Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 180: Demining

What do you mean?

When Wu Qingchen was still in doubt, a few steps away, the commanding officer whispered several instructions. Soon, the suspension bridge at the main entrance of the castle closed slowly, and the actors of Pamela came to Wu Qingchen again. .

"This is ..." As Lenovo Huang Xinggang said, Wu Qingchen pointed to the castle: "Let me do it again?"

"Yes." Huang Xing nodded.

"Okay." Looking around, Wu Qingchen walked to the position where the castle's bow and arrows were difficult to threaten, stood behind a few actors, and began to recite "Pamela" again: "I am Los / Moore, Pu A student of Rev. Raya, a priest in the village of Akeli, has an important business and needs to see Lord Baron. "

Facing the tower, Pamela repeated loudly, sentence by sentence.

This step was successfully completed.

Next, according to the process, the guard asked the sender of Akford Castle, and the nearby small village head to prove the identity of Wu Qingchen and Pamela.

Wu Qingchen motioned to the sender and Xiaozhuang of Akford Castle to step forward.

They shook their heads.

Damn it! This is the second step!

Wu Qingchen rubbed his head, realizing that the abnormal situation that Huang Xing said had occurred.

Looking back at Huang Xing and the officers of the headquarters, the two smiled at Wu Qingchen, and at the same time pointed firmly at the sender and Xiaozhuang head of Akford Castle.

"This ..." Wu Qingchen thought for a moment and decided to ask directly: "What's wrong? Why not talk to the guard?"

"I don't know you," said the sender of Fort Afford.

"I haven't seen you," Xiaozhuangtou seconded.

"Do you guys know this?" Wu Qingchen pushed Pamela to the front: "Pamela ... will come several times a year."

"He is him, you are you." The two shook their heads again.

"Pamela can prove that I am a priest in Acre Village."

"No." Xiao Zhuang's head continued to shake his head.

"Pamela can prove nothing!" Ackerford's messenger looked dismissive. "This guy is not an honest man!"

Not an honest person?

Pamela's dark history?

Wu Qingchen was puzzled.

Wu Qingchen looked at Pamela: "What's wrong?"

Pamela's face flushed quickly: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about!"

"Ha! Nonsense?" "Did I say wrong?"

The three actors quarreled quickly.

During the quarrel, Wu Qingchen knew that the last time Pamela rushed here and sent it to the village of Akeli, the good news of the cattle being cured, the baron master was pleased and gave a small packet of flour. As he left the castle, he was seen and questioned by the sender of Fort Afford. Pamela was worried about the captivity, and he casually said that it was a herb prepared by the agricultural officer for the village of Akeli.

What the hell!

What the **** is this!

Wu Qingchen separated the three and commended the two in Fort Afford.

They looked at each other and didn't speak.

After a few minutes of ink, Wu Qingchen, who has been a tyrant for half a month, looked at the board: "Hurry to talk to the guards, delaying the Baron master, you look good!"

The two of Fort Afford simply turned away.

What the hell!

How to do?

Wu Qingchen and Pamela narrowed their eyes.


After a while, remembering the last time the parish 扈 was talking about, Wu Qingchen patted his thigh: "Are we not aware of the agricultural officer? Go, tell the agricultural officer to come and recognize people!"

Pamela came forward and shouted, but was rejected by the guards: Where is a big man like the master of the agricultural officer, where is a little man like us to shout?

"Then call Bassar, Markour, Simma, some of them."

The guards agreed.

After a short while, Busser and others went up to the tower and recognized Wu Qingchen.

After another small meeting, the agricultural officer also appeared in the tower.

The suspension bridge opened directly, and the agricultural officer and his followers walked out.

it is good!

Wu Qingchen was slightly pleased and was ready to enter the door.

Just a few steps away, Wu Qingchen was stopped by the agricultural officer.

A few minutes later, Wu Qingchen suddenly saw that Busse rushed down the hills and dragged the deliveryman and Xiaozhuang, who had not yet arrived, to the gate of the city, and lifted it fiercely Whip.


At this time, the officer of the command group stopped the rehearsal.

"Mr. Wu ..." The officer walked to Wu Qingchen: "If that happens, what do you think?"

"Thinking?" Wu Qingchen thought about the disgusting process of the sender and Xiaozhuang's head just now: "Well ... quite deflated?"

"Degassing?" The officer chuckled slightly, and couldn't help but smile: "Yes, it's quite degassing ..."

The officer quickly looked right: "Mr. Wu, according to the multiple deductions by the staff, Fort Ackerford's messenger and Xiaozhuangtou, in front of you, the priest, it is really unlikely that they will argue with Pamela … However, once a dispute really occurs, the chances that they have just acted are very high, and if you hire a farm officer, they will be beaten. "

"Uh, how?" Wu Qingchen didn't quite understand: "In this case, it's too much trouble for the agricultural officer? Or ... are they too poor to be beaten?"

"Both are."

Then, the officer beckoned, and the two soldiers pushed the mobile screen over.

"The influence of the official farming is still relatively small: although we don't pay attention to accumulation, the human relationship is always a little less." Speaking here, the officer pressed the display: "The two people who were beaten mainly can become Akefu Xiaozhuangtou of Debao, this aboriginal cannot be implicated in the castle ... According to the information accumulated during this time, Xiaozhuangtou's second daughter is closer to the baron's eldest son ... a chain reaction under……"

The officer pointed at the display screen, Wu Qingchen looked at it, and the display screen quickly played a few short clips: a Wu Qingchen ... player, after entering the castle, getting started, feelings, values, explanations, demonstrations, and teaching, There is always a young man staring at Wu Qingchen with a dark face ... the back of the actor.

