Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 203: Left branch right

Friendly smile of the farm official, fresh fruits on the plate, striking black fingerprints by candlelight

Time seems to freeze at this moment. Purple lure Pavilion om

"Animals!" "Eat your mother!" "Does the dog's paw be so cheap!"

At this moment, if the agricultural officer appeared on the earth, it is estimated that he could not live for more than three seconds, and he would be torn directly by the earth people who gnashed their teeth.

Earth people who watch the video can also vent their anger with scolding and cursing.

In the medieval world, Wu Qingchen's temple jumped abruptly, but had to forcibly control himself.

Wu Qingchen took a deep breath.

All right!

It's ok!

It's nothing!

he did not do it on purpose!

Wu Qingchen tried his best to suppress his emotions, and quickly thought back to the recent time, when he returned to the earth to "autonomously rest", he fixed an hour of game time every day.

I got one blood in the first 20 seconds. My teammates never scolded me.

Buying equipment with small animals accidentally snatched by enemy forces, teammates never scolded me

I blocked my own teammates when I was chasing and killing the enemies. My teammates never scolded me.

When the enemy base camp was about to be blown out, the wrong move was made, and my teammates never scolded me.

I have to say that the Earth Staff Group is in charge of a professional player team designed for Wu Qingchen's character. Changing the pattern to destroy and destroy Wu Qingchen has greatly improved Wu Qingchen's endurance, self-control, and control.

For a maximum of five seconds, Wu Qingchen successfully controlled his mouth, swallowed the saliva that was almost sprayed on the farmer's face, and swallowed it again. Wu Qingchen also successfully controlled his right hand, leaving the difference The silver fork with the paw of the farm officer's paw on the dinner table was closed a little bit.

However, no matter how hard Wu Qingchen couldn't be completely calm.

When returning the silver plate containing the fruit to his front, Wu Qingchen's arm was shaking slightly, his face seemed to cry and laugh, and his expression was extremely stiff.

Such a watch is too easy to misunderstand.

"Yi" the agricultural officer patted Wu Qingchen's shoulder again gently. "A few pieces of fruit, what's the comparison with the trouble you have reduced for me? Don't take it to heart, eat it fast."

"" Wu Qingchen opened his mouth and closed his mouth again. He didn't want to talk to this pig teammate any more.

At this time, another came over, holding a large clay pot in her hands, which was the second course of the dinner.

The second course is vegetables.

It consists of various green foods such as radishes, cabbage, water spinach, and onions.

Don't let the **** mess up again this time!

There is a lesson in front of the fruit. When there are two or three steps before the meal delivery, Wu Qingchen has already stood up and stretched out his arm with a wooden bowl.

Wu Qingchen successfully filled himself with a bowl of vegetables.

By the way, the second false signal is given.

"Well? His wife likes vegetables so much?"

What do you want to do?

Wu Qingchen turned back abruptly and saw again slumped, the enthusiastic farmer holding up the vegetable bowl that had just been filled-by the way, inserting his black and yellow thumb into the vegetable soup-generously In front of Wu Qingchen.

Wu Qingchen was really intolerable.

"Your finger"

"Fingers? What's wrong?" The farm official frowned, raised his right hand in doubt, and looked at it quickly.

The next moment, His Excellency the Agricultural Officer smiled slightly, put the thumb with the green juice in his mouth and sucked: "Oh, it's okay, I'm not very afraid of hot."



Jiangxian, a rental house.

The boxy table flew far away with the mouse, keyboard, cigarette, lighter, wine bottle, and display on it.

Li Zhencai growled in the sky: "Hot your sister!"

On the left and right, upstairs and downstairs, there were countless equally roaring echoes in all directions: "Paralysis, I'm going to vomit!" "Come on a bowl of boiling water to burn this bitch!" "Cao Nima's agricultural officer!" "Barrie Isn't it? Cainima, I remember you! "

National Capital, public opinion-oriented group.

The "sigh" joint venture sighed so long that it was doubtful that he was going to spit out the entire lung together, and finally said: "Sigh, sigh!"

"Three minutes." The joint office looked at the parameters in the lower left corner: "It only took three minutes for the agricultural officer to successfully become the public enemy of all the earth people. This **** is really **** capable! It's better than the **** oxhead hundred times!"

"Fengmu / Bales / Ackerford record the full name of this bastard," the joint venture continued with a sigh. "The keywords above are probably coming soon."

"Ten thousand ways to kill this bastard?"

"How is it possible that the situation of the farm officer this time is not the same as the situation of the last cow!" The joint venture shook his head with a grin: "This guy is troublesome and annoying, but it is the whole of Akford Colleagues, the staff of the high-quality leadership of Wu Qingchen's most favored staff is too late to protect. How could it be killed? "

"My grass!" The co-working office froze and reacted quickly: "Do you mean, we are going to wash the bastard?"


Once again, the joint venture sighed long and long, "That's why I said, fuck, hold your breath!"


Middle Ages, restaurant.

"No, you can eat it yourself." Wu Qingchen pushed the vegetable bowl in front of the agricultural officer.

"It doesn't matter, eat more if you like." The agricultural officer pushed back.

"I don't have to, I'll just eat this one." Wu Qingchen pushed again.

"You are young. Just when you can eat, it is good to eat more." The agricultural officer continued to push.

"There are still a lot of good things to wait for, I have to stay a bit." Wu Qingchen was anxious.

