"Pastor Paul, are you?"

Wu Qingchen is also very strange. The default process has been completed, and the priest led by Ackerford still chases out.

"Did you just say that you want to take a closer look at the neighborhood?" Rev. Paul said with a smile: "I have been here for more than ten years ... I can introduce you well."

What are the consequences of shopping with Rev. Flutter Street?

As long as you do not intentionally associate with each other, form a union of interests, and just stroll down the street, it is about ... a few words that are blamed by Rev. Praia casually?

It doesn't matter.

Since there are no consequences, Wu Qingchen is optional.

Thanks for smiling, Wu Qingchen was half a step behind, and walked side by side with Rev. Paul.

The so-called "streets" formed by public buildings such as churches, courts, mills, and high-end craftsmen such as blacksmiths, tanners, and tailors are at most half a block long. Wu Qingchen tried to show as much interest as possible. Each building was Try to chat with Rev. Paul, and it only took a few minutes to reach half of the "street".

Towards the court, Wu Qingchen beckoned, and Antoine, who followed, immediately took a few steps.

"Board." Wu Qingchen pointed to the luggage the police officer was carrying.

Antoine immediately lowered his luggage, opened the bag, and pulled out a piece of thin wooden board with a length of about 20 centimeters and a flat surface, holding it with his hands, and handed it to Wu Qingchen respectfully.

"Okay." Wu Qingchen nodded, his left hand took the board, and his right hand continued: "Charcoal."

Ten seconds later, a special piece of charcoal was handed to Wu Qingchen.

Next, holding a wooden board in his left hand and holding charcoal in his right hand, Wu Qingchen began to write and draw.

"Here you are, Lord ..." Reverend Paul came over. "Draw this street?"

"Well." Wu Qingchen said "slightly embarrassed": "My parents, neighbors, and most people in the village have never left the village of Akeli, and I want them to be eye-opening."

"Well, this is a good method." Rev. Paul first nodded slowly, then turned around, and patted his students, Kevin and Giegel's head, "Did you see that Lord Los wants to paint? Don't hurry up Move over here? "

"Ah?" Wu Qingchen frowned slightly. "Not necessary?"

"It's okay," Rev. Paul said indifferently. "You are a guest. It should be."

"I just paint casually, no trouble." Wu Qingchen continued to refuse.

"What kind?" Rev. Paul smiled. "It's just a matter of moving a table. They're fine now anyway."

"No need, after all ..." Wu Qingchen continued to find reasons.


While Wu Qingchen was still groaning, Rev. Paul had shouted towards the back of the two students: "Not yet!"

The two students suddenly quickened their pace, hurried back to the church, and quickly moved a small table and a round stool.

"Please sit down." The two students set the table and stool, and Rev. Paul diligently adjusted the position, helping Wu Qingchen to sit down: "Sit firmly to draw well."

Huh! Draw your sister!

Wu Qingchen sat down helplessly and began to paint.

I also know with my buttocks, there are thousands of super-high-resolution cameras on the earth working frame by frame. How can Wu Qingchen have a sense of leisure to paint the streets?

The so-called "let the villagers of Aikeli" be an eye-opener, just to make the mills look less deliberate.

Originally standing and holding the drawing, Wu Qingchen could draw a few strokes casually, perfunctory with the wrong posture as an excuse. Now, Rev. Paul specially moved the table and chairs, and Wu Qingchen had to be upright and paint seriously.

A few minutes later, a sketch of the street was formed on the drawing board.

"Well, almost ... wow ..." Wu Qingchen took a long breath and handed the drawing board and charcoal to Antoine.

"Lord Los ... you seem to haven't painted yet?" Standing next to him, the first time I saw sketching, Rev. Paul felt a little bit unconscious.

"The remaining things, go back and make up." Wu Qingchen stood up and pointed to the front: "There are still many things to paint."

"Oh?" Rev. Paul raised an eyebrow.

"Like the court."

Talking, Wu Qingchen walked forward.

The others quickly followed.

Going to the front of the court, choosing an angle and picking a position, Wu Qingchen motioned to the pastor's two students to put down the table and chairs and start drawing again.

With two strokes, Wu Qingchen suddenly frowned slightly.


