Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume 221 "Ass" Rare opportunity


"What you transferred ... has a greater relationship with me?" Wu Qingchen tilted his head suspiciously: "Pastor Paul, what do you mean?"

Isn't it ... you want to be transferred to Acre Village?

Thinking of this, Wu Qingchen was immediately vigilant.

Whether now or in the future, the village of Akeli is extremely important in the planning of the earth. The vital role of the village pastor is obviously beyond doubt.

Wu Qingchen, or the earth, has worked hard to establish a good relationship with Rev. Praia. The next series of actions also need this goodwill, and Rev. Praia has been touched Personality can be easily implemented.

Under this premise, at this stage, let alone the fluttering streets of Rev. Paul, even if the parish or Baron Ackerford wants to deal with Rev. Praia, the earth will do everything possible to resist.

It was probably that Wu Qingchen's involuntary hostility was too obvious. Rev. Paul slightly misled and immediately understood Wu Qingchen's suspicion.

"Uh ..." Rev. Paul quickly explained: "Not as you think, Rev. Gera in the village of Adovi is old and wants to go back to the parish and do some easy work ... This is an opportunity for me."

"Oh?" Wu Qingchen nodded slowly, without any other response.

"Really!" Looking at the doubts that Wu Qingchen didn't dissipate, Rev. Paul replied sincerely: "Nowhere is it possible to transfer to the village of Akeli ... I also want Deacon Talma to help How could it be His Excellency Praia's idea? "

Hmm ... this is also true.

Wu Qingchen nodded a bit more.

The priest who wanted to come here could not fool an old fox like Deacon Talma.

"What do you mean by‘ relative relationship with me ’?”

"Hoo ..." Wu Qingchen's hostility was lifted. Rev. Paul relieved slightly, but instead of continuing to answer Wu Qingchen's question directly, he first raised another topic: "Lord Los, I don't know Praia Have you ever told you that the same pastor, Fort Axford, is a bit more difficult than elsewhere? "

Of course, Wu Qingchen knows that I have read several papers. Regarding the sociological principle of "Reverend Ackerford Post", Wu Qingchen's understanding will only be more profound than that of Rev. Paul.

However, this priest made this point deliberately. Obviously, there is something to say. Wu Qingchen had to give a step smoothly: "The teacher mentioned it a little bit. As for what is going on, it is necessary to ask for advice."

"In fact, it's not a secret ..." Rev. Paul smiled bitterly and looked around. Church students, mill apprentices, and others immediately walked away calmly.

Waiting for ten seconds, when the crowd has gone far and began to pretend to enjoy the scenery, Rev. Paul lowered his voice slightly: "Here is the direct leadership of Lord Barford, three most important things in the church, tithe, mission In Pingjing, it is more troublesome to do. Tax collection, of course, it must be collected by the baron first. When it is the church ’s turn, the villagers have only left the winter rations; Collect it. Tithes are no longer to be expected. Difficulties are even more difficult. The Pingjing place is even more impossible. The baron can casually dispatch several knights. I have been here for four years over the church. I brought them when I came Six households are still in the six households, and one of them is still ill, and it is estimated that this year will not be enough. "

"You have worked hard."

Wu Qingchen said slightly sympathetically.

"Apart from these, other places are better, even better than other villages ..." Rev. Paul continued: "Tithing is uneven, missionary is ineffective and rarely blamed ..."

Of course, there will be no blame. The conditions are the same for decades. Everyone knows very well that setting up a church here was not for this purpose. ——Wu Qingchen recalled the papers I had browsed a little, and it was already analyzed clearly.

"The thieves don't have to worry about anything ..."

The lord is relatively safe next to the leader. Besides, even if it is not safe, the church has no strength to worry about, even if it is a police service that eats in the soil every day. ——Wu Qingchen recalled the papers I had browsed a little, and it was already analyzed clearly.

"War horses, weapons, clothes, sheepskin rolls, food, etc. are even more adequate ..."

Of course, it must be sufficient. This is necessary decent, especially in front of the lord, the priest is made like a flower, where the face of the church is facing. ——Wu Qingchen recalled the papers I had browsed a little bit, and it was already analyzed clearly.

"During the parliamentary discussion, there was also a seat in the pastor's seat. Alas, by the way ... the last time I discussed, I was sitting opposite His Excellency Praia."

Of course, there must be a seat and be listed as a full pastor. In addition, the so-called last time sitting in the opposite of Praia, looks very close, but when it comes to ranking, there is at least six seats in the middle. However, anyway, as long as there is a position, you have the qualifications to speak with the lord and have the basis for work. ——Wu Qingchen recalled the papers I had browsed ...


What about the location?

Anyway, after taking several courses in management and game theory, Wu Qingchen keenly felt that there was something in Rev. Paul's words.

"So ..." Speaking of this, Rev. Paul smiled slightly: "Sometimes, the position of Rev. Fort Afford, although not very good, can never be said to be too bad ..."

I am!

Wu Qingchen opened his mouth wide.

When Wu Qingchen was shocked, Rev. Paul slowly said the last two words: "It is especially suitable for young people ... especially you, His Excellency Los."

I'll take your lungs!

This deadly street, intend to dump my own street location?

Who wants to be a priest in this ghost place? You laugh a fart!

Wu Qingchen couldn't wait to pounce on Pastor Paul's neck, but the birdman's face was full of "Are you surprised?"

and many more……

Was it a surprise? Isn't it a surprise ...

Wu Qingchen forcibly suppressed the anger in her chest, and her brain turned quickly, and she soon faintly touched the reason why Rev. Paul thought of her own success.

It was about understanding Wu Qingchen's dumbfounded expression as an unbelievable joy, and Rev. Paul said with a smile: "Lord Los, as far as I know, Deacon Talma has arranged it, and after Rev. Praia receives the divine product, , Whenever he leaves the village of Akeli, you will preside over the church? "


This is the deliberate sound of Talmat, and there is no need to avoid it.

Wu Qingchen nodded arbitrarily.

"After you take charge of the church, it can take three years or more for you to become a true pastor, right?"

Normally, of course.

Wu Qingchen continued to nod quietly.

"Master the asylum, I wish you all the best." Rev. Paul first blessed and then said, "But three years, five years, not a little time, during this time, who can ensure that no accidents occur ... even if no Any accident ... "Rev. Paul pointed to himself," Isn't there any other transfer? Who can guarantee that no one is taking your place? "

"But ..." The shock in his heart was slightly flattering, and Wu Qingchen quickly opened his mouth.

"I know!" Rev. Paul raised a hand. "Treat cattle, move honeycombs, bee herds ... well, the" honeycomb tax "you brought here this time is nothing new, good thing ..."

Speaking, Rev. Paul showed a slightly meaningful smile to Wu Qingchen, saying that he had n’t just eaten dry rice at Ackerford in the past few years-at least, the idea proposed by Wu Qingchen at the dinner yesterday, Rev. Paul, who did not participate, knew the way: "But what's new and good now, after three or five years, when everyone is used to it, how many people still remember?"

"Lord Los, your father is a free man ..." Rev. Paul put on his most sincere expression and tone: "It's not your fault, but it's a natural flaw ... If you have these feats, if you exchange them for other gentlemen, Not to mention three or five years, even ten years, someone will remember to help speak ... But you are only one person, do not take advantage of the greatest value and role at the moment, to get the greatest benefits, who can guarantee future things? Opportunity Rare. "

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