Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 196: Divide the bowl

"Father ..." The son tilted his head. Although he didn't say the following words, the expression on his face showed his tendency very clearly.

"This one……"

Two example serfs came before them, and the living evidence was convincing, and the content claimed by Wu Qingchen was suddenly more credible.

However, for no specific reason, the old thief always had a slight unease in his mind.

"Wait first." After a long hesitation, his father slowly shook his head.

"Why?" The son frowned deeply. "This priest master, did you think of the present when you went out, and deliberately brought two pretend serfs to lie to us?"

"The serf is real." Father said that was not the reason: "However, I always feel a bit wrong.

"What's wrong?" The son immediately asked: "Aren't they all good, Laotoka and Uncle Cobb?"

"What is good? Is it good without being killed immediately?" Huelva couldn't say a specific "wrong", but to find a reason, the arrested companions were all: "I didn't see Are they in Lautoka? What do they look like? I don't know how long it was tortured in the water. "

"Just soak in the water ..." The son said it was difficult to understand: "What's the big deal ... the priest master always fanned his nose, maybe ... don't like the taste on them?"

"Maybe? The priest thinks you have the final say?" Father didn't hesitate with the worst malicious speculation: "Maybe it's going to be cleaned up earlier, and it's more convenient when the meat is cooked!"

Although he knew the possibility was extremely low, his son couldn't help shivering.

When the father and son discussed, another new thing happened under the mountain.

Looking up at the forest, the priest thought for a while, and then ordered the soldiers to act separately, and soon collected many shrubs, twigs, and leaves.

Let the soldiers pile up from these things, and the priest went further, and ordered two more words. After a soldier walked over and fiddled with it for a while, the flames burst out.

"What is this?" The son looked at the sky. "Is the bonfire lit so early?"

As soon as the son's words were finished, the other two soldiers stepped forward, raised a large branch that had just dipped into the stream, and pressed it above the flames.

Instantly, a thick plume of blue smoke rose straight into the sky.

The thief group lived for two years, and the father and son certainly knew this way of long-distance contact.

The issue is……

"This ... whose name is this?"

"No soldiers yet? How many people did this master bring?"

A few minutes later, the two knew the real purpose of lighting the smoke.

Below the forest, in addition to the temptation of "food", "rest", "shelter", and "beans", the shouting content of the three captured companions has been added with new entries:

"Poor man on the mountain, if you can't tell the direction of your voice, look up and see, we are in a smoking place ..."

"Poor man on the mountain, if you are injured, shout loudly, we will come to you ..."

"If you can't speak, or are too far away, push a few stones, or shake the tree beside you, we will come to you ..."

"This ..." The priest master was so caring and thoughtful, and the son was excited again: "Father, just to find a few people torture, don't you need to spend so much effort?"

"Who knows? If you don't do something weird, is that still called a master?" It's strange that the more the priests do the more, the better they do, the more the vagueness in the father's heart becomes stronger.

The captives shouted round after round, drank water again and again, time went by, and the priest master added several new ones or his own thoughts, or new promises from the dogs, but, The direction of the forest was always quiet.

In this way, the sun slowly set, the priest master sat down and stood up, and the interval between sitting down and standing up became shorter and shorter, and the pace of walking back and forth was getting faster and faster.

Suddenly, Ann and Huelva saw, looking at the sky, the priest master came to the arrested companion again.

As in previous times, the captives quickly added words:

"Poor man, come down, it's going to be dark, it will be even harder to wait!"

"The wolf and the bear are about to come out. They are not as good as us ..."

"Come down, we have a lot of people here, and we also have weapons ..."

"Look, the fire is lit ..."

"Father ..." Ann tilted her head again. "They are telling the truth."

"Know that it's true, then you can leave!" Huelva also seized the opportunity to persuade his son: "Go to the top of the mountain, remember the big stones you saw when you came here yesterday? Go find it, there is a very nearby Good place to stay overnight. "

The son stopped talking.

It gradually began to darken.

The three soldiers approached the priest, and after saying a few words, the priest nodded, and the soldiers immediately began to be busy.

Clean up the ground, pile firewood, light another fire ...

Pick up the stream, raise the pot, and handle the ingredients ...

"They're cooking ..."

Coo coo ...

Watching the crowd busy and hungry for a full day, the father and son's stomachs raised the strongest protest at the same time.

Swallowing and closing their mouths tightly, the two kept watching in silence:

The fire pond is done, the diving is done, the cabbages are cleared, the beans are cleaned, and the chicken ...



The priest took his own hands, held the knife, and brought a struggling hen to the stream. When he turned back, he had a few more pieces of processed chicken in his hands.

Staying in the forest, without strict territorial laws, thieves are certainly not polite to animals.

Despite the lack of tools and hunting skills, the rogue group can occasionally catch a few unlucky prey during long-term survival.

Son Ann, father Huelva, both were drunken figures. The fat and greasy taste, the sweet **** taste, were deeply engraved in their hearts.

Just because they have tasted the taste of "meat", when they saw the priest master chop the chicken piece by piece and threw it into the pot, even though they were separated by a long distance, the two seemed to smell the denseness in the memory. Fragrance.

The father and son's throats were squirming vigorously to swallow the drool that was secreted quickly.

The priest moves very quickly. When cooking chicken on one side of the fire pond, use the other side of the fire pond and a small pot, and at the same time begin to process the cabbages prepared by the soldiers.

