Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 179: dress rehearsal

When several people in the office discussed here, the protagonist of the topic, Mr. Wu Qingchen, the new local bully, had already seen the location of the training.

The rolling hills are divided into irregular plots by several winding streams. At the center of this area, where the terrain is also the highest, stands a tall building.

"Well! This ..."

Upon entering this area, Wu Qingchen quickly glanced around: "Here ... this is not ..."

"Good." Sitting next to him, Huang Xing confirmed Wu Qingchen's guess: "This is Baron Acford's castle."

"This ..." Wu Qingchen was extremely surprised: "Just by the descriptions of Praia, Everett, and Andre Jr ... well, I remember the number of descriptions is very small! Can this be made?"

"And the letters you see occasionally in the medieval world." Huang Xing added: "There are Pamela's memories, and several other villagers who have visited the castle."

"They know even less!" Wu Qingchen still felt incredible.

"A lot." Next to Huang Xing, a middle-aged man interfaced: "There are dictations of these people, there are existing architectural references for the village of Aikeli, plus so many countries on earth, the architectural style of feudal society In the evolution process, it is not too difficult to restore to this extent. "

"This is Vice President Wang of the Architectural Design Institute." Huang Xing added.

"Hello Dean Wang." Wu Qingchen shook hands with the middle-aged man.

"Hello Mr. Wu."

After a brief understanding, Vice President Wang continued to say, "Of course, Mr. Wu, you were right, but there is still a great lack of information. At present, the castle and the surrounding terrain can only be reluctantly. References, especially inside the castle, have a greater proportion of guesses and deductions. "

"This is already good, very good ..."

Just looking out the window, Wu Qingchen's fear of this business trip has been reduced by at least half.

As the core area of ​​Baron Acford, this elite area is obviously richer than the village of Acre.

Large plots, complete ditches, rigorous checkpoints, tall castles ...

Wu Qingchen remembered that when talking about these things, Everett's tone was very proud: "It is the foundation of the entire Ackerford family, and you can't take it too seriously ... the great wealth accumulated by the barons for many generations, Most of it was spent there, remembering that it took 19 full months to build the castle. "

Generations of hard work, long time, huge wealth ...

In the hands of the Earth team, it became a full play, and it took less than ten days to transform. ——Most of the time is estimated to be spent on terrain modification and continuous fine-tuning based on constantly updated information.

A few words of conversation and a few moments of emotion, the team where Wu Qingchen and others were located has been following the specially opened lane and slowly stopped to a distance of dozens of meters from the main entrance of the castle.

A large group of workers are already waiting in the parking position.

When seeing the castle on the road, Wu Qingchen already thought that the overall construction idea of ​​the B area trained on this day should be similar to the simulation base of Aikeli Village.

Upon stepping out of the bus, Wu Qingchen immediately saw that the staff in front of him stood on the left side, and it turned out that they were all the costumes of the indigenous people of the Middle Ages.

"Please ..." Huang Xing made a gesture: "Mr. Wu."

Watching the group of four actors starting to walk towards themselves, they have already had a casting experience, Wu Qingchen understood what Huang Xing meant.

"Barris." After the cattle herd was injured, he rushed to the agricultural officer in the village of Akeli overnight, and Wu Qingchen quickly selected an actor.

"Basser, Marcour, Sima ..." The next few groups of actors, the attendants who were brought to the village of Akeli by the agricultural officer at the time, were not difficult for Wu Qingchen to choose.

"Thisted ..." This was the herald who sent the title "Beekeeper", and Wu Qingchen also made a decision.

So far, the lord castle personnel who have appeared in the village of Akeli have all selected the actors.

Another group of actors came to Wu Qingchen.

"Baron Archford!"

No one needed a reminder, Wu Qingchen saw at a glance the roles these people were going to play.

Lord Baron, the owner of the entire territory, the owner of all rights in the village of Akeli, the steward, pastor, and Andre usually described the most, Wu Qingchen is relatively familiar.

Asking these actors to walk a few steps and say a few words, Wu Qingchen chose the candidate closest to the impression in her mind.

"Director ..." This is also a high-level person often mentioned by pastors and others. Wu Qingchen also knows it better.

"Suspected Baron Lover, Suspected Baron Born, Suspected Baroness Lover, Baron Eldest Son, Baron Second Son, Forest Officer, Water Officer, Attendant Leader, Guard Captain, Baroness, Horse Officer, Dazhuangtou, Dog Officer, Baroness, Baroness, Baroness ... "

A series of territories, as well as the head and face of the castle, slowly passed by Wu Qingchen.

Obviously, when the training team arranged the order, it was not based on the magnitude and importance of the rights, but on the decision made by Wu Qingchen's level of understanding—or the degree of gossip by the priest and others.

Therefore, from "Suspected Baron Lover" to "Suspected Baroness Lover", Wu Qingchen's decision speed was relatively fast; by the time of "Captain of the Guard", "Baroness", etc., Wu Qingchen's speed had dropped. Down; and when it came to "dog officials" and "barons and eldest daughters", Wu Qingchen had no impression of even his name, and naturally fell into trouble.

"Choose whatever you want."

Huang Xingshi said in a timely manner: "These people are not very important, and the possibility of appearance is not high. You can choose as much as you can."

As a result, Wu Qingchen's speed increased again.

Ten minutes later, throughout the Baron Castle, Wu Qingchen was more likely to meet the characters, all of whom were selected for the performance.

