglings who have not experienced real battles. If the members of the spectator church are replaced by the battle-hardened Deacon Talma or Rev. Loharin, it is possible see:

Wu Qingchen's current posture and lightly clamped calf are just to make it easier to adjust the running direction of the steed at any time. The back of the thigh is just to stimulate the fastest speed of the steed and the neck is raised. It is also to give full play to the protective effect of the helmet on the back of the head ... ...

The same is true of other attitudes. The highest purpose and ultimate purpose are all to improve the escape speed when riding and to ensure the safety during escape.

Bottom line: Wu Qingchen / Loss, the skill that is currently working hard is the essence of the high-end escape technology of the earth!

Do everything possible to allow Wu Qingchen to run away on a war horse when facing a harsh environment.


Frowning, pinching his nose, when Wu Qingchen rode "long ears" for a few laps and looked at the sundial, Rev. Praia said, "Come here today ... pack up ... oh, all get After you're done, Los, don't leave, you have something to ask you. "


Wu Qingchen jumped off the horse and tied the foal together with Andre, and packed up the torn grass man on the ground together.


After a short while, Rev Praia appeared at the church door again: "Loss, come here."


Throwing the gathered straw and branches out of the church yard, Wu Qingchen walked to Rev. Praia.

"Loss, look at this ..."

Rev. Praia handed a sheepskin roll to Wu Qingchen: "Do you know what this is?"

of course I know!

Wu Qingchen saw at a glance that this was the village-wide levy plan for the village of Akeli.

"Marin ... Weir ... Peter ..." Wu Qingchen shook his head: "Uh ... what is this?"

"Honeycomb tax!" I don't know when it came to my side, and Andrei shouted, "After the autumn harvest, every family should pay the honeycomb tax!"

"Right ..." After looking at Andre, Rev. Praia nodded approvingly, and then asked Wu Qingchen: "Loss ... just tell me, who did you promise this time to the honeycomb?"

"Zhuang head, clerk, Espier their relatives ..."

"These are necessary, and I have considered them," said Rev. Praia. "What else is there?"

"Richard, Hot, Freeman ..." Wu Qingchen read the names of several old neighbors.

"Sure enough these ..." Rev. Praia drew a few simple symbols with dye: "Are there any?"

Wu Qingchen said a few more names.

"Hmm ..." After drawing a few more symbols, Rev. Praia asked again: "Anything else?"

"Nothing ..." Wu Qingchen shook his head.

"Okay, not many ... there should be no problem ..." Then, Rev. Praia closed the sheepskin roll.


When Rev. Praia was about to turn around, Wu Qingchen said, "Looks like this is really going to add honeycomb tax to the village of Akeli?"

"Hmm ..." After a few seconds of groaning, Rev. Praia nodded slowly: "Yes."

A few days ago, after all the honeycombs were laid out in the lord's common land, the rest of the honeycombs were enough to satisfy the police chief, Zhuang head, clerk, Wu Qingchen, and the families of the village management.

With this little extra income, Rev. Praia didn't take it seriously, and could treat it as a favor.

Now, by artificially interfering with the bee grouping, the radiation range of the many honeycombs in the lord's commons, and the free private land in which the honeycombs are set, can almost cover the entire village of Akeli under the halo of increased honeycomb production. The considerable doubling of buckwheat production is no longer within the purview of Praia.

"Do not worry……"

Rev. Praia hasn't spoken yet, and Andre Jr. hastened to interface: "Brother Los, the people you just mentioned will certainly take special care of the church ..."

"No ... I didn't mean it ..."

Wu Qingchen shook his head and frowned, asking, "I mean, why do we have to raise taxes?"

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