Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 193: sculpture

The hatred and cursing of the leaders of the thieves by the military advisers fully illustrates the truth that the human heart is insufficiency.

If before this accident, the Earth team heard that Wu Qingchen and his party could get a valuable, close-to-competition drill without paying any price, and I believe that any staff member would laugh with a smile.

In fact, the attitude of military advisers is itself a minority.

In order to reduce noise and improve efficiency, representatives from various countries in front of the conference table and far-flung advisory groups are equipped with headsets and throat microphones. The headset is easy to say, everyone is accustomed to it, and the throat microphone is a bit uncomfortable for those gentlemen who are in high positions.

As a result, experts in other fields that are closer to military advisers have intermittently heard the content described by their military advisers.

Listening to these statements that are clearly contrary to safety first and stability first, listening to these attitudes that only hate Wu Qingchen and his party without breaking the blood with the thieves, especially hearing "from the information currently available, There are also thieves near the parish and the baron leader. When returning to the village of Aikeli, you may consider asking Mr. Wu Qingchen to find them. "Divergent plan ...

If it weren't for the obvious that these **** with water in their heads could not be beaten, the experts in other fields who were extremely unhappy, would have already jumped up, and hit the dogs' brains of these military advisers first!

Fortunately, the representatives carefully selected by various countries for the astronomical event are basically mature and heavy-weight characters, and they do not have the natural aggressiveness and risk-taking factors of military groups.

"This encounter with the thieves has produced some positive effects ... but the causes, processes, and results lack practical controllability. In the future, we should try to avoid such incidents and adhere to the implementation of the original plan."

It is not difficult to see from the final judgment of the interim committee that the official attitude is cautiously optimistic about the unexpected result.


Super authority, internal information, outstanding colleagues, social responsibility, rapid progress, achievement, self-realization ...

In the next few days, Qin Gengxin has fallen in love with the new profession of "water army" who is posting money.

Just after the stern air defense alert was over, while taking a deep breath, he groped carefully over his body, determined that there were no missing parts, and no pain, Qin Gengxin quickly got up from the floor and rushed to the computer.

"what's the situation?"

"Fuck scares me!"

"I'm still shaking."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, I really pee."

"Mom, my last words are in the voice of my phone! Now who remembers the last words?"

In the joint venture-invited commentator group, the sigh of the rest of the life swept the screen quickly.

After the fright, the content to explore the cause was quickly launched.

"What the **** is wrong with me?"

"Is there any news? Is there any conclusion?"

"The information has not been updated."

"Summon Lord!"

About seven minutes, the group owner appeared: The special clip of "Thief Incident" has been uploaded to the group file, please colleagues to browse as soon as possible, the list of related task links will be updated soon, please pay attention to hot words.

Qin Gengxin quickly entered the group of files, so he flicked his hands, and the number of downloads of the "Thief Incident" video has been refreshed to 379.

"My grass!"

Qin Gengxin called out subconsciously, changing the number to 380.

"So it is ..."

While watching the special episode of "Thief Incident", according to the habits formed these days, in the joint venture-invited commentator group, Qin Gengxin and his colleagues began to discuss the direction of upcoming public opinion guidance.

"The" accidental "and" fully prepared "are definitely the key points ..." The group members spoke "deeply and basically pretending", this is a Pentagon party who excels at the forum debate: "The staff can make 10,000 plans, and the training group can There are only one Mr. Wu Qingchen planning for 10,000 projects. Regardless of time and energy, it is impossible to cover everything, but to grow selectively and purposefully. 'Encountering a thief group' is a rare event with a small probability. Wu Although Mr. Chenchen did not receive targeted training for the “Encounter Bandit Group”, his actual performance has fully proved that for similar incidents, the training content arranged by the Earth team is actually 'fully prepared'. "

"This thief coincides with the traffic part of" Mill Strategy "..." According to the emperor member Guanghua, the son of the emperor group pointed out: "The road encountered in person is not lenient, and Mr. Wu Qingchen appeared to say that it could add a weight to the mill Grounds. "

"The three thieves caught are also a gain ..." said CC, a member of the group who is good at textual research. "No matter how small the mosquito is, the more human resources are always better ... and these three thieves come from In three places, the earth ’s much-needed surrounding area information, especially the political, economic, and natural environment in the forest marginal areas, has three more experienced information channels. ”

"Notice what the messengers and police officers look like now ..." Qin Gengxin also contributed a few ideas: "These three thieves can also allow those around Wu Qingchen to accept the spiritual baptism of remembering the bitter sweetness."

