Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 200: Bark of arkford

After waiting for almost an hour, Garucha and Busser reappeared in front of Wu Qingchen. Purple You Pavilion

There were four more heavily armed knights beside the two investigators.

Obviously, although everyone in Wu Qingchen's suite has passed the detailed accent check and the detailed examination of the village of Akeli, except for the thieves who have just surrendered, a team of nearly twenty people is still worth any castle Caution.

Accompanied by six knights-or under surveillance, Wu Qingchen finally set foot in the core area of ​​Baron Acford.

The sun is just right, the golden light pours down, and it is covered with slightly undulating land; the silver light band meanders and instills the source of life for both sides of the strait; the light yellow buckwheat flowers bloom in pieces, Spread to the end of the field of vision; it's just for the busy and good weather. Craftsmen drive ox carts, free people support lean cows, and large swarms of serfs gather together to double their efforts for winter storage, autumn harvest, and food at night. Sweating with sweat, the exposed skin was exposed to black patches.

Gold, silver, pale yellow, and slightly black along the green grass, Wu Qingchen broke into this colorful land.

Two knights opened their way. Behind the four knights, a large group of soldiers swarmed around.

In such a luxurious pomp, every road Wu Qingchen passed through, no matter the craftsman, freelancer, or serf, took off his hood neatly, stared humbly at the tip of his toes, raised his ears, and listened carefully to the sound of the horseshoes trampling on the ground. , And then bent down and bowed at the most appropriate time.

It can become the core area. The natural agricultural conditions such as water sources and terrain around Fort Afford are definitely better than that of Akerie Village, and there are simple water conservancy projects accumulated through the hard work of previous barons. It can be seen from the villagers' color. Craftsmen, freelancers, or serfs, the looks and physical condition of each class are higher than those of the same class in the village of Akeli.

But this does not prevent the villagers of Fort Afford from casting envious eyes on the marching Akeri team.

"Well, how good it would be for me to be this master's serf." The serfs looked at the captives around Wu Qingchen with open eyes: "From the point of Yanshan, no one has been beaten with a bag and carried so far Beds, I can! "

"See?" Pointing to York and Harry beside Wu Qingchen, a freelancer said to his son: "Who said that it is no good to please the master every day? In case of fancy, if you are lucky, you can go anywhere for days. Just follow along, there is no need to do anything. [Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Small ↓ said △ Net] "

"This is the grandeur of the parish! Hey," pointing at the "militia" around Wu Qingchen, the craftsman said to his wife: "Look at how glamorous this is! It is decent! Good clothes are to be worn out! Every I wear it twice a month on prayer day.

"唉" "No luck" "I can't live"

The companion of the serf, the son of the freeman, and the wife of the craftsman sighed in unison.

With envious and envious eyes, the villagers walked around the woods, stepped over the bridge, passed piece by piece, and turned the last long curve, a tall castle, standing on the top of the hill in front.

"Lord / Moore" Garrucha, who was walking in front of him, turned back: "You can bring two followers into the castle, others we have arranged where to live."

"Well." Wu Qingchen nodded.

This is a custom in the Middle Ages. According to the occasional information disclosed by Everett, Praia, and Andre, in the Middle Ages, most of the castle owners will not put large-scale, established visitors into it. Own castle.

According to the judgment of the analysis team and the staff ’s research on the earth ’s feudal society, the castle era, such a custom should be the result of a long-term game between the host and the visitor under the circumstances of war and chaos.

This approach, most of the time, can better ensure the safety of both parties. ——For the host, the risk of internal and external cooperation is reduced, and for the visitor, there is no threat of exhaustion. Make the visitor's leader and the owner unable to put into the castle's earthenware pots, forming a delicate balance.

"I can bring one." Wu Qingchen yelled, "Antoine, come with me."

Grace needs to stay to manage the crowd. Pamela's knowledge can help. Longcorn is too young. Dean still has some language problems. Abbeville has not fully passed the test.

-However, this is not the most important reason.

Antoine was selected because this guy is the shortest guy in the core human resources of loyalty, physical strength, will, resilience, and interest that have reached the standard line after screening by the Earth team.

It is best to stand beside Wu Qingchen / Loos, who is "16" years old.

After solving this episode, the knights led Wu Qingchen and Antoine and continued to climb to the high castle. The knight in charge of the queen separated the two and led the other entourages in another direction.

