Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 197: Return to heart

The dispute between the father and the son soon ended. [Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Small ↓ said △ Net]

After a short rest, the priest waved his hand, and two example serfs came over and moved the pottery pots and wooden bowls that the thieves on the mountain drooled over to the stream and washed them over and over again.

After the kitchenware and cutlery were retrieved, the priest waved his hand again, and several soldiers came over to stir up a little while, but a pot of smoke was set up on the fire pit that was not yet extinguished.

The three arrested thieves called even more eagerly:

"Poor man on the mountain, look, the old man has mercy and prepared food for everyone!"

"Come down, friends, hot food is waiting for you!"

"Full weight! Everyone has a share!"



"It's over!"

"Lack of success!"


Analysis team, an intelligence center.

Watching the video, another smoky pot filled with smoke, countless staff members sighed neatly.

"Without competition, where's the motivation?"

"So many management courses have been taught for nothing!"

"Well! Why hasn't Mr. Wu done marketing?"


That's right.

Wu Qingchen did not grasp the point at all.

For these hungry thieves on the mountain, whether it is grass roots, insects, or slurries, food is important, but the raw materials of food and the deliciousness of food are not important at all.

When the share is limited, a little bit of leftovers can cause competition; when the supply is sufficient, the benefits at your fingertips will increase the wait-and-see mentality.

The forest became quieter.

This won't work?

Why can't paralysis come down?

What happened to these thieves?

Wu Qingchen's heart was getting more and more distressed, and the pace of limping back and forth was getting more and more urgent.

"Food", "rest", and "beans" moved with affection.

"The Beast", "Bonfire", and "Shelter" have reason.

Holding his finger, Wu Qingchen couldn't figure out why these **** **** wouldn't come out.

No thieves on the mountain?

Are these **** running away?


According to the observation methods taught by the military regiment, from the swaying attitude of the trees, the movement of birds, the distribution of insect calls, and other details, Wu Qingchen saw it early. There are at least four or five places in the opposite forest, or Hiding behind the thieves, or lingering attracted thieves.

The sun is slowly setting, and it will be dark in up to two hours.


Detect, clear, camp, sentry

Time is getting shorter and there are a lot of things to arrange overnight, Wu Qingchen becomes more anxious.


The humble sundial standing next to it, the shadow walked again, Wu Qingchen stopped abruptly.

Not waiting!

Don't come out, right? You do n’t want to come out of paralysis, right? Paralyzed iron heart is right with me, right?

"Antoine! Abbeville!"

With an order from Wu Qingchen, the two police officers came over immediately.

"You go up" Wu Qingchen pointed to a certain position in the forest: "Go to that place and look carefully. There should be thieves. Find them. Take them down carefully. It may be dangerous."

"Okay, sir." The two police officers nodded easily. "We are not afraid."

With the morning experience, Wu Qingchen certainly knew that they were not afraid.

However, his own home is still the opponent ’s site, and he is still searching in depth. The risks between the two are definitely different.

The so-called risk is not that Wu Qingchen was worried that the police officers would be injured. Most of the afternoon was spent here. Full observation time and comprehensive details. Wu Qingchen knew that the number of thieves in several locations across the forest was rare and scattered. Powerful police officers take care of each other and do not need to care about thieves' resistance at all.

What Wu Qingchen was worried about was that when he entered an unfamiliar environment and was nervous, the two police officers acted lightly and lightly. They accidentally overreacted and killed those "thieves" who were already sufficiently vulnerable on the mountain.

"That one"

Antoine and Abbeville had packed their clothes, holding their spears, and were preparing to go up the mountain. Hearing Wu Qingchen's voice, the police officers turned back.

"Yi" Wu Qingchen opened her mouth and closed it again, and sighed and waved, "Nothing, you must be careful to go."

What did you say?

Require two police officers to civilization law enforcement?


Wu Qingchen is not selfish, or to say the least. ——This is the basic disk! Hard human core resources to accumulate goodwill!

However, although he is unwilling to restrain the hands and feet of police officers, Wu Qingchen is not incapable of reducing the intensity of the conflict.

Calling on the interpreter Pamela, Wu Qingchen went to the three captives.

A few minutes later, the police had just entered the forest, and the content of the three prisoners' propaganda had changed:

"The poor man on the mountain, the pity of the master, sent someone to help you down the mountain!"

"Everywhere I stay!"

"Whoever dares to smash his paw!"

"Whoever dares to run around will break his dog leg!"

"Ah!" Banlin of the forest saw the two soldiers walking in his direction and suddenly stood up: "Father, what should I do?"

