Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 183: Travel Preparation (Modified)

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"What do you mean?" The co-working office frowned.

"Meaning ..." The joint venture has just posted a lot of scrubbing posts: "The chance of provocation by servants and other vassals is about 5%, and the chance of attack by real people is about 3% ... These two figures are indeed very low, but absolute It is not the main reason why the interim committee decided to let Mr. Wu Qingchen go out. "


"Look at the keywords that are currently focused on ..." The joint venture opened the blocking records of the past few hours: "Europe is full of witches, the United States catches Indians everywhere, and domestic Taoist monks have also fallen out of mold ... Countries The regime is crazy when it looks for mysterious phenomena ... The origins of the Middle Ages, if they had the opportunity to go out and go around, how could the interim committee easily give up? "

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at least the joint office understood roughly what my colleagues said was" not easy to say. "

The lingering worries of the nine-year horoscope event have brought tremendous pressure.

The top 30 powers with comprehensive strengths go all out to make every effort to control the social order extremely reluctantly; most of the remaining powers have the best situation swinging on the verge of collapse, and the situation is generally in full chaos. The worst situation has now become a state of full stocking.

Under such circumstances, Wu Qingchen's life span was too late for the Interim Commission to escape. How could it be possible to bring to the public the reasons for going out looking for a mysterious phenomenon?

——If you can find a half-claw by then, of course, everyone will be happy, but if you get nothing, what should you give to the people full of hope?

"Ah, no matter how small it is ..." After thinking about it, the joint venture also sighed: "I hope that the third stage of the abnormal process training will be wasted."

"If it's just Mr. Wu's business trip this time, the possibility of using it is really small. But ..."

The co-working office also said, "If you lengthen the time a bit, the effect of this training will not be in vain."

"Not in vain?"

"Yiduo isn't overwhelmed." The joint office smiled: "Mr. Wu Qingchen's status, the longer the time, the faster the rise ... no matter how unity and compromise, the interests of damage will also increase. Wait until two or three years After that, holding hostages, deceiving guards, buying off jailers ... these tricks, Mr. Wu Qingchen must become the passive side. "

"Ha ..." The joint venture also understood: "However, the staff should not let this happen."

"Who knows?" The co-working office shrugged. "It's not wrong to be fully prepared. Even if it happens, by that time, the earth's gloomy methods have been learned. Are you afraid of the rough methods of the medieval world? ? "

When the two members of the public opinion group talked, the training program at Baron Ackerford was all over.

In the real-time video of the training scene, Wu Qingchen, Huang Xing, and the training team took the bus again and slowly drove down the hills.

In about ten minutes, another castle appeared in the team's field of vision:

Comprehensive information, emergency construction of Fishgard Parish, Fort Collin.

With the full set of normal, abnormal processes and extremely abnormal training demining in Fort Acford, the training project in the church parish has been carried out very quickly.

Forty minutes later, after several religious-related considerations, Wu Qingchen and his party again got into the bus and drove to the last destination of the business trip—the nearby area B3: the Praia family place.

With the full support of Rev. Praia, the Praia family has been listed by the Earth team as the most important logistic, support, retreat, basic strategy ...

Although this area is relatively barren and the strength of the Praia family is relatively weak, the Earth team has paid more attention to it. The expert team participating in the training, the relationship, social, etiquette and other expert ratios have increased significantly, obviously going straight to the highest favorability and Intimacy.

17:22 PM Capital Time.

The training content in the Praia family area has also come to an end.

"So early?"

Watching Huang Xing collect another training schedule, Wu Qingchen looked at the display of the accompanying officer: "Now it's over?"


Huang Xing nodded: "The training content dealing with these companies is almost like this ... But on the way to these companies, there is still a lot of preparations ..."


Middle Ages.

March 11, 0001.

Wu Qingchen entered the Middle Ages for the tenth time.

first day.

early morning.

"Brother Los!"

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Andre walked into the church through the side door.

"Well? Brother Los isn't back today?"

Andrei looked around and found no familiar figure of Wu Qingchen sweeping the church.

After a long yawn, Andre went to the corner, picked up the rag, picked up the mule, and began to clean the tables and chairs.

As time passed, the church became brighter and brighter, and the sun rising into the church finally fell on André.

Raising his hand to cover the light, Little Andre stood upright, behind him, six or seven rows of tables and chairs had been cleared.

"Strange ... why isn't Brother Rose back yet?"

At this moment, the side door of the church rang.

Andrea turned around, and Rev Praia walked into the church, holding the scriptures.

"Good day, teacher."