"Okay ... in the woods ..."


The collected Fifty Maoist Party is in full swing, deliberately discussing the washing of the ground ... the plan for guiding public opinion.

A few minutes later, the official guided planning came:

: A list of the results of the thief incident.

: Decide on the corresponding training subjects for Wu Qingchen to deal with correctly.

: The positive effect of the rogue incident on the Mill Strategy.

: Rogue Captives are versatile.

: The significance of encounters for Wu Qingchen's exercise.

: Increased combat effectiveness of core human resources in encounters.

: Criticality screening of core human resources for emergencies.

: Sharing the huge increase in cohesion with the crisis.


Etc., etc.

The amount of water from the official sprinkler truck is sufficient. The routines just discussed by the Wu Mao people have been almost covered, and they have provided a wealth of materials, sufficient evidence, detailed data, and logical and convincing.

"Anto's million meters run 13.22 seconds! Can you run so fast with a weapon? The shoes are gone and my tongue is spitting out ... this guy, Mr. Wu Qingchen didn't teach it for nothing!"

"Lang Cohen is also good! The" compressed biscuit "given by Wu Qingchen, he secretly put back the long ear luggage bag ..."

"I can't see it. Harry, the little serf, usually doesn't hesitate, but at the critical moment, he actually reaches the top!"

"Abville is going to be unlucky! 1.7 meters! When the three thieves are about to appear, this guy has already sneaked back 1.7 meters! This **** is usually so attentive, knowing what to do!"

"Damn! If it weren't for this accident, the psychologist would have been tricked by him! I don't know what will happen in the future!"

Looking at these materials, the Wu Mao people had to admit that the government did a lot of work on the work guided by public opinion this time.

However, propaganda belongs to propaganda and information belongs to information.

The horrified Earthling, can now bear down and accept these messages calmly?

Can you calm down?

For this issue, the status of a university interest group is more representative:


"Corresponding plan ... prepared ... right decision ..."

Mobile phones, computers, and broadcasts scrolled through commentary entries. The leader from the School of Environmental Engineering sneered as he rummaged: "Well, run away. Mr. Wu Qingchen is a member of the world. Can someone force him to play solo? Is it necessary to use such a long-term vision to escape the battle? "

"Combat effectiveness ... encounter ... positive ... significant ... I am!"

The deputy team leader from the School of Chemical Technology dismissed his face with disdain: "It's so **** tall ... Fudge, continue flicking, Paralympic looking at these materials, I thought it was a hundred regiment battle, landing in Normandy, the trump card battle!"

"Fuck Ace Showdown!"

"The two counselors meet!"

"Vegetables peck each other!"

"Victory over bad!"


One thousand and eight hundred years later.

Middle Ages.

Inside the bus.

After the two stops, Shen Lin continued to stare out the window.

In her ears, the old lady has reached the climax of "Exercise":

"Countless poison crows covered the sky and struck the sky; huge beasts dived down, the trees fell ... the shaker shrank, the gap appeared ... the sharp claws, the long tongue, and the injustice shrouded the deep body. Poisonous fog, saints with heavy heads and soft bodies ... hungry, cursing, pain, bite, go crazy, wreak havoc, evil orders come from the top of the mountain ... "

"Expulsion! The man tossed wheat, honey, and herbs into the sky, and the endless poison crow squeaked and scattered ... clean! The man sprinkled holy water to the earth, and the tree rose to the sky, holding the strange beast firmly ... Pity The divine light shines on the unrighteous, the thick poisonous mist dissipates, the sharp claws become soft hands, and the long tongue dissipates and spit out the voice: ... May your mercy be forgiven of human suffering, may Your glory shines a light on all living beings. "

"What ..."

I don't know if it's depressed, or the weather is bad, or the smell of buns coming from the bus is too strong, or it's been too long for the old lady ...

In short, when I was upset, I always looked at Shen Lin outside the window and opened my mouth to close the two stops firmly: "This grandma is again vanilla, holy water, and magical light ... the magical power is so awesome Force, next to the sculpture of Naros / Wu Qingchen, why has there never been a horse? "

"That man doesn't have a horse by his side", this is a long history religious joke.

It was the darkest time in history. A nobleman did not dare to publish it, and the last words turned out from the grave.