In addition to the convenience and safety of the road, Wu Qingchen's super luxurious podium, the human resources of the thieves who fell from the sky, the knight **** treatment into Fort Afford, and the envy of many villagers from the heart, immediately welcomed Here comes another benefit.

Before the Cavaliers inspected the team, Wu Qingchen had already walked under the castle. Following the steps of the earth rehearsal, he completed the entire process of "Akli's business trip-Ackerford Castle-Explaining the Intention-Proof of Identity-Pastor's Seal". ——It took almost an hour to complete the whole set. This is all going well. There are no farce such as "Xiaozhuangtou trouble", "guards ask for bribes" and so on.

Originally, according to the same rehearsal plan of the earth, the next step was a series of lengthy processes of "guard interrogation-identification of agricultural officers-search of servants-reception of host-meeting of the baron". ——According to the budget during the rehearsal, it is about another hour here. This is also based on the smoothness of everything, and does not take into account unexpected factors such as "the absence of agricultural officials", "pickling of servants" and "contempt of contempt".

it's good now.

Going to a place about two hundred steps away from the castle, when the castle tower became clearer and clearer, and finally could see the clothes, Wu Qingchen breathed a long sigh of relief.

No need to worry about the second step.

No unexpected factors need be considered.

Any agricultural officer, attendant, or supervisor has skipped directly.

A middle-aged man in a big red robe and a large purple cape, tall, with a slightly convex belly and a majestic appearance, aged between 30 and 40, is standing in the most prominent position of the tower. Looking at Wu Qingchen and his party who walked towards the castle.

This middle-aged man who fully complies with all the definitions of beautiful men in the Middle Ages is the true master, highest will, and largest master of the village of Akeli and the other twelve villages.

Giltas / Rastabad / Archford Baron.


Almost at the same time.

"Suspected subject s1 appears!"

"Suspected subject s1 appears!"

"Suspected subject s1 appears!"

A few minutes ago, with Wu Qingchen officially entering the core area of ​​Fort Afford, almost every Middle Age World Information Analysis Center, every analysis team, and every staff team has entered the most intensive working state.

Unlike training for Wu Qingchen, painful decision-making must be made among hundreds of subjects that seem to be equally important. When the earth deduces itself, it will do everything possible to move closer to everything. .

Massive resources smashed down, and Baron Archford appeared in the tower, of course, in the staff plan. ——The serial number of the relevant plan is still quite high.

Despite this, the atmosphere of countless analysis teams, staff teams, and decision centers was suddenly redoubled.

"Quick!" The duty chief of an information center raised his head sharply, and in a hurry, his throat drew a long, broken sound: "Model right away! Model right away! Simultaneous analysis! Simultaneous analysis!"

"S1 dress data, red robe, newly dyed fabric in 100 days, purple cape, newly dyed fabric in 30 days, face, neck, arm, smeared with suspected lead-containing white powder within ten hours, preliminary judgment of strong self-esteem and vanity."

"S1 weapon data, with a ruby ​​short dagger on the waist (decorative), nothing else. Preliminary judgment is strong security, strong self-confidence, high territorial control."

"S1 body movement data, 7% carry back, 11% rub waist, 28% look down, 31% cover eyes. To suppress muscle fatigue, to observe against backlighting, preliminary determination is relatively firm, and has a relatively high execution power."

"S1 attention data, 13% of the time spent talking with subordinates, observation of 27% of Wu Qingchen time, observation of 52% of the time away from the team, preliminary judgment is not malicious, and high curiosity for Wu Qingchen's followers."

"S1 micro-expression data, 13% perfunctory, 22% think, 35% smile, smile distribution 72% observe Wu Qingchen time at the same time, preliminary judgment of high favorability, preliminary judgment of high favorability."

"S1 object"

Countless messages and analysis results quickly gathered like snow flakes, and Bark Archford's personal model plumped quickly:

Giltas / Rastabad / Akford

Number: s1 Middle Ages Object.

Sex: Male

Age: 36 years old (approx.)

Identity: Lord Archford, Baron.

Physical condition: 184cm tall, 73kg (approx.), Strong body, high fat, muscular, joint damage caused by excessive exercise

Personality: firm will, strong execution, preference for luxury, strong self-esteem, strong vanity, rich imagination, strong sense of security, strong self-confidence, high control over the territory, and high favor for Wu Qingchen

Personal habits: temporarily

Personal targeting: temporarily absent

Stress Response Model: Not Available

Current availability plan: implement the original plan

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