Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 206: Tentative

The feast of Los deliberately hid, in the end, only venison and wine were packed into his brother's stomach, and other food was generously distributed to several other entourages by Grace:

"This is Runcorn. Every time he encounters a steep slope, he will rush to tie the rope."

"This is Abbeville and Dean. When passing through the jungle, they will check back and forth several times and cut the branches in front of them cleanly."

"This is a serf in York and Harry, Acre Village. When they met the thieves, like the others, they did not flinch from beginning to end."

"this is"

In this way, Grace distributes the food neatly, and at the same time introduces the merits of the suite to the baron's sons.

When each entourage received the food, Grace would add a sentence: "This is the food that Los brought back, specially the food that was brought back from the master dinner."

Get a huge surprise completely unexpected, the performance of the suite can be imagined.

When the entourages showed their elated faces, ecstatic, or grateful faces, Grace also opened her mouth with peace and satisfaction.

Looking at Grace's expression, the oldest son and second son of the baron looked at each other and judged almost at the same time:

What is fruit, cheese and white bread?

What is chicken, lamb, and quail?

What about venison and wine I haven't seen before?

For the elder brother in front of him, as long as his brother can be better taken care of and protected, the feast that ordinary free people dream of is not at all a "price".


It's all dark.

The dinner was long over when the baron's sons returned to the castle.

Above the restaurant, the three-story terrace of the main castle.

The attendants laid the tables and chairs, and the baron, the general manager, the captain of the guard, the agricultural officer, the forest officer, and the horse officer were discussing the schedule for the next day with Wu Qingchen.

When Elles, Tines and Basson walked in, the conversation was coming to an end.

After listening to the sons ’descriptions, Baron Akford tilted his head and patted Wu Qingchen's shoulder lightly, saying with emotion:" Priest Los, you are a good brother, and your brother is also very good, but you guys Both of them have not eaten any good things, but they are noble in character, but they are not good enough! This is not the case! Hilbert, Hilbert, go, you go to the kitchen and let them prepare another one. "

"No, no need." Wu Qingchen waved his hand quickly: "Her baron, I'm full, my elder brother also ate venison and wine, which is not a loss at all, thank you for your kindness, but please don't waste it Now. "

"唔" looked at Wu Qingchen's look carefully, and Baron Archford nodded slowly: "It seems that you really don't like food too much, Priest Rose, what do you like? Let me see, Ake Fort Ford can do something for our respectable priests. "

"Uh," Wu Qingchen looked around, looked up and down, and stopped talking.

"Priest Los, are you looking at my castle?" Baron Archford joked: "I can't give this to you."

"No no no!" Wu Qingchen quickly shook his head and hurriedly explained, "Such a majestic, so tall, so sturdy castle, of course, will always only belong to your noble surname."

When speaking these two sentences, Wu Qingchen's tone was sincere, and his eyes were full of wonder and fascination.

The tone and words carefully arranged by the staff were very suggestive and guiding, and Baron Archford entered the routine almost instantly.

"This," Baron Archford asked, "guessing": "Priest Rose, you seem to want to take a closer look at my castle?"

"May I?"

This time, Wu Qingchen's joy was completely without camouflage. ——The reserve routines are more troublesome than necessary. Now it is not necessary to implement them. Of course, Wu Qingchen is very happy.

"of course can."

It was only a normal request to visit the castle. Baron Archford nodded with a smile and waved to his eldest son: "That Elles, come here."

"Father." Elles took a step forward.

"You lead the way," Baron Archford instructed, "accompany the priests everywhere to see and take care of them."

"Okay, father." Elles nodded and turned to face Wu Qingchen: "Lord Los, please come with me."

"Thank you very much." Wu Qingchen smiled.

"my honor."

Elles turned around and began to lead the way.


After two hours.

Late at night.

The baron's room was still glowing with beeswax.

Elles knocked gently on the door.

"Come back?" Baron Archford looked up at the round table lit with three oil lamps, in a chair covered with wolf skin, between thick sheepskin rolls.

"Yes, father." Elles entered the room with a smile.

"It looks like you like this priest." Baron Archford sat upright, pointing to the stool in front of him: "Say it"

Became a priest and locked the position of chairing in the village church of Akerley in advance. It is foreseeable that for a long time, Los / Moore will be a powerful man in Acford.

Such a figure, of course, the Baron Archford must take a closer look, and as the backbone of the family in the future, the eldest son also needs to form a three-dimensional impression of important figures in the territory. ——This is always a very important part of Lord Education.

"Okay, father." Elles thanked him slightly, sitting on the round stool.

"Lord Los is very educated and very tolerant. It should be said to be very forgiving. When Lohar cleaned the corridor, half a bucket of water was poured on the priest. He also interceded and prevented the guards from reprimanding."

"Well, that's right." Baron Archford's face showed a little appreciation.

