Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 202: Feast

As night fell, Wu Qingchen sat at the castle restaurant. Purple lure Pavilion om

The dinner is about to begin.

Regardless of the feudal society of the earth or the medieval world, banquets are undoubtedly places that pay great attention to etiquette.

An important form of etiquette is hierarchical treatment.

For example, when dining at Wu Qingchen's journey:

The entourage had a bowl, and the captives had no bowl;

The entourage could be gathered around the dinner table, and the captives would have to stand far away;

The serf had two bowls and stood to eat;

Police officer, messenger, burdock helper has three bowls and squats to eat;

Grace, Runcorn has four bowls and sits on a stone that he just moved over;

Wu Qingchen had five bowls and sat on the flattest stone to eat.

There are no bowls, there are several bowls if there are bowls; if there is a position, where do you sit if there is a position; whether to carry something, and if you want to carry it, carry back a little bit of differential treatment, gathered together, and complete performance Out of his place in the organization.

The arrangement in the castle restaurant is undoubtedly the same idea:

His Excellency Baron Archford, without a doubt, squinted forward of the table.

On his left and right sides, respectively, sat the Baroness and the eldest son of Baron.

Next are the two chiefs of the military and military, the chief of Archford and the captain of the main guard of Archford.

Next, it is the person in charge of the three core areas of agriculture officer, forest officer and horse officer.

Then there were second-line ministers such as the servant leader, Dazhuang head, herald, and the second and third sons of the baron.

Further back, near the end, low-ranking officials such as Garrucha, Basser, Marcul, and Dog Officer were crowded together.

As for the low-level servants such as Hilbert, Commander, and Xiaozhuangtou, there is no place for them at all, they can only stand at the table to serve as background.

They are not yet the lowest rank in a restaurant.

On the edge of the restaurant, the farthest from Baron Archford, five inferiors kneeled in a row against the wall.

They were the burdock, the burdock's eldest son, and the hard-working man who had won the "test honeycomb" when the agricultural officer and forest officer were summoned to the castle. They were working hard for this rare event. Three fathers and sons fighting for craftsmanship.

Wu Qingchen's position is in the third sequence, next to the agricultural officer, forest officer and horse officer. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

Obviously, Wu Qingchen's position is quite high. ——Looking forward, it is second only to civil and military chiefs such as the general manager and the captain of the guard. Looking backward, it is superior to the baron's second and third sons.

Theoretically, Wu Qingchen's position is now slightly overpassing-a perfect match is replaced by Rev. Praia-however, none of the more than 20 people present expressed dissatisfaction.

For one, this is the seat designated by the Lord Baron himself. No fool is willing to touch the Lord Baron's mold for this little thing.

Secondly, Wu Qingchen is not a regular resident of Fort Afford, but also serves as a "beekeeper" and a "priest". He crosses the two major systems of the territory and the church and is slightly out of the ordinary, not too much.

Third, no matter the above two points, Wu Qingchen / Loss has just sent us the good news, treating cattle farming, moving the honeycomb, and intervening in groups. As long as these three points have half of the effects described in the letter, they can make the entire Akford Lead at least 20% increase in output!

Increase production by 20%! If even such achievements as Wu Qingchen / Loss are not worthy of the current seat, wouldn't the other bureaucrats present be better off rolling to the wall and kneeling in line with the five inferiors?

After seated, before the meal, Baron Archford introduced Wu Qingchen to his wife, the eldest son, and the chief and guard.

Wu Qingchen stood up and bowed greetings one by one.

Next, the agricultural officer who had contact with Wu Qingchen started to introduce other bureaucrats to Wu Qingchen.

According to Rev. Praia's teachings, when introduced to the forest officer and horse officer, Wu Qingchen stood up again and nodded to each other with the heads of the two core departments.

Next, Wu Qingchen took a seat back and began to accept the bows of other bureaucrats, including the second son of the baron and the third son.

At this moment, in nominal terms, the entire Ackerford collar, excluding the relative independence and the few knights who came, Wu Qingchen's status has been ranked with the agricultural officer, forest officer, horse officer and others. It was tied for sixth place.

The ministers ranked below Wu Qingchen didn't care.

Even every bureaucrat was sincere when he bowed, and he was very enthusiastic when he talked. Who can sit here, who does n’t need a few cows to need medical insurance, and who does n’t need a few slices to increase the production of honeycomb?

——Even if their cattle are very healthy and the yield is very high, but as the attendant told the listener: Who has few poor relatives?

Under such a mindset, of course, the topics of conversation among people are, of course, closely centered on farming, honeycomb, and grouping.

Of course, there is a more important "turning taxes into fees".

Farm, forest, horse, water, guard, attendant, zhuangtou

Lin Lin has nearly ten positions, and even the "dog" has a special person in charge. In terms of agriculture-based feudal estate economy, the management of Fort Afford seems to have been set up quite well, but it is truly stable and mature. Compared to the regime, Fort Ackerford lacks a vital post: the tax officer.

Tax official, this position is so important, it has to do with all the connections between the upper and lower levels, and the balance of all income and expenses.

Because this position is so important, Ackerford leaders did not dare to give such a lifeline to a separate subordinate.

Instead, it chose to distribute its responsibilities to all the bureaucrats present.

As the core of the rule of the 13 villages, the bureaucrats here are the busiest and most important job in the year is to collect taxes. Every tax season, no matter what is usually responsible, you must let go and rush to the Baron for distribution Village, go all out to complete the taxation work.

Talking about the troubles, difficulties, pains and dangers encountered in tax collection, anyone in this room can talk about the day and night.

