Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 194: Request

Middle Ages.

March 12, 0001.

Wu Qingchen entered the second day of the tenth round of the Middle Ages.

Akerley Village-Baroque Ackerford, on a hill.

The best point of tactics within a five-kilometer radius on the half-slope of the highlands.

After spending two full hours and drinking three times, Wu Qingchen finally managed to figure out what happened:

Two hours ago, when the Wu Qingchen vehicle (with law enforcement power) was driving normally, the road was stopped illegally by an unlicensed vehicle. In order to avoid an imminent collision, the driver of the other vehicle started urgently, and a major accident was almost avoided, but Due to improper operation, a small scrape still occurred between the two sides. In fear, the driver of the other party hurriedly escaped despite the passengers being left behind.

It has been two hours since the accident. The driver and the thief leader and his subordinates are estimated to have gone without a trace. The time lost by Wu Qingchen and the loss of high-calorie food will not be expected to pay any compensation at 1:30.

This is roughly the case.

Figuring out the cause of the accident, the problem followed:

Now that I have caught the three mental loss costs-cough, three captives, what should I do?

When thinking about this, Wu Qingchen's eyes naturally fell on the three prisoners kneeling ten meters away.

It was midsummer, and the weather was hot. Wu Qingchen chose a wide field of vision, and naturally there was no shade. If it was not high, there was a mountain wind blowing from time to time, and Wu Qingchen deliberately let York down the mountain from the river. With cold water assisted cooling, the three captives may have collapsed due to heat stroke.

Forgiveness is so, after being arrested, the spirit is tense, desperate and fear, coupled with prolonged kneeling, and advanced threats from the 21st century of the earth. The two captives have also turned down and shaken in two hours. Dangling, sweating, a miserable and devastated look.

After the last round of interrogation and explanation, the knight master groaned for a long time, and once again cast a noble look on the captives.

Even with the wisdom of the thief, it is not difficult to guess, the moment of destiny is coming.

With Wu Qingchen's eyes moving, kneeling on the far left, the oldest Bent, gradually showing despair, his lips trembling violently for a while, then slowly closed his eyes; Cobb kneeling in the middle Leaning his head and looking at his son, infinite guilt and pity were shot in his eyes; Lautka, kneeling on the right, didn't notice his father's eyes at all. He shook like a sieve, shaking to the violent time. Toka suddenly stood up and rushed towards ...


Standing next to him, the police officer Abbeville kept a close eye on the movement of the captives. As soon as Lautoka stood up, his abdomen was immediately hit with a heavy stick.

This is from the 21st century of the earth, the world's leading professional technology of prisoner abuse technology, which can greatly increase the pain and not cause permanent damage to the body.

In this way, during the two-hour interrogation process, the three captives have enjoyed several times each.

After suffering this, Lautoka immediately fell down, foamed his mouth, his body curled up into a ball, and all the active muscles on his body were twitching.

With this, Bante, who was kneeling on the left, opened his eyes, and Cobb, who was kneeling in the middle, twisted his head, plus Lautoka, who was lying on the ground, struggling to raise his head, three prisoners, six Only eyes, staring at Wu Qingchen at the same time.

your sister! What kind of look do you have?

Did I do nothing? Is he going to jump up?

The Middle Ages spent so long. Of course, Wu Qingchen knew that as the lowest level of feudal society, which was worse than serfs, almost every thief had **** hatred and monstrous resentment against the ruling class.

However, regardless of the earth or the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen was extremely uncomfortable for the first time when he was really struck by such a substantive hatred.

"Don't fight ... tie it up."

Wu Qingchen waved his hands weakly. Antoine, Abbeville took the lead, the police, assisted by the burdock helpers, two serfs fought, and the three thieves were quickly tied tightly by the rope carried by the team.

Watching several people finish this, Wu Qingchen took a few steps forward, holding the reins with long ears.

The three thieves immediately struggled violently, and their eyes were mixed with despair, resentment, fear, and pleading.


Wu Qingchen was a little suspicious, immediately thinking of the classic torture of "live dragging" that he heard a little after entering the Middle Ages.


Is my face so cruel?

"Well ..." Wu Qingchen was funny and angry, pointing in the direction of the downhill: "It's too hot here, let's go down first." Looking at the fermentation of the three thieves, Wu Qingchen added: "You go In front, bring them a few, go further ... farther ... farther away! "

About ten minutes later, the team walked down the hillside and came to the stream.

After walking for a few more minutes, Wu Qingchen called twice, and the team stopped.

Stopping here, of course, Wu Qingchen was preparing to give these three dirty and excessive captives a good job of cleaning up the skin without knowing how many layers of attachments had formed.

Wu Qingchen did not explain his purpose to the captives. One of the reasons is that it is still difficult to communicate with these three guys because of language problems. The second reason is to look at the three hatreds full of hatred. Wu Qingchen estimated that even if he said it, there would be no effect.

Unexpectedly, the entourage took the youngest Lautoka by hand, took it to the stream, untied the rope, pushed it into the water, and walked to the place where the water was chestless, watching this scene, Lautoka's Although the father and uncle sighed deeply and closed their eyes in pain, they did not show much excitement. ——About them, being able to be drowned quickly and without too much torture is already very rare luck.