Twenty minutes later, the chicken and cabbage were poured into a clay pot.

Putting on new hot water, the priest master began to cook beans and gooey at the same time.

After ten more minutes, the four clay pots were filled with steaming food.

The soldiers had already moved the stones and put a few wooden planks together to form a dining table-these **** **** even carried the dining table-wooden bowls were set up in front of everyone.


The soldier who always closely followed the priest stood up, held a spoon, and distributed most of the chicken to the priest, leaving a small part to himself and another person beside him; the beans were given to the master and the serf All soldiers outside; distributed cabbages and goo to all entourage, including serfs.

"Well ... there is meat, there are beans." Ann licked her lips and looked at the wooden bowl full of people with envy, "Even the serfs had two wooden bowls."

"What does that have to do with us?" Huelva reminded his son in a timely manner: "Look at it, calling for an afternoon, Lautoka, they don't have to stand far away."


During the meal, the three Lautokas walked away with interest, stood far away, trying not to look towards the dining table, and took a few sips of cold water from time to time to stop hunger.

The reason is that there is no way to rush or work all day. The priest and his entourage ate slowly, which caused the captives on the sidelines and the thieves on the mountain to suffer for a while.

After more than half an hour, the priest master who had the most food and the slowest speed in front of him finally slowly put down the wooden bowl in his hand.

Caressing his stomach, the priest master stood up and waved to the three captives in the distance.

"Is it ..." Ann's eyes widened.

"Yes, that's the trick!" The old thief wanted to show disdain, but the drool in the corner of his mouth suddenly overflowed. "Dividing the wooden bowls, the plates, and drinking the water, you can deceive your stomach. "

"Is it really necessary to divide the bowl?" An's saliva couldn't be controlled: "What other water is flushed? Just lick! The priest master eats so sloppy, there must be a lot of oil in the bowl ... maybe in the bowl next to it There is also bean dregs! "

"Hmm ... the two most trusted soldiers next to them, their bowls are certainly not bad. Well, it's so good, I haven't been hungry in my life ... I haven't even licked a wooden bowl, it's cheap. Lautoka them. "Obviously, although he couldn't see the specific situation, he always kept an eye on the process of eating and the distribution of the value of the many wooden bowls on the dinner table. Huelva was clear in his heart:" Look at it The wooden bowls of the other soldiers must have been much cleaner. They have basically licked twice and should only be flushed ... Alas, the last two are definitely the real serfs who have not run away. Their wooden bowls have been washed by themselves. Several times water. "

When the father and son spoke, the three captives had come to the priest master.

Next, the priest master asked the three to close their palms, then sipped a few spoonfuls of water, and washed the three arms several times.

"What is this going to do again?"

In the next moment, in the strange inquiry of the thieves on the mountain, in the inexplicable eyes of the captives under the mountain, the priest's spoon reached into the clay pot next to the kettle, and when it was pulled out again, a spoonful of mud was poured into the front Captive, palms closed together.

Holding the slime, the captive standing in front, did not dare to move his hands, the whole body was shaking violently, the captive standing behind, immediately kneeled to the ground, whether standing or kneeling, these three called for an afternoon Poor man, tears shed at the same time.


When the captives trembled and shed tears, both the father and the son in the mountain forest also issued an irresistible exclamation.

After quickly eating the paste in my hand, I licked each finger cleanly, borrowed a wooden spoon, picked up cold water, and flushed the entire palm with water and sucked it several times. The captive picked up the rolled sheepskin roll again and rushed to the mountain forest.

"Poor man on the mountain, buddies, come on down!"

"You saw it, did you see it? Master gave it!"

"Stupid! A whole bunch of goofy are all eaten for us!"

"Come down!"

Because there was no unified plan, the voices of the three arrested companions were a lot messy. However, because the three were far above the volume of the call in the afternoon, and far more than the mid-air call of the afternoon, the thieves on the mountain could hear clearly.

"Father, let's go down!" The son proposed again, this time, Ann's voice was not loud, but it was full of firmness.

"But ..." Still couldn't find the cause of the uneasiness in his heart, and Huelva could hardly make up his mind: "I think about it, let me think about it."

"What else do you want?" The son had completely disregarded Xingzang, and stood up and shouted, "Are you afraid that the priest will simmer the meat and cook it? Then what's going on to Lautoka's mud? Put salt in advance Do you put so much salt in your cooking? "

"Don't mess! Don't panic!" Huelva pulled his son down hard and covered his mouth. "The more you want to be more careful this time!"

"Come on!" Looking down the mountain, the son was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot: "Maybe there's some mud in the pot!"

"It's gone!" It's about food, and my father looked so real: "At the end when I gave it to Bant, the pot was almost upside down, and I shook it a few times before I picked it up."

"It can also be flushed! Even if the pot is not allowed to flush, we can hurry and divide the priest's bowl!"

"I know, I know! Didn't move without looking elsewhere? Do you think there are only two of us here? The priest below is calling, smoking, and cooking ... surely he has already attracted other companions. Come here! The other companions have not moved, there must be a problem! "

"what is the problem?"

"Wait, you wait, let me think about it!"

"Come on!" Staring at the direction of the mountain, or more precisely, staring at the priest's wooden bowl, An's eyes could not wait to have two small hands.

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