Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 199: Engineering Expert

In front of Garucha, a long line of farmers-no, a long line of soldiers sat on the grass on a gentle slope. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

All the soldiers had their legs crossed, their waist rods were straight, and the spears held by both hands pointed neatly into the sky. They sat quietly, eyes looking at the same direction, no one spoke, and no one looked away.

This silence, such neatness, only one glance, Garucha caught the horse.

Living in the war-torn medieval world, as a soldier directly under the lord, Garucha is quite clear: Only the village that receives the most attention and attention, often releases training, and the semi-police and semi-militia complex will behave like this!

"Loss ... Master Loss ..."

It took almost a minute for Garucha to return to her mind: "His Lord John / Praia takes care of you."

"Huh?" Wu Qingchen tilted his head slightly "strangely".

"Is this the most elite militia in the village of Akeli?" Garucha was full of envy: "To protect your safety, His Excellency Praia can make a real effort."

"Minuteman?" Los / Moore quickly shook his head quickly. "Without the militia, I didn't bring the militia ... There are only two police officers here, and the others are skilled hands."

"Especially ... a skilled hand in particular?" Garrucha almost bit his tongue. He pointed to a little bit further away, or packed luggage, or tended cattle, or sat down to rest, or chatted casually. Farmers: "What are they?"

"Those thieves caught on the road, ready to be taken back as serfs."

Lord Los replied lightly, as if he didn't want to go into details about the thief. Los / Moore took the horse's belly lightly, took the long steps with his long ears, and shouted to the militia in Garucha's mind: "Hey ... get up! Get up, have seen the master in the castle! "

With an order, the militia nearest to Los / Moore stood up immediately. In less than two seconds, all eight soldiers in the back rose up.

With the soldiers neatly moving, Garucha's war horse immediately smelled the familiar tension, and began to disturb uneasily. Unexpectedly, Garucha almost fell, and he hurriedly calmed and calmed him. Only then did the war horse calm down.

"What are you doing? Don't know how to salute the master?"

Garrucha just stood up, and Los / Moore drank again.

The militia nearest to Los / Moore bowed immediately.

After half a second, the next eight soldiers bowed neatly.

This ... lie to the ghost!

Also said not a militia!

Garrucha strengthened his thoughts.

Those guys behind are the thieves just caught. ——At this point, Garucha is still doubtful. After all, most of these guys have weak limbs and thin bones. They are indeed a devastated and unlucky look.

The guys who just stood up in the front row are farmers who are particularly good at farm work? -At this point, Garrucha would not believe it for half a word. Look at this uniform movement, look at the forbidden discipline, look at this well-trained behavior ... Is there anything other than a militia?

Why open your eyes and talk nonsense?

Could it be ...

"Hmm ..." Suddenly, Garrucha thought of a possibility, and he tilted his head and asked Los / Moore, "Master Los, where do you want to send the letter this time?"

"Fort Acford, Fort Collin ..." Rose / Moore replied, "and the Praia family."

That makes sense!

Garrucha completed the brain supplement instantly:

Fort Ackerford is okay, it is very close to the village of Acre, and the road is quite stable.

A place like the Four World Wars, such as Fort Collin, and the remote location of the Praia family, certainly need more protection.

So, in order to protect Los / Moore, Rev. Praia did not hesitate to adjust the village's most important armed forces, but in order to reduce the complaints of some guys with longer tongues in the castle, Rev. Praia disguised the militia as a farmer, but It may be the reason why it is not clear, or the little guy Los / Moore did not understand it, only knew the identity of the "farmer", but forgot to camouflage the details.

In this case, things will be troublesome ...

Garrucha sighed slightly.

After walking out of the castle and seeing the gas field of Los / Moore, Garucha gave up the idea of ​​flickering children and ransacking entourage for the first time, but he still wanted to try good words, exchange of interests, long-term promises Way, leave a few veterans who are good at treating cattle and mobile honeycomb, and do technical guidance for a period of time.

But now, looking at the militia in front, Garucha sighed silently.

Of these militiamen, maybe one or two do have similar skills, but the core defense force of this village, Garrucha, knows even if he thinks with his butt, whether Evrit is in charge or Rev. Praia Even Baron Archford would not allow them to stay outside for a long time. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

The initial plan and the revised plan were all unsuccessful, and Garrucha's mood suddenly dropped a lot.


Earth, a village.

Counterpart analysis team, number: i23-z1-2037-2214.

Villagers activity center, chess room.

Wu Qingchen left the village of Akeli, and Ye Yi and his workers immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although a second analysis of the video at "Three Cellular Intersections" is still required, at least there will be no new content today.

Ushering in a rare respite, not to mention the members of the former construction team, even the expressionless team leader and the surrounding armed police fighters looked much relaxed.

However, as a group of self-motivated-or proletariat who has been frightened, most of the workers have gathered around Li glasses and followed up with the latest developments in the Tianxiang incident.

"Why is this thief looking so ugly?"

