Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 185: Travel

Entering the outer courtyard and stepping on the slab-paved path, Rev. Praia did not continue to move forward.

Rev. Praia couldn't move forward.

Because from Praia, to the doorway that extends to the church door, the path connecting the outer courtyard and the church, in the middle of this dozen steps, densely packed with various baskets, cages, bags ...

These items are packed in various ways, which is impossible to step on the legs. They almost cover the entire vision of the priest, and the types are quite complicated, but they don't look confusing.

They are obviously placed according to certain rules.

At the closest position to Pastor Praia, on the left is a small basket of cabbage that has just left the dirt, with waterdrops on the surface, and on the right is a small bag with small flowers at the top and dirt pea clips at the bottom.

Of course, these fresh and excessive food ingredients cannot be imported directly.

So, behind these two baskets, Rev. Praia, naturally, saw an iron pot, and two bundles of clearly selected firewood for fast burning.

The work of sending out letters this time spans three areas including the baron leader, the parish castle, and the Praia family. It is expected that it will take a long time. Only cabbage and peas are definitely not conducive to maintaining physical strength.

For this reason, Rev. Praia prepared a dozen cooked eggs for Wu Qingchen's consideration.

At this time, in front of Master Praia, Wu Qingchen did not prepare eggs.

Just prepared four old hens who were trapped inside their cages and were flapping their wings.

"Here ... are there beans like this, cabbages, eggs like this, fresher?"

Looking at the ingredients in front of him, Rev. Praia rubbed his face vigorously.


A few steps away, Little Andre was equally convinced.

Behind these ingredients and several other supplies are the clothes that Wu Qingchen prepared for the trip.

Two freeman-style robes, a priest's robe, have taken apart their hoods, collars, and cuffs ... and restored the style to facilitate walking in the woods.

With just a few glances, Rev. Praia determined that the fineness of the transformation of these pieces of clothing and the fineness of the stitches far surpassed those of Mrs. Abner.

Behind this pile of clothes, Rev. Praia also saw a wooden barrel with two pieces of cloth on the edge of the barrel. One was Wu Qingchen / Ross used to wipe his face in the morning and evening, and the other was Wu Qingchen / Loss A piece of cloth for bathing at night.

"That's all brought ..."

At this time, Rev. Praia had walked to the side of the path, stepped on the grass, and looked at the pile of clothing and this magical wooden barrel. Rev. Praia's tone was already very emotional.

"'Eating', 'wearing' ... well, 'washing' didn't forget ..."

Looking back at the dense basket, Rev. Praia murmured, "It's even more impossible to let go of 'sleeping' things?"

Pastor Praia murmured.

Rev. Praia was right.

At this time, Wu Qingchen appeared at the church door.

Behind him, York, Harry, two serfs who moved the honeycomb at night, carrying Wu Qingchen's wicker beds, also came out.

"Ah ... Good day, teacher."

Seeing Rev. Praia, Wu Qingchen quickly bent down to signal.

The two serfs quickly put down the bed and bowed deeply.

"Hmm ... Good day." Rev. Praia nodded and looked around: "Los, things are well prepared."

"Okay." Wu Qingchen sent a smile: "Thank you for your usual teaching."

"My teaching ..." Looking around, Rev. Praia smiled bitterly: "So many things, how are you going to take them out?"

"So many things?" Wu Qingchen showed a "strange" look: "Not much!"

At this time, there was a tumultuous noise outside the church.

Grace, Wu Qingchen's second brother; Lang Cohen, Richard's second son; Dean, a burdock helper from Floren, three young farmers, took three oxen, and walked to the church yard.

"Ah, Master Rev."

Seeing Rev. Praia, the three quickly saluted.

"Well, good night."

Rev. Praia nodded slightly.

"Time is running out, so pack it up."

Waiting for several people to salute, Wu Qingchen beckoned, and the three quickly lifted the baskets, cages, and bags on the ground ... and put them on the oxen who transported the second batch of supplies.

After a short while, the road in front of Rev. Praia emptied, and Wu Qingchen's supplies were placed in the back baskets on both sides of the three farming cattle.

"Loss ..." Looking at the cattle, and then the crowd around him, Rev. Praia stroked his forehead: "Three cows, five people ... Are you going to go out like this?"

"Uh, no!"

Wu Qingchen shook his head: "Pamela hasn't come yet! We can't go without him ..."

"Yeah ... there is a messenger." Praia pursed. "Six people."

"Uh ... that ... teacher ..."

Wu Qingchen touched his head: "We have too many things, and the road is very unstable ... Last night, I asked Antoine and Abbeville ..."

"Oh ..." Rev. Praia was numb. "Add two more police guards, eight."

"Um." Wu Qingchen finally nodded.

"Loss ..."

Looking at the three oxen in the courtyard full of materials, and the many entourages around Wu Qingchen, Rev. Praia was really curious about Wu Qingchen's thinking: "How come you want to take so many people out?"

"so many people?"

Wu Qingchen frowned slightly, it seemed that he did not quite understand the meaning of Rev. Praia: "Teacher, aren't you saying ... this time out, I want to explain to the masters how to treat cattle for free, how to move the honeycomb, and let bees build The way to Sanwo? "

"Uh?" Rev. Praia gave a slight hesitation.

"That's it!" Wu Qingchen pointed to his companions: "Brother Grace, and Dean, have cured a lot of cattle ... York and Harry, every night when they move the honeycomb ... Brother Langkorn, Recently, I've been helping out the bee colony ... If they don't go, I'm alone, for such a short time, in so many places, it's difficult to explain all these things, right? "


What else can Uncle Rev say?

Actually, I don't want you to really teach them?

These distant relatives and distant churches should just keep them confused?

To be honest, I just want to show off, I have a particularly talented student?

Obviously, Rev Praia couldn't say anything.

Young students, remembering their words firmly, and working hard to fulfill their requirements, for a moment, Rev. Praia was even slightly guilty.

"That one……"

For a moment of groaning, Rev. Praia said, "Taking so many people out, the food needed along the way, and the delayed harvest of these families are very troublesome."

"It's okay." Wu Qingchen smiled. "I have your recommendation. I became a burdock and a priest. Recently I have a lot of food at home."

"This is what you should be paid for ..."

For several years, the experience of the village priest, Rev. Praia knows the hidden rules of village craftsmen, and he shook his head slightly: "Forget it ... now that you are ready, go out like this ... This time I use it more Food, when you come back, I will try to replenish you. "

Talking, Rev. Praia went to the cattle and looked at their baskets carefully.

Eat, wear, sleep, wash, ignite, protect, weapons ...

Wu Qingchen / Loss has prepared most of the items used on the road.

Except for something ...

Rev. Praia smiled and shoved the new shoes into Wu Qingchen's hand: "You forgot this."


After taking over the shoes, Wu Qingchen's expression was a little awkward.

"what happened?"

"Teacher ..." Wu Qingchen pointed to the position where the war horse was tied: "I haven't been able to learn equestrian ... just this time I went away ... can I ride a 'long ear'?"


"of course can."

Rev. Praia touched his forehead again: "This is the war horse that the parish gave you ... practice well."

After two hours.

The end of the village.

A messenger led the way, two serfs explored the road, two police officers stood in battle, the elder brother, the old neighbor's second son, and a helper.

On the mighty warhorse, Wu Qingchen's figure drifted away.

"Brother Los, you're so handsome."

Little Andre's eyes were full of longing.

"It's more than style ..."

Reverend Praia murmured, "Where is the letter to go out ... this is simply a priest outing ..."

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