Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 210: Morning prayer

"Master Los" opened the door and Antoine bowed deeply: "Last night, you told me to come up and wake you up at this time."

"Well." Wu Qingchen stretched his back: "I remember you worked hard."

"My honor." Antoine bowed again.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qingchen rubbed her face and sat up. "Looking at you, doesn't it seem like you're not used to sleeping in the castle?"

"No, no, not a castle." Antoine touched his stomach, a little awkward. "It seems like I'm too full, and my stomach is a little uncomfortable at night."

"Oh?" Wu Qingchen smiled. "That's not OK! Everyone will collect a lot of wheat this year. If you don't get used to it, what will you do then?"

"It's all your care." When talking about the harvest, Antoine smiled immediately.

"It's the gift of the master." Wu Qingchen corrected gently, got up from the bed, and looked out the window by the way: "It's Antoine at this time, don't you stay up all night?"

"Er" Antoine touched his head. "I don't know if I should sleep for a while, it seems that I have closed my eyes a few times in a blur."

"Well, you've worked hard." Wu Qingchen stood up. "Be patient first. When you get out, you go to Grace where they spend the night, sleep well and have a good dream."

"Okay, sir." When referring to "good dreams", Antoine yawned involuntarily: "Thank you for your care."

"It's okay." Wu Qingchen has put his robes on in a few words. "You go down first, and when I go out, I will let the guards call you, while I don't have to work these days, Antoine, please pray in the morning. "

"You're right, sir."

Speaking, Antoine lifted a wooden bucket filled with water last night and put it into the room. After bowing deeply, Antoine turned and walked outside.


When Antoine was about to go to the door, Wu Qingchen suddenly spoke and waited for the police officer to turn around. Wu Qingchen pointed his finger at the wooden barrel and Yu Guang looked at the police officer: "You can carry the wooden barrel, it's so hot, I'll wait for you The guards will help me with buckets of cooler water. "

"Okay, sir." He froze a bit, and Antoine obediently lifted away the barrel of water.

"Go on."

Wu Qingchen waved his hand.

Standing by the bed, Wu Qingchen watched Antoine quietly walk out of the room with a wooden barrel, and quietly listened to Antoine walking through the corridor. When the rhythmic footsteps came from the direction of the spiral ladder, Wu Qingchen Immediately rushed to the window and looked down:

One apple, two apples, one carrot, one slice of bread, two slices of bread

The food is all there.

Left left

The silver coins are still there.

As for Antoine

Wu Qingchen quickly recalled the process of communication just a few times in her head:

Doesn't this guy seem to have any abnormalities?



"Food group: Everything works fine and nothing is found.

Silver coins group: everything is normal, nothing is found.

Antoine-Pea group: The target object parameters are within the normal fluctuation range. When Mr. Wu Qingchen mentioned keywords such as "good dream", "early prayer", "wheat seeds", the target body temperature, heartbeat, There were no abnormal fluctuations in indexes such as micro-expressions and body surface conditions.

Antoine-Wooden barrel group: The target object parameters are within the normal fluctuation range. When Mr. Wu Qingchen mentioned keywords such as "wood barrel", "cooler" and "water extraction", the target body temperature and heartbeat , Micro-expressions, body surface status and other indexes have no abnormal fluctuations. "

In the "above" wide office, the staff with red eyes turned the document to the last page, and reported the final summary to the same red-eyed leader: "The wizard, the three-tailed firebird, the water monster, and the thumb girl belong to the folklore fiction The action is more than 97% castle action, the exploration of supernatural phenomena, the current results are extremely optimistic. "


Compared with the official written report, the response of the people is undoubtedly much fiercer.

"Are you blind? White bread! You can't see anything so delicious? Where's the dog wizard going?"

"This silly bird doesn't like silver coins, does it? Find a way to keep asking the baron for it! It is not enough to put out the tableware for yesterday's dinner!"

"Did Antoine pray in the end?"

"I must have prayed! I didn't sleep much all night, so I have to find something to pass the time?"

"My aunt! Is it really useless? What now?"

"What's the hurry? It's only one day, you panic! Didn't you listen to the story told by the servant? Which story is not cumulative? How can it be effective one day?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do I know? Can I be the master? If I can be the master, I will definitely put out the glowing spoon every day starting from today, put the peas on the table every day, and let Antoine this idiot throw out the window every day A few apple breads, by the way, put wooden buckets filled with water into his house, and asked him to get up at dawn every morning, reminding Wu Qingchen to pee on time! "

"Well! Antoine has dug your ancestor's grave? Must he make this unlucky?"

