Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 201: Banquet (APP cancels collection and adds)

The appearance of Baron Akford in the tower not only increased the tension of the Earth team, but also exceeded the expectations of the six accompanying knights in the medieval world.

After seeing the figure standing at the highest part of the castle, his body was a little stiff, and Garrucha and the other knight who were at the front of the team pulled the reins invariably and controlled the war horse to make a few steps to let the original Less obvious dust and gravel are farther away from the trail that Wu Qingchen will pass behind.

Soon, Wu Qingchen walked to a position about two hundred steps away from the castle.

This is also the place where the guards asked me when I came here the last time.

This time, the suspension bridge was lowered directly.

Earth, country z, a village, villager activity center.


Pointing at the little movement of the forward knight in the video, and the suspension bridge that was lowered in advance, Li glasses smiled and told the workers next to him: "This is the benefit of swollen face and fat."

"Well," the workers are thoughtful.

"Think about it," Li glasses continued. "If there is no over-the-scenes arrangement carefully arranged by the staff, Mr. Wu Qingchen will only bring a messenger, what will it look like now?"

The coworkers were slightly associative, and two figures quickly appeared in their minds: a dusty servant, a gray face and a sweaty head; a pant, shaking, almost to be crushed to death by the huge burden.

"It's going to be the first one," Ye Yi murmured.

"Nice." Li glasses nodded: "The shelf is already up. Next, let's see how Mr. Wu Qingchen performs."


There was a slight smile on the corner of Hilbert's mouth.

He couldn't be upset. The relatives of the captain, the second son of the dog officer, and the guy introduced by Mrs. Lisa were all sent to clean up the castle. As long as they keep working hard, the poor work will be stable.

Hear poor, listen to my cousin and mother say, just stand by the door, communicate the baron ’s instructions, report the bureaucratic requests, occasionally move things, other times-or most of the time, do nothing, no doubt the whole Castle is the most relaxed and comfortable beauty.

The experience of hearing poor the previous two days has indeed proved this.

It seems easier today.

The frizzy Garrucha came to see him twice, and the Baron simply left the study. In this way, Hilbert's work removed the "transmitting command" item, and only needed to complete the reminder and message when other bureaucrats came to find the baron.

The sun is not far from the setting.

The day's work is about to end

Soon can rest on the bed

Thinking of sleeping, Hilbert yawned leisurely and stretched a long lazy waist.

At this moment, "Haha", the laugh of the baron came from the direction of the castle ladder: "John is still the same when he was a child. His favorite game is to cut the grass on a pony."

"That's it", the voice of His Excellency Baron dropped, and a rather young voice followed: "No wonder the teacher is so skilled."

"When I was young, I wasn't skilled at all. I had to leave a scar and shed tears in two or three days." The dialogue was here. His Excellency walked off the last spiral ladder and stepped into the corridor.

As Lord Baron turned, the other two figures also entered into Hilbert's vision. On the left was the familiar attendant, and on the right was a weird guy.

The weird meaning is that this guy has a slightly thin body, but he is clean; his face is a bit young, but there is no maturity on the face of a young man; walking next to the baron and the servant It's too short, but it doesn't make you look short at all if you look closely.

"Look what?"

When Hilbert was a little bit fascinated, the attendant came to his side: "Don't you know the etiquette? Haven't you salute the priest master?"

"Ah," Hilbert noticed, this weird guy was wearing priestly clothes, and he took off his hat and bowed in a hurry: "I'm sorry, sir, please forgive me for your neglect."

"It's nothing, the weather is too hot, it's not your fault." The young priest also walked to the side and heard Hilbert's speech. The young priest immediately stopped, and he turned to Hilbert and stood before he started. Speaking, a gentle smile on his face seems to be able to dissolve everything.

"come on"

Two conversations, His Excellency The Baron has come a dozen steps, he turned back and beckoned: "Let me have a good look, my nephew, what good news has I got."

"Okay, sir."

Talking, the young priest nodded again to Hilbao's characteristics and sent another kind smile, before turning around and heading towards the baron.

"Master Norton, what parish is this pastor?"

At the back of the young priest, Hilbert smiled blankly, and tilted his head to look at the servant who stayed beside him. -Everyone in the castle knows that when talking to people, the baron does not like to get too close to irrelevant people.

"Not the parish." The attendant shook his head and replied softly, "This is the Los / Mor priest in the village of Akeli."

"Acre Village?" Hilbert was surprised. "Master! This is the new cow priest?" Hilbert's eyes were full of envy: "No wonder the baron is so kind, I heard that When a lucky man was promoted by the church, the baron master was happy for two or three days. [Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Little ↓ said △ net] "

"How could it be unhappy?"

The attendant smiled: "When the priest Los was in a bad situation, it was the baron master who stood by the public and ordered him to be appointed as a burdock. The freeman jumped directly to the burdock. Remember how many people complained at that time? ? "

"Of course." Hilbert nodded again and again.

How could it be forgotten?

Just after the "challenge battle", Hilbert has a deep understanding of this. How many bright guns and dark arrows he encountered when he was competing for the hearing error, when Los / Moore became a burdock, he must have experienced how many undercurrents.

However, Hilbert looked sourly at the back of the young priest: these twists and turns, without touching the corner of Los / Moore's clothes, had been completely blocked by the Lord Baron.

"Hey" seems to have guessed Hilbert's idea, and the attendant looked at it with a smile: "Jealous?"

Hilbert's face turned red slightly.

