Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 209: Eye-catching

Every split screen, the number of comments is climbing wildly. Purple You Pavilion


In the upper left corner, the servants and wizards in the kitchen:

"Sorcerer! Sorcerer dares to provoke you? God! Isn't the wizard evil?"

"Witch shit! Foreign media explained: The servant said people who are" strange "," never seen "," capable ", or" extraordinary ". When they were paralyzed by the happiness network, they were condensed into wizards? Isn't it a concept at all? Steal your mother's laziness! Grass, misled by you? "

"What about evil? Want a princess? Treasure? Or do you want to rule a kingdom? No problem! As long as the church is immortal, you can double him for everything!"


In the upper right corner, glittering silver coins and three-tailed firebirds:

"Come out, bird, come here with an eternal fruit, all the glowing minerals in the Middle Ages are yours!"

"You don't have to be so exaggerated, just tell us how to grow three tails, and let Wu Qingchen get three replaceable bodies first."

"Upstairs is the 80-year-old empty nest left-behind old man, isn't it? You can live another 30 years by yourself, right? Other people die?"


In the lower left corner, a wooden bucket filled with water and a horror legend on the surface.

"This risk is relatively large."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, in the police room, leave Antoine in the castle."

"The video doesn't have a view of the police room. Can't you see it after taking the body?"

"Hundreds of thousands of industry experts stared, how could it not be seen?"


Bottom right, Pea and Thumbelina:

"You don't need to feed your mother-in-law or eat a grain of wheat, so Wu Qingchen's life can be as long as a big tree."


"Daughter of the forest! Isn't it easy to walk with her? Are there any wonderful abilities in the forest?"

"Stupid, as big as a finger, your brain capacity and IQ have to be aligned with the mouse!"


Different from the frenzied atmosphere of life in the video area, the comments in the comprehensive comment area are much more sensible:

"No, it's basically folk stories that I want to spread by word of mouth."

"Well, the same content is described by different people, and the details, direction, content and even framework are very different."

"Stealing servants and wizards, the story should originate from the people's hatred of food waste at the bottom; silver coins and firebirds are estimated to be the illusion of light sources and sights; wooden barrels and spiritual stories filled with water are exactly the same as the rumors of not looking in the mirror at midnight, All are confined to the fear of darkness and mirrors in the confined space; the last thumb girl and wheat are even more obvious. In this **** world, the inferior people have been tortured by hell-like reality to almost despair, and they have no desire to eat anymore. I'm full and I can only look at the pitiful food every day. I hope that I can become a worm-eaten with a few grains of wheat! "

"It makes sense."

"It really does."

"Another night wasted, where is the way out? How many more nights do we have to waste?"

"How can it be said to be wasteful? Now that the explanation is justified, can it only be speculated and estimated who can explain the huge screen of the sky? Can anyone explain why the **** Wu Qingchen is tied to us? 70 There must be a reason to tie the lives of the billion Earth people to the Middle Ages. It wasn't meant to wait for eight or nine years later, everyone would be buried with Wu Qingchen? "

"That's right! The sky is invincible! I don't believe it. It's because of this sensitive word Wu Qingchen that everyone fights out!"

"Mr. Wu is doing a good job! You are doing a good job! These legends are ridiculous and ridiculous, and we have to give it a try. Maybe we really have a little elf? Maybe there is a supernatural phenomenon?"

"Yes, that's it! The supernatural phenomenon of the whole earth being held up by the curtain has happened. We just expect a wizard, a few firebirds, is this too much?"

"Even if it doesn't exist here, there must be somewhere else, find it! Find it hard! Find it all the way, there will definitely be gains!"


Either enthusiastic or calm, while the various sectors were discussing hotly, they suddenly issued an official announcement at the same time:

"United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events


Middle Ages March 13, 0001.

Wu Qingchen entered the third day of the tenth round of the Middle Ages and took action between 20: 37-21: 09 at night. The purpose was to study the necessary culture of the Middle Ages. It was the spirit of the people at the bottom in the state of backward productivity in feudal society. The entrusted exploration is the accumulation of political and ecological information for further plans in the future. Please keep your peace of mind and do not read too much.

Note: During the period of special state control, please do not waste social resources, maliciously spread the losses and consequences caused by rumors and improper speech, and state organs will be held fully responsible in accordance with the principles of speed, severity and strictness.

United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events, seal, date. "

The announcement was official and the speech was very formal.

At the same time, the official command center that had just persuaded the people to "maintain normality" and "don't overread".