Little Andre bowed slightly.

"Hmm ..." Rev. Praia nodded, pointing to the rags and cripples in Andre's hand: "No need to sweep today. Go and change the water in the water altar."

"Okay, teacher."

Little Andre took the water altar and left the sight of the priest.

After a short while, holding the water altar that changed the stream, Andre returned to the church.

"it is good……"

Waiting for Little Andre to set up the water altar, Rev. Praia unveiled the scriptures: "Sit for a while, and prepare for early prayer."

"Uh ..." Putting down the water altar and standing next to the podium, Little Andre was a little uneasy: "Brother Los went out 'walking the village' in the morning and hasn't returned yet ..."

"No." Rev. Praia shook her head. "Loss didn't go to 'Walk Village' today."

"Ah? Brother Los hasn't woken up yet?"

"Hah, please sit down." Rev. Praia smiled. "Don't go and watch, when you are still sleeping, Los will be awake ... he will be out soon, and there is still much to be prepared, Today ’s morning prayer is all right. "


"Stand up if you don't want to sit." The priest looked completely. "It's almost time, prepare for early prayer."

Knock, hammer, chant ...

After about ten minutes, the morning prayer was finished.

Rev. Praia slowly looked at the scriptures, and Andrei stood up and began to clean up the church.

Early morning prayers require very little work to clean up. When Wu Qingchen was still there, it took up to five minutes for the two to clean up the church.

And this time, a full fifteen minutes passed, Andre was still lingering near the podium.

"What's wrong?" After reading two chapters, Rev. Praia looked up.

"Why Brother Lose hasn't returned yet ..."

"What's the hurry?" Rev. Praia put down the scriptures. "Going out, there are too many things to prepare."

An hour later, the front yard of the church.

The equestrian and combat skills course was over, Andrea spoke again: "Brother Los, still not back."

"What's the hurry?" Rev. Praia **** "long ears": "Going out, there are too many things to prepare."

"But ..." Little Andre still looked in the direction of Wu Qingchen's home.

"What the **** is wrong?" Rev. Praia was finally impatient.

"But ..." The priest's voice was a little loud, and Andre Little was startled. "The things to go out ... I have prepared for Brother Los."

"Oh?" Rev. Praia was immediately interested. "What are you ready for? Show me."

Tethered to the war horse, the two walked into Andre's room.

On the rush bed, there was a small bag.

Rev. Praia waved his hand, Andrea walked over and opened his baggage.

Masked cloth, small kettle, half a loaf of bread, short dagger ...

"This ..." Rev. Praia knew very well: "Isn't this the burden I prepared for you when I came to the village of Akeli a few years ago ... do you still remember?"

Little Andre bowed his head a little shyly.

"Hehe ..." Rev. Praia touched Andre's head. "Andre, you are very good."

"But ..." With a few emotions, Rev. Praia said, "Andre, you can't go far with these things ... You know, when you came to the village of Akeli last time, you were not a people."

"Uh ..." Andre was a little confused.

"Come on ..." Rev. Praia smiled. "Come with me."

Little Andre, unknown to the situation, quickly followed Praya, and the two left Andrea's room and walked into Rev. Praia's bedroom.

Pushing the door open, Rev Praia walked in first.

Standing at the door, Little Andre immediately saw that Rev. Praia's wicker bed was also carrying a bag.

A large, light gray, Andre also had some familiar baggage.

It was just a few years ago that before going to the village of Akeli, Rev. Praia prepared the burden.

"come in."

Walking to the bag, Rev. Praia beckoned.

Little Andre walked over.

As Andrea entered the room, Rev. Praia unpacked.

The baggage spread out, familiar items, and distant memories, all of a sudden came to Andre's heart.

From the baggage that had been untied, Andre saw two long black breads, a thick white bread, and a few small clay pots.

Andre remembered it as food for the road.

Beside these foods, Andre saw several pieces of cloth with strings attached, as well as several pieces of leather hand guards and face armor.

Andre remembered that this was protection against twigs and rattan bounces when hurrying.

There are too many things in the bag. Little Andrea casually glanced at it and found several things that are absolutely good for the journey: a selection of fire sickle, smoked herbs, a sheepskin roll ... and many more.

"Teacher ..." Looking at these, Little Andre was quite awe-inspiring: "It's still thoughtful of you."

"Actually ... this is not my preparation."

Gently touching Andre's head again, Rev. Praia slowly said: "Ten years ago ... when I was away for the first time, teacher Talma hit a big burden in the middle of the night ... It's the same burden. "

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