Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 205: brothers

The scene was very embarrassing. Purple lure Pavilion om

The scene in the video is really unbearable, and countless people on Earth can't help covering their faces.

A village, villager activity center, counterpart analysis team.

"It's over!" "Stupid!" "This is trouble!"

"Run away! What are you doing there? Run away while they are still in a daze!"

"So many people run a fart! Get on! Hurry up and catch that fat man!"

"How can a fat man be so strong! Hurry up and catch that woman!"

"What are you talking about!" Li glasses slammed the table amid the chaotic screams of the workers: "Afraid of a fart! Don't you just hide some food? What happened when you were found?"

"Ah?" The workers stunned together.

"What is there to worry about?" Li glasses quickly said, "In the current position of Mr. Wu, what happened to the food in the bag? What happened to hiding it in the clothes? What happened to them when they saw it? Is it for a few pieces? Meat, just slaughter Mr. Wu? "


The workers turned their heads and looked at the video. As Li glasses said, looking at the cloth bags on the ground, the ministers were surprised, puzzled, scorned, and thought that there was no hostility, not to mention murder.

"This" next to Li's glasses, Lao Liu frowned deeply: "How can this be, not to catch a fish and catch a rabbit, or you will be in danger of life?"

"When is that?" Li glasses said with a bitter smile. "Mr. Wu is no longer a civilian. How can a formal member of a church be so worthless?"

"But" another worker was also puzzled: "I remember that after becoming a priest, when Mr. Wu ate amaranth every day, he had to sneak into the secret kitchen."

"That's another matter." Li glasses shook his head vigorously: "First of all, catching the game is a small advantage to the church and the lord after all, which is detrimental to the image. The other is" Pointing at the culprit of all this, Wu Qingchen's hands were half black and half black On the hind legs of the red deer, Li glasses continued: "You saw the results of the meat food delivered to the aborigines."

"so what to do now?"

"How do I know? The full plan of the staff can fill this activity center," Li glasses said with a bitter smile: "Anyway, it's just an excuse, I don't want to eat when I'm hungry, I don't want to eat in a bad mood, or to be honest, these ghosts It's **** bad. "

"It's okay? Is this all right?" Workers' faces were incredible. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

"It's not all right." Li glasses took off his eyes, rubbed his face vigorously, and corrected: "It is said that there will be no danger. However, if it is not handled properly, it will eventually be established in the high-level of the territory. It ’s ruined once you compare your heart with your heart, invite someone to eat a good meal, and others have to be crooked or messy. Who would like this guy? ”


Middle Ages.

For half a minute, Wu Qingchen, holding deer legs, slowly looked around.

Every bureaucrat stared at by Wu Qingchen immediately showed a very reluctant smile.

With the observation ability trained by the top team in the earth, Wu Qingchen easily saw that under these false smiles, it was clear that he was full of contempt and deep disdain.

With the ability to analyze the micro-expressions trained by the top team in the earth, Wu Qingchen didn't need to speak. Just looking at these people's distorted expressions and scowling eyes, Wu Qingchen could guess most of their inner thoughts:

Inferior is inferior;

Never eaten good things in this life;

If you ca n’t keep it up, you just hold it up, if you ca n’t keep it up, you hide it and take it away;

Ass doesn't deserve position, this is the end

"Ha ha ha ha" At this time, the agricultural officer finally broke the restaurant's silence: "This is all right, this is what the food given to Lord Loser can't be eaten all at once, and it's nothing to put away."

The agricultural officer rounded the field while helping Wu Qingchen pick up a cloth bag.

On the other side, the captain of the guard also bent down and picked up the fruit and quail that had fallen on the floor. "His younger Lord is young, but he is indeed a little weak now. It is normal to eat several times."

go away!

Shut up without washing the floor!

Listening to the low-level excuses that the two pig teammates would only make others more disgusted, Wu Qingchen's cheeks became hot.

"唔" ignored the remarks made by the agricultural officer and the captain of the guard, and Baron Ackerford also said: "His Lord, just make a joke. It's fine, let's continue eating."

When speaking, the baron's tone was calm, but Wu Qingchen still keenly heard the slight discomfort.

Just make a noise? How does this work?

Wu Qingchen looked around, the focus turned to the right, two seats in the next class.

Hiding the magic of food, although the wisdom of the world's top magicians has been concentrated, and simplicity and reliability have been achieved to the extreme, after all, Wu Qingchen has only practiced for a short time, and the possibility of mistakes is naturally in the plan of the staff. .

In response to the possible mistakes, after several screenings, the staff team provided Wu Qingchen with five aftercare programs.

The first two schemes are more conservative and more secure. From the aspects of the body and the church, two extravagant reasons have been devised. Under the premise of not causing additional dissatisfaction, try to calm the dissatisfaction of everyone present. -Obviously, limited to the 10,000 essential oil solution with insufficient information, it is impossible to completely eliminate the adverse effects of the incident.

The other three schemes are relatively positive. From the perspective of politics, economy, and interpersonal relations, taking the initiative to attack can not only completely calm down the situation, but also further enhance Wu Qingchen's image. ——But in practice, we must confirm the information, confirm that the practical conditions meet the prerequisite requirements, and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

Thinking of this, Wu Qingchen looked again at the two gentlemen separated by three seats.