Kevin and Giegel slap for the fourth time: "Where are the eyes? Didn't find it so dark here? Don't hurry up and open the door!"

The two students hurried over quickly, opening the court door to the fullest extent.

A few minutes later, on the drawing board, the prototype of the court was formed.

"Good! Good painting!" This time, with full attention and attention to the whole process, Rev. Paul couldn't help but applaud again.

"In fact, it's nothing ..." Wu Qingchen smiled, and handed the second thin drawing board to Antoine: "You can be lazy and save a little time."

"You're too modest." Rev. Paul shook his head. "Where is a little time savings? This painting is too easy. This painting ... 啧啧 ......"

"Really?" Wu Qingchen smiled casually and didn't answer.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the mysterious smile specially designed by experts from various disciplines on Wu Qingchen's face, Rev. Paul could not judge the value and depth of the sketching method, and smiled awkwardly, giving way.

Out of the court, Wu Qingchen stepped towards the opposite mill.

Mill: One of the main goals of leaving the village of Akeli this time is that no object is allowed, for any reason, causing any interference or damage.

I do n’t know the earth ’s heated discussion about “supernatural phenomena”, and still place the mill as the most important target. Wu Qingchen ’s footsteps slowed slightly, and his brain turned quickly.

Rev. Paul, who flutters the streets of Fort Afford, this morning, one after another in a series of humble, caring and courting actions ...

Slowly walking through the "street", Wu Qingchen finally decided that he should explore the purpose of Rev. Paul before entering the mill.

"Well ..." Wu Qingchen had already reached the door of the mill when the decision was made. Stopping, Wu Qingchen turned to face Rev. Paul: "Here is the first time we met, Your Excellency Paul. I am very grateful and I want to know if there is anything I can help you with Is it? "

"Huh?" Rev. Paul paused and looked at Wu Qingchen.

"Just say it." Wu Qingchen looked up slightly, revealing the "candid" look of great lethality.


Hesitating for a few seconds, Rev. Paul looked around first and confirmed that only Wu Qingchen, Antoine, his students, and two apprentices in the mill were around. Rev. Paul took the first two steps and stood next to Wu Qingchen.

Probably not only the expression guide designed for Wu Qingchen, but also the opportunity is not easy. Rev. Paul's expression has a bit of serious taste: "Lord Los, you are keen ... you think so well, there is something that really needs your help."

"Like?" Wu Qingchen smiled, with a rather mild expression.

"In a few days, you will be going to the parish ..." Rev. Paul said positively: "If it is convenient, I would like to mention to Deacon Tarta: I want to transfer from Archford."


Wu Qingchen nodded.

The desire to make a formal pastor humbled is not very wide.


"You look down on me ..."

Wu Qingchen shook his head slightly: "I'm just a little priest who has just been approved by the parish. Where can such a serious matter be said?"

"Hehe ..." Rev. Paul smiled: "Lord Los, you are very polite. Treating cattle, moving honeycombs, bee colonies ... Such a great achievement, especially, there is so much work to be done next , You are not speaking so hard now. "


Wu Qingchen's heart shook.

With the pull-net analysis of the Earth Staff, Wu Qingchen certainly understood these achievements and his own value in the next period.

However, Wu Qingchen absolutely did not expect that these achievements and values ​​were actually seen so clearly by the marginalized priest two days away.

"of course……"

When Wu Qingchen was still having a headache, Rev. Paul continued: "Lord Los, although you can rest assured, I will never let you embarrass you, and I don't need you to speak for me in person. I just want to ask you for a letter."

Send a letter?

Wu Qingchen frowned deeply.

As a member of the church, it ’s a matter of justice to help deliver the letter. Wu Qingchen did n’t understand what Rev. Paul meant: “You mean sending a letter?”

"Yes." Rev. Paul nodded strongly.

"Deliver a letter ..." Wu Qingchen frowned even deeper.

In the medieval world, the traffic was inconvenient. When I met the right person, I put a few letters on the way ... This is a trivial matter that is commonplace.


Looking at Wu Qingchen's suspicious expression, Rev. Paul was a little embarrassed: "This letter, oh ... the transfer is likely to be related to you. It cannot be concealed from you.

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