Huelva did not answer.

Whoever dares to do it will smash his claws, whoever dares to run around will break his dog's legs

Hearing the sudden change in the style of his companion's arrested under the mountain, like a lightning strike, Huelva instantly understood the source of his feelings:

Food, rest, bean beast, bonfire, shelter

The content of the previous priest master ordering the captives to shout out is to take care of and protect themselves throughout. The wonderful vision is so unreal!

How could there be such a master in the world?

How could there be such a territory in the world?

How could it only be good without any punishment?

Now the familiar threat is here! Here comes the thoughtful power! Here comes the kind beating!


It's reassuring!

Listening to the call of his companions under the mountain, watching the soldiers groping for approach, Huelva patted his son's arm gently: "You go away first, I will go down first and see what they will do to me."

nothing at all.

Ten minutes later, the two police officers found Huelva and saw the old thief paralyzed and unable to move. He shouted under Antoine and explained the situation. Wu Qingchen ordered two sentences, and the two police officers carried on their backs. Huelva went down the forest.

Back to the stream, scrub and clean up and carry it back to the fire pond

Wu Qingchen beckoned, Pamela and Dean moved the spoon and the freshly cooked paste to Wu Qingchen.


After taking the spoon, while Wu Qingchen was about to be confused, he stood obediently, and Huelva, who closed his palms, suddenly spoke.

"What?" Wu Qingchen paused.

"That" looking at the spoon in Wu Qingchen's hands, Huelva was very upset. He said aiyai: "You haven't hit me yet"


After two full minutes, Wu Qingchen finally understood his mistake.

The image of "Master" is so **** so popular?

Wu Qingchen roared in his heart.


Think of at least one billion people on Earth who see themselves as silly

Depressed, Wu Qingchen shouted Chinese directly, and a few seconds later, Wu Qingchen switched back to the language of the Middle Ages' village of Akeli: "Antoine, Abbeville!"

"Master!" The two police officers stood up immediately.

"Hit! Hit me!"

Wu Qingchen shouted fiercely.

The two police officers immediately walked to the oxen, released their spears, smashed their sticks, and walked to Huelva, who had collapsed to the ground.

The old thief gathered his hands and feet, curled up, and closed his eyes contentedly.

Damn it!


"That, Antoine"

Gritting his teeth, Wu Qingchen called the police officer.

Antoine and Abbeville turned around.

Looking at the sky, Wu Qingchen sighed heavily: "Lightly."



In the video:

Old thief with injured ankle was carried out of the forest

The old thief joins the shouting, and the little thief walks out of the forest

Five thieves shouted to the forest, and a few hundred steps away, another thief stepped out of the forest.

Six thieves yelled at the forest. At the upper left of the forest, two more thieves walked out of the forest.


There was loud applause in the room.

"It's finally done!"

"Not easy! Mr. Wu finally figured it out!"

"Toasting without eating and drinking is no wonder that this phrase is never out of date!"

In the admiration, emotion, comment, the specially edited video is over.

The host controls the console and opens the live-updating video.

It was dawning again.

The mountain path, the messenger led, two serfs explored the road, the elder brother, the old neighbor's second son, and the ox helper accompanied him. Nine thieves who had just descended the mountain were monitored by two police officers.

Wu Qingchen's team doubled directly.


Looking at the various items carried on the nine thieves, a gentleman frowned slightly at the back of the room: "What is this? With such a little thing, the three cultivators are carried very easily, so they pile on the thieves and actually lower them. Is it time to hurry? "

"This is a deliberate arrangement." The companion next to him replied: "This point, Mr. Wu Qingchen handled it well."

"Specially arranged?" The questioning gentleman wondered: "Why? Does such abuse make sense?"

The companion next to "Hehe" laughed: "What kind of abuse? This is a captive! The captive is a purely new employee"

"What new employee" another viewer interjected: "At most, it is a temporary worker! Is temporary work better than regular employees? Also, how should these people around Mr. Wu Qingchen be senior management of the company and Grace, Brothers and in-laws like Runcorn, how could a proper shareholder temporary worker be treated like a shareholder? "

"Yes," the first companion answered: "It's already pretty good. I didn't get beaten. I didn't intentionally let them carry the heaviest thing. Look, they gave a bunch of slimes to them when they ate and started to cry again Up "

The next journey was safe.

After five hours in the Middle Ages and ten minutes after Earth time, after walking through a long canyon, the spire of Fort Ackford finally appeared in front of everyone.

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