Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 184: careful

"You are ready ..."

Looking at this big burden, Andre Jolly said happily, "Brother Los, this road is much better!"

"Yes, yes." Rev. Praia shook her head. "It's almost okay."

"Huh?" Andre tilted his head.

Rev. Praia took the two clay pots next to the bread and opened the lid.

The clay pot was empty.

Andre frowned.

"Now ..." Rev. Praia looked at the sky. "It should be almost."

"What?" Andrea asked.

"Come with me." Then, Rev. Praia shoved two small clay pots into Andre's hands and walked out of the bedroom first.

Out of the bedroom, out of the side door, out of the church ...

Following the village path and walking silently for a few minutes, Rev. Praia led Andre to the police house of Alvin's house.

"Martha ..." Rev. Praia called.

Martha, Alvin's mother-in-law, is the peasant woman who prepares food for the church during the cycle of worship.

Hearing the priest's voice, Martha quickly came out.

"Good day, Master Rev .... Good day, Little Master Andrea." Martha bowed deeply.

"Hmm ..." Rev. Praia nodded slightly. "Are things ready?"

"All right."

"let me see."

"Okay, sir." Martha turned and walked into the cabin. After a short while, she came out with a small pot.

Andre saw that several freshly cooked eggs were still steaming in the small pot.

"Hmm ..." Rev. Praia took the spoon, put it in a small pot, and stirred it a few times before frowning and taking out one of them.

"Eat." Rev Praia scooped the eggs before Andre.


The subjects of equestrian and combat skills were quite exhausting. After a tired morning, the steaming eggs were in front of them. The 13-year-old child began to secrete saliva instantly.

But ... seeing this, Little Andre still doesn't know where this is the food prepared for Wu Qingchen on the road.

Little Andre took a hard step back and waved again and again: "No ... I'm not hungry ... Leave it to Brother Los to eat on the way."

"You can't even leave it to him." Rev. Praia smiled and pointed to the side of the egg. "Look here."

Andre looked at it, and wondered whether it was because of the collision or the fire was not sure, and the side of the egg cracked a few slits.

"Such hot weather ..." Rev. Praia wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Eggs like this, if eaten a day or two later, can easily cause stomach pain."

"So ... yes!"

To understand this, Andre nodded strongly.

Reaching for the egg, Andre's two eyes are full of worship: "No wonder he just started cooking eggs ... teacher, you think so carefully!"

"Ha ... nothing, nothing." Rev Praia waved his hand and nodded arrogantly.

Staring at Martha, she carefully put the cooked eggs into the clay pot, and Rev. Praia led the little Andrea forward.

"Jamie ..."

Next to another police chalet, Rev. Praia stopped again.

"Good day, Master Rev .... Good day, Little Master Andrea." Another peasant woman came out and bowed deeply.

"Hmm ..." Rev. Praia nodded. "Is everything ready?"

"Okay." As he said, Jamie straightened up, revealing the robe that he was holding with his hands.

Andrei saw at a glance that this was exactly Wu Qingchen's robe.

"Well ..." Rev. Praia took the robes, tossed and looked at them twice, and nodded with satisfaction. "That's it ... Jamie, good job."

Jamie bowed again.

"How ..." The robe opened, and the priest smiled at Little Andre who came over with a smile: "Did you see it?"

"Hmm!" Andre nodded strongly. "The hood, neckline, and cuffs have been taken apart again. It's not so easy to hang clothes when walking down the path."

This is the priest's robe, or in other words, this is the clothing style of the entire village of Akeli, which lasted for hundreds of years before moving the honeycomb.

The hood, neckline, cuffs, etc. are slightly looser. When you work or walk, you are accidentally caught by branches, shrubs, stones, and other debris. Allow a certain reaction time. Beware of tripping or tearing.

Until the honeycomb effect appeared, and the number of bees in the land soared, in order to reduce the side effects such as biting, villagers in Aikeli Village have adopted the method suggested by Roth to tighten their clothes and reduce exposure skin.


Looking at this priest's robe that restored its original style, Andrea's eyes reappeared: "You think so carefully!"

"Fortunately, okay." Rev Praia, the deeper the hold on his face.

Folding his robes, Rev. Praia led little Andre and continued to move forward.

Next, next to the wooden house of the Nichols police officer's house, another pottery in the hands of Andrea filled several pieces of smoked fish processed overnight. —Andrei knew that this was another piece of food prepared for Wu Qingchen.

Next, next to the wooden house of the police house of Bezier, Andre's neck was hung with a blanket sewn out of several pieces of sheepskin. —Andrei knew that this was a bed prepared for Wu Qingchen's overnight stay.

"All right……"

After examining Andre's body, Rev. Praia thought about it and quickly clapped his hands: "The police side are almost the same, you go back first."

"Teacher, where are you going?"

"Across the bridge, Jeremy's."

"Jeremy?" Andre asked strangely. "What are you looking for a carpenter?"

"There are quite a few places on the way to the castle ..." Rev. Praia said, "Los needs a good pair of shoes."

"Eat", "Wear", "Sleep", "Walk" ...

From preparing to let Wu Qingchen go out, it is only one night now, so many items are prepared, and so many families are arranged for processing ...

Thinking of this, Andre turned his head slightly, and sure enough, Rev. Praia's eyes were filled with bloodshots.

"thanks for your work teacher."

"Nothing." Rev. Praia waved her hand and smiled. "Although Los is very smart, he has never traveled far away. Old William and Jacques have never left the village of Acre. If you think about it, who else can help? "


Consider the freshness of the food, the transformation of clothes, the stability of the night, the convenience of walking ...

Holding a lot of things, Andrei realized deeply how complicated it was to leave the village.

"Fortunately, you worry ..." Andre's face, admiration and admiration, almost reached the full value: "Otherwise, Brother Los will have a big trouble this time out."

"It won't necessarily be a big deal ..."

Pausing for a moment, Rev. Praia said with a little complacency, "However, it must be inevitable."


Half an hour later, Rev. Praia walked back to the church, carrying Jeremy's carpenter, using the leather provided by the church, and the best shoes, and the new shoes rushed out overnight.

Turning around the last corner, the church yard was ahead, and Rev. Praia heard a noise coming from inside.

A few more steps, Rev. Praia saw Andre standing blankly at the gate of the yard.

"Andre." The priest called out. "Loss back?"

"Uh ... teacher ..." Little Andre turned his head. "Here ... um ... Loss is back ..."

"What's wrong?" Rev. Praia saw that Andre's face was strange.

"Nothing, uh, uh ... uh ..." Hearing this question, Andre's tone was confused, "It's ... uh ... Los he ... it's not Los ... either ... uh ..."

"Huh? Ah? Uh? Los?" Rev Praia frowned slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

After saying this, Rev. Praia happened to walk into the courtyard.

No need to ask anymore.

Rev. Praia, instantly understood the reason for Andrea's weird expression and tone.

For half a minute, Rev. Praia murmured in a moaning tone:

"The guy who has never left the village is really dared to think ..."

"But ... this ... is this still going out?"

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