Analysis Mission:

"Food group! Food group Apple II! Angle, pay attention to adjusting the angle! Technical department! What about the technology department? Hurry up to remove the bushes next to Apple II! Note all unknown images!"

"What's the silver coin team doing? It's been two minutes, hasn't the spectrogram been built yet? In case of Firebird now, you are the 7 billion human sinners!"

"The barrel group hastened to adjust the state. Mr. Wu has fallen asleep. About fifteen minutes is the dawn of the Middle Ages. The 378 data model of the police Antoine has checked that he has assigned those items!"

"Pea group, you have the heaviest task. Mr. Wu is lucky. The wooden bowl dropped down can see the 18-degree projection downstairs from the window sill. If there is a projection change, report it immediately!"




"The Wizard's response plan No. 0207: the ideal goal, the staged goal of the continuation of life and vitality technology. It can be proved that repeatable witchcraft exists. As long as the problem of witchcraft's existence is solved, all the treatment can be promised to the wizard. The development of technology can be solely responsible for the Earth. "

"0322 Firebird response plan: ideal goals, phased goals for supernatural life and miracles, provable, strange creatures exist, preliminary communication methods (see attached table). Communication goals: Commitment to legislation to ensure ownership of all luminous objects. "

"Bucket Response Plan"

"Pea Response Solution"



To date, the Medieval World Office of Communication and Exchange has not completed an effective job:

"Just a wizard, it doesn't matter how evil it is, the earth has a fallen soul. I promise you will be full."

"Come on a flamingo. No matter how much you love nature, as long as you can communicate, we are willing to close the entire South America and leave it as a special nature reserve for your elderly!"

"Come on a pea princess! The world guarantees that peas will be listed as a super protected plant from now on!"

"Help! Even if you can only dim the hair with your fingers, it is a miracle. We have hope!"


Wu Qingchen's dedicated underground base is about two kilometers and trains two groups.

Jiang Fengming's office.

"Good." Looking at the big screen in front of him, Jiang Fengming tilted his head: "I remember, the content of Mr. Wu's training this time about supernatural phenomena is only the general outline, but no technical details?"

"Yes." The assistant replied immediately: "Regardless of the earth or the Middle Ages, folklore is always strange and difficult to predict. The training program only explains the coping principles, and there is no specific plan."

"Oh, Mr. Wu is doing a good job." Jiang Fengming pushed his glasses and enlarged the video: "Bribery the guards, use the police, arrange the details, and be a soldier for three days, look at it with great attention."

"Hey, yes," the assistant opened the parameter table: "Public opinion monitoring shows that this time the active incident, Mr. Wu ’s support increased by 72%"

"72%" Jiang Fengming fell slowly, letting his body recline to the back, "If you can really find something, there will be no problem with a 72% increase."


"See? Quick look! The ripe apple on the left flashed just now!"

"That is the shadow of a dark cloud in the sky"

"What's going on? Silver coins haven't moved for two minutes!"

"Don't panic, the moonlight moves, the angle of the silver coins is obscured."

"Stars are running out. Why haven't the police arrived yet?"

"Where has it disappeared? Is your monitor resolution inadequate? I know it very well here, it's only an hour and a half before dawn."

"Paralysis, the more I think about the peas, the more I feel scared. Mr. Wu just so clearly hinted that the police officer would definitely pray when he went back, but we couldn't see anything!"

"Don't panic! As long as there is a change, as long as there are really pea girls, there are so many tricks on earth to win love, and are you afraid that you can't make a girl who is not worldly?"


In this way, billions and billions of ordinary people on the planet are eagerly looking forward to it. With hundreds of thousands of people watching, hundreds of thousands of professionals are paying attention with all their hearts, and in the preparation for battle, time has quietly passed.

The Middle Ages took about 8 hours, and the earth's perspective passed about 16 minutes and minutes.

Before falling asleep, the guards and police officers were specially called to adjust the orientation of the beds to provide the best viewing angle of "silver coins" and "food waste" to the earth. Wu Qingchen slept on the right side of the room near the windowsill.

The brightest star in the sky had disappeared. Wu Qing stood up halfway in the morning and rubbed his eyes gently. At about the same time, the wooden door sounded "Tuk Tuk Tuk".

Wu Qingchen got up and opened the wooden door.

Outside the door, my eyes were reddish, I do n’t know if I was sleeping

What's more, there is no Antoine police officer who has suffered a spiritual incident.

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