Because of this, upon hearing the idea of ​​“changing taxes into fees” mentioned by Wu Qingchen / Loss, the bureaucrats who were already tortured at the scene immediately realized the great significance of this idea.

"You don't have to catch those **** rats anymore in the middle of the night!"

"Take the wheat, let those **** decide for themselves, wouldn't anyone stab me with a dung fork?"

"Periods are allowed to be paid in the coming year? Your Excellency, your teacher is kind, Lord Baron, I think we can try this one too."

"And there is no way to surrender honeycomb"


From the enthusiastic discussions and the excitement of the crowd, it can be seen that the idea of ​​"turning taxes into fees" undoubtedly won the great favor of almost all the bureaucrats present.

While talking enthusiastically with everyone, Wu Qingchen discovered the real welfare of the position in which he sat besides accepting bows.

The light is getting dimmer.

Around the open restaurant, there were more than a dozen lamp stands. Several low-level attendants came over and put the beeswax into the light stands near the baron's seat. The restaurant gradually darkened and became bright again.

The position of the baron, the baroness, the director, and the eldest son were clearly visible. The position of Wu Qingchen was also in a relatively bright light state, allowing others to see the expression on his face clearly.

Farther away, you can only see a dark shadow.

Of course, the so-called welfare does not mean this little light.

After answering another divergent thinking about "turning taxes into fees", an attendant standing at the restaurant door opened the wooden door, a long row, holding clay pots, silver plates, wooden barrels, and baskets. After waiting for all kinds of utensils, I walked into the restaurant for the second time.

"Oh? This cough is so rich."

Looking at the number of puppets walking into the restaurant, and then at the size of the container in their hands, Baron Archford was clearly taken aback.

"That's ok, that's fine."

For two full seconds, Archford nodded approvingly to the attendant who was leading the restaurant and said, "Norton, you have a heart and you are well prepared."

"Your will."

The attendant bent down a little, bowed back to the baron's praise, and then falsely quoted in the direction of Wu Qingchen: "Hope our guest, Lord Los / Moore can like it."

Can you like it?

I like your paralysis!

Looking at the food delivery group that was still entering the restaurant, Wu Qingchen squeezed his fist fiercely.


After a delay of about two minutes.


"Like your sister! I'm paralyzed!"

"Who is this **** with a face of eunuch?"

"Mom! The plan is complete, and there is no brain damage!"

As the food delivery group entered, several low-level attendants opened the wooden box next to the restaurant and rummaged out a large number of plates, plates, knives, forks, and spoons, and began to distribute tableware for everyone.

There is etiquette in assigning seats, and etiquette in distributing tableware:

As Ackerford's sixth-ranked senior official, Wu Qingchen's treatment is of course quite good.

A silver fork, a silver spoon, a sharp knife. ——Compared with iron tableware of the next level and wooden tableware of the next level, the grade is full.

Five bowls and eight plates. ——Compared with four bowls and six dishes of the next level, and two bowls and three dishes of the next level, they are full.


Full of weight!

"Sure enough!" "Oh, father!" "I have your lungs!"

Looking at the tableware that almost covered Wu Qingchen, countless earth people roared.

The reason is without him. Every earth person watching the video at this moment can see it in the loop playback of the close-up screenshot in the upper right corner:

清 When the food delivery group appeared, Wu Qingchen flashed on his face for about half a second, mixed with expressions of astonishment, sluggishness, constipation, and small movements that he couldn't help touching the lower left corner of his robe.

In that position, a special magic bag was sewn between Wu Qingchen's robe and inner robe.

This magic bag is for hidden banquet food. It can hold about four plates of food.

Even in the extreme state, it is absolutely impossible to hide so many components at this moment.

When Wu Qingchen was shocked, the low-level servants had finished distributing the tableware, and they began to divide the meal.

This step is not the same as the meal sharing etiquette of the first class and the second class when Wu Qingchen was eating on the road.

Although their identities are different, gentlemen are sitting around the table. It would be too embarrassing if the top-ranking bureaucrats start eating and the empty-ranking plates are placed in front of the lower-ranking bureaucrats.

Therefore, when we divide meals, we start with food that everyone has.

The first is fruit: apples and pears that are still slightly hot.

"It's cooked, it's cooked! This one can be eaten, quickly reduce the burden!"

"I used to think that it was a silly act to cook fruits in the Middle Ages. I was wrong and the fruits should be cooked and eaten!"

"There's no more heat. Take two sips and hurry up and watch the plate."

Looking at the first food, countless people on the earth were slightly relieved.

The video continues to play.

Baron, baroness, eldest son of baron, general manager, captain, farmer

The meal-sharing came all the way, and the basket filled with ripe fruits quickly moved to Wu Qingchen.

Wu Qingchen held up a silver plate and held it next to the basket.

As I split the meal, I raised a spoon, and when I was about to dig out the fruit, I suddenly killed a big hand next to it and reached directly into the basket. After pulling for a while, I finally picked out the two largest apples and the two largest pears.

Every time he grabbed a piece of fruit, the agricultural officer put it in front of his eyes to take a closer look, and then breathed softly, and then filled it into Wu Qingchen's stagnation and holding it in a silver dish in the air.

"It's hard to come once, I'll help you pick"

After putting the last piece of fruit, the farmer patted Wu Qingchen's shoulder kindly—by the way, rubbing off the black mud that tossed the cattle in the afternoon— "Thank you for your help last time, I wasn't scolded by the baron right. My I'll give you a piece of fruit too. Don't hesitate to eat it. "

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