No problem, plan 4 can be implemented.

Determined, Wu Qingchen took a deep breath.

Baron Archford spoke, and the attention of the bureaucrats immediately turned away from Wu Qingchen, and began to deal with the food in front of him.

In the restaurant, the sounds of chewing, swallowing, and snoring gradually recovered, and the movement of the people's conversation slowly shifted from whispering to talk.

Just then, a young, slightly raised voice sounded:

"I am the son of a free man."

With trembling endings, slightly excited emotions, opening contrasts that are in sharp contrast to the occasion, and other techniques taught by earth lecturers, Wu Qingchen quickly caught everyone's attention.

"I am the son of a free man"

Emphasizing the point again, Wu Qingchen continued to "slightly excited but never inferior": "In my previous days, most of the time, eating was a table that could be easily lifted, and a bowl could only be filled in half "Slimy, a few yellow cabbages, and beans that can only be seen two or three times a year."

"When I started to remember," Wu Qingchen pointed to the eggshell of the dining table in front of me: "The first egg I ate was my brother's food, which we drew only three days after weeding in the field. He poured it into my bowl. "

"When I got to the table so high", I made a gesture toward the ten-meter-long dining table in front of me, and Wu Qingchen continued: "The first piece of meat I ate was my brother, who harvested two boer grasses alone. He poured the food into my bowl again. "

"When I carried the plow for the first time" Wu Qingchen opened his robes and revealed deep marks on his shoulders. "I ate two bowls of goo and a whole bowl of beans for the first meal. They are mine. Father, my mother, and my two elder brothers, give me food. "

"This is the first time I have seen such a hearty food"

Pointing at the dinner plate and cloth bag in front of him, Wu Qingchen took a deep breath, "bearing tears" and said, "I am already a priest. I will often see such rich food in the future, but my brother is still free. My son, the first time I ate eggs and meat, and the first time I ate a full meal and beans, it was the result of my brother's starvation. I thought. "

"I think" wiped his face, Wu Qingchen lifted the cloth bag again: "The first time I saw mutton, deer legs, quail, and this wine, I could give my brother a taste first."

"I'm sorry, His Excellency the Baron, I'm sorry, you are all disappointed."

Wu Qingchen stood up and bowed deeply.

Wu Qingchen finished.

The feelings of the calf, the nature of man, regardless of class, life is alive, who does not have a few moments of warmth in family?

The open restaurant was silent again.

Ten minutes later, the farmer sighed, "I still have a few pieces of meat here. You can take them together."

On the other hand, the man of steel and rock did not like to slap, and His Excellency the Captain of the Guard pushed the plate directly in front of Wu Qingchen.

"No no no"

Seeing the distant bureaucrats also begun to move, Wu Qingchen quickly waved his hand: "Everyone has his own close people, leaving my own food to my brother, this is the will of the master to fill everyone's food to fill My own selfish desire violates the instructions of the Lord. "


When the bureaucrats were to "represent" again, the baron master, whose face had become soft again, slowly spoke: "Okay, don't argue. Let's go. Today, everyone can eat any food that can't be eaten. Bring it back. Also, who is this food of Lord Loser, Hilbert, come here! "

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

At this moment, the silent Baroness coughed suddenly throughout the banquet.

"What's wrong?" Bark Archford tilted his head.


The baroness coughed, pushing the baron's thigh, and her other hand concealedly pointed at the eldest son half a meter away, and the second and third son almost ten meters away.

"Huh? Ah? Oh!"

About ten seconds later, Baron Archford finally realized.

"Ellers, Tines, and Basen"

The baron drew his fingers and said to the sons who stood up immediately, "You three, take a trip, stare at your servant, and give your brother Lord's food."


Fifteen minutes or so.

The three sons of Elles, Tines, Basen, and Ackerford stepped out of the suspension bridge, stepped down the hills, and walked to the wooden house where Wu Qingchen's suites temporarily rested.

Of course, the place where the free people live is not very good. There are still a dozen steps away from the wooden house. The three masters have stopped.

The lower attendant came forward to report that Grace ran out swiftly.

After listening to the antecedents and consequences of Elles, the baron's eldest son, and watching the dinner plates held by several other servants, Grace swallowed hard.

"Let's eat slowly." Seeing Wu Qingchen's face, Elles was very kind. He patted Grace's shoulder gently: "Lord Lose is very grateful for your previous care."

"That one"

Look at the muscles, look at the quail, look at the venison, and then look at the white bread and the three wine glasses. Grace suddenly said, "Master, do I have to eat these things now?"


Ellers frowned slightly. "What?"

Tines, the second son of His Excellency Baron thought of a possibility: "Do you want to leave it to your elder brother or parents? It's impossible, the weather is so hot now, when you go back, these foods must not be eaten and If you can stay that long, you need not say, Lord Los will certainly take it home. "


Grace shook her head slightly. "I mean, can I only eat these foods?"

"Huh?" The baron frowned.

"If you can"

Grace was slightly impressive: "These foods, I want other companions to eat without them, and Los can't walk to Fort Afford so safely and peacefully."

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