Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 195: Folks……

Is it so difficult to decide?

By the stream beach, Wu Qingchen had been staying for a long time, and Pamela could not help but have some doubts.

There are two major difficulties in preventing thieves from returning to the village. One is the investigation of the old master, and the other is the food that feeds them.

During the interrogation just now, Pamela knew that this group of thieves had almost no serfs from the village of Akeli, and there was no pressure from the director of Everett and the pastor of Praia, but for the masters of other villages In other words, not only can you sell Master Los face, but also make these thieves far away. In the fall, a few people steal food.

As for the most difficult food ...

There are bees, there are wooden barrels ...

Is food a problem?

As a burdock, beekeeper, and priest, Master Los wants to raise a few serfs for fun, and he's afraid he won't do anything for them?

As for the danger of contact with thieves ...

Pamela looked at the companions around her, whether police officers, burdock helpers, or the brothers of Lord Los's brothers and in-laws. Even the two serfs were now very relaxed. When there was no sudden change, both legs Shake constantly.

From the three captives, after really seeing the poor appearance of the thieves, Pamela was quite sure that the so-called "thieves" were so frightened by the companions next to them, and now they were disdainful.


Beside the sand, Wu Qingchen sat idly.

Since entering the Middle Ages, as a permanent backup and retreat, no escape and field survival training courses will be absent from each training session, allowing Wu Qingchen to deeply understand the difficulty of survival in the virgin forest. ——These thieves who have placed orders can basically declare death without the help of external forces.

Wu Qingchen is willing to provide an "external force".

For more than 20 years of ordinary life, only in the news with the heaviest taste, Wu Qingchen occasionally saw the three prisoners in such a miserable physical condition.

Browse through the screen or paper, and stand alive in front of the eyes, the impact of the two is not a grade at all.

There is a tacit heart that everyone has. The living conditions of the aborigines of the Middle Ages often made Wu Qingchen feel pity, not to mention these more tragic so-called "thieves."

But sympathy is compassion, and compassion is compassion.

Several irrelevant thieves and the billions of people on the earth were very important, Wu Qingchen was quite clear.

The reason that prompted Wu Qingchen to sit here, in addition to the feelings of the same kind in animal nature, there is a very important reason: according to the basic policy of "unifying all the forces that can be united," the human resources that have fallen from the sky, the earth It is impossible without any ideas.

Due to the training Wu Qingchen received, there was no targeted project that he encountered unexpectedly with the thieves, and of course there was no action plan for the thieves who placed orders.

According to the agreement with the Earth Staff Group, when encountering a small probability of unexpected accidents, major events without related plans, and the inability to fully judge the advantages and disadvantages, etc., if conditions permit and time is relatively abundant, Wu Qingchen can pass Several ways to agree in advance, limited communication with the earth.

For example at the moment:

In the sand in front of Wu Qingchen, a few lines of Chinese characters drawn with stones detailed the opinions of accommodating the thieves and the general action plan.

If the Earth believes that Wu Qingchen's decision will have adverse consequences on security, status, and major future benefits, the medical team will directly wake Wu Qingchen.

If the Earth believes that Wu Qingchen's decision is correct or has little effect whether it is successful or not, there will be no reaction and let Wu Qingchen act.

From time to time, Wu Qingchen tilted her head to look at the branches that she had inserted slightly according to the direction of the sun.

Fifteen minutes passed and the earth did not respond ...

Thirty minutes have passed and the earth has not responded ...

This is basically the agreed time.

45 minutes have passed and the earth has not responded ...

An hour passed, and the earth still didn't respond!

This is the agreed time.

Wu Qingchen's heart beating suddenly.

Speaking of which, this is Wu Qingchen's third communication with the earth.

For the first time, Xia Yi was approaching, and the cattle farming in his home was injured and burdock. ——Wu Qingchen poses, the earth wakes up early.

The second day, the second day of the ten-day cycle, had not had time to act, and the task of mastering the authority to move the cell was inexplicably "being" completed in advance. ——Wu Qingchen wrote down the opinion of “maintaining the status quo”, which is recognized by the earth.

This time, he encountered a thief, unharmed, grabbed the captive, interrogated the confession and the investigation results showed that several thieves had order. ——Wu Qingchen's written comments, the earth said that it can be implemented.

This is the first time in two months since the astronomical incident entered the Middle Ages, without any plans and training, that Wu Qingchen alone made a decision and perfected the details alone.

Can't tell if you're nervous, excited, excited, or other emotions.

Caressing his chest, Wu Qingchen forced to take a deep breath several times, and the frequency of the rapid heart beat in his chest couldn't be lowered.

No plan, no training ...

That is to say, this time the plan of "accommodating thieves", everything, all rely on Wu Qingchen's own wisdom, all based on Wu Qingchen's own intuition, experience, experience, and give the implementation method.

It's not too difficult to say ...

Since daring to put forward this idea, it is clear that Wu Qingchen feels a little bit of a slight opinion on "recruitment and rebellion".


Mid-mountain, woods, and thieves found Wu Qingchen and his party about 300 meters below and to the right.

"Ann ..." leaned against a big rock, and the old thief sighed. "Let's go. When the sun goes down, it will be harder to find a place to stay overnight."