"In addition, even if it was the sender of Fort Arkford, although there should be no one to support him, this guy is too familiar with the path along Arkford ..." The officer pressed the display again.

In the display screen: When Wu Qingchen left the castle and headed to the parish, the forest, river, cliff, steep slope, waterfall ... Wu Qingchen's player walked all the way, and the enraged deliveryman of Fort Axford followed closely all the way .

"Remember how we deal with burdock?"

Wu Qingchen couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"Of course ..." the officer continued: "It's just a little thing that doesn't really lead to such a result. But it's just a little thing, why is there such a hidden danger?"

"Well." Can appear in front of Wu Qingchen. Of course, the performance of the baron's eldest son and Archford's messenger is very good. Just looking at the eyes of these two, Wu Qingchen felt itchy back, listening to the officer Wu Qingchen nodded conscientiously, "Yes, you are right."


Wu Qingchen frowned quickly: "How can I get in without the agricultural officer?"

"Here." The officer patted Wu Qingchen's robe gently.

In the morning, after Wu Qingchen walked into the bus from the special underground base, he took off his coat in the car and put on the robe of the priest.

Pressing the position tapped by the officer, Wu Qingchen touched a few hard things.

Wu Qingchen reached into his arms, and in the small pocket sewn in, Wu Qingchen took out a few yellow crystals.

Wu Qingchen immediately understood: "I see."

The officer smiled and gave several instructions. The actors reset and the suspension bridge closed again.

The rehearsal starts again.

Walked to a safe position-Pamela's notification-The guard asked to prove-Akford's sender and Xiaozhuang shook his head and refused-Wu Qingchen asked why-

"Pamela can prove nothing!" Ackerford's messenger looked dismissive: "Because he is not an honest man!"

"No ..." Hearing this sentence again, Wu Qingchen shook his head: "The last time, Pamela was in a hurry." Then, Wu Qingchen took a small piece of fine salt from his arms and pulled it into two Block: "Look, this time we brought you this."

The sender and small head of Fort Afford immediately smiled.

This step was finally successfully completed.

The sender and Xiaozhuang head proved Wu Qingchen's identity-Pamela put the letter in a gondola for inspection-others around Wu Qingchen stepped out of threatening the castle-

According to the previous experience, Wu Qingchen remembered that the guards were about to lower the suspension bridge soon.

Wu Qingchen waited quietly.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes passed ...

The guards of the tower did not say anything.

"Well ..." Wu Qingchen looked up, thought about it, took a piece of fine salt from his arms again, and put it in a hanging basket.

The suspension bridge opened.

Damn it! Is this a review?

Wu Qingchen reached into his arms with five pieces of refined salt in it.

After entering the castle, Wu Qingchen ran into a patrol guard before taking a few steps.

The player, who is similar in age to Wu Qingchen, put Wu Qingchen up and down, and after searching carefully three times, Wu Qingchen was still not allowed to leave and was preparing for a fourth body search.

This should be another abnormal process, Wu Qingchen's head turned.

Do you give salt?

As soon as this idea was born, Wu Qingchen himself rejected it: in the eyes of the public, he directly bribed the search guards. Is this for convenience or trouble?

Thinking again, Wu Qingchen tentatively said, "Have you heard of honeycomb recently?"

The guard's movement was a slight pause.

"If you want to know ..." Wu Qingchen said, "At that time, I will go to your place."

Soon, the guards gave way.

In this way, a few of them explored by themselves, and most of the training teams instructed. Wu Qingchen quickly learned to directly or implicitly pay bribes to greedy guards and patrols; he explained his age issues to the concierge and herring soldiers gently and convincingly; Effectively and innocently inform the followers who require dogs to see people low.

After a series of "abnormal processes", Wu Qingchen finally saw the baron again and completed the steps of "goodwill".

At this time, four hours had passed since Wu Qingchen woke up.

At 11:42, it's almost lunch time.

The assistant reminded that Huang Xing suspended the rehearsal and invited Wu Qingchen to the castle restaurant.

A few minutes later, Wu Qingchen looked at his lunch stupidly.

Wu Qingchen had two dinner plates in front of him.

The dinner plate on the left is normal: rice, fish-flavored shredded pork, fried eggs, pumpkin porridge, lily pork rib soup, beef vermicelli, white-cut chicken, steamed fish, small stir-fried vegetables, cold preserved eggs ... still the usual delicate food .

The plate on the right is weird: gooey, eggs, black bread, peas, cabbage, and ...

A piece of grilled meat from some animal!

What is this ...

While Wu Qingchen was still in a daze, the commanding officer had asked the soldier to push the display screen over.

"Mr. Wu, this time on a business trip, you will encounter at least three banquet occasions. According to the data of the analysis team, your current meal status needs to be adjusted."


Wu Qingchen looked at the display: Jacqueline poured it into the wooden bowl in front of Wu Qingchen, the craftsman smiled and handed over the full peas, and Andre stuffed the black bread into Wu Qingchen's hands ... and in the secret kitchen Wu Qingchen made food by himself.

In the first few video clips, when I received the "normal food" in the medieval world, and in the next few videos, I was in the secret kitchen and made the expression according to earth means ...

One is a deep dislike.

One is full of enjoyment.

The huge difference between the two is clear at a glance.

It is obviously not suitable to participate in the sincere "feast" of the medieval world.

I grass!

Wu Qingchen instantly understood what the officer meant.

What wrong did I do?

After getting back to earth, do we have to continue to eat such dark dishes?

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