Discussing the content of "speaking about civilization and politeness" seriously, and even putting it in the first place, can not say that the lord class in the medieval world really cares about **** face and **** manner, but because the contradiction is extremely acute The world, the boundary between life and death, often walks between "a pot of wheat", "two hens", and "several slaps."

Of course, in the Middle Ages where supplies are so scarce, strong deterrence and extreme role models have always been very important means, but the balance is already so fragile. Where absolutely unnecessary, it is necessary to show cruelty as vicious and coldness as a owe. The more grassroots, the more we can not live for several years. -Destined short-term guy, of course, there is no need to discuss.

"His Lord is still very modest," Ellers continued. "Everything that is convenient for you to do, hardly let others do what you want to see, you will see it by yourself. When you visit the castle at night, Yours always gives Torches. "

"Hmm." Bark Archford continued to nod.

As with "politeness," the point of "humility" is not demeanor.

It is to say that as a superior person, it is okay to be lazy at times, and it does n’t matter if you indulge occasionally. If you can't, you must at least have complete information. —— "Humbleness", insisting on hands-on and understanding, even if it is just a gesture, it can greatly reduce the chance of being deceived by the lower class.

"His Lord is very decent."

When Bark Archford bowed his head slightly, Elles went on: "When visiting the castle, any locked door, bypassed staircase, and half-stopped corridor, Rose / Moore never asked One reason. "

"Then you can save a lot of heart." Baron Archford laughed. "This should be your cousin, Rev. Praia reminded him specifically."

"With or without reminders," Ellers said. "Anyway, Los / Moore doesn't like to bother people."


Baron Archford also applauded it. When the baron was about to make a comment or two, the direction of the door of the room heard the sound of "Tuk Tuk Tuk".

The baron and his son looked at the same time, and the director stood at the door.

"Come in, Edmond," Baron Archford beckoned. "How's it going?"

"Not so good." The director walked into the room. "Frank failed, Djibouti failed, and Shirley failed."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Baron Archford leaned forward. "No silver coins, no relationship, no beautiful girls. What is this?"

"Yes, as you said." The manager spread his hands.

The two discussed what had been discussed before the dinner.

Finding out and evaluating Los / Moore, of course, can not be limited to the escorted visit of Elles, and the priest is not allowed to come here. How can Fort Afford not entertain?

Before the dinner, the two ordered their servants and servants to be confidant to explore the three ancient temptations of "money", "right" and "color" through the three directions of bribery, envy, and women. What are the states.

"Entertainment" here is completely literal.

The goal of the "money, power, and color" transaction is only the technology that Los / Moore has prepared to hand to Fort Afford: the technology of treating cattle, moving the hive, and intervening in herds. ——Not complete technology, only one or two tips are needed.

The lower-level servants and servants who have been arranged to test have also promised in advance that they will surely hand over these three related technologies in the future or leave them to their brothers, relatives, husbands and so on.

That is to say, no matter what kind of benefits Los / Moore accepts, the only effect is that it will make the image of the baron father and son and the general manager more full, and there will be no other adverse consequences.

"Young people have great futures. It is not impossible to not want these for the time being."

Baron Archford groaned: "It's weird that Shirley failed too. Didn't Carter have time?"

"Going, according to our discussions, Shirley started crying, and Carter passed." The director said the name of the captain-a kind person who helped Wu Qingchen grab the wine glass at the dinner-"Carter helped Shirley He pleaded and told Los / Moore everything: What is Shiril ’s brother, he gave a calf and two cans of wheat, and finally he asked for a job to move the honeycomb. What happened to Shiril ’s brother three times? When the honeycomb is hanging next to it, if you don't want to think of a way anymore, you must have said something bad. "

"The soft woman fluttered on her body, and her new friend persuaded her. The unfortunate encounter was indeed sympathetic, and one word could influence the life of the family."

Imagine the scene at the time. Imagine the perfect combination of "woman", "network", "compassion", "authority", and "feeling of achievement". The eldest son of Baron completely couldn't figure out: "Can all this fail?"

"Yes." The director spread his hand again: "His Lord / Moore said that Shirley's brother is indeed very pitiful. If he can't make it, he can help him to ask the Baron, or take his brother to Acre. The village is however "

The manager paused, learning the tone of the priest, and continued: "Yes, I know the tricks of mobile cellular, and I know how to let others learn. But this is the castle of the Lord Baron. I don't, and shouldn't Instead of His Excellency the Baron decide: Who should learn them. "


After hearing this answer, the baron and son were silent.

"Educated, very modest, knows the right attitude, refuses bribes, and always respects your authority"

For a long time, the baron's eldest son suddenly looked up: "Father, without the observation and temptation tonight, before you saw His Excellency Los, how did you know this and appointed your then Lord Los as a burdock?"

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