"I won't leave ..." Talking about this topic for the fifth time, An's answer still shook her head: "If I leave, what will you do at night, father?"

"Oh, even if you can take care of one night, how many more days can I have?"

Looking at his right leg, the old thief was full of wry smiles. When he escaped, he was too panicked. He continued to climb the steep slope, and finally fell off at the third place. He rolled all the way down, slipped away, and finally was unlucky. Arrived at the stone, now completely conscious.

Such injuries, even in the village, need to take a good rest for half a full moon. In the forest, this is the situation now. The old thief knew that he had very little time left.

"No days!" The son shook his head stubbornly. "Maybe tomorrow, Chief Jon will be back."

"How is it possible to come back?"

Has been struggling to survive in the forest for two years, the old thieves know very well what kind of choices the thieves will make when encountering this situation, he barely sits upright and is preparing to persuade his son again, under the mountain, the road In the direction, a faint shout came.


"On the hill ..."

"Poor ..."

"What voice?" The old thief stopped.

"It's like Lautoka's voice ..." The son tried to distinguish.

"And Cobb ... and Bant ..." the old thief also heard.

"Isn't they caught?" The son opened his eyes wide.

"It's them!" My father froze.

Just at this moment, a small section of mountain road exposed through the gap between trees, Lautoka, Lautoka's father, Lautoka's uncle, and three former companions appeared in the eyes of the father and son.

At this moment, the three former companions were standing near the place where they rushed out of the woods. Each of them held a roll of sheepskin rolled into a cylinder, put it by their mouths, and shouted in the direction of the woods.

"What are they doing?"

"Don't talk, listen to what they shout." The father waved his hand to stop.

The cooperation was not in place. When the three Lautokas shouted for the first time, they were accompanied by vague accents and layered echoes. The two on the mountain saw that the knight approached quickly, ordered a few words, and started again. When shouting, the voice of the arrested companion finally became clear:

"Poor man on the hill, come down, Master Priest takes you back to the village to live."

"Back to the village?" "Oh!"

Huelva and Ann spit at the same time.

This is normal, with empty mouth and white teeth, "folks, come out, the imperial army does not **** the flower girl" type of nonsense, the value is equal to a spit.

After shouting for about ten minutes, the father and son saw that a dog cub who looked like a messenger seemed to think of something and suddenly came to the knight.

Soon, the sound of shouting in the direction of the mountain forest added new content:

"Poor man on the mountain, come down, the priest master said: the past, the past is over, and it will definitely not embarrass you."

"Well ..." Ann frowned slightly.

"Oh!" Father spit again, "Who cares about the past?"

About ten minutes later, the content of the shout was updated again:

"Poor man on the mountain, come down. The priest also said: As long as you are willing to work, the village has food every day."

Coo coo ...

Hearing this topic, the two people starving almost every day, their stomachs rang at the same time.

Yamashita continues to strengthen its propaganda offensive:

"Poor man on the mountain, come down, the village is not tired to work ...

"Everyone can work if the stars disappear, and the sun can disappear to sleep ..."

"Master priests have pity and never hit people casually ..."

"As long as you are willing to work hard, the family members who have been hungry and sick can also be protected by the priest master ..."

"Come on, do a good job, and you can often eat beans ..."

In this round of shouts, when I heard the previous sentence or two, the father and son couldn't help but feel a little moved, although they basically didn't believe it. When they heard the next sentence or two, they couldn't help but look at each other and heard the word "douzi" When he spoke, his father couldn't help it.

"Is this also a priest? Let's deceive some decent words!"

When the two were about to stop listening, Yamashita broke the news again:

"Look at these two poor people, they are also serfs ... Look, since they have followed the priest master, they have never been beaten again, and their lives have been very good."

They looked at them with a probe, and two young men twisting wooden sticks came to the arrested companion.


"con man!"

Take a look at these two "serfs": they are straight, even slightly stronger, with a relaxed expression, and even a smile ...

"This is a serf? If this is a serf, we are free people!"

Immediately after saying this, the two saw that the two below took off their clothes at the same time and slowly made a few turns.

Due to a large part of sliding down from the middle of the mountain, the position of the father and son can see the appearance of the two after taking off their clothes:

Cocoon marks on the elbows, striations on the shoulders, abutment on the front chest, pressure marks on the back, injuries to the legs, wounds on the ankles ...

And stick marks all over the body in all positions!

It is completely different from freelancers or better craftsmen. The traces on the following two people must be extremely hard work and long-term and frequent beatings. -Almost the same physical condition as before when Huelva, An and Son were in the village.


The father and son looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"This ... really a serf!"

"No ..." Father shook his head and corrected, "It should be said, it was the clergy's serf."

"This master ..." Just as he unknowingly called the word "Master", Ann's voice unknowingly gave him hope: "Really want to let us go? Really want us to go to the village Life? "

"It looks a bit like ..." Father's tone was also dignified.

"Eat ... sometimes hit someone ... you can sleep in the dark ... you can also eat beans ... the family can also be sheltered!" In the last sentence, looking at his father's legs, An's eyes shot out. Out of light.

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