"It's okay to be jealous." The attendant officer said a little with emotion: "Who doesn't envy such good luck? The burdock of the big village! Who has few inferior relatives to arrange? However, it was lucky before, but not now It's the same. At that time, those people talked about Lord Baron's voice when he wasted the chance to win people's hearts. Now he admires His vision. "

"Huh?" Hilbert was a little confused.

"I have never met before, and without any help from anyone, I just jumped from the free people to Niu Dai. What is trust? What is kindness? What is your own person? That's it."

"But," Hilbert frowned slightly. "Here's something you don't know, right?"

"I do n’t know now, does n’t mean I do n’t know in the future. His Excellency Los does not know, does not mean that His Excellency Praia does n’t know. Even if everyone around him is shut up, is n’t there still us? The better the result. "

"Yeah." For a moment of thought, Hilbao stared at the attendant in admiration.

"A few days ago, Lord Baron has got the news," the attendant continued. "After Rev. Praia received the divine product, at the time of discussions, the village of Akeli was presided over by Los / Morde. Look at this, The Fishgard parish has plans to leave the village of Akli to the Los Priest. "

"Haw" Hilbert smashed his mouth hard.

The attendant was also full of emotion: "A position of a cowboy, in exchange for the friendship of a priest in a large village, this exchange is very cost-effective."

"No wonder"

"Well!" Hilbert hadn't finished saying "no wonder", the attendant suddenly pointed at the front: "Will the baron not go to the reception room upstairs?"

"Now this time," looking at the sky, Hilbert said hesitantly, "The sun is already here. Is it because the guest room is too hot?"

Next, the two saw Baron Archford leading the Los Priest and stopped at the end of the corridor.

There, a gust of wind came from the shaded window, with a long table by the window, and behind the baron his favorite chair.

"Sure enough. Hurry." The attendant quickly patted Hilbert's shoulder. "Hurry up and move to Lord Lost."

"it is good."

Hilbao nodded characteristically, and when the time was about to go, Master Baron's voice came over: "Hilbao, go to the kitchen and let them prepare the dinner."

"Okay, sir." Hilpout answered loudly.

Just two days after the hearing, the etiquette of the banquet was beyond the scope of Hilbert's knowledge, and now this occasion is obviously not suitable for questioning His Excellency the Baron. Fortunately, the attendant who is good at these tasks is nearby, Hilbert quickly asked "What food do you prepare for dinner?"

"When Master Praia came last time, there were two chickens. Lord Roth was a surrogate, one level lower than Master Praia, but Lord Baron was particularly close to him and told the kitchen that he would also slaughter two chickens."

"Okay." Hilbao nodded characteristically and quickly left.

"When you come back, remember to move your seat." A reminder came from behind the attendant.

Five minutes or so, the kitchen was informed, and a round stool was moved, and Hilbert returned.

"Well, run fast."

Seeing Hilbert, the corner of the spiral staircase, the attendant took the round stool and smiled slightly with appreciation.

Just then, a series of laughter came from behind the baron.

"The blind cow and the broken leg survived? Are they able to work now?"

"Okay! Great! Los, thanks to you in the village of Akeli! Ackerford will take care of you in the future!"

The two turned their heads at the same time, and at the end of the corridor, the Lord Baron held the sheepskin roll in his left hand, and shot the young priest's shoulder continuously with his right hand. The smile on his face was extremely smooth.

The smile on the servant's face dissipated like a tide.

"Fastly" shoved the round stool back into Hilbert's hands, and the attendant hurriedly urged: "What is the identity of the priest Los? How can you sit on the round stool? Quickly, change to a chair!"


Although he didn't see the round stool, the baron faintly heard the conversation between the two people: "It's just right to come back, you go down again, find someone, go outside and get Barles back, tell him that the Ellis family Do n’t kill your cultivating cattle first, maybe you can still be saved. "

"Okay, sir." Hilbert quickly hid the round stool behind his back, turned around, and ran downstairs.

"Wait!" The attendant lowered his voice and ordered: "Tell the kitchen, slaughter an extra lamb."

Five minutes later, the good kitchen was informed, and the good commander was told to look for the agricultural officer, carrying a chair, and Hilbert gasped up the spiral ladder.

The attendant waited directly at the end of the spiral staircase.

Before the two had time to transfer the chairs, the direction of the end of the corridor heard the laugh of His Excellency the Baron.

"Bees can build new nests! Yeah! Why didn't I think bees could build new nests!"

"Hilbert! Is Hilbert back?"

"Yes, sir," shoved the chair into the attendant's hand, and Hilbert rushed out of breath, "I'm here."

"Hurry, go down one more time, find someone to call the forest officer, he should be in the forest, let him stop busy tossing the honeycomb, come back quickly, there are important things!"

"Okay, sir!" Hilbert answered loudly, turned around and walked down two steps, and looked helplessly at the attendant.

The servant officer rubbed his temple vigorously: "Let the kitchen kill the deer caught a few days ago. In addition," looking at the chair in his hand, the servant officer said, "This can be given to Los first. Your Excellency can't sit. When you come up, remember to bring a wolf skin cushion. "

Seven or eight minutes later, tell the good kitchen to kill the deer, and tell the good commander to look for the forest officer, and with the wolfskin mat, Hilbao dragged his heavy footsteps and walked hard to the ladder.

Before it was time to start climbing the first spiral ladder, the laughter of His Excellency the Baron came again.


Hilbert looked over his head, and there was at least five or six of his height and four or fifty steps between him and the Baron.

You can hear the laugh of Lord Baron so far

And it's like this

Hilbert swears that he has never heard such a laugh from His Baron.

Looking at the wolfskin cushion in his hand, Hilbert fell into thought:

How to do? Would you like to move the bed again?

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