Old Liu pointed at the big screen, in which Garucha was absent-mindedly communicating with Wu Qingchen's entourage one by one, through random questions, checking the accent of the entourage and understanding of the village of Akeli.

"I can't find you ..." A worker next to him replied, "Where there is no meal, this is the case for township cadres."

"It's not that you can't get oil ..." Li glasses shook her head and corrected: "But she didn't dare to get oil. The plan of the staff was to pretend to be a militia, demonstrating that the priest and parish paid great attention to Mr. Wu Qingchen. Stop the possibility of accidents caused by contempt and greed from the start. "

"This thief is also courageous ..." The coworker disdain: "Sit down, stand up, and bow ... it scares this dingy look ... Oh, change to our film, every family carried it a few years ago It ’s not a gimmick, it ’s still not robbed ... it has been converted to forestry. "

"That's because you didn't plan for it ..." Another worker interposed: "Instead of ..."

"It's not that simple." Li glasses waved his hands, stopping the co-workers who were on the wrong topic: "It looks like it's just sitting, standing, and bowing. It seems that only three movements are used ... In fact, Wu Qingchen just let the entourages change the clothes. It ’s also quite big. Have you noticed that Mr. Wu spent two or three hours on clothes borrowed from the craftsman ’s house, basically the same style? Uniform movements, uniform standards, plus uniform clothing, completely You can expand one point of strength into three points of psychological effect. "

"This ..." After hearing this conclusion, everyone looked at the armed police at the door, and nodded uncontrollably.

"Also, don't you think what the suites are doing is simple."

Li glasses opened a piece of information and continued to analyze: "The farmers in the medieval world were purely illiterate who had never been in school for a day. They had to take a few slaps from one thought to ten. They were also unclear on the left and right. Mr. Wu ’s entourage is forbidden and uniform, and it takes at least two or three months to train ... This long training time is likely to accumulate for two to three years for semi-off-duty police officers. "

"Uh ... is it so difficult?" The workers opened their mouths, and several people pointed at the display screen at the same time: "But ... Mr. Wu, it took me only two days!"

"Yes, Mr. Wu only spent two days." Li glasses did not deny, and then said:

"But the two or three months I said, or the militias suspected by Garrucha, refer to complete tactical actions such as" rest "," queue "," marching "," combat "," evacuation "... , All soldiers who have received certain training ... And Mr. Wu's suites, from beginning to end, for two days, they have only trained four training subjects ... No, they cannot be regarded as training subjects! I can only say that I have practiced four moves: 'Sit down', 'Stand up', 'Bow', plus 'Walk' to be used later "

"Uh ... with these basic qualities of the medieval farmers, even if they only practiced four moves ..." Ye Yi asked carefully: "It's pretty good, right?

"Of course, if you can train these four moves completely, it's good." Li glasses smiled bitterly: "But in fact, these illiterates can't even practice four moves ... Didn't you pay attention? The castle cavalry just now? When they came out, did Grace do the sitting, standing, and bowing, and then the other farmers immediately followed it? "

"Grace?" A coworker frowned. "Why can he learn, but others can't?"

"Grace ..." This question, Ye Yi could answer: "This is Wu Qingchen's brother! Soak up with Wu Qingchen every day, come down for two months, sing hymns, cultivate land, cooperate with labor division ... that What ... organization has long been mentioned. "

"Borrowing clothes, practicing flowers, posing, this ... this ..."

There was a heated discussion, and a worker who was standing silent, suddenly said, "Isn't this swollen and fat?"

The chess room was suddenly quiet.

"In a sense ..." For a long time, Li glasses slowly said, "It really is like this."

"But ..." Li glasses went on to say: "Gentlemen are treated equally, villains and red tops are white, not to mention feudal society, even if we are here-like the readers of" The Abduction of All Humanity ", high-quality, well-educated people How many more? This is the overall environment ... Putting strength on the bright side, or even exaggerating it a bit, don't leave others the opportunity to make mistakes ... Whether it is a good thing for yourself or for others ? "

"Fooling, if it is found, is it trouble?"

"What can be falsified?" Li glasses reverted to the video: "Look, from beginning to end, Mr. Wu has always insisted that this is a skilled man who has been used to farm work, and has never acknowledged any militia ... others must read too much, Guan Luosi Master shit! "

"Wow!" A few steps away, a worker suddenly sighed: "Who are the staff members? It is a routine."

"Huh ..." Slightly raised his head, and Li Jing's face was full of admiration: "A very powerful routine."


About 3,930 kilometers away.

A country, a prison.

There was a roar of roar in the cell.

It's time to change shifts.

"Don't stop yet?" Asked the successor guard dozens of steps away.

"No! By now ... it's been almost five hours."

"Haha ... weren't you happy yesterday? I was so surprised when I heard that a few pages of paper could almost reduce my sentence by half."

"Of course, sixteen years become nine years."

"Deserve it! Let him waste taxpayer money."

"Let ’s release it after all ... After all, Mr. Wu is about to enter the castle after half an hour. Maybe he still needs to help with this ... this ... what is this?"

"Country Z term: face engineering."


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