This kind and conscientious gentleman, after encountering a series of packages such as confiscating property, taking tenants, cutting titles, and expulsion from the church, suffered anger in despair, from countless piles of old paper. Before the "man", the church's sculptures often appeared war horses. After "the man", the church's sculptures no longer had the position of horses.

The conscientious gentleman conjectured: "The man" in the vast world, when shining, may not be as invincible as the church claims to be behind. The church is worried about causing associations, and will simply symbolize the most brave and peaceful at that time. The triumphant steed was cancelled.

A joke is a joke, and it is not just a joke.

As soon as this sentence was finished, Shen Lin regretted it.

It is not appropriate to call the holy name directly, and then make the last three words more profane, as for the final joke ...

It does n’t take too long. A few hundred years ago, the guy who committed the first item was estimated to be smashed by the people around him. If he committed the second item, he might drink tea at the Inquisition, and if he committed the third Xiang, there must be more fuel on the torture column.

In fact, even if it is not up to now, Shen Lin noticed that with his own words, the eyes of the entire bus have focused on himself.

You know, although "horse" jokes have a long history and spread widely, few people will tell them in public.

In any case, even for those who hate the church, most of the time, they only put their anger on the church, and very few people choose to attack "that person".

No one can deny that man's white and flawless holy name, nor can he deny that man's great promotion of history, the great contribution to society, and the respect for such great people is in itself respect for himself.


Full of surprise, dissatisfaction and blame, Shen Lin stood up, bowed slightly to the old lady who had turned pale, and sincerely apologized.

"Baby ... child ..." The old woman's lips were pursed. "Of course there is no horse beside that man. How can someone with compassion oppress other souls?"

This sentence is also widely explained, of course, Shen Lin is also familiar.

At this time, the bus arrived, Shen Lin quickly approached the door and looked around the bus, both to the old lady and to other passengers who still have a high percentage of beliefs even in modern society. :"Sorry."

Shen Lin got off early.

From here, to the platform where Shen Lin usually gets off, there are about two kilometers in the middle.

Looking at the time, twenty minutes before going to work, Shen Lin decided to walk by.

After walking forty or fifty meters, the intersection arrived, and there was a red light ahead, and Shen Lin stopped.

It was during the rush hour that the intersection was quite congested, and the long line of vehicles exhausted could not see the end.

At this moment, in the ear of Shen Lin, he suddenly heard the voice of "Woo ... Woo ... Woo ...".

Shen Lin tilted her head and saw that, at the end of the field of vision, the long convoy suddenly leaned to the left and vacated a lane.

Along the gap vacated by many vehicles, a pickup truck drove straight towards the intersection.

Seeing the yellow-and-black iconic pattern on the surface of the van and the open carriage completely ignoring the city ban, Shen Lin recognized without difficulty: this is a special vehicle moved by Shengbee.


Shen Lin stepped back quickly, this is "the closest brother of mankind", if you get kissed, it is not ordinary enjoyment.

Shen Lin backed away quickly, and was suddenly blocked slightly.

Ok? what happened?

Shen Lin turned her head back, ready to see who was hit or what was hit.

Halfway back, Shen Lin was stiff and sweaty.

Behind him, at a distance of less than 10 cm, a deep black hole had opened its mouth and was waiting to be swallowed.

"My grass! The business of Denia parish is here? Steal your paralyzed manhole cover!"

Shen Lin scolded angrily, and hurried forward several steps.

"Thank you, thank you so much ..."

Away from the black hole, and walking to a safe place, Shen Lin turned again, ready to thank her life-saving benefactor: "If it weren't for you, I would just ..."



what happened?

Shen Lin froze, there was no one in front of him.

After staying for a second, Shen Lin quickly circled in place, patrolling around.

In the field of vision, the nearest pedestrian is also seven or eight meters away from Shen Lin.

what happened?

How is this going?

Shen Lin opened her eyes wide.

That's right, this place used to be a trash can, and normal people would not choose to pass by.

In addition, when I was pushed just now, so close ...

Shen Lin swears that if someone leaves this distance, he will definitely feel!

However, Shen Lin had no similar feeling at all.

Frowning deeply, Shen Lin recalled carefully. When she stepped back just now, she was pushed there. Although it was very light and light, it was definitely a real touch.

Um, and ...

Shen Lin continued to recall: The touch should be an arm.

It's a particularly warm arm.

But what about people?

The green light is on, cars are coming and going, people are coming and going.

Shen Lin stood blankly, her heart blank.

That warm feeling ...

Why are you so familiar?

Why straight heart?

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