"Well, okay." The farmer finally caught the vegetable bowl.

"And" Wu Qingchen quickly hit the iron while hot: "Don't give me any other food, I really can't eat that much."

"Yi" looked at Wu Qingchen's belly, and the agricultural officer finally nodded reluctantly: "Ye, you are really too thin now."

Finally get rid of this big trouble

Wu Qingchen breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling that the whole spirit was consumed in half.

During the time when Wu Qingchen resolved the enthusiasm of the agricultural officer, the third and fourth foods were also delivered to everyone.

They are fish and white bread. -Two palm-length fried fish per person, four slices of white bread the size of a cigarette case.

The next food items were cheese, porridge and eggs.

Looking at the five new foods delivered, Wu Qingchen was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Baron Archford has a normal taste.

If you ca n’t hold the magic bag, the food, fried fish, porridge, eggs, and vegetable soup just now can be eaten.

The food that must be secretly resolved is only cheese with sticky unknowns, white bread with suspicious spots, and fruit touched by dog ​​paws.

Thinking of this, Wu Qingchen looked around.

So far, the first seven servings are for everyone, and the bureaucrats at the table have begun to enjoy the food they have allocated.

Although, as the ruling class, everyone here can fill their stomachs every day, but it was during the midsummer's busy period of production, and after a tiring day, everyone was hungry. When the seventh food was distributed, the restaurant The conversation is quiet, replaced by loud chewing, purring, and swallowing.

it is good!

Here comes the opportunity!

Wu Qingchen looked at the left and right again, and after completely confirming, he quietly changed the fork to his left hand, leaning forward slightly, and began to "drink" the vegetable soup.

Through the video, countless people on earth saw: using various robes, fingers, other dishes and other obstacles to block other people's vision, using light, position illusion, blind field of vision and other ways to cover up the movement, Wu Qingchen every "drink" soup , There will be one less piece of fruit in the silver plate near the right hand.

"Good workmanship!" "Good job!" "Fingers are becoming more and more flexible!" "Much better than before when I secretly put salt."

When the Earth people praised him, Wu Qingchen swiftly killed four pieces of fruit and two slices of white bread. When Wu Qingchen was planning to make further efforts, the food delivery staff began to distribute food again.

The eyes of the crowd began to gather in a bright place, and Wu Qingchen stopped with interest.

The eighth course is not a dish, but a drink in the dining room. Alas, this is not entirely true.

Because the first three utensils were beer, ale and wine, and the fourth one was honey.

Beginning with the drinks in the dining room, the type and weight of the crowd are no longer the same.

In front of Wu Qingchen, there were all four things. The next level was missing wine, and the next level was without honey.

Looking at the four "drinks" in front of him, Wu Qingchen was stressed.

Fortunately, honey can basically guarantee safety.

As for the other three glasses of wine, Wu Qingchen touched his forehead and didn't know when the sweat beads came out. Even if these things are safe, if he drinks them, he will immediately become the perpetrator of the worst traffic accident in global history.

If it ’s liquid, it ’s too demanding.

Wu Qingchen frowned slightly. With his less than an hour of magic skills, he was not quite sure to pour these three glasses into the magic bag intact. ——And the gadget is not very waterproof.

It seems that I have to use another method.

Do it when you think.

While other people started enjoying alcohol, Wu Qingchen continued to “drink” the soup while holding up the honey cup frequently. After holding the bee cup each time, the other three wine glasses next to it would quietly change position, and Wu Qingchen would A straight line is formed between the arms during honey.


After a short while, calculating the distance between the three wine glasses and the range of his movements, Wu Qingchen raised his hand again and reached for the cup containing honey.

When he was about to grab the honey cup, Wu Qingchen's arm flickered slightly. The three cups containing alcohol immediately began to tilt towards the table.


Wu Qingchen's mouth slightly tilted.

When Wu Qingchen was suppressing his emotions and preparing to expose some “mistakes” and “remorse” at an appropriate time, suddenly, two large fan-like hands were stabbed and slaughtered, and between lightning and flint, when there was no time to send, he could not cover his ears with lightning Gesture, steadily caught three cups.

As if being stuck in his neck, Wu Qingchen tilted his head very slowly mechanically.

Then, Wu Qingchen saw a steel-like rock face, and at this moment, the face was extruding a very ugly, yet sincere smile.

It is Captain Arkford, Carter / Akford

"This" Wu Qingchen has stuttered a bit: "You are so fast your hand"

"What's so fast?" The captain of the guard smiled rather modestly, and steadily put the three wine glasses in front of Wu Qingchen. "Compared to the arrows, my speed is nothing."

You **** want to compare with Arrow?

When Wu Qingchen was about to cry without tears, the food delivery puppet appeared again, this time with precious meat.

A few minutes later, Wu Qingchen put half a chicken, a quail, and a large dish full of lamb in front of him.

Wu Qingchen looked at the right side, and the agricultural officer immediately pushed the plate in front of him slightly, and the inquiry glanced clearly said, "Do you want to eat?" Wu Qingchen quickly shook his head.

Wu Qingchen looked at the left. The captain of the guard smiled slightly and helped Wu Qingchen push the disc that he had just moved slightly, slowly, firmly, and firmly back to his original position.

Under the staring eyes of the two, Wu Qingchen stood up slightly and felt the magic bag on his chest: the remaining space inside could not hold even a quarter of the meat in front of him.

My grass!

What about daddy?

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