After spending more than an hour, using a dozen branches and numerous large leaves, and dyeing a layer of light gray nearly 100 meters downstream, the taste of the three captives finally faded to Wu Qingchen's reluctance. Hold your nose and walk near two meters.

"Master Los."

While Wu Qingchen was examining the cleaning effect, before the three prisoners were forced to take a bath, the messenger and Abbeville sent by Wu Qingchen to see the thieves returned.

"how about it?"

"Same as you said ..." Pamela said with admiration, "The small trees, branches, and turf are all in the same direction ... that that ..."

"Cloth!" Wu Qingchen reminded.

"Yes, yes!" Pamela nodded again and again: "Following the direction of the turf, the thorns along the way found many pieces of cloth and thin rattan."

"Are there any tents?"

"did not see it."

"Is there a hanging basket in the air ... tall, use twigs to connect the branches."

"I didn't see what you said."

"Are there any open spaces that were cleared out intentionally?"


"Is there a place where a long strip of trees has been cut down, like Arita?"


In this way, according to the main points of the training team's guidance at that time, Wu Qingchen carefully asked his "scouts".

Ten minutes later.

"Well ... branches, turf, cloth pieces, you should be sure to escape ... no shed, no long breaks, no fire belts, the possibility of ambush can basically be ruled out ... no traps, no big rocks, also No……"

The information obtained and the lessons in the memory were carefully confirmed several times. Wu Qingchen finally nodded slightly and muttered to himself: "It seems that the things that these guys explain ... should be the whole truth, there should be no other Problem ... "

"Master ..." Pamela looked at the sky again and again as Wu Qingchen groaned for a long time, and finally couldn't help but carefully said, "Is that safe now?"

"Well." Wu Qingchen nodded subconsciously: "It should be fine."

"Then let's go!" Pamela exhaled.

"Well?" Wu Qingchen tilted her head. "What's wrong?"

"Your camp!" Pamela said. "You said camp."

"What happened to the camp?"

Pamela travels a few times a year between the village of Acre and Fort Axford, and of course has its own camping site.

However, the overnight night where the messenger was alone did not fully meet the requirements of Wu Qingchen's group of nine people, four heads of livestock, and the habit of the messenger to eat and sleep, which obviously did not meet the great need of Master Wu Qingchen to be "rich". .

Therefore, before leaving the village of Akeli, Wu Qingchen and the messenger, as well as two police officers who participated in the tax transport team in the late autumn several times, carefully discussed the route, agreed itinerary, and preset several alternative overnight camping sites.

"That ..." Pamela pointed to the sky: "No matter how late you are, you won't be able to reach any of the camping spots you say ... now the sun is halfway ..."

More than half the sun?

Wu Qingchen also raised his head. Because of the thief's affairs, he ran away, interrogated, purified, and investigated. After many tossing down, the time had passed for nearly four hours.

At this time, it should already be more than three in the afternoon.

"Once camped ..." Wu Qingchen shook his head, "don't worry about them."

"Huh?" Pamela froze slightly.

"I won't leave today." Wu Qingchen confirmed: "Just stay here for the night ... Well, there's a small valley in front, and it's pretty good over there."

"Ah?" Pamela froze again.

Either on the road or camping, everything on the road, Master Wu Qingchen has the final say.

As a reminder about the "camping point" just now, Pamela has already fulfilled her obligation to lead the way. As for why the camp was set up so early, Uncle Wu Qingchen has no theoretical obligation to continue to explain at all.

However, there are still many things that need Pamela's cooperation.

"Pamela ..." Wu Qingchen said, "Remember the footprints there when you went to the place where the thief was found just now?"

"Remember." This is something that has already been said, and Pamela said very smoothly: "The footprints are very chaotic, most of them are heading towards the mountain, but many footprints are not far away. "

"Know what this means?"

"Know." The whole process involved in the interrogation of the captives, plus the association when Wu Qingchen was pointing at the "investigation", Pamela understood the meaning: "It shows that the three thieves were right, the other thieves escaped Many people must have been left behind during this time. "

"Yes, that's it."

Wu Qingchen nodded and said moaning, "I plan to get rid of these fallen thieves."

"Well ..." This time, Pamela wasn't too surprised.

As a messenger, as a middle-aged and elderly person who has more than 30 years of life experience, Pamela's experience is very rich. He is quite clear that most of the time, serfs made mistakes and could not survive. It may become a thief, but sometimes, some lucky thieves may not be able to become serfs again.

Seeing how Wu Qingchen had dealt with the three captives, Pamela vaguely guessed Wu Qingchen's thoughts.

"Get out the fallen thieves ..." Pamela began to groan. "It's not easy."

"I know." Speaking of which, Pamela noticed that Master Lose's face also seemed a little embarrassed: "So, now I just think about it ... um, just think about it ... look at these guys I go to the stream and think about it ... "

"Okay, sir."

Pamela walked next to the three prisoners who were drying their bodies.

Then, the messenger saw that, along the gentle slope, Lord Rose walked to the stream and sat down slowly beside a sandy field.

After sitting down, Lord Loose picked up a stone and thought while painting in the sand.

Alas ... Master Los likes to draw square and square things?

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