"Okay, the actor group enters ... the command group confirms ... the logistics group is in place ... the prop group checks ... the strategy group is ready ..."

After the final group of actors also made a decision, Huang Xing immediately issued a few instructions.

"Okay, it's almost ..." About two minutes later, Huang Xing looked up and stopped communicating with his throat microphone. After a last look around, Huang Xing said to Wu Qingchen: "Mr. Wu, please come with me . "

Behind Huang Xing, Wu Qingchen walked a little towards the front and stopped about 50 meters from the main entrance of the castle.

The two guards who Wu Qingchen had just decided had already stood above the suspension bridge.

"Mr. Wu, look at this ..."

Wu Qingchen had just stood. Beside Huang Xing, an officer in his early thirties, wearing a uniform and waving a “command group” sign on his chest, beckoned. The two accompanying staff immediately pushed a portable screen to Wu. In the morning.

Wu Qingchen tilted her head, in the video: A Wu Qingchen ... Well, a Wu Qingchen player is standing far away from the castle, and let the messenger around him shout in the direction of the tower.

Wu Qingchen nodded slightly.

The main use of castles in feudal society was never to stay, but to defend against foreign enemies.

Relying on the castle's strong defense capabilities, with sufficient food and water storage, dozens of guards can resist ten or even dozens of enemies.

There is no history of war in the Middle Ages. However, from the narratives of Rev. Praia and others, as well as the true recorded history of the earth, such castles have very few records of being directly captured. They are more often sold by insiders or It was deceived by the enemy to open the door and fell into the enemy.

Therefore, in such a social environment, a building like a castle, just standing next to it, is already a very dangerous behavior.

Wu Qingchen saw that in the video: his own actor, standing at an angle where bows and arrows are difficult to attack, and stood behind several people, first through the messenger and the castle guard to explain the intention; and then by sending a letter living next to the castle People and Xiaozhuangtou prove their identities; then let the messenger put the letters of Rev. Praia and Director Everett in the basket hung from the tower; and then let everyone around them exit. To a distance of one kilometer ...

After completing this series of steps, his own player finally successfully entered the castle.

"Mr. Wu ..." At the end of the video, the commanding officer's look toward Wu Qingchen inquired: "Is there a problem? Do I need to explain it? Do I need to replay it?"

"No." Wu Qingchen shook his head.

"Then ... please."

The commander's officer gave way, Pamela, the messenger in the village of Akeli, the messenger in Akford, who lived near the castle, and the head of the small village of Akford, and other actors immediately went to Wu Qingchen Around.

Wu Qingchen adjusted a little, took the actors around him to an angle where the bow and arrows were difficult to attack, and stood behind them, and then signaled Pamela's player to take a step forward, and began to command:

"I'm Los / Moore, a student of Rev. Praia, a priest in the village of Acre, and I have important affairs and need to see Lord Baron."

Pamela's actor shouted to the city headline what Wu Qingchen said.


In this way, Wu Qingchen started the rehearsal of "Akli's business trip-Ackerford Castle-Getting Started-Suspension Bridge".

About ten minutes later, the process of getting started was practiced three times. Under the guidance of experts and staff, a few small details were adjusted. The castle ’s suspension bridge was lowered for the fourth time, and Wu Qingchen finally entered Ackerford Castle.

And then:

Guard questioning

Farm officer

Body search


Up to this step, "Akerie's business trip-Ackerford Castle-Getting Started" has basically been completed, and the process of "Akerie's business trip-Ackerford Castle-Favor" has begun.

Meet the baron, greetings, saluting letters, chatter ...

After another series of rehearsals, I entered the main stage of this trip, "Akli's business trip-Ackerford Castle-value"

Therapeutic technology, night-moving honeycomb, intervention grouping, technical training ...

In this way, enter the castle safely, meet the baron according to the process, exchange good ideas, and prove the value of technology ... Numerous staff members, psychologists, and technical staff have repeatedly deduced, and will most likely travel to the travel of Ackerford Castle. The content and process let Wu Qingchen rehearse one by one, correct errors, and adjust details.

About two hours or so, Huang Xing's training item list turned over three pages, and Wu Qingchen also completed the last process.

"Are you finished?" Wu Qingchen asked a little.

"Yes." The latter nodded.


nailed it!

Wu Qingchen breathed a long sigh of relief, and his resistance to and fear of this business trip once again reduced by a quarter.

"Inspection by various departments ..." Looking at the training schedule in his hand again, Huang Xing began to look around and communicate with his subordinates using a throat microphone. About another two minutes, Huang Xing came to Wu Qingchen: "This That's part of it ... Mr. Wu, let's go. "

Following Huang Xing, Wu Qingchen walked out of the castle.

"Hmm ... wait ..."

When he got to the place where he started, Huang Xing saw that Wu Qingchen, the tyrant, took the lead and walked to the bus. Huang Xing stopped and said, "Mr. Wu, please wait."

"What's wrong?" Wu Qingchen turned back.

"The project just now is a normal process ..." Huang Xing guessed about Wu Qingchen's misunderstanding: "However, for you or us, the abnormal process is the real important part. . "

"Uh ..." Touching his head, Wu Qingchen walked back to the place of departure: "What is abnormal?"

"This ..." Huang Xing shook his head gently: "Unusual conditions, you can experience it first, deepen your impression, and then it will be better to demonstrate."


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