"What a bad luck? This is called a different division of labor!"


Wu Qingchen underground base, about two kilometers.

Second training group, headquarters.

"Xiao Zhang"

After watching the edited video quietly, Jiang Fengming condensed, looked at the notepad in front of him, and waved to the assistant: "05-16-12 training log."

"Okay, Director Jiang, please wait."

Assistant Zhang operated the console a few times. The big screen in front of the office was quickly divided into two halves. The left side was still a staged clip, and the right side was a video of Wu Qingchen's last training.

To be able to enter such an important team, strong knowledge of blogging and agile thinking are the most basic requirements. With only two glances, Assistant Zhang immediately guessed what Jiang Fengming wanted to know.

"Like folk tales, the first training group chaired by Director Huang for the target of suspected exposure to supernatural phenomena can only emphasize coping principles and cannot design targeted topics."

"Um." Jiang Fengming nodded, he supported his chin with both hands, and watched intently the tentative subjects of the supernatural object hosted by Huang Xing, as well as the conversation between Wu Qingchen and Antoine.

"Sleep, wheat, dreaming, prayer, wooden bucket"

At the end of the video, Jiang Fengming was a little bit emotional: "The topic design is wonderful."

"After all, there is a whole night," Assistant Zhang said, "the direction is correct, and there is enough time to consider. Although the design topic is not very simple, it does not exceed the scope of Mr. Wu Qingchen."

"Yeah, it's not too difficult. The topic design is really not too difficult."

Jiang Fengming nodded first, then shook his head again: "However, take a closer look, Mr. Wu Qingchen's expression control and psychological quality now"

Pointing at Wu Qingchen's understatement of Huyou Antoine's picture, Jiang Fengming pouted: "Don't talk about the police in the medieval world. Without pre-defense, these few seemingly simple chats, I dare not say I can One hundred percent of the beginnings of temptation is a terrifying time ratio of 30 to 1. "


Middle Ages.

Antoine stepped back and waited a few minutes before Wu Qingchen walked out of the room.

"Lord Los, good night."

Just stepping out of the door, the guard who had eaten a piece of bread and a small fried fish from Wu Qingchen last night was staring at the wooden door tightly.

"Good day."

Wu Qingchen smiled.

"Lord Elles, let me tell you." The guard read the name of the baron's eldest son: "His baron wants you to preside today's morning prayer."

"Oh?" Wu Qingchen raised her eyebrows slightly.

Bark's invitation was completely expected by Wu Qingchen.

Wu Qingchen—or, of course, the Earth team knows that last night ’s action on the phenomenon of psychic phenomena is likely to attract the association of Baron Archford and cause a lot of chain reactions.

Regarding Wu Qingchen's behavior, Barker Ackerford laughed the best, of course, he was curious and coped with the routine. He also prepared a thorough explanation and accompanied early prayer as one of the possibilities that he was fully prepared. It was not unexpected at all in the morning.

"Early prayer?" Wu Qingchen smiled. "Is it too late at this time?"

"It must be too late!" The guard nodded his head firmly: "The summer battle has just ended, and everyone is getting up very early, and, at this time, it is not too early, maybe an old man has already arrived at the castle main hall."

"Well, that's fine." Wu Qingchen nodded and threw a small fish again: "Let me pick up a bucket of water first."

"May the Lord protect you forever." He took the fish with a smile, and the guard turned to the spiral ladder: "Please wait."

A few minutes later, with the help of the guard, he brought another wooden bucket for washing, and behind him, Wu Qingchen followed into the main hall of the castle.

Like the guard said, there are indeed a few masters who have arrived in the main hall in advance, talked to cattle in Dazhuang, talked to the herald, and talked to the dog officer to change the tax to a fee. When the altar and the podium were good, Baron Archford and his sons came in.

Bowing to Baron Acford's family, Wu Qingchen looked around and walked to the altar.

Watching Pastor Praya conducted dozens of early prayers, and Wu Qingchen was already familiar with the steps.

According to the method carefully designed by the Earth team, when standing on the podium, Wu Qingchen moved a little to adjust the light, angle and shadow to the best state.

Gently tapping Xiaodeng, Wu Qingchen began to guide the early prayer.

As with the posture, after reading the first scripture, after hundreds of MLM leaders and religious leaders' teaching, Wu Qingchen's expression, eyes, and manner, as well as intonation, speed, and tone, immediately deeply attracted him. All the listeners in the main hall.

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